The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 726: The old man in charge of the door


"How come, when you entered the secret passage: I was watching all the time." The smile on the corner of the old man's mouth widened: "Look, isn't your comrade-in-arms just being left where you are?"

"When we come out of the market, we will definitely come to take him away. What does this have to do with you?" DeWitt said dissatisfied.

It is really uncomfortable for a soldier who has just been lost to be mentioned so frivolously.

"I'm worried that before you come back, the bones of your comrades-in-arms will be gone. After all, Little Cai likes to eat such fresh flesh and blood the most." The old man raised his hand and pointed at the wall.

"Ah!" several soldiers exclaimed.

The protrusions on the walls exuding colorful streamers, DeWitt and his team originally thought that they were colored stones installed on the walls for lighting. As a result, the soldiers approached and took a closer look: they found scales densely covered on it, as well as superficial transparent blood vessels.

There is a giant snake hidden in the four walls of this secret passage.

Claremont felt cold sweat protruding from his back.

"Don't be nervous, I just came to remind you." The old man still maintained the smile on his face, and continued: "I have been here for many years, and I have to find a job for myself."

DeWitt glanced at the body of Freelock not far behind him. He asked the old man, "How much is your business?"

"Don't say anything else, ten gold coins." The old man smiled and gestured on his chest with his index finger.

"Ten gold coins!" An exclamation came from among the soldiers.

"Ten gold coins, we can give you. It's just that you not only have to help us preserve the soldier's body, but also tell us the road conditions ahead." DeWitt said word by word.

He was already aware of the weirdness of the market governed by the centaur tribe. In order to get out of it safely, he had to seize the opportunity to inquire about information from the very beginning.

"Yes." The old man said with great interest, "It's just that the permanent residents in this market are some good people who abide by the rules. What do you want me to tell you to write?"

"Who hosts this fair?" DeWitt asked.

"Of course it is hosted by the top forces of all races on the island." The old man smiled and said, "You will know when you go in and have a look. The power of one race cannot support the business and transportation of this market."

"What can we get in this bazaar?" Claremont asked another question.

The old man paused for a while and said, "As long as you want to buy, this market will sell it."

"Are there any special regulations in this market?" DeWitt asked the last question after thinking for a while.

The old man smiled softly and said, "This market is like a kaleidoscope. There are different rules for different people. If you want me to explain it to you in detail, then forget it."

After receiving the old man's reply, DeWitt stood still for a while. In the end, he took out ten shiny gold coins from his pocket. Sprinkled in the hands of the old man.

"Hehe." The old man shook the gold coin twice in his hand. After taking a deep look at DeWitt, he disappeared in front of everyone.

"Let's keep going," DeWitt ordered.

This secret passage was not as long as expected, and after a while DeWitt and others stood in front of another door at the end of the secret passage.

"Kara—" DeWitt solemnly turned the lock on the door.

All kinds of noise came to the people standing at the door like a tide.

The streamer on the colorful snake in the dark passage also disappeared at this moment.

"What kind of place is this?" A soldier couldn't help but ask, looking back and forth.

It was pitch black in the dark passage, but what was displayed in front of them was a huge factory-like air illuminated by dark blue light.

There seemed to be a hazy smoke in the room.

Although I felt that there were people walking in front of me, I couldn't see anyone's face clearly.

"That's weird," Abel said.

When he tried to cast a spell to remove the smoke in front of him, he found that it couldn't do anything.

These white fumes are like bricks and dirt under the feet, and they are fixed in this room.

"I can't see the road at all." Claremont said with a frown.

"Let's go," DeWitt said.

Everyone could only grope forward following the back of the person in front of them, and blended into the crowd.

"Pa—" A harsh whipping sound came from the right side of the team.

The soldiers looked over and saw a tiger-skin girl with a collar tied around her neck lying on the ground, and in front of her was a middle-aged man in uniform holding a whip.

The man slapped the girl lying on the ground indifferently while yelling to the outside world.

"Nause." After Claremont took a look, he turned his head away.

As the team moved forward, the scouts noticed more boys and girls locked in the nutrition cabin naked, and many of them were wounded.

DeWitt sighed, and forbearance said: "If we find a place to supply food, let's go out quickly."

"Actually, I really want to know if there are shops that provide food." Claremont rubbed his temples with a complicated expression.

The two walked in silence for a while, and saw among the street shops in sight: one had a cutting board at the door full of cut meat.

"Is there a butcher's shop?" Abel asked in surprise.

"It should be." DeWitt looked at the store with hope in his eyes.

Claremont didn't say much, and walked directly to the door of the shop. He asked, "Hello, is this a butcher shop?"

"Yes." A middle-aged man covered in grease put on the straps of his overalls and came over to answer.

Even though there was only a cutting board less than one meter wide between the two of them, Claremont still couldn't see the butcher's face clearly.

Putting aside such doubts, Claremont continued to ask with a smile: "We want to buy some meat, may I ask what kind of animal is the meat you sell here?"

"Animals? We don't catch those very often. What you have in front of you is fresh elf thigh meat." The butcher shop owner replied: "If you want to buy low-grade meat like animals, you have to go a little further. "

When Claremont heard the first words from the butcher shop owner, before his brain could react, he reacted physically first, and his stomach churned.

"Understood, thank you." Claremont covered his mouth and nodded, then backed out of the gate.

When he was about to leave this time, Claremont discovered that there were various names marked under the meat-filled chopping board.

After seeing the nameplate of the human race, Claremont took a bigger step.

(end of this chapter)