The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 75: Upgrade encountered requirements


Achnatherum splendens beach is quite luxuriant.

The entire west side of the lake has been occupied by these tenacious vegetation growing on the sandy soil.

Even a lot of lonely desert antelopes saw these bushes among the sand dunes in the distance, as if they had discovered a new world, they got in quickly and disappeared in the Achnatherum splendens beach of the 5 acres of land.

Obviously, these desert antelopes in a panic took these Achnatherum splendens beaches as grass that could hide from hunters.

"So cute."

Kant shook his head, showing helpless smiles at these cuties.

If the 5 acres of Achnatherum splendens beach were really used as a life-saving nest, it would be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, and I would bury my small body in it for nothing.

But when Kant thought of this, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Turning his head to look at Manid, he asked, "Can we domesticate these little guys?"

"Desert antelope?" Manid's tone was a bit strange.

"That's right, it looks like they should be domesticable." Kant nodded.

Manid hesitated, but still shrugged and said: "Lord Lord, although these desert antelopes can indeed be domesticated, the value of domestication is not high. Why don't you just buy some sheep or goats to graze them? The wool, sheepskin, and mutton, Goat milk is much better than simply domesticating these desert antelopes for food."

"Is that so?" Kant paused in his heart, and smiled regretfully.

Manid was right.

Desert antelope is a wild animal, not to mention that it is difficult to domesticate, but the value of domestication is not much.

This kind of antelope living on the edge of the desert is not as valuable as goats and sheep. The short wool cannot be collected, and the milk supply cannot be milked to make cheese. In addition to killing and eating meat, maybe the sheepskin can be made into something to save point value.

All in all, it's good game, and no domestication is necessary.

"New week, get busy."

Kant clapped his hands, signaling the soldiers who were still gathered at the street corner to disperse.

But looking at the desert antelope that was brought over and piled up next to the spice workshop, Kant still arranged: "Peel off the skin, and we will eat the fresh meat today. If you can't eat it, we will dry it and make it into air-dried meat."

"Understood, my lord." The soldiers behind nodded.

The soldiers surrounding the intersection dispersed and went on with their own business, allowing "Dherim" to get back to work.

At the dunes, there are groups of desert antelopes arriving.

However, the number of the herd this time is relatively small, roughly around 500, which can be regarded as a small herd of antelopes.

Nor did Kant order the hunt.

The current "Dherim" is not short of food. There are only more than 100 people in total. Even if there is unlimited supply, every meal can be enough. The bread, air-dried meat, and flour and other reserves currently available can eat 1 months.

What's more, at the end of each month, new desert antelopes will arrive.

Kant thought in his mind: "In this case, the formation of a caravan must be put on the agenda as soon as possible."

The caravan is currently one of Kant's strategic goals.

It is obviously irrational to spend precious dinars and rely on system merchants to purchase certain supplies.

After all, relying on a country rich in products like the Principality of Lions, for example, some food and tools that are sold at high prices by system merchants are extremely cheap in the market of the Principality of Lions.

The most typical example.

System merchants sell tools, such as axes and hoes, for a full 100 dinars.

The amount of this cost can catch up. The upgrade cost of a Swadian knight is 120 dinars. If you think about it, you can know that there is no cost performance at all. It is better to spend a few big silver coins and buy tools that are calculated in quantities of more than a dozen. .

As for salt, a precious trade item, it is not a problem to exchange a bag of salt for hundreds of tools.

Kant was thinking.

The system dialog box appeared on his retina.

[Ding... With the rising sun, a new week begins.]

[Income: You collect 0 dinars in tax in Dherim (village).]

[Expenditure: You pay 2186 dinars to all members of the army.]

[Financial overview: Currently, there are no peasants, merchants, or factories paying taxes, and no income in "Deherim". The main expenditures are: Swadia light infantry 369, Swadia heavy cavalry 1472, Sarande cavalry 145 dinars. Fatis 100 dinars, Manid 100 dinars.]

This is the financial statement that appeared early on Monday morning.

Kant scanned the numbers above with a calm expression.

In this regard, he has long been mentally prepared.

The current "Dherim" relies entirely on the help of the system to support it until now.

