The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 805: - 829


Chapter 825: Three people who came to say goodbye

"No." Bandak thought about it for a while, shook his head, and responded, "But judging from what he said, he seems to be in the same group as the snake girl named Carat."

"He didn't tell you, are those people responsible for contacting him?" Abel asked anxiously.

"What you want to ask is this. He didn't mention it to me." Bandak replied with his head up: "However, he tied me to his residence in the city. But because of an accident on the way, he got off When I went upstairs, I was trying to stop the spread of the bugs on my body. I could only hide behind the window on the second floor and pay attention to his movements. It turned out that he met a half-orc, but the person was specific. I can't see clearly what it looks like."

"Yes." Kant nodded and said, "This can also be regarded as a clue to continue the investigation."

"Now that the Bundak matter has been resolved, let's go down the mountain and start investigating." Abel suggested.

Kant looked at Bundak with a questioning look, after seeing him nodding. Then he decided: "Go and say hello to Gilbert first, after all, he has helped us a lot. It is not in line with etiquette to leave quietly like this."

"Yes." Bundak and Abel agreed.

On the way to the palace, the three of them were quite quiet. But after seeing the door of the Palace of Political Affairs, Abel suddenly remembered something, and said to Kant: "Your Majesty, I haven't talked to Gilbert about the matter we discussed before."

"What's the matter?" Bundak asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Kant waved his hand to Bundak and said, "Let's put that matter aside for now. I thought about it last night. Gilbert's investigation without telling us may be due to his own consideration. We still don't want to Go embarrass him."

"Okay." Abel pondered for a while, nodded and agreed.

Bandak listened ignorantly from the side, and with a puzzled expression, he and the two around him stepped into the palace where Gilbert was in power.

Before they arrived, a soldier reported to Gilbert that Bandak had arrived at the palace.

Therefore, Gilbert was not very surprised at the resignation of several people.

"His Royal Highness Gilbert." Except for Kant, Abel and Bundak all knelt on one knee, facing Gilbert's luggage sitting on the throne.

"Please get up." Gilbert smiled and nodded, "I knew that after Bundak returned to the city, you would come to say goodbye to me in a hurry and prepare to leave. How about it? What are your plans next?"

"Let's go back to the town first." Kant responded: "This matter is not over yet, we will continue to investigate."

"You guys don't have much foundation on this small island, so it's better to do what you can." Gilbert exhaled, looked at Kant and said, "But don't worry too much, the goblins will take care of you in secret. Kant If your Highness is inconvenient, please ask them for help."

"Yes, thank you, Your Highness Gilbert." Kant saluted, "Then let's take our leave first. Thank you for your hospitality in the past few days."

"Well." Gilbert's eyes finally came to Bandak, and he said to him: "However, how is Commander Bandak's body recovering? I heard that you are a member of the dark forces at the foot of the mountain. It was a fierce battle."

"Fortunately, the bruises on my body have basically healed. Thank you for your concern, Your Highness." Bandak clasped his fists and said.

"It's good when you recover." Gilbert nodded reassuringly, "Since you are in a hurry, I won't delay you any longer. There is a carriage prepared at the gate of the palace for you to take."

"Well, Your Highness Gilbert, I'll see you in the future." After Kant left this sentence, he turned and left quietly. Bandak and Abel bowed slightly to Gilbert, followed Kant's footsteps, and walked out of the palace.

Kant and Abel had to go back to their room to pack their luggage. Bundak walked to the gate of the palace alone. After meeting the groom who was waiting for them, he chatted with him while waiting for the other two to arrive.

Not long after, Kant and Abel found Bundak after simply packing their luggage. The three of them boarded the carriage owned by Gilbert together and rushed to the teleportation base halfway up the mountain.

"Where will this carriage take us?" Bundak gradually lost his strength, and asked palely while enduring the bumps caused by the carriage walking on the mountain road.

"The stronghold of the teleportation array." Abel opened his eyes in a daze. The carriage had been driving for nearly an hour. When they passed the city gate, both Abel and Kant couldn't help being sleepy and fell asleep in the carriage.

