The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 735: Hastily ended conversations


Under Austin's constant accusation, the goblin timidly raised his head.

After Austin met his gaze, he seemed to see the dawn of hope for communication.

What was ignored by him was that the goblin's hands buried in the bedding were clenched into fists.

Choosing to grab the scout's backpack was a random choice, and it was purely accidental that Austin was picked up.

It has been wandering alone for many days, and is dizzy from hunger.

The coma after lying down is also an illusion of helplessness, just hoping that this group of people can soften their hearts and take themselves, so that they can find opportunities before taking action.

It turned out that the belt was brought back, and was taken by the person in front of him to take a comfortable hot bath.

For the goblin who has been crawling and rolling in the fields for many days, it is a time like heaven when someone carefully waits for him to wipe his body clean. With this comfort, he fell asleep in Austin's arms .

He was dreaming vaguely about the dining table in front of him, with all kinds of food on it.

The needle in Bickron's hand stuck into his own neck.

This time, he passed out from the pain, and has been in a coma until now.

When he opened his eyes and saw that Bikron was greeting him calmly, the goblin's anger went 'crack! ' came to mind.

When the arm was just about to exert force, it couldn't even try a single bit of strength.

Looking at Austin in front of him, the goblin was still full of defenses.

"By the way, I forgot to ask you. What's your name?" Austin asked with a smile.

The goblin gently turned his head away, as if unwilling to communicate.

"It's not like you can't understand Esperanto, it's troublesome." Austin raised his eyebrows in doubt, thinking that Bickren would bring Captain DeWitt over for questioning in a while, and Austin fell into distress.

"Gilbert." The goblin said softly.

Austin raised his head happily and said, "You understand what I'm saying."

Gilbert nodded of course. It seems that he is very disdainful of the questions raised by Austin.

"That's much more convenient." Austin confessed: "The captain of our team will come to ask you a few words later, and you can answer honestly. Don't be as silent as before."

"I don't know anything," Gilbert said.

"Huh?" Austin frowned and said, "Of course we won't force you if you don't know. But if you're telling a lie, we can see it. And the consequences of doing so are right For you: extremely serious."

Gilbert looked at Austin's suddenly tense face, and couldn't help shrinking: "Got it."

"They haven't come yet, let's talk about something relaxing first." Austin slowed down his tone, and smiled at Gilbert: "How old are you this year?"

Gilbert realized that the other party really asked his age, so he calculated the year of his birth according to the age of humans. He replied, "Eight years old."

"Eight years old?" Austin asked in surprise: "Then you belong to the goblin clan, are you considered an adult at your current age?"

"Hurry up." Gilbert just felt that the other party's questions had always been boring, so he replied absent-mindedly.

"Then your height won't grow anymore?" Austin also asked Claremont before, why Gilbert's body shape is much smaller than that recorded in the bibliography. Claremont just guessed and responded to him: it should be because the goblin is still young.

Hearing Austin mention height, Gilbert's face completely collapsed. Lie down and cover your whole body with a quilt, without answering.

"Hey, hey, don't be angry." Austin said with a smile: "I think you still have a chance to grow taller."

Gilbert was so annoyed by his added sentence that he kept kicking the quilt.

DeWitt and his group walked in and saw this scene, and Bickren called out quickly: "Austinger."

"Oh, Captain DeWitt, Captain Claremont, and Captain Abel." Austin hurriedly got up and greeted politely.

"Yeah." Devitt nodded. Standing in place.

Austin immediately pulled Gilbert out and said to him: "These three are the captains of our group, listen carefully to what they ask you." Then he stepped aside in a polite manner.

DeWitt stepped forward with the other two behind him, and asked Gilbert, "What's your name?"

Gilbert withdrew his gaze from Austin, and met DeWitt's eyes, "Gilbert."

"Why did you appear here, what is your identity?" Claremont then asked,

"I'm an exiled goblin who came here by myself," Gilbert replied.

"Going so far?" Abel asked in confusion.

"After being expelled from the country by the goblins in the clan, I walked here while looking for food." Gilbert lowered his head and explained.

"That means you're not a goblin now. Are you?" DeWitt confirmed.

"Yes, I don't want to go back either." Gilbert said indifferently.

Claremont raised an eyebrow because of his answer. But he didn't say a word.

"Then do you know the news about the disappearance of the dwarves who newly stationed near the volcano where your goblins are located three months ago?" DeWitt asked in a deep voice, throwing out the topic.

"I don't know. People in the clan were ordered not to talk about it in public." Gilbert lowered his eyes and said, "Everyone who lived on the volcano was at risk."

DeWitt stared straight at Gilbert's dark red eyes, as if he probably believed what the other party said was the truth. Turning around, he asked the two people behind him, "Do you have any questions?"

Claremont took a step forward, pointed to the tattoo on Gilbert's shoulder and said, "Isn't this column of letters a special language for goblins? Can you tell me what it means?"

Gilbert paused, and replied without warmth: "It means 'abandoned'."

Austin, who was standing in the corner, heard what Gilbert said, and his eyes became worried.

"I'm done asking." Claremont waved his hand.

"I'm fine," Abel continued.

"Yeah." Devitt nodded, and said to Austin: "Let's let it go tonight. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with our mission."

After receiving the instructions, Austin nodded slowly: "Yes."

When Claremont left, he looked at Gilbert carefully. The three of them withdrew from the camp.

"The effect of the medicine on it hasn't worn off yet. Sending it to the wilderness at this time is equivalent to going into the mouth of a tiger. Put it here to sleep for a night, and then find a time to send it away tomorrow." Bikeren suggested.

(end of this chapter)