The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 817: Finale (3)


Chapter 881: The Surrender of the Hall Waiter

"Just as he was walking into the corridor." Abel responded easily: "He wanted to send a letter to the people there, but I stopped him."

"So that's the case." Kant glanced at the waiter who kept quiet all the time, thought for a while in silence, shook his head and said: "No, we still can't let unfamiliar people bring us failure at this time risk."

"But." Abel was stunned when he heard the words, and said hesitantly: "What if we rushed in rashly and the group of people escaped through the window?"

"Before you arrived with the Dragon Clan, I had received a communication from the Dwarf Clan: they had surrounded the surveillance post with weapons. The people in the room couldn't escape." Kant explained calmly.

"This..." Abel frowned unconsciously, looking at the waiter beside him with apology in his eyes.

The waiter slowly raised his head, met Abel's gaze, and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, my lord, you promise me, promise me to redeem my crime. I, I have the I can give you all the information about those vagrants."

"By the way, Your Highness." Abel turned his head to face Kant and said, "The waiter told me before: He can introduce us to the identities of the members of the organization in the room."

Kant closed his eyes, thought for a while, and finally shifted his gaze to the prison attendant, and asked, "How did you get that information?"

"Master Potts is one of the inspectors in the Supervision Office, and the room opposite can almost be regarded as his exclusive reception room." The waiter said tremblingly: "I came here to work three years ago, and I was promoted to work with Mr. Potts. The time of the inspectors is the same, and the old people in the office are not very good at catering to the newly appointed officials. Lord Potts also prefers to adopt new people, so I became the candidate for the eyeliner he arranged in the front hall one."

"Do you know who that inspector named Potts usually meets with?" Abel asked curiously.

"I know!" The waiter nodded nervously and said, "However, Master Potts has a very wide social circle in this town, and I will only write down the names of people who have been there more than three or four times and their preferences in my notepad." hospitality and so on."

"Why do you usually memorize those?" Kant asked suspiciously.

"In order to avoid not being able to call out the title when we meet." The waiter looked up at Kant, then quickly lowered his head and said.

"Hmm." After listening to the waiter's statement, Kant exchanged glances with Abel and continued, "Since you have such evidence in your hands, why ask us for help?"

"Adults! It was only three months ago that I found out that I was also counted as a member of the dark side organization. I was carried out from that iron gate with missing arms and legs. I I’ve seen it a lot. But those things were done by Mr. Potts and his subordinates. My hands are clean! Now they are doomed to fall, but I still want to stay in this prison. Since I am lucky enough to meet two adults, I hope that I can redeem my sins and provide me with a fair platform." The waiter's legs gave way, and he fell to the ground, begging in a wailing voice.

The soldiers standing behind Abel and Kant also became agitated by the waiter's move.

Kant stood there, after careful consideration, he asked Abel, "Abel, what do you think?"

"I think" Abel glanced at the waiter lying on the floor, and said with determination, "you can trust him."

"Yeah." Kant nodded slowly, helped the waiter up and said to him: "Stand up, we believe what you said."

"Thank you two adults." The waiter said gratefully to Kant and Abel.

"Do you have that notebook with you?" Abel stepped forward and asked the waiter.

"No." The waiter shook his head lightly and replied, "That notebook is too important to me, I locked it in a box in the dormitory."

"If you don't mind, we will send someone to pick up the notebook with you later." Kant ordered: "However, before you leave, I hope you can send those who are in the room now Information about homeless people, tell us earlier."

"Of course." The waiter nodded and said, "Master Potts has been cultivating manpower to defend himself since he got in touch with forces outside the Institute two years ago. Now, there are two people who surround Mr. Potts all day long." Famous masters: One is the snake girl who left before. The other is the dragon turtle who has reached the age of more than 500. The former is frivolous and can gallop on the battlefield invisible. Blood."

Kant frowned when he heard this, and asked Abel, "Abel, you stopped the goddess halfway, and the skill of the other party is exactly as the waiter said."

"It's the first time to use force in this small town. Naturally, you have to prepare with all your heart. Although the battle on the street took some energy, it was not as difficult as the waiter said." Abel was cautious. replied.

The waiter looked at Abel in surprise when he heard the words, and said in surprise, "Sir, what method did you use to repel Mrs. Grace?"