Although the light in the car was relatively dark at this time, Abel still noticed Bundak's unusualness at a glance. Immediately put his hand on the other person's forehead and asked, "Bundak, how do you feel?"

"I'm a little dizzy, and I still want to vomit." After taking a few deep breaths, Bundak continued, "It's okay, I think I'm just a little motion sick."

"When did you get motion sickness?" Abel frowned and said, "How have you taken care of yourself recently? How could you be so weak?"

"It's all right." Bundak shook his head and said.

Seeing that he didn't want to explain, Abel could only not delve into this issue for the time being. In the shaking car, he moved his position, took a seat beside Banda Ke, and put his hand on Banda Ke. gram clenched fist.

After Abel approached, Bundak felt that the restless emotions in his heart gradually calmed down. The feeling of suffocation lingering in his chest has also eased a lot.

"Is it better?" Abel asked.

"It's much better, thank you." Bandak smiled and said, "Abel, after you leave the army, you can start a clinic. There will definitely be many customers."

"Excuse me." Abel laughed, glanced at Bundak and said, "I guess it will take half an hour to arrive. You should rest for a while. I will be responsible for waking you up later."

"Okay." After Bundak's symptoms of discomfort were relieved, tiredness also swept through his body. Soon he fell asleep leaning on Abel's shoulder.

By the time the carriage stopped at the gate of the teleportation array stronghold, the three of them had recovered enough and got off the carriage.

"My lords, I have already greeted the mage who is in charge of running the teleportation array. After you go in now, you can take the last teleportation array that will be transported down the mountain today." The groom walked in front of the three of them, and after saluting , said respectfully.

Chapter 826: Conditions for becoming a mage

"Thank you, it's getting late now. Please hurry back to the city." Kant said politely to the coachman.

The goblin coachman responded with a smile: "My lord, you are welcome. Then I will take my leave first. I wish you all the best."

"Well. Be careful on the road." Bandak warned.

The three of them watched the groom leave in the carriage. After seeing him disappear at the corner of the mountain road, they came back to their senses and turned to walk into the stronghold of the teleportation array.

According to common sense, at this time, the teleportation array stronghold should have been closed long ago. It's just that Gilbert specially sent someone to inform the operator of the teleportation array, and asked them to delay the closing time today, in order to send Bundak and his party down the mountain.

After Banda Ke walked out of the teleportation array in the base of the small town at the foot of the mountain, he looked behind with nostalgia.

"What are you looking at?" Abel asked curiously, staring at him.

"The mage is really powerful." Bandak sighed: "I will be a mage in my next life."

Abel laughed softly and said: "Hehe, practicing spells is much more difficult than exercising. Some people can't break through the first level in their lifetime. The mage who can preside over the entire magic circle should be a high-level mage."

"Is it time-consuming to practice spells?" Bandak asked in amazement, "I thought you would use spells from birth."

"How come?" Bandak shook his head and said, "Although most elves are born with mana, there is a gap between that and the spells cast. What you are talking about should be the aptitude for practicing spells .”

"I see." Bundak thought for a while and agreed.

"There are also many types of spells," Abel continued to explain: "If you want to be a mage who operates a teleportation circle, then you have to devote yourself to the space replacement spell."

"Is the space replacement spell troublesome?" Bandak asked with a glimmer of hope.

"It's quite troublesome. You need to study this kind of spells by yourself. This is more important than the particularity of your physique." Abel pointed to his head and said.

Bandak's eyes widened, and he said, "I still have to study on my own? That's really too difficult for me."

"What are you talking about?" Kant interjected and said.

"Commander Bandak said he wanted to be a mage." Abel said with a smile, "I'm talking to him about spells."

"Mage?" Kant shifted his gaze to Bundak and asked, "Why did you suddenly think of this?"

Seeing Banda Ke shy to speak, embarrassed. Abel opened his mouth and explained for him: "I think Bundak should like the teleportation array we sat in before."

