The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 712: Not a pleasant confrontation


The black elves did not appear again, but this situation did not make everyone feel at ease.

After dinner, Abel and the others led three teams to patrol around the camp, hoping to find any clues about the black elves lurking here.

But everyone got nothing.

"What should I do?" When the three of them brought their soldiers and met again. Clement said anxiously.

"Has the black elf who came to attack already escaped?" DeWitt guessed.

"There is indeed this possibility. Perhaps the previous attack was a test for us." Abel analyzed: "And the result of the test did not satisfy them."

"Although this situation will make us a lot easier. But I still want to get from them a way to remove the black magic on the soldiers." Claremont said with a sigh.

"Yes." Devitt nodded and said, "Although there is a possibility that the black elf may escape, we still cannot let our guard down."

It was late at night, and the tents were brightly lit. After the attack of the previous night, everyone did not go to bed early with peace of mind.

"Ah!" There was a scream in the camp.

"What's wrong?" DeWitt hurried out of his tent and asked.

The soldiers who were resting in the tents quickly put on their armor and walked to the open space of the camp.

"Hello." At the gate of the camp, several slender dark elves stood side by side. One of the black elves held a Calradian soldier hostage.

This is the first time that DeWitt and others have seen the original appearance of the black elves: they have a well-proportioned figure like a woman with a slender waist. The color of the skin is like a moonlit night in the blue sky, with a simple light.

"Put our people down!" Claremont rushed to the scene and roared loudly.

"Okay, as long as you give up your camp. We will let you all live." A black elf said playfully.

"What a joke!" Calradia's soldiers and the elves' soldiers were dissatisfied.

DeWitt raised his right hand to signal for everyone to stop the noise, and continued to say to several black elves: "We can't agree to the conditions you said. Besides, the five of you want to rob our entire army. Are you a little too confident?"

"Try it and you'll know." A black elf said, "In order to survive in this plain, why have we ever been afraid of anyone?"

"I didn't expect that the black elf, who was brilliant for a while, has become like this now." Abel passed through the crowd and said to the leading black elf.

"It can withstand the glory, and it can also go through the trough." A black elf stared at Abel and said in a mocking tone: "Didn't the adults of the elves teach us the principle of being able to bend and stretch?"

What the words probably meant was that the elves led other races to besiege the black elves.

"The truth is one after another." Claremont stepped forward and said angrily: "You guys did the attack last night, right?"

"Yes. It was just temporarily interrupted by your appearance." A black elf said indifferently.

Claremont really resented the opponent's relaxed and casual attitude. When he thought of the tragic situation of the two soldiers who were attacked, he couldn't help saying: "Tonight, if you can't give an explanation to our injured comrades. We don't will let you go."

"Boom!" Several Calradian soldiers walked to the direction behind the black elf and closed the gate of the camp.

"That's fine." A black elf in the lead said, "For the sake of your passion, I'll come and help you."

After the words fell, he walked up to the tied soldier and put his palm on the soldier's head.

An ancient incantation was uttered.

The humans and elves present felt the bad atmosphere.

"What are you going to do?" DeWitt rushed forward, lifted the soldier who was kneeling on the ground, and took him away from the Black Elf and his group.

The soldier trembled in his arms.

DeWitt looked ominously at the leader of the black elves.

Seeing the other party smile at him ghostly. At the same time, the body temperature of the soldier in his arms suddenly dropped.


DeWitt's eyes widened.

Seeing the soldier break free from his arms stiffly. When he put his hand lightly on his shoulder. There was a bit of bone-biting coldness.


Before everyone could react, a soldier's hand knife pierced DeWitt's abdomen.


When Abel saw the soldier's blood-stained hands leaving DeWitt's body, he rushed forward at a high speed: kicked him to the open space several meters away.

"DeWitt!!" Abel yelled worriedly as he held up DeWitt's body that was about to fall.

Logically speaking, he accepted such a violent blow from Abel. Even for specially trained soldiers, three or four ribs should be broken. But the soldier who was bounced was like a zombie. He fell to the ground for less than five seconds and then quickly stood up. Rush into the ranks of Calradian soldiers and fight in the flesh.

The soldiers of Calradia were frightened by this sudden change, and when the soldiers rushed towards them, they were also hesitating how to fight. In the end, under the impregnable defense of the Calradia soldiers, the spellcast soldiers failed to hurt any of them and fell under the siege of the shields.

"Quick! Take General DeWitt to stop the bleeding!" Abel directed to several elf warriors behind him.

Everyone hurriedly carried DeWitt, who was still bleeding from the wound, away from the battlefield.

"How is it? Do you want to put us to death even more?" A black elf asked after watching the whole process.

"You bastards, don't even think about leaving today!" Claremont roared and ordered, "All Calradian warriors, follow me!"

Abel's face was solemn and he didn't say a word. Commanding the elf warriors to prepare for the attack. He also walked into the queue of Calradia soldiers. Although he is an elf, he can do more than just spells, and his physical fitness will not lose to the young warriors who are active in Calradia.

"Kill!" Claremont took out his weapon and charged at the forefront.

The black elf's eyes were covered with a hint of vigilance. The leading black elf stood closest to the charging soldiers, and read a whole paragraph of ancient French.

"Hell black slave!" The black elf finished his chanting: his emerald green eyes flashed suddenly, and a dark spiritual power gushed out from his body, sticking to his body.

(end of this chapter)