The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 767: Other buildings pictured


Crawled forward slowly for about 200 meters, just when everyone was about to be exhausted.

A fresh air current hits the face.

"It's here." Abel said in surprise.

Abel jumped out of the corridor and put his feet on the ground again.

The soldiers also walked out of the corridor one by one.

Claremont looked at the houses built by the surrounding dwarves, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"It looks like no one has been here since we were last here. Nothing has changed here," Abel said.

"I feel a little strange here." Claremont said hesitantly.

"What?" DeWitt and Abel Qiqi looked at him and asked.

"I always feel that these buildings are not built for people to live in." Claremont pointed to the buildings inside the volcano.

"I don't understand." Abel shook his head inexplicably, and said, "It's not for people to live in, so is it still for people to see?"

"Yes!" Claremont slapped his head after hearing Abel's words, and shouted, "It's for people to see."

Seeing the incomprehensible expressions on the faces of the two people in front of him, Claremont slowly explained: "These buildings are very unreasonable in terms of the flow of air flow and the orientation of the rooms. It can be said that even the sketches drawn by the beginners of architecture are not as good as.”

“That said, no one would live in a house like this. And, the houses themselves are purposely built to confuse people,” concluded DeWitt.

"Judging from the decoration process, although there are many traces of haste, it can still be seen that it was built by dwarf craftsmen." Claremont approached a house and observed it carefully.

"If it's the work of a dwarf craftsman, who are they looking out for?" asked Abel.

"We have no way of knowing this yet, but what is certain is that we are in the wrong place." Claremont said, "Where is the evidence left by the goblins you mentioned earlier?"

Reminded by Claremont, Abel quickly led everyone to the place where the goblin's weapon was found before.

It turned out there was nothing there.

"How?" Abel asked in confusion.

"It seems that they were taken away." Claremont said, "Forget about that, we need to find out the real residence of the dwarf artisans within a few hours. There is not much time left."

"How to search?" DeWitt asked.

"Since the dwarf craftsmen have built such a defense, they must be watching around here. Otherwise, how could they notice the invasion of outsiders in the first place." Clement thought for a while, and stated.

"Okay. Then, in the form of a small team, search around here, don't let any inch go." DeWitt commanded.

"Yes!" The soldiers immediately followed the instructions, and the ten teams moved in different directions.

"I didn't expect the space inside the volcano to be so large. Fortunately, we brought enough people." Claremont said happily.

"Well." Abel nodded, and said, "Thanks to you being here this time, we didn't spend too much time in the puzzles set by the dwarf craftsmen. I didn't expect you to be able to understand Feng Shui. "

"Of course." Claremont laughed, "How many times have I told you that the books I read are all very useful."

"Claymont's speculation has basically been proven to be correct." Devitt frowned and said, "But don't you think that the style of setting up such a puzzle conflicts with the personality of the dwarf craftsmen?"

"So... it's a little bit." Abel nodded. He had been to Cumberland a few times when the Gnomes were building a harbor for Cumberland. He also had a few encounters with dwarf artisans.

What I feel in every dwarf craftsman I have met is: the enthusiasm for architecture, the pride in my own talent, and the innocence of a child.

It is impossible to imagine that they would have the side to design such a trap.

"Don't think about it, let's hurry up and help find it." Claremont looked at the sullen expressions of the two, and said.

A group of people have been busy in the volcano for half an hour, but they did not find any clues about the dwarves.

Just when everyone was downcast, a clear child's voice reached everyone's ears.

"who are you?"

The voice echoed in the empty space.

"We are soldiers sent by the human race and the elf race. We just heard that the dwarf race has disappeared. Come and look for their whereabouts." Abel replied loudly.

The only answer to him was a chorus of shouts.

"Wait a minute." After a while, the same voice came again.

Abel leaned the soldiers against each other, waiting for the owner of the voice to emerge.

After a while, there was the sound of "da da" footsteps behind everyone. A little dwarf girl who appeared out of nowhere happily ran up to the scouting team.

"Did you bring any food?" the little girl asked with a smile.

"Food?" DeWitt was stunned by the sudden question, pointed in the direction of the corridor, and replied, "Our food is all outside."

"Didn't you bring it to us?" The little girl's smile collapsed, and she said, "Then why are you here?"

"We heard that the gnomes are missing." Abel stepped forward and replied.

"Missing? We've been staying here all this time, okay!" The little girl wondered, "Cory Dave said he would bring us food. Why hasn't he come after three days?"

"Who is Corey Dave?" Claremont asked.

"The person in charge of the island." The little girl replied, "Since you have no food, please go out. Don't disturb the rest of the dwarves."

"The dwarf craftsman has been in charge of the seaport projects of the Calradia Empire and the Elven Kingdom." DeWitt said: "The Elven Kingdom sent a letter to the Gnomish Kingdom before, did you receive it?"

"Letters? Corey Dave will bring us all the letters sent to the island, none of which come from the Elven Kingdom." The little girl thought about it for a while, and said, "You remember wrongly."

"How is it possible?" Abel was about to explain, but was interrupted by Claremont, who noticed the crux of the current incident: "Why is Cory Dave doing that for you, and you won't get out Is it here?"

"No," the little girl replied: "Now is the time for the dwarfs to rest. We will not go out of our territory unless we receive commissions from other countries. It has been a while since we received commissions."

DeWitt and Claremont looked at each other, and there was clarity in their eyes.

(end of this chapter)