The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 708: Two people who are trying the guild for the first time


"Welcome!" The dwarf standing at the door greeted DeWitt and Claremont.

The two nodded and ignored it. Immediately walked towards the union hall.

In front of the information desk in the guild hall, there is a huge stone pillar that supports the center of gravity of the entire house. On the surface of the stone pillar, a map of the entire island is drawn, and the flow direction of the river is marked in detail.

"Awesome." Claremont stroked a certain place on the map with his hand and praised.

"It would be more convenient if there were samples of pictures." DeWitt commented.

"Yes." A dwarf in uniform walked up to them and said, "The guild's special carpet map is available at the counter at the entrance. It only costs one silver coin."

"Everything here is really measured in silver coins." Claremont said silently in his heart.

"Thank you. But compared to this, I would like to ask you: Where is the front desk for selling news?" DeWitt asked the dwarf with a smile.

"Our trade union provides a service for guests to directly communicate with hunters face-to-face. May I ask what kind of news you want to ask?" the dwarf waiter prompted.

"What category? This" is the first time DeWitt has come to such a trading place, and he is not very sensitive to classification. After thinking for a while, he said cautiously, "We are newcomers who have just landed on the island. We mainly want to ask about the history of the island's races."

"Oh, I see." The dwarf waiter probably understood what DeWitt wanted to express, and responded, "Please go to the service desk over there to register. Specifically, you have to line up for the No. Deposit is fine."

"okay, thank you."

Probably seeing that DeWitt wanted to tip the waiter again, Claremont dragged DeWitt away after thanking him.

"Captain DeWitt, it's better not to reveal your wealth." Claremont suggested as he walked on the road.

"Well, what you reminded was right." DeWitt replied after he realized it.

The dwarves love money, this is what they heard from Raphael. DeWitt's idea is: if you can exchange money for the cooperation of others, there is nothing wrong with the independent scouts.

But in an exchange like a guild, spending money at will could easily lead to unnecessary troubles.

Claremont walked to the window of the registration desk and successfully joined the queue.

The service of the guild is quite thorough, after Claremont received the room key for the interview appointment. Immediately a waiter came over to lead the way for the two.

DeWitt and Claremont followed the waiter up to the second floor.

The stairs leading to the second floor are considered for the differences of different races, and the size of adjacent stairs will have huge differences.

Walking to the room number marked on the key, DeWitt and Claremont stopped.

"Can we go in first?" DeWitt asked the waiter politely.

"Of course." The dwarf waiter said with a smile, then took the key from Claremont and opened the door.

The key was inserted into the door lock, and the waiter backed away.

DeWitt and Claremont walked into the room. There was only a square table and three soft leather chairs in the room.

DeWitt and Claremont sat down at one side of the square table, waiting for the arrival of the news hunter.

"Dong Dong!" Footsteps came from behind, and the two looked back.

A dwarf in black leather boots and cowboy attire came in from the door of the room. The waiter following behind brought three times the warm water with lemon slices on the plate.

After placing the coasters, the waiter placed the drinks in front of the three of them. He closed the door behind him with an empty dinner plate, and retreated respectfully.

"Hello." The dwarf hunter said first, "My name is Kofito. Can you tell me what you want to know?"

"Hi, my name is Claremont. This is my team leader - DeWitt." Claremont introduced.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't need to mention the name. Our professional hunters will forget the guest's information when they walk out of this room." Cofito said: "Of course, what you asked We will also keep the content confidential."

"So that's the case." Claremont nodded.

When DeWitt saw this, he didn't hesitate any longer, and said straight to the point: "We want to know some news about the snake girl, the dragon clan, and the troll from you."

"What kind of news?" When talking about business, Cofito's eyes became sharp.

"For example, their strengths and weaknesses, the scope of the territory and so on. We need to go somewhere, and we have to pass through their territory on the way, and we don't want to cause too much trouble," Clement explained.

"I see." Cofito responded by taking notes on the manuscript paper he brought.

"See what we can get from you," DeWitt said.

"I have all the news you want here. And it's sorted out one by one." Cofito introduced, his eyes full of confidence: "It's just twenty silver coins for one document, you want There are a total of 30 materials for the three races. Do you see if this price is affordable?"

"It's worth it," DeWitt replied.

"Hmm." Cofito nodded with a smile, "Then please go to the previous front desk and report the address. My assistant will send it to you in person after finding all the materials."

After listening to Cofito's words, DeWitt thought, "But we are leaving the dwarf town tomorrow. I don't know if you are in a hurry."

"Don't worry. It will be delivered on time tomorrow morning." Cofito readily promised.

"Pleasant cooperation."

There were too many people wandering in the lobby. DeWitt and Claremont worked hard for a long time before they managed to get the address of the restaurant at the front desk. I was able to escape from the dense crowd and return to the moonlit street.

"I didn't expect that the lemonade provided would cost money. I thought it was free." Claremont complained as he counted the refunded deposit.

"The dwarves are really trying their best to make money." DeWitt said, "I didn't expect such a thing as a guild that sells news to exist in this world."

"I don't really hope that there will be such a guild in the territory of Calradia." Clement thought for a while, and replied: "It's too scary for my privacy to be stared at."

"This island really allowed me to see a lot of things that I hadn't seen in the military camp. Except for the days on the boat, I felt that time really flew by my ears."

DeWitt seems to be in a good mood tonight.

(end of this chapter)