The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 771: The long-awaited meeting


"Yes." Abel nodded and said, "And the righteous side on the bright side may not necessarily merge smoothly as we said."

"By the way, Claremont, you have inquired a lot of information." DeWitt asked: "How is the situation in Goblin Country? Has there been any progress?"

Claremont glanced at DeWitt and said, "Didn't Austin go out early this morning to meet Gilbert? I just took a look at the side. Gilbert looked good, and there was a 'prisoner' on his left chest." ' tattoo is gone too. I guess it's going well."

"That's great news," DeWitt said with a smile.

"When I sent Gilbert away that day, I thought I would never see him again." Claremont said, clutching his chest.

"Hehe." Abel said with a smile, "Then what else did you hear?"

"No, I've told you all the news I've received." Claremont twitched his lips and said, "Isn't it boring to come out for tea with the two of you?"

"You boy," DeWitt scolded with a smile.

Austiner walked briskly down the street with Gilbert.

"Seeing the outside of the hotel early this morning really made me so happy." Austin was always in high spirits, and turned to Gilbert and asked, "How do you know that we are in this hotel?" of?"

"The news that you brought the dwarves down the mountain has already spread. How could you not know where you live?" Gilbert replied with a smile.

"Is there such a high degree of attention?" Austin asked in surprise.

"Very high. After all, the dwarves have disappeared from everyone's mouth for a long time." Gilbert nodded and said, "What's more, you also brought such a heavy news about Corey Dave."

"These things, in fact, our ordinary soldiers are not very clear. It is mainly Captain DeWitt, Captain Clement and Captain Abel who are leading us." Austin said with his head down.

"Isn't that good." Gilbert raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Your joint efforts have produced such a good result."

"Hmm." Austin nodded and asked, "What about you? Have you been accepted by Goblin Country?"

"Probably." Gilbert replied after a moment of thought.

The domestic situation has basically calmed down after his return. Gilbert really didn't expect that there were so many people waiting for him. Before he knew it, he was already the last bloodline left by the goblin royal family in this civil war.

Wait until the person who is behind the tricks is found out and an explanation is given to all the people. He must give his parents a beautiful funeral.

"Are you happy then?" Austin continued to ask.

"When I see other people happy, I will also be happy. However, I am the only one left in my family, and sometimes I can't help being a little sad." Gilbert said softly.

In a few days, he will inherit the throne. At that time, there will be more troublesome things.

Austiner heard Gilbert's answer, and turned sideways to look at his profile worriedly. Austiner had heard from Gilbert earlier that his parents had died before he was exiled from the city.

"The people who framed your parents are really heinous." Austin said: "They will definitely be punished."

"Punishment or something will never bring back my parents' lives." Gilbert lowered his eyes and said, "So I don't really care what happens to those people."

Austin put his hand on Gilbert's shoulder and said, "You're right. But if finding these villains and saving the families who are about to be victimized can offset your sense of guilt. I think your parents will too. I encourage you to do it."

"Well." Gilbert nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will cheer up. And I believe that you will stand behind me at any time and help me."

"Of course, I will always be on your side. If you have any troubles, you can write to me. We will solve it together." Austin promised.

With tears in his eyes, Gilbert smiled and nodded.

After that, the conversation between the two became much easier. On the lively street, I walked all morning talking and laughing. Finally, I couldn't walk anymore, so I found a restaurant to sit down and have lunch.

To Gilbert's surprise, the restaurant is actually run by goblins.

The goblin boss immediately trembled when he saw Gilbert. Tremblingly, he walked up to Gilbert, ready to salute.

Gilbert quickly supported him and winked.

The boss has been in this small town for so many years, and he has his own restaurant. Nature is a wise man. Prompted by Gilbert's eyes, he stopped immediately. He said apologetically to Gilbert and Austin: "I'm sorry, I didn't look at the road just now. Thanks to this person for your help. Are you two going to stay or eat?"

The restaurant owner really couldn't think of how to address Gilbert on this occasion.

"Dinner, take us to the box in the restaurant upstairs." Gilbert said.

"Okay." The goblin boss agreed. He lowered his head to lead the way for the two.

Although Austin felt a little strange, he still didn't say anything. After all, he didn't know the identity of Gilbert's new goblin king.

Although DeWitt gave the soldiers of the reconnaissance team a holiday, he still told them to return to the hotel before dark.

Gilbert heard the regulations from Austin, and sent Austin back to the hotel after lunch.

When we were parting at the entrance of the hotel, we happened to meet the three of Dewitt who were walking back from the teahouse.

"Gilbert!" DeWitt greeted first.

Abel stepped forward and hugged the little goblin.

"It seems that you are in good condition." Claremont said with a smile, "Would you like to go in and have a sit?"

"No. I have to rush back to the mountain today, and it's almost time now." Gilbert declined.

"What a pity." Claremont said, "We still want to hear about the current situation of the goblin country."

"By the way, what is the goblin country going to do next? Join the dwarves?" Abel asked.

"Gnomes?" Gilbert squinted his eyes and said, "The goblins have not interacted with the gnomes for a long time. This time there should be no exception. The gnomes have the support of the dragons, which is enough. Probably not. There is an idea to cooperate with us."

"Is that so?" DeWitt said regretfully, "Then I wish the goblins good luck."

"Thank you." Gilbert replied, after slightly bending over his luggage, he turned and left.

Austiner stood aside, listening in a fog. He cast doubtful gazes at DeWitt and the others.

(end of this chapter)