The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 760: Follow-up to the New Year's feast


"Happy New Year!" DeWitt said knowingly.

The two sat down on the chairs added by the soldiers with smiles on their faces.

"Today can't really be the New Year, right?" Claremont said, looking at the table full of dishes.

"No," DeWitt recalled in his mind, "Today should be in mid-December."

"Well. But the soldiers in the back kitchen prepared these for us." Levin explained.

"Then let's celebrate today as New Year's Eve." DeWitt said with a relaxed smile.

"Want a drink?" Claremont asked with a smile, glancing at the soldiers.

"Okay!" Jeb immediately echoed.

"Sit down, Jeb, why are you blustering like this all day long?" Claremont looked at Jeb who was about to jump out of his seat, and said amusedly, "Then let a few people go to the back kitchen to bring out a few bottles of wine, and say It was authorized by the captain."

"Yes!" The impatient people responded immediately, got out of their chairs, and ran out.

Everyone chatted while waiting for the red wine to be brought to the table.

In the noisy atmosphere, several bottles of red wine were taken out of the back kitchen by the soldiers.

The soldiers in the back kitchen took off their aprons and followed behind them beamingly.

"Didn't you already eat it? You came to rub against us." A soldier joked to the soldiers in the back kitchen.

"No rubbing, no rubbing. It's okay to have a glass of wine?" The soldiers in the back kitchen replied without hesitation.

"Come and sit down." Levin stood up and greeted.

As the number of people increased, the space on the table became cramped.

DeWitt got up to take a bottle of red wine, and knocked off the cap on the corner of the table. He raised the bottle and said to everyone: "This year's New Year can't be spent at Dherim's house. I know everyone is a little bit regretful. So tonight, everyone is free to eat, drink and play. I wish us a smooth completion of the task, Everyone returned safely to Dherim."

"Okay!" The soldiers' wine glasses were also full of wine, and they raised their glasses in response.

DeWitt took a sip of wine, wiped his mouth, and said to the soldiers, "Let's start eating."

After the soldiers drank a sip of red wine, they all had a trace of endless aftertaste on their faces. But some people raised their knives and forks to the dishes on the plate after hearing DeWitt's words.

"I'll serve you some turkey." Austin picked up Gilbert's dinner plate and said to him.

Among the dishes on the table, competition for turkey is particularly strong. When Austiner cut off a piece and tried to get his share, there were only chicken bones left. I could only embarrassingly extend the knife and fork to other dishes.

"It's really delicious." Gilbert, already familiar with human taste, tore off a piece of turkey on the plate, and commented while chewing.

"Well. It's my hometown in Dherim. Eating this in the New Year has a good meaning." Austin said with a smile.

"Then why don't you have any, these are for you to eat." Gilbert handed the turkey on the plate to Austin's side.

"No, no, no." Austin shook his head, and said, "I eat it every year, and I'm already tired of it."

"It's a habit I have every year. It's not good to break it this year." Gilbert waved his hand and said, "Well, just help me eat half of it."

Seeing Gilbert's persistence, Austin gave up the idea of persuading the other party.

"Okay." Austin agreed.

Then he took a spoon and moved half of the chicken on Gilbert's plate to his dinner plate.

Gilbert nodded in satisfaction.

By the end of the banquet, the soldiers had gone completely crazy. Playing with each other in the middle of the camp.

Claremont collapsed on a chair after drinking, and asked DeWitt, "Is it really okay to let them play like this?"

"It's okay." DeWitt, who drank three glasses of red wine, blushed. Said: "Everyone is tired all day today, after relaxing and playing, you will go to have a good rest."

"Hehe." Claremont laughed, and continued, "It's good to think so."

"By the way, we should call the soldiers of the elves to celebrate the New Year together." DeWitt suddenly realized.

"They must be asleep now." Claremont closed his eyes in a daze. He was really tired after running all day today.

"Oh, it's a pity." DeWitt sighed.

As a result, after a while, Claremont's voice was still not heard.

"Hey, why are you falling asleep? Don't sleep here anymore, you'll catch a cold." DeWitt patted Claremont's face and whispered.

But the other party remained silent.

"Oh." DeWitt sighed. Resigned to his fate, he carried Claremont on his back. Walk towards the battalion commander who I remember Clement living in.

Seeing the crazy scene of the soldiers around him, Austin also took Gilbert back to rest early.

The next morning, Austiner didn't drink too much because he didn't drink much last night. Woke up earlier than ever.

"It's really messy." Austin couldn't help being surprised, looking at the messy scene in the camp.

Only the patrolling soldiers remained awake. After seeing Austin appear, he greeted him: "Who is that, come and help."

"Good, good, good!" Austin replied hastily. He left his own towel on the waistband of his trousers, then walked over and cleaned up with everyone.

Seven or eight people packed up until noon, when the soldiers came out of the tent one after another.

The elven soldiers led by Abel had arrived at the assembly point early, and when they saw only a few people including Austin, they asked in surprise: "Where are the people from Calradia?"

"There was a lot of trouble last night, and some people are still sleeping." A soldier who was cleaning up replied.

"What about Dewitt and the others?" Abel asked even more surprised.

"The captain and the others drank too much alcohol, and they probably haven't woken up yet." Austin said hesitantly.

It seems that DeWitt and Claremont did not inform Abel and others in advance.

"Everyone had a New Year's dinner last night. The captain let us relax and have fun. As a result, no one got up early today." A soldier explained.

After hearing this reason, Abel understood a little bit.

However, he immediately said: "Greeting your soldiers to prepare to assemble, we have to continue on our way today."

"Yes!" Austin replied.

"Your captain, I'll just wake them up." Abel continued to order.


After Arranging everything, Abel walked towards the tent where DeWitt was. The result was told that DeWitt did not return to the camp last night.

"Got to ask Claremont." Abel thought to himself.

(end of this chapter)