The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 81: Brilliant Assage


Sentry Oasis.

Assage stood by the lake, looking at the small lake with a dull expression.

It doesn't remember that there is a small lake here.

But didn't think too much about it.

There was a chill in the back of his head, which sent chills all over Assage's body.

Because it knew that right behind him, two elite cavalrymen in fine armor must be following him expressionlessly, and besides the big hands in the mail gloves were the nail heads hanging on the belt. hammer.

"Gudong." Assage swallowed.

The more it thought about it, the more frightened it became, and the cold sweat on its forehead even stained its gray hair.

Assage didn't know when the sharp mace would smash into his head, easily pierce through his skull, and open a scoop of death for himself.

"Hey, what are you doing stupidly?"

A Swadian heavy cavalry behind him looked unhappy.

Staring at this 2-meter-tall jackal, the feeling of looking up made him feel even worse. He raised his foot and kicked Assage's leg hard with his iron-encrusted chain mail boots: "Time to let the wind out, give me a good time!" cherish."


Assage fell to his knees, but did not dare to resist at all: "Yes, yes, let's go, let's go."

As he said that, he walked forward and walked slowly by the lake, but his eyes became more and more sad.

Now is the time to vent.

Kant arranged for it to move around the village.

Before the interrogation, before investigating the reality of the so-called Gray Mane Kingdom, this high-ranking gnoll, Asage, could still guarantee basic dietary requirements and a certain amount of freedom.

Just like now, he can have half an hour to relax.

Giving some hope can often break people's minds and reveal everything they know than harsh persecution.

But escaping is definitely impossible.

Since being captured in this sentry oasis, Assage has been under strict surveillance.

And for it, the only outsider, not only is it locked in the basement of the governing hall every day, even if it is a time of release, it will not exceed half an hour at all.

Although there was enough food and water, they were looked down upon.

If you really dare to escape...

Assage glanced at the two burly human warriors behind him, and couldn't help trembling in his heart.

At the beginning, these guys rushed down the sand dunes on fully armed war horses, and easily nailed the jackal warriors they hired to the sand. The tragic scene of being wiped out in an instant made it dream of it at night, and it would suddenly wake up.

It's just a businessman, fighting and killing... the scariest thing.

"What will happen to me, Supreme Storm Lord, please give me hope."

Assage couldn't help praying sadly in his heart.

The Stormlord is the most widely influential god on the coast of Mannheim. It is also the religious belief of these high-ranking gnolls in the Graymane Kingdom, which can keep those who go to sea safe and sound, and the area where they are located will not be attacked by disasters.

But Assage prayed a few words in his heart, but couldn't help sighing: "This is the south of the Nalun Desert, a place where the power of the Storm Lord cannot be affected."

The Nalun Desert used to be a restricted area.

Many races and countries on the coast of Mannheim will not go deep into the Nalun Desert.

Not to mention being like Assage, who bypassed the extremely hot devil's land, came to the extreme south of the Nalun Desert, discovered a natural salt mine with an astonishing reserve, and was captured miserably...

As a matter of fact, the infiltration time of the Gray Mane Kingdom into the Nalun Desert was not long.

Originated 10 years ago.

Nine deaths, the low-level Gnoll tribe who migrated to the Nalun Desert was discovered by the Gray Mane Kingdom.

After understanding, they learned that there are human kingdoms in the south of the Nalun Desert, and there are many of them. They also sent troops to slaughter the low-level gnolls in the desert.

On the coast of Mannheim, the Greymane Kingdom, which already belonged to the middle-class forces, couldn't sit still.

They urgently need to open up new battlefields and plunder enough things to make their country stronger.

The other two countries on the coast of Mannheim, because of the development of ocean trade, have grown rapidly in wealth in recent years, and their military strength has also soared, which really makes these high-ranking gnolls feel a little nervous.

It was a kingdom of lizardmen and an elf republic.

Asage swallowed.

According to its understanding, the Gray Mane Kingdom is about to send troops, intending to rob those human countries.

Even low-level wolf man tribes can enter the human country and wreak havoc for three years. Wouldn't it be possible for these well-equipped high-level wolf men to easily defeat the human country's army, plunder wantonly, and even conquer new territories

"I'll be rescued then." Assage suddenly felt elated.


