The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 739: Sudden acceleration of the stroke


The scouts and their party walked out of the plain near dusk and entered the territory where the snake girl was.

Abel looked at the loess everywhere, and his expression became worried.

The altitude here is much higher than the mountain where the centaurs were before.

When everyone comes here, it can be regarded as an early experience of the winter on the island.

Claremont kicked the dry ground under his feet, and said, "Is this the kind of place where the snake girl lives?"

"It's almost the same as what's said in the information, we have to be careful next time." DeWitt said on the side.

"According to the information, Snake Girl will plant plague bombs near her territory. She didn't explain the solution." Claremont added.

"Perhaps in the eyes of the dwarves, this defense is actually nothing." DeWitt speculated.

"But for us, it is a threshold that cannot be bought." Claremont sighed.

"Now we can only leave this question to Abel, and let him judge the location of the Snake Girl group based on the terrain. As long as we walk around them, the chance of us being infected by the poisonous gas will not be so great." DeWitt said nervously.

"Yeah." Claremont nodded.

"Everyone! Cover your mouth and nose, and follow me slowly." Abel turned around and ordered to the soldiers.

The scouts all solemnly took out cloth from the package to cover the lower half of their faces.

"What's wrong with them?" In such a serious atmosphere, Gilbert grabbed Austin's clothes and raised his head to ask.

The voice made several soldiers standing in the front and leading the team look back one after another.

Austin quickly put his hands on Gilbert, making a gesture of silence. After waiting for the team captains to turn their heads away.

Austin bent over to Gilbert's ear and said, "We have now entered the territory of the Snake Girl, and we must be careful of the hidden mines. You should also quickly cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief." In the voice After falling, Austiner handed Gilbert his handkerchief.

Gilbert pushed Austiner's hand out in front of him, and walked to Abel's position on his own.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Austin stopped with a voice squeezed out of his throat.

Gilbert pointed to Abel's back and continued walking in the direction he was going.

Austin followed anxiously, and noticed that after Gilbert walked to the front row, the captains in the front row showed ugly faces.

"I want to see this captain." Gilbert pointed to Abel's figure to the soldiers who stopped him.

After hearing this immature voice, Abel turned his head to look at Gilbert, stopped and raised his eyebrows in doubt: "Why don't you stay with Austiner, what are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Austin rushed to the forefront at this time, made an apologetic gesture to Abel, and said, "I will take him away immediately."

"I can guide you." Gilbert was naturally held by Austin's wrist, but he didn't intend to move. There was a voice to Abel when he landed.

Dewitt and Claremont, who noticed the line stopped, also rushed over from the back of the line and heard what Gilbert said.

"Huh?" Abel asked in surprise, "Are you willing to help us?"

"Just to help him." Gilbert raised the arm held by Austiner and explained: "But you have to promise me one condition."

"What?" Abel asked.

"After arriving at the volcano, you can't take half a step into the goblin's domain." Gilbert said word by word.

DeWitt and Claremont, who stood silently aside, looked at each other: This goblin kid is still on guard.

After Abel heard this sentence, he looked Gilbert up and down: Gilbert offered to let him lead the way, which reminded Abel that the goblins do have such abilities.

Abel thought for a while and replied, "Okay. I promise you."

"You too." Gilbert said sideways to DeWitt and Claremont.

"Hmm." DeWitt nodded as a representative.

Such a statement reassured Gilbert a little: Although he didn't know what the purpose of this group of people was, but in order for the goblins not to be involved, he had to exchange his ability for some balanced conditions.

Whether it is ups or downs, he is the prince of the goblin clan after all.

The sense of responsibility for the safety of the nation has always flowed in the blood of the royal family.

Thinking of this, Gilbert looked down at the prison bird tattoo on his left chest. ,

"Come on." Abel gave up his position and said to Gilbert.

Austin was stunned when Gilbert raised his hand. At this time, he watched Gilbert walking forward, and followed closely. But was stopped by Claremont: "Let the captain of your team help to keep an eye on him."

Austin and Claremont looked at each other, then nodded. After asking the captain of the team to take care of it, he walked back to where he was before.

Gilbert looked back at Austiner's leaving back, then looked ahead, and said to Abel who was standing on the left hand side: "My tutorial may be a bit fast, you have to keep up."

"Okay," Abel replied.

Everyone fell silent, waiting for Gilbert's next move.

Gilbert squatted down and picked up a pile of loess with his hands. Holding it to the front and back, exhaling to blow it away, the moment the yellow sand has not landed, it rushed out.

Abel also immediately started to follow behind him.

Although the soldiers said that they were a little baffled by this sudden start. However, the daily training was not in vain: the Calradian soldiers organized the team in a short while, and kept up with the two leaders by running.

The elves stood at the end of the line, floating confidently in the air.

Gilbert was walking quickly on the plateau, the gust of wind blowing by his ears. At this time, he was using his spiritual power to detect the surrounding underground environment. While using his spiritual power, his pupils became more and more bright red.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance team ended the last period of today's march under such special circumstances.

After the sun went down, Abel quickly stopped Gilbert who was still running forward.

The soldiers also stopped from the long long run.

"I didn't expect this little guy to run so fast." A soldier panted.

"Aren't you kidding, he's a goblin. It's probably not a problem to go faster than this." Another soldier patted the soldier on the back and gave him a pat on the back. He smiled easily and said, "I think it's quite interesting to be like this today, but usually it's too procrastinated."

(end of this chapter)