The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 773: Stable stables run by angels


"Come on!" Seeing the dwarves around him getting closer, Abel gave orders to the soldiers of the scouting team.

The elf soldiers were covered by the Calradian soldiers, constantly outputting mana.

However, this group of dwarves were really strong, and they avoided the spells of the elf soldiers one by one.

DeWitt observed the situation, and immediately ordered: "Calradia soldiers! Every three people form a team. Break through the encirclement."

"Now we have to play." Levin said happily after hearing the order.

Jeb nodded and said, "Before, the elves were taking care of things. This time it's our turn."

The two met each other with a smile, and pulled over a soldier from the same team. Surrounded by the dwarves, they leaned back against each other and rose up to break through.

Not only them, but all Calradian soldiers showed their blood on the battlefield. The long sword in his hand sliced across the throats of every dwarf who stood in front of him.

The dwarf leader who charged into the battle screamed in his heart that something was wrong. The news I got before coming here is: the main force of this group of scouts is elf soldiers, as long as we concentrate our firepower, we can deal with them. The remaining Terran soldiers were not threatening at all.

Now it seems that the elf soldiers have stopped and stood aside to watch. On the contrary, the soldiers of the human race looked excited and kept sprinting towards the encirclement of the dwarves.

More and more dwarves fell, though some Calradian soldiers were also felled. But the morale of the two parties has completely changed.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!" the dwarf leader said to the remaining dwarf assassins, shaking his head.

The dwarf who received the order disappeared into the jungle in an instant.

Only the jealous scouts and the dwarf leader himself were left on the field.

"Hehe." Abel sneered: "You called all your men away, do you want to leave yourself to fight us?"

"Of course not." The dwarf leader waved his hand and said, "I just want to leave a word for you: 'The skin of a person who walks in the sun will inevitably become dark, even if he doesn't intend to." Wait Well, we'll see you later."

After saying this, the dwarf leader threw a smoke bomb from his hand. The location where the scouting army was located was instantly surrounded by smoke.

Everyone hastily covered their mouths and noses. After the smoke cleared, the dwarf leader had disappeared in place.

Abel looked at the jungle on both sides of the road, but there was still no sign of him.

"It's so fast," Claremont said, coughing.

"Judging from the words left by the dwarves, we have indeed been counted as the camp on the bright side." Devitt lowered his head and said: "We must return to the Calradia Empire earlier. Report the news obtained here to Your Highness Kant."

"So, shall we continue on this road?" Abel said, looking at the intersection in the distance.

"Let's go," Claremont suggested, "go to the beach. If there are really ships in operation, we can save most of the time."

"Yeah." DeWitt confirmed.

"Captain DeWitt, Captain Claremont!" A Calradian soldier came over to report: "Our camp has two dead and eight wounded."

"Bury the dead soldiers here well. Take the relics away." Dewitt ordered: "The wounded soldiers are treated by the elf soldiers. We will set off in thirty minutes!"

"Yes!" The soldier saluted.

In the middle of the road, there were many corpses of dwarven assassins. But no one came to collect the corpses for them.

DeWitt will break the weapons carried by the sacrificial soldiers in one fell swoop. The broken weapon was placed in front of the soldier's grave.

"I hope you will have a happy and peaceful life in your next life." DeWitt prayed in a low voice, and then said silently.

Claremont followed DeWitt, after bowing at the graves of the two soldiers. He turned and left with a sad face.

The soldiers stopped in place for rectification, and the injured soldiers basically recovered under the care of the elf soldiers.

Everyone continued to walk down this road, preparing to walk to the seaside according to the route given on the map.

However, it was noon. They encountered a real post on the way.

The post station is built on the open space on the side of the road, and at a glance: the stables for raising horses are neatly arranged together. There is no end in sight. There are also various types of horses. Even for someone like DeWitt who has done some research on horses, there are still some horses that he can't name.

Although it is called a post station, but the word 'teahouse' is written on the signboard.

Abel led the crowd to stop in front of the teahouse.

"It seems that the innkeeper's words are indeed true." Claremont said, looking at the door of the teahouse.

"Yeah." Devitt nodded and said, "It is indeed possible to collect so many high-quality horses."

"Let's go in and see." Abel always put action first. After hearing what the two said, he walked in.

"Is anyone there?" Abel stepped across the threshold and called into the teahouse.

"Yes." A man in a white robe opened the curtain beside the counter, walked out, and replied.

Abel looked him up and down, and asked, "You're the only one in your store? Where's the driver?"

"We only rent horses here, and don't hire labor." The man said lightly.

Abel had some doubts in his heart, but he still introduced: "There are more than forty people here, and we need to go to the seaside to take a boat. You don't have any guide, how do we get there?"

"Of course the horses will take you there." The man said solemnly.

"Don't tease me, you mean the horses you raise know the way?" Abel waved his hand and questioned.

The man nodded.

Abel frowned, doubtful, and said, "Is this how you do business?"

"The door of each stable is open, and whichever horse is opened will be led away by itself. It will be a silver coin wherever it goes." The white-robed man turned his back directly and said, "After arriving at the destination, take Just pay on the saddle."

After leaving these words, the man disappeared behind the curtain.

Abel stood there thinking for a while, then walked out of the store. He told DeWitt and Claremont the rules he had heard.

"I've seen a businessman with this style before." Claremont nodded and said, "It's probably because he has his own confidence to do this."

"Well, since that's the case, let the soldiers choose horses." DeWitt made a decision and said, "The hood provided here can only seat four people."

(end of this chapter)