"Grace" Abel repeated the name mentioned by the waiter in his mouth, and explained: "I just used a secret method in the elves. With my skill, it is still a bit difficult to run this method." , after repelling the enemy, he was backlashed by part of the energy."

"Where is that snake girl now?" Kant's focus was different from that of the waiter.

"It's probably on the way back." Abel glanced out the window and replied, "I originally wanted the dragon soldiers to witness the moment she met Potts. But now it seems that she wants to walk in." This prison is a bit embarrassing for her."

"Yes." Kant nodded, and said, "This guildhall has already been surrounded by people we arranged. Even if she wants to open a new path and break in, she will probably be stopped by the dwarves."

"Tell me, where is the weakness of that dragon turtle?" Abel followed Kant's words, nodded, and continued to ask the waiter.

"The dragon tortoise named Frank's strength and attack speed are strong among strong players. But its own defense is much weaker than that of the ordinary islanders." The waiter patiently explained.

Chapter 882: The Weakness of Dragon Turtle

"Isn't the most outstanding ability of the dragon tortoise family is the armor-like defense of the dragon tortoise?" Kant asked suspiciously.

Judging from his understanding of the world through various channels in the past ten years, the waiter's words are full of doubts.

"For other dragon turtles, it may be what you said, my lord." The waiter responded: "But Frank is different. Because the turtle shell on his back was broken once, and now he Only by relying on the runes lent to him by Master Potts, the original shape and effectiveness of the turtle shell can be maintained. I don't know what kind of strength the masters have reached. I just want to say: Frank is stronger than the other A snake girl is ten times more dangerous, if you want to defeat him relatively easily, you can only break the layer of rune spells covering his back."

"Yes." Abel took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Thank you."

"What I do is what I should do, my lord." The waiter replied respectfully.

"Henry, take the three soldiers in the team and follow the waiter to get the notebook." Kant ordered: "Other soldiers, sit down and rest where they are. We need to discuss the next tactics together."

"Yes!" the soldiers responded.

A well-built soldier led three other soldiers to the waiter and said to him, "Please."

"Everyone, please be careful." The waiter left behind the four soldiers after leaving a sentence.

After watching them walk into the corridor, Abel took a deep look at the iron door opposite, and gently closed the door of his room.

"let us start!"

When Henry led the waiter out of the corridor, he immediately noticed the tense atmosphere in the hall. The waiters stayed in place quietly, while the dragon soldiers scattered around and questioned the people present.

Sitting on the leather chair in the leisure area, Fei Ning glanced at Henry's military uniform. He immediately greeted him and asked Henry, "You are soldiers with Captain Abel, right?"

"Yes, Sir Fei Ning." Henry responded respectfully.

"How are your preparations going? Do you know the identity of the person in that room? When will you break in?" Fei Ning asked several questions anxiously.

"Well." Henry responded a little at a loss: "Well, Captain Abel and His Majesty Kant were discussing the way to break into the room, and the waiter told us: The leader of the group in the room is a man named Inspector of Potts. As for when to start the operation, we were sent to perform the task of collecting evidence. It is not very clear about the progress in the back hall."

"Who is this waiter?" Fei Ning looked in the direction Henry pointed, and found the waiter in the uniform of the inspection station, and asked suspiciously, "Is it the person you arranged to enter the inspection station?"

"...It can be considered." Henry probably understood the background of the waiter from the conversation in the room just now, so he responded at this moment.

"So that's how it is." Fei Ning added a compliment to Abel's impression in his heart, that he was able to arrange eyeliners in the surveillance office in such a short time after he went to the island. It is really rare.

"Captain Fei Ning, why don't you go in and have a look yourself?" Henry looked at Fei Ning for a while, and suggested hesitantly, "Let's take our leave first."

"Okay." Fei Ning came back to his senses, nodded and responded with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work."

Henry shook his head modestly and said, "It's only natural to do this."

After leaving these words, he led his soldiers to bow and leave. The waiter kept quiet from the beginning to the end. After saluting with the soldiers, he followed the team and left.

After watching them walk out of the gate of the surveillance office, Fei Ning first inspected the hall, then called Kai Ting and asked him, "How is it? Is there any news?"