"So that's the case." Kant nodded and said, "Bendak, if you're really curious, I can ask Abel to teach you a few spells. Now that you've thought of it, try it yourself."

"Is this okay?" Bundak asked in surprise.

Abel was also very surprised by Kant's instructions. When talking about this topic, he thought that Kant would definitely skip it as a joke. I didn't expect His Highness to be serious.

"Abel, can you?" Kant asked Abel on behalf of Bundak.

"...Yes. It's just that I'm a water-type elf, and I only know water-type spells." Abel said hesitantly, "However, the attributes of the soldiers who work under me are different. Among them: there will always be someone who learns the most suitable Bundak's Constitution spell."

"Yeah." Kant nodded, and said to Bandak: "Bundak, have you done the preliminary physical examination?"

"Elementary what?" Bandak asked suspiciously.

"A test to test the attributes of mana elements in the body." Abel was slightly surprised: "How did His Highness Kant know this?"

"As the lord of the kingdom of elves, I know this is not surprising." Kant shrugged and smiled easily.

"That's right," Abel thought for a while, then nodded.

"If you really want to learn spells, it's better to do a test." Kant suggested to Bundak: "If someone teaches you spells that conflict with your physical attributes, it will be harmful to your body."

"Hmm." Bandak frowned and thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "Actually, I just mentioned it casually. The spell is still too heavy for me. And it sounds like the test is quite good. troublesome."

"It's up to you." Kant responded indifferently: "However, it is indeed a good thing to learn more things."

"Yes." Bundak nodded.

The dark clouds that were still hovering over the small town yesterday have all dissipated. Even though it was already night, there were still many homeless people walking out on the street. The clear evening wind blew past the ears of Kant and the others. Kant took a deep breath and said, "Let's find a hotel to settle down. Now that dinner is over, let's drop off our luggage at the hotel. Let's go to the street where we lived and make up for dinner."

"Yes." Abel and Bandak agreed. The two walked ahead of Kant, looking for suitable hotels on both sides of the street. Finally stopped in front of a hotel called 'Chunxi Pavilion'.

"This hotel looks quite clean." Bundak said after walking into the store, looking around.

"The name is also very interesting." Abel agreed.

"It's the beginning of March, and it's approaching the season of blooming. It's the right time to live here." Abel nodded.

A half-orc accountant greeted them, and the accountant explained to them: There will be a fireworks display tonight, the owner of the hotel gave his employees a holiday, and the guests also went to the street after dinner. So the store seems a little deserted, please don't take offense.

"It turns out that there are so many people on the street because there are activities on the street." Abel suddenly realized.

"At the beginning of spring every year, the merchants in the town will organize a fireworks display. Our boss will also participate. The fireworks are quite beautiful. If you are interested, you can also go to the street to see it." The accountant gave When the three settled, he suggested to them with a smiling face.

"Thank you." Kant nodded and said, "If we have time, we will definitely check it out."

"Well, everyone's room is next to the corner of the stairs on the second floor. The door number is marked on the key, so I won't send you upstairs." The accountant smiled slightly.

"Hmm." Bandak glanced at the accountant's tightly bandaged right leg, and asked him, "Your foot seems to be seriously injured?"

"It's okay, it's just that there was an accident and I accidentally fell." The accountant said.

Chapter 827: Half-orc Hotel

Kant originally wanted to stop talking, but when he saw that the cashier immediately hid his right leg behind the counter, his eyes couldn't help becoming puzzled, and he asked, "Did you fall down?"

"Yes." The accountant nodded and said, "I stepped on the empty stairs and fell down from upstairs."

"You have to be careful." Kant responded with a little deep meaning: "We will go upstairs first. We will bring the luggage up by ourselves, so we don't need to bother the waiter."

"Okay, I hope you guys like it here." The accountant nodded with a smile.

Kant walked upstairs, holding the key handed over by the accountant.

"No. 102." Carefully looking at the signs on each door, Kant finally stood in front of the door of the guest room he reserved. He unlocked the door and walked in.

The hotel is facing the street, and the floors they live in are not high. From time to time, the conversation of passers-by can be heard.