But a force came from behind, causing it to stagger forward a few steps.

The flattered mind turned into fear again, and it walked quickly, not daring to show any resistance or even resentment to the two Swadian heavy cavalry behind it.

Now its life is still in the hands of others.

... ... ...

Sanwaya Mountains, Rocky Pass.

Kant narrowed his eyes slightly.

On the 6-meter-high city wall in front of him, he didn't find any troops.

Looking up and sweeping across both sides of the closed city gate, the wooden arrow tower more than 7 meters high was also empty without a single person.

"Lax defense." Kant sneered.

Even if there are only gnolls in the Nalun Desert, it is not worth paying attention to, but such a lax defense is enough to testify to the management level of the owner of the Stone Pass, the Baron Dylan.

"My lord, do you want to knock on the door?" the rider Salander behind asked.

"Knock, louder." Kant nodded.

The Sarande rider nodded, kicked the horse's belly slightly, and rode the horse quickly to the city gate of the stone pass. After dismounting, he raised his foot and kicked heavily on the wooden city gate, one after another, making heavy "boom" Bang" sound.

The sound was so loud that the wooden door couldn't stop shaking.

"What's going on? Are the jackals coming to attack?"

"This vibrating sound, is the wolf tribe about to rush in?!"

"Arm! Arm! Don't let those gnolls in!"

Noisy voices came from inside immediately, but no matter how they heard it, they were a little flustered and caught off guard.

It took a while.

More than 30 soldiers holding long guns and wearing leather armor appeared on the city wall.

Every face was full of fear and panic, and even Kant saw many young and immature faces underneath, and he felt that they were similar to himself, children who had just turned sixteen or seventeen!

"Is this the garrison of the pass?"

Manid couldn't help but say: "It's like a group of militiamen."

"These are conscripted peasants, not much better than our Swadian recruits, to be used as cannon fodder."

Kant naturally understood the troop configuration of the Lion Principality.

But looking at the desolate soldiers on the city wall, he couldn't help humming: "It's such a critical pass, and it's too careless to use these peasants as the key troops to guard the city wall."

"Damn...damn, who are you?"

On the city wall, those soldiers also discovered that Kant and the others were not jackals.

The confidence that is also human also appeared, and he said loudly without fear at all: "Do you know that this is the Stone Pass, which belongs to Baron Dylan's territory?"

While these conscripted farmers were talking, new troops stepped onto the city wall.

These are all warriors wearing iron leather armor or even chain mail. They look much stronger, and the weapons in their hands are also standard military weapons such as iron swords and spears.

Apparently, new reinforcements have arrived.

Moreover, more than a dozen archers went up to the city wall and arrow tower, looking at Kant and them coldly.

"It looks like it."

Kant shrugged, and commanded Manid next to him without fear: "Tell them that Baron Kant of the Nalun Desert is going to enter the Stone Pass and wants to meet with Baron Dylan to discuss important matters."

"Understood." Manid nodded.

At the same time, he rode his horse and took a few steps forward, looked at the garrisons on the city wall, and said loudly: "This is the nobleman of the Lion Principality, the second son of King Cameron, the Baron Kant who was conferred in the Nalun Desert, and is about to enter the Stone Pass, I want to meet with Baron Dylan to discuss important matters!"

It is already an expression of goodwill to show your identity and convey your intention.

And the city wall was also slightly silent.

The militia composed of soldiers and conscripted farmers are not qualified to deal with matters among nobles.

PS: Thanks to "Heroes also kneel" for personally rewarding 200 starting coins~Thanks to "Mo Ling·Mo Yu" for personally rewarding 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Turning into a Peng and Going Nine Thousand Miles" for personally rewarding 100 Starting point coin~Thanks to "Gentleman Ruya" for the 100 starting point coin~Thanks to "God's Ghost Pig" for the 500 starting point coin~Thanks to "Can't let go of the cloud in the sky" for the 100 starting point coin~Thank you "angelluxifa" personally rewarded 100 starting coins~thanks to "Born for Righteousness" for personally rewarding 100 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)