The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 756: A journey that keeps going forward


"Too tired from running," replied Gilbert.

"Who told you to run around outside all day." Austin said, "Did you hear the urgent notice issued by Captain DeWitt just now?"

"Understood." Gilbert nodded indifferently.

"Such a notice is quite strange, I wonder if it has something to do with you," Austin said.

"It has nothing to do with me." Gilbert shook his head and said: "When I found Captain DeWitt and the others, I realized that they already knew the news from my mouth. Everyone found out that this place cannot stay any longer."

"Oh." When Gilbert said that this decision had nothing to do with him, Austin was relieved and didn't ask any more questions.

"Do you want to know? Why." Gilbert asked, looking up.

"No, I just want to sleep well tonight. After all, I have to drive all day tomorrow." Austin said angrily: "You know? Last night, I was worried that you came to take me away. All night."

Gilbert twitched his lips in disdain for Austin's negative answer. But in a blink of an eye, he smiled at Austin's complaint: "Haha."

"What are you laughing at?" Austin waved his fist and said, "Speaking of which, why did you change your mind again?"

"I planned to leave, but I went to ask for food from the uncle soldier in the back kitchen, but he didn't give it to me. I had no choice but to come back." Gilbert said lightly: "After all, as you said, there is no food , we still have to starve to death."

Austiner laughed out loud when he heard Gilbert's explanation. Then he joked: "Of course I can't give it to you. You are not an ordinary soldier."

"Oh." Gilbert pretended to sigh.

"It's getting late now, come out as soon as it's almost soaked, and I'll get you a set of clean clothes." Austin reminded: "Don't keep digging into the grass in the future, look at your dirty clothes."

"Understood." Gilbert nodded.

"So obedient." Austin praised with a smile.

That night, many soldiers rested early. Prepare for tomorrow's journey.

Early the next morning.

The soldiers in the back kitchen greeted the soldiers to take their own breakfast from him.

Austin yawned and walked out of the tent, seeing the elf soldiers gathered in the clearing. I couldn't help being a little surprised.

After finding a few familiar faces among the crowd, he quickly leaned over and asked, "When did you get here?"

"I set off around 6:30, and I haven't been here for long." An elf soldier who knew Austin replied.

The tone of the speech was lazy, I don't know if it's a bad spirit, or it's just a habit.

Austin nodded and looked at the lunch box in the elf soldier's hand. Curiously asked: "Why are you all vegetarian?"

"Talk to the old university, saying it's good for your health." An elf soldier picked up a piece of carrot and said.

Austiner imagined in his mind that the reserve warehouse of the elf army was full of carrots or broccoli. Feeling a little bad.

"Then eat slowly, I will withdraw first." Austin said humbly.

"Yeah." The elf soldier didn't make much effort to keep him.

Austiner took Gilbert, who seemed still awake, to the breakfast table.

"Captain Dewitt ordered that after receiving breakfast, go to assemble." The kitchen soldier emphasized to every soldier who came to receive the meal.

"Okay, got it," Austin replied.

As he said that, he put the breakfast for two in his luggage.

He took Gilbert's hand and rushed to join the assembly.

After standing in his position, Austin looked around: he found that many soldiers were taking advantage of this free time to eat breakfast.

Austin also took out Gilbert's portion of food and handed it to him. Said: "Hurry up and eat, you may start running later."

"Yeah." Gilbert picked up the toast, gnawed it bite by bite, and said to Austin after drinking a mouthful of hot milk, "Hurry up and eat it, it'll be too late later."

"Okay." Austin also took out his own bread.

"Gilbert, you should go to the front." Claremont walked over and said.

"Okay." Gilbert swallowed the last bite of eggs hastily. They clapped their hands, ready to move to the front.

Austin grabbed him, stared and asked, "Are you leading the way today?"

"Well, yes." Gilbert nodded.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Austin asked angrily.

"I thought you knew." Gilbert said strangely.

"Forget it," Austin lowered his head, and said, "Go quickly."

"Well, see you tonight." Gilbert nodded and greeted. Just a little trot and flew to the forefront.

Austin stopped where he was, looking at half of the bread left in his hand. Silently put it in his bag.

It's better to treat it as a snack at night than to eat it now and spit it out later.

The scouting team set off quickly, as Gilbert always did.

DeWitt, Claremont, and Abel have been concentrating on observing their peripheral vision. Only once in a while would we have a conversation or two.

"There is so much movement about the death of the 'Yarong', why didn't the people of the Dragon Clan notice it?" Abel wondered, "Could it even be the people of the Dragon Clan?"

"I heard from Gilbert that the mountain in the center of the territory is guarded by the dragons with their spiritual power. The mountains are there and the people are there. So far, the people of the dragons are still safe." Claremont explained: " Moreover, the corpses of the 'Dragon' are all piled up on the edge of the territory, and they should be brought here artificially. It seems that this group of people has been preparing for a long time in order not to wake up the Dragon Clan."

"I see." Abel nodded, and then asked: "Then what is the purpose of this group of people?"

"I don't have a lot of news, and I can't estimate this point." Claremont said with a serious face: "But the most important thing for us now is to leave here as soon as possible. Once the Dragon Clan senses the intrusion of foreigners, they will be angry." It's monstrous. We have to suffer too."

"There's one more thing I'm worried about now." DeWitt interjected at this moment: "Isn't it just a coincidence that we just passed by here at this time?"

"What do you mean?" Claremont raised his eyebrows and asked.

"If the situation outside is not as we imagined—the news of the destruction of the 'Yarong' group will spread all over the sky. Then we, the first batch of people who brought the news out, will be regarded by the residents of the island? "DeWitt's eyes gradually turned cold.

(end of this chapter)