The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 713: The battle with the black elves


The spiritual power that originally wandered around the black elf's body instantly gathered on his hands.

It turned into drops of liquid and fell to the ground.

When the black 'pools' on the ground formed into one piece.

Ten chains protruded from the pool and were tied to the black elf's fingers.

The black elf swung his arm violently.

Unidentified objects exuding black air climbed up from the puddles on the ground one by one.

The ground around the black elf also shook endlessly.

The soldiers quickly stood on their feet to prevent themselves from falling to the ground.

"What is this?" a soldier exclaimed.

"This is my 'pet' - black slave. If you get too close, they will bite." The black elf squatted down, touched the head of one of the creatures, and replied with a smile.

Claremont took a few steps forward with a stern expression, wanting to see what the bodies of these creatures were.

It turned out that the creatures shrouded in black air turned out to be human beings, or another form of human beings.

Claremont frowned, and suddenly felt that the current situation had become a bit difficult.

"Hern!" A soldier shouted, his tone full of panic.

"My God." The soldier standing next to the soldier also covered his mouth and nose and exclaimed.

Herne? Claremont felt a little familiar when he heard the name, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

He raised his head subconsciously, and happened to collide with the gaze of a 'human being'.

Claremont's breathing stagnated. Hearn was one of the soldiers attacked at the gate of the barracks yesterday.

Claremont clearly remembered his face, but he didn't expect to find this familiar face among the creatures with chains around their necks.

"Isn't Hearn receiving care in the tent?" Claremont said softly.

Abel walked to his side and said, "I think we have found the reason why Hearn and the others are unconscious."

Claremont thought about it in his mind, and said, "It turns out that the black elves took their spirit bodies away."

Abel raised his finger and pointed to another black slave who was lying on the ground.

Claremont looked in the direction he pointed: as expected, he saw the appearance of another soldier who fainted yesterday.

"If you want to say what can defeat human beings, it is human beings themselves." The black elf shook the chain in his hand as if teasing a pet. Then he said to Calradia and the others.

"You've thought everything through." Claremont's forehead had faintly burst out with veins.

At this time, a soldier ran to Claremont and reported in his ear: "Captain Clement, Captain DeWitt has escaped the danger of his life."

"Okay." Claremont said in a deep voice. Then he turned around and said to the soldiers behind him: "Soldiers, the other party has tortured our comrades like this. In order to protect our comrades and supplies, follow me!"

"Kill!" All Calradia soldiers waved their weapons.

Claremont didn't say anything more, clenched the big knife in his hand, and rushed towards Clement.

The leader of the black elf smiled evilly, broke free from the chain in his hand, turned around and walked outside the barracks. All the 'humans' lying on the ground rushed towards the Calradia soldiers like wolves.

The soldiers of Calradia slashed their swords at these menacing ghosts, but as a result, the weapons passed through their bodies, and did not bring any effect except for the sound of friction with the air.

"Empty?" the Calradian soldier asked in surprise.

Before they came back to their senses, those black slaves all rushed towards them.

Of course, this attack did not leave any actual scars on the Calradian soldiers. It's just that the soldiers who were attacked fell to the ground one after another, squatting on the ground and crying.

"Why are you crying?" Claremont exclaimed in confusion while dodging the black slave's attack.

Soldiers are stronger than ordinary people in terms of willpower.

Claremont has experienced four or five actual battles, and has never seen a soldier who lost his voice in such pain on the battlefield.

After being distracted for a moment, the black slave found the right opportunity to attack.

The moment the black slave pounced forward and penetrated Clement's body.

Claremont's pupils suddenly dilated. The cold breath invaded the bone marrow, and the logic in his head became disordered.

Claremont felt as if he had left the battlefield. The crying that erupted from being abused by his father when he was a child can be heard all the time.

The pictures deep in memory were salvaged ashore.

Claremont couldn't hear the sounds around him, and he could only keep thinking about the scene where he was beaten to death.

"Dad, I was wrong." Claremont whimpered.

Seeing that Claremont also burst into tears along with the soldiers around him.

A pair of warm palms rested on his shoulders, making him see the light again.

Claremont raised his head and looked at the person who had given him salvation.


"Stand up. You just fell."

On the chaotic battlefield, Abel stretched out his hand to Claremont and said.

"Let's go!" A black elf noticed Claremont's situation and shouted to his companion: "That elf can use light magic."

The leader of the black elves also noticed that Abel was exuding a holy light at this time. There was a look of surprise on his face.

Seeing that this group of Calradia soldiers were about to fall in their own hands. The fat delivered to the mouth is about to fly away. It's also really a pity.

The black elf leader gritted his teeth, and finally cast a spell to take back the black slaves on the battlefield, intending to run away with the others.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy." Claremont, who had just been rescued by Abel, rushed in front of the black elves with red eyes. He put his weapon on the opponent's neck.

The rescue of the elves was cast on every Calradian soldier who was in trouble.

The soldiers regained their fighting power, and at this time they followed Claremont to capture the escaped black elf and held him hostage under the knife.

"Your luck is just a little bit better." The black elf leader narrowed his eyes dangerously: "If you really want to fight with your life, do you think we will not be able to beat you?"

"Stop talking nonsense. What if you stabbed our captain? There are also the spirit bodies of our two soldiers, you immediately unblock them." Claremont approached the back of the black elf's neck with the blade. He gritted his teeth and said.

"That knife was stabbed by a soldier in your team, so it has nothing to do with me." The leader of the black elf raised his head indifferently and said, "The spirit bodies of the two soldiers you want are given to you."

After the voice fell, two of the chains tied to the fingers of his left hand snapped.

The two black slaves also disappeared.

(end of this chapter)