The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 790: Unexpected development


After walking into the theater, Abel handed the ticket in his hand to the ticket inspector.

After the ticket inspector saw the face of the ticket, his expression changed. He recruited one of his subordinates to take over his job, and he led the two of Abel to the courtyard, bowed and said, "You two, please follow me."

Abel and the soldier beside him exchanged glances, both of them felt that the ticket collector's behavior was a bit strange.

However, he followed behind the ticket inspector without saying a word.

When passing by the stage, the elf soldier couldn't help asking Abel in a low voice: "Boss, where does this man want to take us?"

"I don't know." Abel thought for a while, and finally understood the person's motives, and responded, "However, since the old dwarf recommended us to come here, he naturally has his intentions."

"Ah? It turns out that the old dwarf didn't let us come here to watch a show." The elf soldier was surprised. But halfway through the speech, it was cut off.

"Two, here we are." The ticket inspector walked to a secret door, opened the mechanism, and said to Abel and the two.

Abel looked up at the ticket inspector, nodded, and walked towards the door. The elf soldier hesitated for a while, then walked in.

The space inside the secret door is a venue that accommodates hundreds or thousands of people. At this time, only the lighting of the lecture hall in the center of the venue is turned on. The auditorium was full of people.

Seeing this, Abel led the elf soldiers to find an empty seat in the back row and sat down, waiting for the opening.

"It's so big." The elf soldier exclaimed, "Why does this island always have this kind of dark room? The centaur tribe I met a few months ago also had this kind of room."

"The centaurs use formations, and this is just an ordinary dark room. How can the two be generalized." Abel shook his head and said, "The existence of such a thing only shows that the message these people want to convey , I don’t want to be monitored by mixed people.”

"I see." The elf soldier nodded.

"Since the people following us are on the opposite side, this group of people should also represent some bright forces that have raised their heads." Abel looked around and said, "I didn't expect the confrontation on the island to have developed to this level. point."

After the two entered the venue, they were talking in Elvish. Although the people around heard the two people's discussions and conversations, they had no way of knowing the content of the conversation.

However, someone still recognized the identities of the two.

A siren turned around and spoke to the two sitting behind with a smile, "You are elves, right? I have been listening to you talking in elf language just now."

"Can you understand us?" Abel frowned. In his eyes, it's very impolite to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.

"No, it's just that your voices have spread to the front." The sea monster patiently explained: "I have traveled to the elf country before, and I was a little curious when I heard that your pronunciation is somewhat similar."

"So that's it, I'm sorry, we will turn down the volume." Abel responded with a moderate tone.

"It's okay." The sea monster still maintained a smile, left a word, and turned back.

Abel and the elf soldier looked at each other and shrugged.

Kant and others have been at sea for seven days. In three more days, they will arrive at the island.

Because it was the first time for the soldiers on the ship to take the ship, many of them had symptoms of discomfort.

"The climate in the desert is relatively dry, especially in Durandal. Soldiers must not be used to going to sea." Bandak said to Kant standing on the deck.

"It's time to exercise the water skills of the soldiers," Kant said.

"After all this tossing, they should all get used to the climate on the sea," Bandak said.

"Are you also taking a boat for the first time?" Kant asked, "Is there anything you're not used to?"

"By the way, it's strange. I didn't have any strong reaction. Maybe it was when I stayed in Cumberland before, I went to the beach with the soldiers."

"Hehe," Kant said, looking at him with a smile, "playing on the beach and taking a boat are two different things. In the final analysis, your physical fitness is very good. It would be great if other soldiers could demand themselves like you .”

"This..." Banda Ke scratched his head and laughed.

"I arranged for you to send a letter to the Kingdom of Elf, how are you doing?" Kant chatted back to business.

"It was handed over to the messenger before the ship set off. It is estimated that the Elf King has received it a few days ago." Banda Ke replied. "Yeah." Kant nodded and responded, "What did you write in the letter?"

"Ah, I forgot to give it to His Majesty Kant for you to have a look. It is really negligence." Bandak slapped his head and responded: "In my letter, I only wrote about our going to the island and introducing Raphael recent situation."

"It's okay, you don't need to hand over this kind of matter to me for verification." Kant waved his hand and said, "How's Raphael doing? By the way, I haven't seen him much on this ship. "

"Yeah." Bandak responded, "Raphael doesn't go out very much, and the meals are delivered to his room by the soldiers under my command."

"What is he doing in the room? Have you heard your soldiers mention it?" Kant raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Every time the soldiers went to deliver meals, Raphael would lie on the bed and look out of the window. He didn't make any movements." Bandak thought about it for a while, and replied: "However, some crew members reported to us that Raphael often On deck at night, it seemed, was the only time he would come out of the room to relax."

"I see." Kant nodded.

"Raphael's state." Bandak worried.

"Don't worry, although I don't know what he thinks. But his state should not affect him to do some extreme things." Kant shook his head and said.

"Yes." Bundak lowered his head and replied.

"I'm going ashore soon, I have to find an opportunity to communicate with him." Kant thought for a while, then continued: "We have to confirm that he will stand by our side in the future."

"Perhaps only you, Your Majesty, can do such a thing."

After dinner, Kant leaned against the mast on the deck, watching the sunset over the sea while waiting for Raphael to appear.

After hearing hurried footsteps behind him, Kant stopped Raphael's leaving. : "Raphael, let's talk."

Raphael walked up to Kant timidly and asked, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Sit down first." Kant pointed to the chair beside him.

Raphael pursed his lips, walked to the chair designated by Kant and sat down. The whole person looks very stiff.

(end of this chapter)