The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 754: Discovery of thermal pools


"Hot spring?" Claremont responded slightly surprised.

"Yes. Jeb and his group found it when they were packing their luggage." The soldier looked very happy.

"Take us there," DeWitt ordered.

While walking on the road, Claremont thought of something and said, "This place is already close to the volcano, and it's not surprising that there are hot springs."

"Yeah." Devitt nodded, and from a long distance away, he had already seen the soldiers gathered together.

"Captain DeWitt, Captain Claremont! You are here." Austin, who accidentally caught a glimpse of DeWitt and his party, shouted happily.

Now they are all gathered by the hot spring pool, worrying about the effectiveness of the hot spring, and thinking of going down to try it.

Seeing DeWitt and others rushing over now, he naturally became excited.

DeWitt and Claremont nodded to the soldiers who greeted them, walked through the crowd, and walked to the hot spring pool.

Looking at the misty water, he asked the soldiers on one side: "Have the elves' soldiers come too?"

"Someone is already looking for them, and they should arrive in a while." The soldier replied.

"Well," Devitt nodded and said, "Let Bikron come over first to see if this hot spring can let people go in."

The medical soldier Bikren standing in the back row was immediately rushed to the front by the soldiers. Stopped in front of DeWitt.

Bikron had no choice but to take out a tube of potion and a absorbent sponge from his bag. Explained to DeWitt: "As long as the medicine does not change color after adding hot spring water, this hot spring is safe for us."

After the voice fell, before DeWitt had time to say anything, the soldiers behind cheered.

Claremont looked back amusedly, and as a result, the soldiers became quiet in an instant.

"You go," said DeWitt Bikren.

Bickron nodded, and walked carefully to the depression where the distance between the bluestone slab and the pool surface was the smallest. Squat to collect hot spring water.

Watching nervously how it reacts after injecting the water from the sponge into the needle.

"The hot spring is safe." Bikeren made a 'yes' gesture to the soldiers standing by the pool.

All the soldiers were very happy when they heard the news.

It's just that he still didn't make any moves, just stared at DeWitt and Claremont, waiting for the two to give orders.

"Don't go in with too many people at once, or it will be troublesome if there is a big commotion. According to the order: the first team can go now. If you want to join later, change positions with the people behind." Clement said.

"Yes." The soldiers were very happy when they heard the news.

Even the soldiers at the back happily went back to pack their luggage.

Tonight, whether it is a Calradian soldier or an elf soldier, they can only live in portable tents. And everyone can't make a fire to cook, and can only eat the dry food in the luggage bag.

The appearance of hot springs really comforted a large number of people.

After seeing the soldiers returning to their posts, DeWitt and Claremont waited for the arrival of Abel and his elf soldiers.

"I heard that you found a hot spring." DeWitt looked up and saw Abel smiling and walking towards him. Behind him was a group of elf soldiers.

Tonight, the place where the Elven soldiers live is separate from the place where the Calradian soldiers live. So Abel brought people here and it took some time.

"Well, found it by accident," DeWitt replied.

"How is it? Is there any problem?" Abel asked as he approached the hot spring pool, looking at the steaming heat below.

"Our people checked and found nothing wrong." Claremont replied, "I just want the elf mage to see if this place will have any impact on the elf soldiers."

Abel nodded, raised his right hand, and a small stream of hot spring water swam from the pool to his palm.

Abel stared at the small water vortex in his hand for a while, and said in relief: "No problem."

"Our luck is really good. We stopped in the territory of the Dragon Clan, and we were able to meet the hot spring pool." Claremont sighed.

"I don't think it's a coincidence. After all, Gilbert took us all the way here." Abel responded: "He really tried his best to formulate the best route for the entire team."

"Gilbert thought the best route was to bypass the territory and take the road west of Shanxi," DeWitt said.

Abel and Claremont nodded, but said nothing.

During dinner time, the soldiers in the back kitchen couldn’t bear to watch everyone gnawing too hard on wheat flour cakes. Take out the reserved eggs and milk, and keep heating them with the hot water of the hot spring. distributed to the public.

Austin took the dinner for two and looked around for Gilbert in the camp.

Gilbert was eventually found in a tent that other soldiers had set up for him.

"Gilbert, why are you here?"

The space in the tent is not ample, and this tent was specially made for Gilbert, so it is still a little bit reluctant for Austin's relatively tall body.

"The shoes are broken." Gilbert sat on the edge of the bed, kicking off the broken cloth shoes under his feet.

This pair of shoes was given to him by Austiner from his luggage, and the size was not very suitable. Moreover, I have been walking on mountain roads for the past few days, so it is normal for my shoes to be broken.

"Is it broken?" Austin knelt down, took the broken shoe in his hand, looked at it carefully, and decided in his heart that it could not be repaired. Then he raised his head and said to Gilbert, "I'll find another pair for you."

After speaking, he handed over the dinner in his hand, and then said: "You eat first."

Gilbert took the food in Austiner's hand and said, "Then come back quickly."

"Yeah." Austin nodded. Then he bent over and walked out of the tent.

While biting the egg, Gilbert stared at the rotten shoes that were put aside: since the army settled here, he took the time to run out of the barracks: he climbed up the hill and observed the situation around the barracks. As a result, he didn't even find a single dragon.

"What's going on?" Gilbert said silently in his heart.

Obviously this season is when the sub-dragons are active in the dragon territory.

"I'm back." Just as Gilbert was deep in thought, Austin came in with a pair of fluffy new cotton shoes.

"Yeah." Gilbert looked at Austin and replied.

"How is it?" Austin asked, squatting down, holding the cotton shoes in front of Gilbert.

"It looks warm." Gilbert commented, taking the last bite of the egg.

"Put it on and have a look." Austin put the cotton shoes on Gilbert's blue feet from the cold.

(end of this chapter)