The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 684: Daily life at peace


The day after Kant returned to the palace.

Early in the morning, an attendant went to the palace to report that Commander Bandak and Commander Derrick had entered the palace to seek an audience.

Kant sent his attendants to bring them in.

"Lord." The two commanders walked up to Kant to salute.

"Long time no see." Kant smiled and nodded, motioning for them to get up: "How is the army?"

"The soldiers have roughly mastered the new training plan, and their mental state is very good now." Bandak replied.

"A new training plan? By the way, I received your plan when I was in Durandal." Kant thought about it for a moment and said, "It's pretty good. It seems that I have to go and see it myself someday."

"Well, the soldiers in the army are ready to accept the lord's personal review at any time." Bandak replied.

"Lord," Derrick and Bandak looked at each other, and said to Kant, "I heard that when you came back, someone was infected with the plague on the way. The current situation doesn't matter, right?"

"It is true that someone was infected with the plague. And the soldier died and was cremated due to the virus infection." Kant replied: "However, fortunately, judging from the results reported this morning: there is no one in the entourage Infected, that is to say, the epidemic of the plague has been controlled by us."

"That would be great." Bandak said, "I didn't expect to be infected with a special infectious virus in the desert."

"The root cause of the virus has not been identified yet, but this incident reminds me. Regular health checks must be carried out in all parts of Dherim, including Cumberland and Durandal." Kant Shen said.

"But if this is provided by public funds, the expenses should be quite large." Derrick said doubtfully.

"Take it from the people and use it for the name." Kant did not explain any more: "The specific matters should be clearly arranged after the promulgation of our country's constitution. I went to Durandal this time and found out that now There is still too much to prepare.”

"The reply letter from Yadonis said: Lord, your body is a little weak because of the whole day's work. I hope that Lord, you don't have to carry everything on yourself. Where we can help, just send us at will. ’” Bundak said.

Yadonis and him can be regarded as relatively familiar friends, and they will exchange letters with each other.

"Hehe." Kant said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about that, I will take good care of my body. Besides, why haven't I given you my full strength in the past six months? The hard work before the empire is built is essential. It’s something you can figure out on your own.”

"Okay then." Bandak still didn't let go of his worries.

Kant didn't continue to circle this topic any longer, he turned his eyes away and said to Derrick, "Derrick, how are your soldiers training?"

"Yeah. We usually train together, and we perform pretty well." Derrick replied.

"I know that you originally knew a lot of logistics soldiers under your command. Contact them and prepare together. You will be going to Durandal soon." Kant confessed.

"To Durandal?" Derrick looked a little nervous.

This was the first time he was sent out of Dherim alone after he became the new commander. The last time I went to the country of elves with Bundak.

"Well. After more projects are put into Durandal, there may not be enough manpower on the Aldonis side. I am going to give every team of soldiers the opportunity to request a leave to return to Dherim. Therefore, it is necessary to add other Troops go in," Kant explained.

"But." Derrick said worriedly.

He and Yadonis can only be regarded as nodding acquaintances, and he has heard about his behavior before. I heard that he is a very bold and straightforward person. A new commander like himself will take over the city where he has been stationed for three or four months. Yadonis may not obey his command obediently.

Bundak thought of this too. There was some concern in his eyes.

Yadonis is full of prestige in front of the soldiers under him, and Derrick, a commander who has not yet made a name for himself in the army, can easily be confused by him.

Kant knew their thoughts well, but he still demanded: "If you want everyone to believe you, you must take action. Otherwise, as a leader, it is impossible to succeed."

"Yes, Lord." Derrick finally agreed.

Kant asked him to make preparations within fifteen days, and he could leave in half a month.

After the two took orders, don't say goodbye and leave.

In Kant's mind: Bundak and Derrick took different routes. This can be seen from the previous observation of the two.

The personalities of the two can complement each other. Whether it is Bundak's broad-mindedness or Derrick's delicate thoughts, they are very important for marching and fighting.

But if Derrick's strategy can't keep up with Ben Dake's force, then such a combination will also appear unremarkable.

Therefore, it is essential to sharpen Derrick in terms of personnel.

Kant gave Derrick such a high position, and he didn't want to see him fail.

Kant sat alone in the hall. After sorting out his thoughts, he began to study ink, and asked the guards beside him to summon the imperial messenger.

"Lord." The messenger arrived.

"Please wait a moment." Kant was still writing quickly.

"Yes," replied the messenger, standing quietly aside.

After a while, Kant finished writing the letter. After carefully stamping the seal on the seal, he got up and handed it to the courier.

"This is a letter sent to Durandal, please hand it over to General Yadonis." Kant introduced.

"Yes, lord." The messenger carefully put the letter in his arms and responded.

"Well. You must be careful when you move forward in the desert. I hope you can return to Dherim as soon as possible." Kant instructed.

"Thank you Lord for your concern. I will definitely deliver the letter as soon as possible." After bowing and saluting, the messenger walked out of the palace gate.

Kant wrote two things in the letter: one is to introduce Derrick to lead people to join it. The second is to have Yadonis and Crowrez organize a health check for all Durandal staff.

The source of the virus may be somewhere in the desert, in the city of Durandal. If someone encounters a similar situation, they must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

Kant sat back in his seat and began to check the copy delivered to the hall today.

Although the affairs behind him are still piled up like a mountain, such days are the most stable and ordinary for Kant.

(end of this chapter)