"The people who came to the supervision office were officials from the town or the surrounding villages and towns. It's not easy to knock their mouths off." Kai Ting was sweating profusely with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Control them first, don't let them run away." Fei Ning thought for a while, and said: "Calradia has obtained evidence of private communication between officials, and now I will go to the back hall to talk to Calradia. Leaders meet, you have your soldiers ready for battle. Secure all exits."

"Yes." Kaiting nodded.

"En." Fei Ning nodded, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the corridor leading to the back hall.

"Dong dong dong!" Feining's knock on the door startled Abel and the others who were getting ready to set off.

"Who is it?" Kant asked calmly.

"Fei Ning." Fei Ning turned sideways and glanced at the opposite room, hesitated for a while, and replied in a deep voice.

"Who is Fei Ning?" Kant turned to look at Abel.

Abel was stunned, and immediately stepped forward to open the door, and turned his head to explain to Kant: "This time, the captain of the soldiers sent by the Dragon Clan."

After seeing Abel's face, Fei Ning immediately smiled.

But Abel first made a silent gesture to him, so Fei Ning walked into the room through the open gap, and then greeted Abel: "Lord Abel!"

"Captain Feining!" Abel responded with a little surprise. After seeing Fei Ning raised his hands, he also opened his arms, and the two embraced together.

"How are you getting ready? I waited in the lobby outside for a long time, but I didn't hear any movement from you here. I thought something happened." Fei Ning immediately asked with concern after letting go of her embrace.

"Nothing happened, it just took a little longer to get the news." Abel shook his head and said, "Let me introduce to you, this is the lord of Calradia, Your Majesty Kant."

"Hello, Your Majesty Kant." Fei Ning had noticed Kant's distinctive aura long ago. At this time, he smiled and bowed to Kant.

"Your Majesty Kant, this is the soldier leader of the Dragon Clan, Captain Fei Ning." Abel continued to host.

"Hello, Captain Fei Ning. I'm Kant." Kant nodded slightly and responded.

"Your Majesty Kant, when are you going to leave?" Fei Ning asked: "The guests outside have been controlled by us in the hall, but judging from their attitude, they don't intend to cooperate with this action. .”

"Actually, we are already planning to set off." Kant said helplessly, "It just so happened that you came here suddenly, Captain Fei Ning, and we thought our actions had been discovered."

"So that's how it is." Fei Ning was taken aback for a while, and apologized.

Chapter 883: Joining Captain Fei Ning

"Then let me join your team." Fei Ning recommended himself: "As a soldier leader of the Dragon Clan, I still have some confidence in my own strength."

"Really?" Abel asked in surprise, "It would be great if you could join in!"

"How could I have seen how dragon soldiers fight before?" Kant said with a smile, "Maybe I can see it face to face this time."

Hearing that the two people in front of him agreed to his proposal, Fei Ning said overjoyed: "Can I really participate in your actions?"

"You are the representative sent by the Dragon Clan this time, so you will naturally participate in the action plan." Kant nodded of course and said, "If you want to participate in the breakthrough mission, we will also approve it."

"Thank you!" Fei Ning cupped his fists and said, "Then please tell me the action plan. I will actively cooperate."

Abel recounted to Feining the plan that everyone discussed together face to face.

After Fei Ning confirmed all the details, a group of people stood in line at the door of the room.

Abel unlocked the door lightly, and said to the soldier team following him: "First team, let's go!"

A team of more than a dozen soldiers filed out, squatting close to the wall, and each soldier's hand was tightly held on the handle of the weapon at his waist.

"The second team!" Abel stared at the iron gate opposite, and shouted in a low voice after the first team finished tidying up.

A line of soldiers equal to the number of the first team walked out of the door and stood in front of the first team.

After repeating this process several times, the opposite room was still quiet and peaceful. The land soldiers of Calradia and the soldiers of the Elven Kingdom have already crowded the entire corridor.

"Your Majesty." Abel shifted his gaze to Kant and called out. There was a trace of worry in his eyes.

"It's okay." Kant waved his hand and replied. Then he took a step towards the door of the opposite room.

Abel took a deep breath and gently locked the door. Yu Feining stuck to the wall next to the door frame, one on the left and one on the right. A light blue aura visibly floated over the elf mage.

"Boom!" The moment Kant raised his hand and knocked on the door, all the soldiers put their hands on the handles of their spears.