After Bundak entered the room, he immediately opened the curtains to let in the sunset light. He looked downstairs and said, "There are more and more people on the street. It seems that the fireworks display will start soon."

"Let's put down our luggage and go." Kant ordered: "First, we need to turn back to the street where the Snake Girl Guild is located."

"Yes." Abel replied in response after wiping his face with a towel in the bathroom.

By the time the three of them came to the lobby again, the orc accountant had disappeared.

"There's no one in the hotel lobby, so it's too dangerous." Bandak said, "Aren't you worried about thieves sneaking in?"

"That's not what you said," Abel shook his head and said, "The law and order in this small town has always been well maintained, not to mention that most of the homeless people who can come here are powerful and wealthy families. Have the intention to do such an embarrassing thing."

"It's not certain, after all, the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds." Bundak shrugged and said.

"Okay, don't argue about this. We walked on this small island and didn't bring any valuables. Why worry about this." Kant persuaded the two of them without worrying.

After hearing Kant's words, Bandak and Abel immediately shut up. Quietly followed Kant to the street.

Because Bandak lived in that tavern much longer than the other two, he probably led the way the whole way. The place where the three of them started was still relatively far away from the original hotel. The three of them walked for about half an hour, but none of them reached their destination.

Seeing more and more pedestrians on the street, Abel asked Bundak, "Bundak, how far is it from here to the Snake Girl Guild?"

"It's almost there." Bandak turned around and responded, "It's just that there are more and more pedestrians on this street. I don't know where to go."

"Ah?" Abel was surprised: "You can't do this, His Highness Kant and I are relying on you to lead the way."

"Don't worry, go to the intersection ahead, and after reading the street signs, I know exactly where we are now." Bandak waved his hand and said to the two. Signal them to relax.

Abel and Kant looked at each other, but swallowed the words that came to their lips.

Bandak probably became irritable because of his mood, and his speed gradually accelerated in the crowd. Sometimes my body bumped into a pedestrian on the road without realizing it.

Abel and Kant followed closely behind him, looking terrified. Just when he was about to call out to stop Bandak, he found a man about ten meters away from them grabbed Bandak's lapel and said viciously, "Are you blind, kid? Did you see me when you bumped into me?" ?”

Bandak frowned tightly, and said in a flat tone: "I'm sorry, if I bumped into you, I apologize to you. But can you let go of your hand first. I still have something urgent to do."

"What's your attitude?" The man's expression became even uglier.

Abel finally couldn't help but walked out of the crowd, and smoothed things over: "I'm sorry, brother. My friend is a little anxious. He accidentally bumped into you. It's his fault. Calm down."

"I'm also quite impatient. I didn't run amok on the street with people coming and going like him." The man still refused to let go.

"You're never finished!" Bandak raised his head and yelled at the man.

Abel was taken aback by this sentence, looked back at Bundak in disbelief, and said, "Bundak, what's wrong with you?"

Kant, who was standing quietly aside, also frowned strangely after seeing Bundak's emotional outburst. Walking in front of Bandak, he called out seriously: "Bandake, you did this wrong. Don't you still admit your mistake?"

After Bundak met Kant's eyes, the anger in his chest gradually subsided. Then he lowered his head with a gloomy expression, without saying a word.

Abel's expression also became strange, and he muttered in his heart: What's wrong with this man.

"Yo!" The man was also shocked by Bundak's sudden cry, and after recovering, he immediately pointed to Bundak and said, "I remember you, kid!" , don't let me catch you when you're out of town."

After leaving this sentence, the man left the scene cursing.

The crowd of onlookers also gradually dispersed, and Abel hurried up to Bandak and asked suspiciously: "What happened to you just now, Bandak? Do you know that person?"

"I don't know." Bandak was silent for a while, and then said quietly.

"Then you are still yelling at others? If you pick a quarrel in this small town, you will be caught in jail." Abel grabbed Bandak's shoulders, trying to comfort him, but found that the clothes on Bandak's back had been taken away. Drenched with sweat. After a flash of surprise in his eyes, Abel turned his attention to Kant.

