The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 704: On the way over the mountains


At the dinner, the three leaders did not drink a few glasses of wine.

After a simple dinner. Raphael walked up to the second floor together with DeWitt and others.

Stepped into a room around the corner.

There is no bed in the room, only a round table in the middle and a bookcase next to the wall.

Raphael walked to the bookcase on the left and opened the drawer. From it took out a rolled up map.

"This is the official map of Crow Island. You can buy it for a few silver coins at the foot of the mountain." Raphael introduced the map while spreading it out on the round table.

"This map has been used many times." Claremont speculated as he looked at the curled edges of the map.

"That's right." Raphael pressed a corner of the map with an extinguished candlestick, and continued: "The territory of the forces on Claw Island has been changing all the time. There is no influence. But now the situation has changed. The route has to be re-planned."

The eyes of the four people all focused on the marked map.

"This yellow line represents the route you took this time." Rafael explained: "Although the routes you take try to avoid concentrated groups as much as possible, you may still encounter these four The nomads of the race: the treants in the front mountain, the trolls in the valley, the dragons entrenched by the volcano, and the snake girl in the cave."

"We will pass by the border of their territory, won't we?" Abel asked.

"Yes, so you still have some luck to avoid conflicts with any of them." Raphael nodded, and continued: "The one who bears the brunt is naturally the tree people in the front mountain. The tree people have moody temperament , Sometimes pure, sometimes violent. They generally act in groups, if you accidentally break into their formation, then you may not be able to escape from it. In the end, you will be slowly eroded."

"Then is there any way to crack it?" Claremont asked.

"Most treants are afraid of open flames, maybe it will bring you a little life." Rafael closed his eyes and thought about it in his mind, then reminded: "The array created by the treants will give people a sense of direction. The disorder. This is also what we must always beware of when playing against each other.”

"How did you get this information?" DeWitt asked.

"Before we were fully familiar with this mountain, many people in our team were ambushed by tree men. These are the conclusions of those colleagues who escaped from death." Raphael said: "The next The three races are too far away. We haven’t seen them before. I hope you can get a little information about them before you officially face them. The power of the elves’ site can only go so far.”

"What I've been wanting to say since the beginning: Captain Raphael, you have done a good job." DeWitt said sincerely: "Next, let's see ours."

The next day, fifty soldiers set off in full gear.

When they walked out of the territory of the elf station, Raphael immediately sent someone down the mountain to send a message to the outside of the island.

There are two letters, one is sent to the main city of the elves, and the other is sent to Calradia.

"Your Highness Kant." A guard rushed to the gate of the Senate Hall and saluted.

"Hmm. What's the matter?" Kant raised his head and asked.

"General Derrick, you're back in the city." The guard reported.

"Okay, prepare the horses and go to the city gate." Kant ordered briefly.

When Derrick walked into the city gate of Dherim, the homesickness that had been suppressed for a long time finally brought tears to his eyes.

"Commander Derrick, welcome back." Kant rode towards Derrick and shouted joyfully.

After Derrick saw Kant, he immediately got off his horse.

Saluted before Kant's horse: "Your Highness Kant."

"You must be very tired after eating and sleeping in the open air for days. No need to be too polite, get up quickly." Kant got off the horse, helped Derrick up and said.

"Adonis set off for Durandal for about a month before you returned to Deherim. Is the project over there okay?" Kant and Derrick asked, riding side by side.

"In terms of engineering, everything is going smoothly. The coal production of the coal plant is also steadily increasing." Derrick Hui reported.

"That's good." Kant nodded in relief, "The construction of Durandal is about to enter the second stage."

The two rode towards the palace while chatting about Durandal's recent situation.

"We have prepared a simple banquet in the palace for you to wash away the dust. Let's have lunch together today." Kant said to Derrick.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Derrick bowed.

The two sat down in the side hall where Kant used to dine.

The waiter brought the dishes prepared by the imperial chef and placed them on the table.

"Back off." Kant ordered.

The captain of the guard left the hall with the other guards.

"The army sent to assist the Elven Kingdom this time also passed through Durandal." Kant started the conversation.

"It's been nearly two months since they left." Derrick responded.

"Well, half a month ago, I just received a letter from DeWitt from the Elven Kingdom," Kant said.

"Did they encounter any trouble on the way?" Derrick asked curiously.

"That's not true, it's just a report as usual." Kant replied, "I just heard that the leader sent by the Elven Kingdom is also a newcomer."

"Three new leaders?" Derrick smiled and said, "Maybe it's quite suitable."

"It is said that you entertained that group of soldiers in the barracks." Kant also laughed: "How do you feel? The talents selected by Captain Aubrey."

"The soldiers selected by Captain Aubrey are naturally full of combat power. It's just that everyone seems to be relatively unfamiliar. It seems that it still needs a period of adjustment." Derrick seriously commented.

"Where are the two captains?" Kant continued to ask after chewing a mouthful of food.

"One of the two captains was my former comrade-in-arms. I know him fairly well. The other only talked during the banquet." Derrick replied.

"Do you think they can take on the duties of the captain?" Kant said.

"You can try it. Maybe after them, there will be more suitable criteria for selecting leaders among the crowd." Derrick replied with a little deep meaning.

After hearing this sentence, Kant nodded approvingly: "You are right."

In the deep mountains, an army is really crawling forward in the jungle. Some people even cover their figures with branches.

"We're going to the tree man's territory soon, tell the soldiers behind to be careful." DeWitt ordered in a low voice to the surrounding soldiers.

"Yes." A Calradian soldier replied.

(end of this chapter)