Moreover, the population has all been transformed into combat soldiers, and the overall development model is based on military priority. If you want to build factories and carry out commercial activities, at least you have to wait for "Dherim" to develop further.

Just like now, "Dherim" can continue to be upgraded.

"Remember, I still have an upgrade card."

Kant thought about it.

This is the mission reward obtained after helping the system absorb strange objects.

Looking at the golden card floating in his mind, Kant's thinking connection system silently said: "Use."

[Ding... system prompt]

[The village cannot be upgraded, please build all village-level buildings in time, and the upgrade can only be done after the construction is complete. Remarks: According to the type of subsequent upgrades, please properly consider the number of houses to be built.]

But the system pops up a dialog box.

The golden card in his mind did not disperse, but still floated in Kant's mind.

Looking at the introduction, Kant frowned: "Build all the village-level buildings?"

With the spread of Kant's thinking, a dialog box reappeared on the retina, which is the existing buildings in "Dherim", as well as unbuilt buildings, as well as building gift packs.

[Buildings: Executive Hall, Houses (6), Watchtower, Desert Bandit Camp, Grocery Store, Sugar Workshop, Training Ground]

[Can be built: houses, walls, mills, wells]

[Building Gift Package: Post Station, Stone City Wall]

Kant understood in his heart.

"Do you still need to build a wall, a mill, and a well?"

He opened his mouth softly, but frowned slightly.

The reason why I didn't build these 3 buildings is that these 3 buildings are currently useless in "Dherim", and even if they are built, they are just a waste of time and dinars.

The introduction of the building pops up on the retina.

[Mills: Agricultural buildings can be divided into wind power and hydraulic power. Grinds barley and other grains to produce flour. It cost 200 dinars to build and took 14 days.]

[Wall: A military building, stone blocks are piled up to half a meter and surround the village. The role is to prevent poultry from running into the wild, not to defend against enemies. It costs 100 dinars to build and takes 7 days.]

[Water well: a civil building, excavated from the ground. There needs to be water veins in the ground, otherwise the dug wells will not produce water. It costs 100 dinars to build and takes 7 days.]

Kant was still helpless.

Now that his wheat field has not been harvested, it is useless to build a mill so early.

The half-meter-high fence can really only prevent livestock from running into the wild.

As for the well...

Kant now has spring water and lake water, and he builds wells when he is full. This thing is the most useless.

If the ruins of the wolf man tribe were regarded as a village, maybe Kant could build a well, but it would be too naive to build a well in an area with abundant water sources in the sentinel oasis.

"Wait..." But Kant was slightly taken aback.

The thoughts in his mind diverged, and he looked at the station where the gift package was built, and he suddenly had a bold idea.

The post station is a transit point between the Sentinel Oasis and the Sanwaya Mountains.

If the salt trade starts, Kant intends to build a post on the way, arrange some soldiers and farmers to station there, and provide some services for the caravans traveling between the two places.

Includes fresh water and accommodation.

In the previous thinking, Kant was transported in a water bladder, but now it seems that it does not need to be so troublesome.

"System, build a station, can you build a well next to it?"

Kantian thought communication system for inquiry.

"Yes." The system's answer is still straightforward: "As long as there are water veins in the ground, water wells can be built."


Nodding slightly, Kant's eyes flickered.

If you look at it this way, it seems that the well is not such a useless wood. If it is well matched with the station, it can become the next gathering point of the village, and to a certain extent, it is Kant’s bridgehead to the Principality of the Lion, an outpost for observation .

PS: Thanks to "Awesome Ruthless" for the reward of 5,000 starting coins~Thanks to "Legi0nz" for the reward of 100 starting coins~Thanks to "What do you want" for the reward of 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Drunken Dream of Kitty Shang "Professional reward of 100 starting coins~Thanks to "You are my bad girl" for personally rewarding 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Amoyueve" for personally rewarding 500 starting coins~Thanks to "Yu Weisheng" for personally rewarding 600 Starting point coins~Thanks to "Happy · Book Ghost" for the 500 starting points coins ~ Thanks to "Danxiang those years" for the 100 starting points coins~Thanks to "Melancholy and Indifferent Overlapping" for the 300 starting points coins~

(end of this chapter)