Kant kept his lips tightly pressed and didn't say anything. After seeing Bundak recovering, he stretched out his hand and said to him, "Let's go, let's go to dinner first."

"...Yes." Bandak held the hand that Kant handed over, and supported himself to stand up.

The three of them walked into a restaurant on the side of the road in silence, but they seemed out of tune with the lively atmosphere in the restaurant.

A waiter at the door stepped forward hesitantly and said, "Are you eating?"

"Yes." Abel replied.

"If there are three people dining together, there are still vacant seats upstairs in our restaurant. Everyone can watch the fireworks." The waiter introduced while leading the way.

"Is the fireworks display going to start soon?" Abel asked.

"Yes, the fireworks show will start at eight o'clock. It's less than a quarter of an hour away." The waiter glanced at the pocket watch in his hand and explained with a smile.

Chapter 828: Another Self in the Body

"Then let's go up to the second floor to have a look." Kant agreed.

"Follow me, three." The waiter greeted the three, and led them up the stairs at the corner of the lobby to the restaurant on the second floor.

There were also a lot of guests on the second floor. Before the waiter led the three of them to the vacant seats, he said, "Please wait a moment, three. A dedicated waiter will come to entertain you soon."

"Okay." Kant nodded, and then took a seat by the window.

"Excuse me." Abel said to the waiter. Sit down on the chair next to Bundak.

The waiter smiled veiledly, and left politely.

Although Kant and his party were seated by the window, they sat relatively in front, almost reaching the corner of the wall.

After a while, two strange waiters served tea and handed over the menu. Standing on both sides of the seats, he said, "Welcome to our store. After the customers place their orders, we will deliver delicious meals as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Abel took the menu and read it carefully page by page. Seeing halfway, Abel glanced at Bundak who was looking out the window absently at this time. He asked, "Bundak, do you have anything to think about?"

"Ah," Bandak came back to his senses and said, "No."

Abel nodded slowly, and began to report the dishes he liked to the waiters standing on both sides.

At this time, Kant had already ordered his own dinner, and sat quietly by the side, drinking tea.

"That's all." Abel said politely, "Please report to the back chef."

"Okay. My lords, please wait for a while." The two waiters respectfully took back the menu and said. Then it disappeared from the sight of the three of them.

"I ordered you a set meal recommended here, which includes steak and so on." Abel introduced to Bundak.

"Oh, good." Bandak nodded in a daze, "Thank you."

"Tell me, what's in your heart." Kant put down his teacup, stared directly at Bundak and said.

Bandak pursed his lips nervously, and said, "What happened just now?"

"Well, if you have other things for reference, you can tell them all." Kant nodded.

"I feel a little strange myself." Bandak glanced at Kant and Abel, and said hesitantly: "It feels like the person living in the body has been replaced."

"Hmm." Kant let out a long breath and said, "When did you start to feel this way?"

"After you went up the mountain, when I was alone in the hotel." Bandak said, "At first I thought it was because I hadn't been alone for too long, which made it easy for me to think wildly when I stayed. But when I was with you After meeting, I found that this judgment was wrong."

"What do you mean?" Abel asked worriedly, "What did you find?"

"That feeling is still going on." Bandak held his forehead and said, "Recently, there are always many thoughts in my mind that would not have appeared before. And most of those thoughts are very dangerous. I can't control them."

"Have those thoughts affected your behavior?" Kant asked.

"No, it's just that this strange feeling gave me a headache." Bandak closed his eyes in pain and explained, "So I couldn't help shouting on the street just now. Thoughts are always convincing me to kill that bum."

"It turns out that the words you yelled were speaking to yourself in your body?" Abel asked in surprise.

He had never heard of such a case before.

"Yes." Bandak glanced out of the window and said softly, "I'm very scared. If this continues, my behavior will be out of control."

"As long as the cause of the incident is found, this problem will be solved." Kant thought about it for a while, and said, "I remember you said that the animal trainer planted some insect poison on you, right?"

