The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 764: News about the town


Watching the food being brought to the table plate by plate by the hotel waiter. Claremont and Abel have been standing at the door of the restaurant watching: DeWitt is nowhere to be seen.

After receiving the keys, the two sat in the room chatting.

From evening to now, two or three hours have passed, but only DeWitt's luggage has been seen.

At the end of the chat, I couldn't help but feel a little strange. I started to ask other people about DeWitt's movements, and finally heard from the hotel manager: DeWitt didn't even return to the room, let the waiter carry his luggage upstairs, and then went out by himself.

Abel leaned against the doorpost of the dining room and sighed: "The two of us are still thinking about how to ask DeWitt about the action, and he will act first by himself."

"DeWitt was probably worried about the lack of time, so he left without calling us." Claremont responded, keeping his gaze outside the door.

"The one who cares most about the mission is DeWitt." Abel said, "We should go with him and go together."

"No way, it's hard for us to follow him at any time." Claremont shook his head, and after seeing DeWitt's figure, he shouted: "DeWitt! You're back?!"

DeWitt walked into the restaurant, handed the coat he was wearing to the waiter at the door, and said to Claremont, "Why haven't you gone to dinner yet?"

"I'm waiting for you." Claremont replied: "You are braving the wind and snow outside to inquire about the news in order to carry out the mission. We had dinner in a place with a fireplace, it is really heartless."

DeWitt gave Claremont a funny look, but said nothing.

"Have you found out anything after staying outside for so long?" Abel asked.

"There are some gains, but the pedestrians on the street are very strict." Devitt said with a frown: "I only learned about the method of going up the mountain and the reason for the strange atmosphere in this city."

"I also feel that this town is a lot different from before." Abel said, "What is the information you heard about?"

DeWitt said in a low voice: "Civil war has broken out among the goblins, and the forces in the goblin country are now divided into two factions. And the situation is tense. There is no extra manpower to manage this commercial town."

"What?" Claremont seemed a little surprised. Although he had predicted that the situation in Goblin's country would be severe, he did not expect that it had already been put on the bright side and made it possible for people to take advantage of it.

"Hmm." DeWitt nodded, "That's all I know about this."

"Gilbert's journey home is even more difficult." Gilbert's weak figure appeared in Claremont's mind.

"So, what is the way you said to go up the mountain?" Abel continued to ask.

"It is said that under the proposals of various races, a teleportation array was built in the town. It can teleport people to the top of the mountain with magic power. If we can take this approach, it will greatly shorten the time we need to reach the top of the mountain." De Witte explained.

"Teleportation array?" Claremont was curious about such a new thing.

And Abel, who has been familiar with spells since he was a child, really frowned, and said: "Although there are many vendors on this island, they have not yet reached the level of putting into the teleportation array."

"Does the teleportation array consume a lot?" Claremont asked.

"It's very large. It not only needs the blessing of a mage, but also needs a variety of gemstones for daily maintenance." Abel explained: "This town's financial resources alone should not be able to support it."

"That means there are external forces helping behind the scenes." DeWitt analyzed: "The more complicated the situation on this island, the more likely we are to be involved by power when we stay here."

"Oh. It's really difficult." Claremont said.

When the three were distressed, a soldier came out from the side hall and said to them: "Captain DeWitt, Captain Clement, and Captain Abel. The soldiers are waiting for you."

"Huh?" DeWitt looked at Claremont and Abel strangely when he heard this sentence.

Claremont said with embarrassment: "I forgot"

A blush also appeared on Abel's face.

DeWitt looked at the two reproachfully, and led the way to the restaurant where the soldiers were.

"Sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time." DeWitt waved to the soldiers.

"It's okay! Captain. We've been waiting to eat with you." Jeb replied loudly.

"Captain, I heard that you went outside to perform a mission. Why didn't you call us?" a soldier said excitedly.

"I'm going to inquire about the news. I'll take you with me. How can I inquire about it?" DeWitt said with a smile: "Okay, everyone sit down and start eating."

"Ding Ding Dang Dang—" There was a sound of picking up cutlery on the dining table. It seemed that everyone was really hungry.

While drinking red wine, DeWitt talked to the surrounding soldiers about the plan to use the teleportation array tomorrow.

"Teleportation array! It sounds really powerful! Before this, I have never heard of it." A soldier shouted happily.

"Will the mage teleport us to the top of the mountain? How is it possible?!" A soldier showed a hint of disbelief on his face.

"It must be great if you take the teleportation array." Most people are still looking forward to tomorrow's new experience.

Austiner sat in his seat and looked around: he finally saw Gilbert walking in from the outside.

"Why did you go to the toilet for so long?" Austin asked worriedly, "Did you eat something bad?"

"I got lost outside and it took me a long time to find the toilet," Gilbert replied as he climbed onto his chair.

"I should have taken you if I knew it earlier." Austin nodded and said, "Captain DeWitt told us: Tomorrow, we will go to something called a teleportation array. Do you know what that is?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen it before." Gilbert picked up the water glass and said calmly.

"I heard that it will take our group to the mountain in an instant." Austin said excitedly: "It sounds incredible, right."

"Yeah." Gilbert nodded.

Austiner observed his indifferent reaction, although it felt a bit strange, he still didn't choose to ask. Instead, he chatted with Gilbert during the dinner from time to time.

The dinner time passed quickly, and Abel organized the soldiers to return to their rooms to rest.

Gilbert followed Austiner back to the hotel room.

After washing up, I lay down on the bed in dry pajamas.

After twelve o'clock, the hotel will turn off the lights, only the firewood in the fireplace is "crackling" burning.

(end of this chapter)