The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 732: The hardships of being a first-time father


In the evening, everyone found a place to set up camp on the plain. Everyone stopped to rest and recuperate.

Austin put his backpack on the ground and sat on it to rest.

"If you faint, you don't even have the sound of breathing?" Austin said to himself to the goblin on his back.

Along the way, he could only tell by the weak pulse at the goblin's wrist that he hadn't crushed it to death.

Austiner glanced at the soldiers who were setting up the camp, and couldn't help but want to go over to help. But Claremont had given Austin an order before: don't take half a step away from this goblin.

The resentment about the mission couldn't help welling up in his heart, making Austin frowned.

In order to protect the goblin from falling, the arm has been stretched to a rigid state. Even so, Austiner was reluctant to change his position—to face the goblin's face head-on. Carrying it behind his back, he can still imagine that the child on his back is an ordinary child or something. If he holds it in his arms and looks at each other, Austin can't bear the horror.

"Hands hurt so much." Austin couldn't help but said.

In the end, he put down the goblin on his back and put it on his lap.

"My God, it's really ugly." Austin closed his eyes urgently.

"Austinger, what are you doing? Come here!" A soldier in the camp shouted at Austin from a distance.

It's the squad leader.

"What's wrong?" Austin put on his backpack and walked over quickly.

"Captain Dewitt asked you to take this goblin to take a bath, and then hand it over to the medical soldiers for inspection. We found some carrion animals on the plain just now. Captain Devitt is worried that the goblin may be infected." Soldier explained in detail.

"Okay." Austin responded, and then asked: "Captain, where is there a water source near here?"

"There is no water source." The soldier said, "The back kitchen boiled a basin of water for this guy, just use that to wash it."

"Got it." After asking clearly, Austin walked towards the back kitchen.

After seeing his figure, the soldiers in the back kitchen immediately lifted out the wooden basin filled with boiling water.

It's a pity that they have used this wooden basin for washing vegetables for so long, and now it has become a bath tub.

Austiner stepped forward, thanked him, and compared the size of the goblin in his arms with the bathtub: it was just right.

"The waste water after bathing should be dumped outside the camp." The kitchen soldier confessed, and after seeing Austin nodding, he hurriedly ran to continue cooking.

Austin tested the temperature of the water with his palm, but was so hot that he withdrew his hand.

For a moment, Austiner felt as if he was leading a newborn child.

But he is obviously only twenty years old this year.

Austin took out the towel from his backpack, dipped it in water, and used it to wipe the goblin's body.

Just one swipe and the white towel turns black.

Austin looked awkwardly at the soldiers who were busy in the back kitchen: This basin of water may not be enough.

Taking a deep breath, Austiner patiently wiped every part of the goblin's body with a freshly washed towel.

Until the whole pot of hot water turns cold and becomes cloudy.

When Austiner took away the pot of dirty water and walked back, the kitchen soldier who had been watching in front of the chopping board came up to him with a pot of hot water and said, "This is the kitchen that was reheated, DeWitt." The captain ordered that it should be washed clean."

"Thank you." Austin poured boiling water into the basin. Stir constantly with your hands to cool down quickly.

The back kitchen soldier stood there holding an empty kettle, looking at Austin's face strangely.

After a while, Austiner noticed someone standing in front of him, raised his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

"What are you doing?" the kitchen soldier asked strangely.

"This basin of water is too hot." Austin replied.

"You really thought you were raising a child." The kitchen soldier frowned and complained.

"This..." Austin was stunned, not knowing what to respond.

"It seems that this task is quite suitable for you." The soldier in the back kitchen commented. After saying this sentence, he turned and left.

Austin turned his head and glanced at the goblin who was still in a coma, and after a moment of silence, he said—

"It's ugly."

The construction of the camp is officially completed.

After experiencing this afternoon's episode, DeWitt ordered the soldiers: Strengthen the night defense to avoid surprise attacks by goblins who may be concentrated here.

The shift at night has returned to the three-shift system in the tense period.

While some people were setting up their tents, the kitchen soldiers were busy making dinner. When the soldiers are ready to complete the task of building, there will be a steaming hot dinner in no time.

At dinnertime, five or six Calradian soldiers gathered around a table, and they didn't even pick up their chopsticks while the other tables around them were chopping up chunks of meat.

"Why hasn't that elf brother come yet?" A soldier sighed.

"He should be here soon. I hope he will come soon too." Another soldier said.

During the rest of the march, the two elf soldiers who had helped yesterday put forward their first request to everyone: they want to taste the dinner of the human race. Although everyone felt very sad when they thought that the food in their bowls would be distributed. However, since the promise had been made the night before, it had to be fulfilled. Then he agreed.

As a result, until the eleventh minute when the dishes were served, when the soldiers at other tables walked past behind them picking their teeth, the two elves still hadn't appeared.

"No, I can't help it anymore." A soldier picked up the chopsticks and prepared to pick vegetables.

"Crack!" The chopsticks in his hand were knocked off the table, and the voice of the elf soldier sounded behind the soldier: "Are you people in Calradia so dishonest?"

The soldiers looked back and saw the elf soldiers staring at them with wide eyes.

"No, no, no, we all know the rules. Only him!" The soldiers sitting at the same table denied it one after another, and distanced themselves from the soldier who was caught.

"You guys." The soldier was so blocked that he couldn't speak.

"Forget it." The two elf soldiers waved their hands: "Make room for us. How can we eat standing here?"

"Okay, okay." The soldier who made a mistake immediately moved his chair to make room.

The elf soldier took two chairs and made them down. Under the eyes of everyone, he ate the first bite of food.

"Well, it's delicious. Eat it too." An elf soldier gestured to the others at the table after tasting it.

Everyone picked up their chopsticks and ate them up.

After the meal was over, the vegetable soup on the table was divided up to the last drop.

(end of this chapter)