"Yes." Bandak nodded and said, "It's just that I have already drank the antidote given to me by the animal trainer, and all the symptoms of body stiffness disappeared after taking the medicine."

"I think that your recent encounters still have to be attributed to that animal trainer." Kant judged.

"But the animal trainer has left this small town." Bandak sighed, "I asked many people, but I didn't find any trace of him."

"After dinner, let's go to the venue where the Snake Girl Guild is located. Look for clues where you were attacked." Kant thought for a while and said.

"Yes." Bundak and Abel agreed.

After the conversation between the three of them ended, the dishes were pushed to the table by the dining car.

"Please take your time." The waiter turned and left after serving the dishes.

At this time, some guests on the first floor went to the window on the second floor, saying that they wanted to occupy a better position to watch the fireworks.

Kant showed indifference to such a situation. Abel also felt that the dining table was surrounded by crowds, and his face showed discomfort. He stood up and said to the homeless people around him, "Didn't you see anyone eating? What are you all doing here?"

"That's right, a good dinner was ruined by your group." After Abel's voice, someone in the restaurant immediately echoed.

The two parties started arguing with each other, looking at the situation in front of them, there was already a tendency to fight.

Bandak went to the crowd and fished out Abel, who was talking non-stop, and wanted to take him away.

"Don't leave if you have the ability." In the opposing camp, a sharp-eyed vagrant noticed Bandak's movements, and immediately walked over, grabbed Bandak's arm, and stopped him.

Bandak looked at the other party and said impatiently, "Get out of the way."

"Who are you, you are so arrogant." The homeless man also became anxious, calling for a few homeless people behind him to block in front of Bundak.

"Let's fight them, this time it's mine." Standing behind Bundak, Abel said bitterly.

Bandak turned around and glanced at him helplessly, then at the thin homeless people in front of him, and said, "I advise you again, don't get in the way."

"What? Do you want to do something?" The leader of the vagrants stepped forward and said fiercely.

Banda Ke stepped forward and punched the opponent in the chest.

Without hearing the applause from the audience, the soldier who received Bundak's punch with his chest was as motionless as a mountain. His face turned from terrified to strange. He really didn't expect that the other party would actually do something. After all, although the tavern is indoors, it would be too much to be caught by patrolling soldiers.

However, when Bundak, who was several times taller than him, punched him in the chest. The wanderer wondered in his heart, "Why is this punch so light?"

Chapter 829: Losing the command of force

"Are you kidding me?" The homeless man who had been punched threw away the toothpick in his mouth and said, "How dare you pretend to be here with such strength?"

While Bandak was still in a state of shock, the homeless punched Bandak hard on the right side of the face.

Feeling the sweet and fishy taste in his mouth, Bandak was even more stunned.

Seeing the drastic change in the situation, Abel pointed at the vagrant who punched, and shouted loudly, "You dare to hit someone? Everyone! Come on!"

"Go!" The homeless guests standing on Abel's side rushed up, and Abel rushed back halfway to Bandak's side, dragging him out of the melee crowd.

But he didn't see Kant's figure. Then he asked the waiter who came down the stairs in a panic, "Hey, did you see the guest with us?"

"I saw it, I saw it, the adult went downstairs early in the morning and said that he was waiting for you two at the entrance of the lobby." The waiter was suddenly stopped by someone, and he jumped in surprise. After seeing the faces of the two men clearly, He answered.

"Well, good. Thank you." Abel nodded and said.

The waiter left immediately after Abel let go.

While dragging Bundak downstairs, Abel also met the tavern owner who hurried up the stairs to check the situation on the scene.

"Two guests, are you all right?" the boss asked anxiously.

"It's okay." Abel saw the tavern owner looking up and down Bundak's eyes, and explained: "It's just that he seems to be scared by that group of people, don't be offended."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The boss quickly apologized: "The group of guests disturbed a few of you dining. Everyone's meals are free tonight. I just hope that the adults will not publicize this matter."

"Okay, okay." Unexpectedly, he could find such a bargain, Abel pursed his lips, nodded and agreed.