"Who is it?" Trubin replied impatiently, lying on the sofa.

But the dragon turtle standing by the corner opened its eyes vigilantly. Exudes a cold aura.

"Could it be Pique?" Bundak said softly.

"Win, you go and open the door." The undead who was always sitting at the desk ordered to the undead soldier standing in front of the flower bed.

"Yes, my lord." Wein replied. Then he immediately walked towards the door.

At this moment, Bundak reached out and patted Trubin on the shoulder, leaned into his ear, and whispered: "Listen to me, after the door opens. Hide under the sofa."

Trubin was stunned when he heard the words, his eyes full of horror. Without waiting for him to look back at Bundak.

The undead soldier who went to open the door quickly opened the door, but was pushed back by a strong momentum, and fell headfirst on the wall at the other end of the room.

There were two fist marks on his chest. Obviously, this was the result of the joint attack of Abel and Fei Ning.

While the smoke and dust were flying, Kant rushed into the room with his soldiers. Dragon Turtle quickly protected behind the panic-stricken undead, and said in an old voice: "Master Potts, let's go quickly."

"Go?" Abel followed Kant and appeared in front of everyone. Said: "You can't leave."

"Who are you?" After trying to calm down, the undead yelled at the Calradia soldiers who surrounded them, "Do you know that this is the inspection office! Here and there, I can send you to prison!"

"Of course we know where this is and who you are, and you don't need to introduce yourself to us. But apart from the identity you said. In my impression, you should still be a member of the dark side organization on the island." " Kant said easily: "Why didn't I listen to your introduction about this item. Is it because we are not familiar enough?"

"I, I remembered. You are the group of outsiders who are causing trouble everywhere." The undead responded in surprise and anger: "You actually found this place! Are you able to move the people in the supervision station? Come on !"

After hearing the order of the undead, more than a dozen undead soldiers in the room raised their battle axes one after another.

"It is true that we cannot interfere with the affairs of the prison." Kant raised his head and said, "However, don't forget. There are dragons and dwarves, and there are members of the dark organization in this prison. They must be controlled." of."

"Inspector Potts, someone wrote to us and said: You have been paying attention to the illegal activities of members of the dark side organization in the supervision office. I would like to ask you to go to the territory of the dragon clan to have a careful talk about this matter." Fei Ning After hearing the word 'Dragon Clan', he immediately walked in from the corridor and declared to Potts.

"It turns out that it is like this!" The undead stared at Kant's group for a while, and after noticing Banda Ke standing with the soldiers with a calm demeanor, he suddenly realized: "This person, this person was also sent by you. , right? Trubin! Where is Trubin? Trubin, stand up for me!"

Trubin had already slipped out of the room at this time, and the soldiers did not know his identity as a member of the dark side organization. He also made way for him.

"Stop shouting." Dragon Turtle approached the undead's ear and whispered, "Master Potts, we have already fallen into the trap of this group of people."

"Frank, take me out of here." Potts was stunned when he heard Long Gui's scolding, and then ordered: "Let's go to the west city."

"Yes." Dragon Turtle nodded confidently.

Although there are not only dragon generals here, but also an elf mage with considerable skill. But as a five-hundred-year-old dragon tortoise, unless there is a genius like that in the past, it is impossible to stop him who wants to take people away.

"Abel, can you hear what they are saying clearly?" Kant asked Abel next to him calmly.

"I can't hear you clearly." Abel frowned and shook his head, and said, "Just stop the two of them!"

After seeing the toes of the dragon tortoise towards the other end of the window, Abel immediately ordered the soldiers to block the retreat of the two men.

After Frank saw a group of soldiers swarming forward, he first sighed at Abel's reaction to the soldiers. However, his expression remained calm.

Chapter 884:

The undead inspector hiding behind the dragon turtle was so nervous that his heart jumped into his throat. At the moment when the dragon turtle rushed towards the soldiers without hesitation, he closed his eyes.

I saw that the dragon tortoise broke straight through the fire and water curtains laid down by the elf soldiers, as well as the flesh and blood defenses of the Calradia soldiers.

"Pricked—" A hole was smashed into the wall where the window was embedded. The dragon turtle took the undead behind him in the baptism of sawdust. Leaped into the backyard garden. Nowhere to be seen.

