The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 789: A traitor in the mouth of comrades-in-arms


DeWitt walked around the alleys of the city with a soldier for a long time.

After confirming that the orcs following them had disappeared, Abel finally felt relieved and let out a long breath.

"Boss, shall we go back now?" the elf soldier asked Abel.

"Yeah." Abel nodded, then began to look at the surrounding buildings, and said, "Where did this come from?"

"I don't know much about it either." The elf soldier shook his head and replied, "Why don't you ask the passers-by on the street?"

"Well, go ask someone. Remember, be polite." Abel ordered.

"Yes." After the soldier nodded in agreement, he walked to the main street, stopped a dwarf, and asked, "Brother, do you know where this is?"

"This is Xijiao." The dwarf pointed to the road sign on the street without raising his head, and replied, "Isn't it written on this road sign?"

"Aha, so that's the case, thank you, thank you." The elf soldier showed an embarrassed smile on his face, and stepped aside to make way for the dwarf.

After seeing the dwarves go away, the elf soldiers returned to Abel and reported, "Boss, they say this is West Cellar."

"Xijiao?" Abel frowned, feeling that the name sounded familiar, and asked, "Have we heard it before?"

"I also seem to have a little impression." The soldier pondered: "By the way, the old man guarding the city gate, isn't his niece acting in dramas in Xijiao?"

"Well, you're right." Abel also recovered his memory, and said, "Then let's go and support his niece."

The elf soldier widened his eyes and asked, "Boss, are we really going?"

"Of course, after all, the old dwarf kindly reminded us once. In any case, we must do what we promised him." Abel nodded and said, "If you don't want to go, I will go by myself."

"No, no, I'll go too." The elf soldier waved his hands in a panic.

"Let's go." Abel said, "Just now I wondered why the people on the street were still walking in the same direction. It seems that everyone is here to watch the show. Just follow them."


The two followed the crowd on the street and went to the most famous theater in Xijiao.

The bodies of Claremont and others were transported back to Dherim's barracks. The news spread in the city, and the relatives of the deceased also came to visit the army for several days. Sorrowful howls spread throughout the barracks. Yadonis is in charge of commanding his soldiers to maintain order. When the family members of the sacrificed soldiers rushed to him and asked him why his son fell into the deep sea, he could only forcefully hold back his sadness and explain to them word by word.

"Those plotters who framed the soldiers will definitely be punished." Yadonis promised.

The parents of soldiers who knelt in front of the mourning hall and cried until they fainted were all cared for by their son's comrades in arms.

When the news of the death of all members reached the city of Dherim, these people were even more unbelievable.

The compensation sent by the royal family did not make them feel any real sense.

Until the remains of the soldiers were transported back to the city, when they saw that the familiar face was no longer alive, they expressed their feelings at that time with great pain.

When Derrick knew that the remains of the soldiers would be cremated three days later, he led DeWitt and the others back to Dherim from Durandal without delay.

When their horse team entered the city gate, the people stood on both sides of the road to welcome their return.

DeWitt's father and mother immediately rushed to DeWitt's horse, with tears in their eyes, and greeted him: "You are back."

DeWitt was helped off the horse by the soldiers who accompanied him. After seeing his parents, tears could not stop dripping down.

"Father, mother." DeWitt choked up and said, "I'm sorry."

When he woke up in the hospital bed, the amputation operation was over. His right leg was replaced with a prosthetic.

"It's okay, just come back." DeWitt's father stepped forward and hugged his helpless son.

After Derrick rushed back to the barracks, he immediately walked towards the mourning hall and prostrated himself in front of Claremont's coffin.

As if his heart had been pierced, Derrick could only cover his mouth to keep himself from crying.

In his impression: Claremont has always been a quiet and kind child, who likes to hide in the corner and read some books that others cannot understand. Although he seldom actively communicates with you, you can read his respect for you and his love for the military camp from his devout eyes.

Claremont's father passed away seven or eight years ago, leaving only his mother alone in the family. Thinking of the old man's lonely back, Derrick's throat seemed to be pinched tightly by someone, and he was so bitter that he couldn't make any sound.

When Derrick learned that Claremont was about to be entrusted with the post of command by Kant, Derrick was envious, and even a little bit dissatisfied. Thinking about it now, I was really too naive at that time.

Yadonis came over and helped Derrick to sit on a chair beside him. Seeing that he kept burying his face in his knees, Yadonis also sat down beside Derrick.

"Claremont's mother arrived this morning, and now she has passed out from crying and is being taken care of in the infirmary." Yadonis leaned on the back of the chair and said softly.

"Is the old man alright?" Derrick finally raised his head, his eyes still bloodshot.

"It's okay." Yadonis looked at him and replied, "It's just because of breathing."

"Yeah." Derrick nodded and said, "Claremont is my soldier, and I will take care of the elderly's pension issues in the future."

"His Majesty has allocated a batch of compensation and distributed it to the relatives of the sacrificed soldiers. You don't need to worry about this issue." Yadonis waved his hand and said.

"No, Claremont's unfinished filial piety. I will complete it for him. From now on, this old man will be my family, and I will take care of her." Derrick said with firm eyes.

"Then are you ready to go back to Dherim?" Yadonis' eyes also became serious.

"En." Derrick nodded.

"Oh." Yadonis sighed, and said, "Since it's your choice, then I support you too."

The conversation between the two ended here. After leaning on the chair and resting for a while, Yadonis got up and continued to handle his duties. And Derrick went to the infirmary to visit Claremont's mother.

Three days later, the remains of the seven soldiers were cremated and their ashes sent to their respective homes.

(end of this chapter)