The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 673: Discovery of Lizard City


The 20,000-strong army composed of Dherim and the Elven Kingdom finally arrived at the lizardman's territory on the morning of the fourth day after setting off from Cumberland. reduce.

Bandak and Derrick stood under the gate of the main city of the Lizardmen with the army behind them.

On the city wall stood a line of Lizardman defenders. After seeing the soldiers approaching the city, they immediately raised the white flag.

Both groups that the Lizardmen had eliminated fell to Dherim's hands. Up to now, the soldiers left to guard the main city are not enough to fight the army outside the city gate, and it is even very likely that the army will be defeated like a mountain.

Bandak and others did not expect the lizardmen to surrender so easily. At this time, the gate of the main city has been opened by the soldiers of the Lizardmen. Gradually, several rows of lizardman soldiers came out, among which the lizardmen standing at the forefront seemed to be the leader of the team. The captain of the guard held a white flag in his right hand, as if begging for mercy and surrendering.

Bandak stepped off his horse suspiciously, and asked the leader of the lizardmen who represented the surrender: "Are you surrendering on behalf of the lizardmen?"

"Yes, all the remaining warriors of the Lizardman are here," replied the Lizardman.

Hearing this sentence, Bandak raised his head and counted roughly: there were only about seven or eight hundred lizardmen soldiers present.

With this combat power, if you fight head-on with your own troops, it is indeed like hitting a stone with an egg.

At this moment, Gabriel walked up to Bandak, and asked the leader of the lizardman, "Where is your lord?"

"The lord has abandoned the city and fled." The lizardman begged pitifully, "You can do whatever you want, but can you please let us live?"

Bandak's complexion didn't change at all, he had seen this situation countless times. Now that you choose to be a soldier, fight on the battlefield. Then how could there be no blood on his hands. At this time, the lizardman showed the attitude of a loser. He could understand, but he would not sympathize.

Gabriel on the side frowned tightly, and then called his army to tie up the lizardman soldiers with ropes and take them temporarily as prisoners.

The leader of the lizardman was held hostage by several soldiers and entered the city with them.

Walking into the main city of the lizard people, Gabriel said to the leader of the lizard people: "Did your lord run away by himself? Or did you bring his treasure with you?"

"The lord fled with a few of his personal guards. Because of time constraints, they didn't seem to have much to bring." The lizardman leader responded in a panic: "I know where the lord's treasure house is. I'll take you there. Can you just let us go?"

"Hmph, let's find out first." Gabriel snorted softly.

Afterwards, the leader of the lizardmen led them to the palace of the main city of the lizardmen.

Speaking of the palace, the appearance is not as amazing as the palace that Bandak had seen before. I don't know if it is due to insufficient budget or what. The appearance of the imperial palace is very simple, and it feels like an ordinary famous residence with a slightly larger area.

A group of people walked to the gate of the palace, and Gabriel ordered his elf soldiers to search carefully in the main city of the lizardmen to see if there were any available resources.

But Bandak and Derrick didn't do anything, they were here only to collect the actual results of the battle. Like natural resources, there is no special use for Dherim who is far away.

So they don't have to think about taking a share.

The space in the palace is still relatively small, so the only people who went in to check were Bundak and the other three and a few other fighters.

"Your lord is really living a very simple life." Gabriel looked around the entire display in the palace, and finally commented. The kitchen responsible for meals in the palace is estimated to be only as big as a toilet in the palace of the elves.

The lizardman soldier shook his head and said with a wry smile, "You will find out when you follow me down."

Under the eyes of everyone in amazement, the lizardman opened a secret door. There is a corridor inside.

Bandak and Derrick followed the lizard man into the secret door. The space inside the door was pitch black.

"Huh? Why is there still ventilation here?" Derrick asked in surprise as he felt a coolness blowing across his face.

"This section was originally illuminated, but because the cost of lighting was too high, and the collection inside was not suitable for an open fire environment, it was discarded."

A group of people followed closely behind the lizard man to the other end of the corridor.

"There seems to be quite a lot of space inside here." Gabriel said, and when the words fell, he could vaguely hear an echo.

It didn't take long before they reached a clearing.

The walls of the open space are inlaid with expensive fluorescent stones, making everyone's sight clear.

"Wow!" Derrick couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the boxes full of expensive treasures piled up in groups.

"The lord didn't take his treasure away. It should be because he was worried about attracting the attention of others." The lizardman said from the side.

"He hid so much property. If people around him know about it, they will also feel jealous." Bandak then asked the lizardman: "How do you know where your lord's treasure is hidden?" of?"

"It's just that I accidentally broke in by mistake." The lizardman lowered his head and said.

"Then why don't you take your soldiers to transport these treasures away? This is enough for all of you to enjoy for several lifetimes."

"There are still families of the soldiers in the city, so it is completely impossible to move the whole city." The lizard man replied, "Instead of doing that, I might as well dedicate these treasures to you. Maybe it can be exchanged for a glimmer of life."

"Hmm." Bandak nodded without comment.

The soldiers waiting outside the gate of the palace were called into the dark room. Responsible for clearing up and counting these treasures.

The soldier unit that was sent out to search before sent people back to spread the word: a freshwater lake and an iron mine were found on the outskirts of the main city of the Lizardmen.

Gabriel beamed with joy, and said to Bandak easily: "This time we were able to wipe out the lizard people, mainly thanks to Dherim's army."

"It should be a victory for mutual cooperation." Derrick responded modestly.

"No, no, no, this time without your assistance. It is impossible for the troops of the Elven Kingdom to achieve such great results." Gabriel couldn't help but continue to praise: "I am really grateful to every Deherim for the reinforcements."

After Derrick declined with a smile, he finally accepted Gabriel's sincere thanks.

The number of financial reports stored in the darkroom is indeed astonishing. More than a hundred soldiers have been busy in the darkroom for a long time before finally completing the task of sorting out everything and starting to record it in the book.

(end of this chapter)