"Two adults, go slowly." The tavern owner hurried upstairs to take care of the situation at the scene, and didn't have the intention to keep the two of them chatting for a while. After Kurei apologized, he left immediately.

"Let's go, His Highness Kant is still waiting for us." Abel said to Bandak.

After stepping down the stairs, Bundak immediately saw Kant's figure, waved his hand and greeted him, "Your Highness Kant."

"Well, how are you?" Kant left his seat when Abel first spoke and quarreled with the guests who squeezed upstairs, and went to the lobby downstairs to breathe.

At this time, seeing Bundak's swollen right cheek, he asked, "Bundak, what's going on with you?"

"I asked him to help open the way for me, but he punched the homeless person blocking the way in the chest, but the other party didn't respond at all." Abel glanced at Bundak and explained, "I was beaten back by someone."

"How?" Kant wondered, "With your skills, the customers in this store should not be your opponents."

"I think it's weird too." Abel said, flicking his chin.

"It's over." Bandak, who had been silent all this time, covered his face and said, "Not only is my consciousness not my own, but my body has also become strange."

"You should just be too tired." Kant said worriedly.

Compared with Kant's skill, he was more worried about Bundak's depressed state at this time.

"No, absolutely not." Bandak stood up and stated: "When I shot, I had already decided to use a few percent of my strength to repel these people, but when the fist hit me, I didn't feel it. A sliver of strength in my body."

"Let's go to the scene where you fought Pique." Abel sighed and suggested, "For Bundak's situation, every minute and every second are crucial."

"Yeah." Kant nodded in agreement with Abel's statement. At this time, Bundak's body was changing at any time. It's just too scary. Perhaps after a few days, Bundak in front of him will unknowingly transform into a complete stranger, and even his consciousness is being swallowed up.

"Fortunately, you are by my side at this moment." Bandak read softly.

If he is the only one, maybe until his consciousness disappears, there will be no waves for this world.

The three of them quickened their pace and walked towards the snake girl union.

"Bang bang bang!"

As the three of them advanced, fireworks lit up in the sky. Many homeless people walking on the street stopped and stood still to watch the fireworks. After the first round of fireworks ended, everyone rushed to the place where the fireworks were launched.

"This year's fireworks are really beautiful."

Abel heard the pedestrians coming and going discussing.

It's just that he doesn't have any thoughts to watch the scenery shining in the sky right now. Just focus on the ground with one heart and one mind.

After the crowd started to flow, the journey of the three became more difficult. They could only hold hands and walk sideways.

Fortunately, after the intersection at the end of the street was separated from the flow of people, the congestion finally eased a little.

"The Snake Girl Guild is right in front of you." Abel said happily, looking at the tall logo on the roof of the guild building.

"Yeah." Kant raised his head, glanced in that direction, and said, "We'll be there soon."

When the three of them approached, they found that the notice board in front of the guild had been replaced. It reads: Due to the pre-sacrifice preparations for the fireworks conference, the guild is closed today.

"It's really capricious." Abel read softly. In my heart, I began to wonder who the operator of this guild was.

"The damage caused by the battle that day has been completely repaired, without any trace." Kant looked around and said disappointedly.

The brick walls that have been knocked down have been piled up brand new. Even the potholes in the road were filled.

"The repair work of the goblin soldiers is indeed well done." Abel nodded.

"I remembered a place, you follow me." Although his consciousness was very vague at the time, Bandak could still accurately remember the way to Peak's residence.

The other two followed closely behind Bundak with doubts on their faces, and after turning a street corner, they boarded a famous residence.

"Is this Pique's residence?" Abel asked.

After walking to the second floor, an apparently abandoned house appeared in front of the three of them.

Bundak knew he was on the right path, so he didn't immediately walk into the house. Instead, he stayed at the door, looking at the stairwell where he was fighting Gilbert.

"I remember that Pique was blasted into the wall by me. There should be a big hole here. Has it been repaired so quickly?" Bandak said, pointing to a wall next to the door.

(end of this chapter)