Abel and Fei Ning followed closely behind, leading the soldiers to hunt him down.

"If I knew it earlier, I should have deployed all the soldiers under the dwarf clan here." Fei Ning regretted.

The row of soldiers who stopped the dragon turtle from escaping just now, everyone is a good trainer in the army. What Kant and Abel thought was: these people only need to block Frank for a second. Abel and Fei Ning were able to follow up immediately, and cooperated to remove the rune spell on Frank's turtle shell.

"The backyard is full of various flowers, plants, fruits and trees, and is surrounded by a fence. It was originally for viewing. There is no exit for outsiders to come in and out. Most of the soldiers of the dwarf tribe are good at construction, so there should be no You would have expected such an unreasonable place to exist in this surveillance office." Abel responded calmly.

"I think this place has been used from the very beginning for the officials of the dark side organization to hide when the Dongchuang incident happened." Fei Ning said angrily: "Since there is no exit, then don't even think about that dragon turtle named Frank." Run away without a sound."

After saying this, Fei Ning showed the prototype of the dragon form. A pair of dragon wings protruded from the blades of his back, taking him to a height where he could overlook the entire garden.

Fei Ning's pupils turned golden yellow. In his eyes, every soldier and soldier moving in the garden, their actions were clearly seen. After omitting the group led by Abel, Fei Ning began to search for traces of the dragon turtle in the garden.

Soldiers of the dragon clan can directly see the heat emitted by an object through their eyeballs, whether it is homeless people of various races or flowers and plants belonging to the biological world.

In Fei Ning's eyes: the color of the active people is red, while the color of flowers, trees and other plants is blue. Due to the difference in heat, a person's body will have various reds from light to dark. Generally speaking, the part where the heart is located is the place where the heat is most concentrated. Of course, trees figured this out too.

A minute passed, but Fei Ning still couldn't find the location of the dragon turtle. I can't help being a little discouraged: the dragon tortoise has never formed a group on this small island, so even if the relevant materials are preserved within the various ethnic groups, they will not be popularized to the ethnic groups.

And the Dragon Clan, as the eye-catching guardians around the town. Of course, it has become the research object of all homeless people. Each of their skills has also been targeted countless times by everyone.

Thinking about it this way, Fei Ning and Long Gui are in a relationship where Fei Ning is in the light and Dragon Turtle is in the dark.

"Abel!" Fei Ning spoke to Abel on the ground.

Abel, who was investigating in the garden, stopped, looked up at Fei Ning soaring in the sky, and asked with his lips: "What's wrong?"

"I didn't find Frank and the others." Fei Ning said helplessly.

"Don't be discouraged." Abel comforted: "They know you are there, and they won't act rashly. They are probably hiding somewhere in the garden now. We will find them."

"Hmm." Fei Ning nodded.

After the conversation, Abel acted again. Carefully searched every inch of land in the garden.

"Captain Abel, there is no trace of those two people in the west area." A soldier hurried to Abel's side and reported.

"Have you searched the West District seriously?" Abel asked seriously.

"Yes, we have searched everywhere." The soldier replied rigorously.

After that, one after another, the soldiers who were dispatched returned to Abel's side and reported the search results to him. Everyone got nothing.

After Abel took a deep breath, he looked at Fei Ning who was always in the sky. Unbelievable: "Impossible, Frank and Potts must still be in this garden. Otherwise, Fei Ning can immediately inform us where they escaped from."

Just when Abel was puzzled, an idea flashed through his mind like lightning.

"Go! Go back and have a look!" Abel ordered to all the soldiers.

Then he led the crowd towards the window where Long Guiyue jumped out of, and stopped at the edge of the window, but the people in the room did not know where they went.

Fei Ning noticed that after leading the people back, Abel immediately transformed into a human form, landed behind a group of soldiers, and asked loudly, "What did you find?"

Abel said with a heavy face: "From now on, it seems that the dragon turtle jumped into the garden and immediately returned to this room."

"How could it be!" Fei Ning said with a look of surprise.

"Although I don't know what kind of illusion this dragon turtle named Frank used. But, look." Abel pointed to a muddy footprint on the grass, and said, "This should be left by the undead accidentally." Footprints. On this piece of grass, this is the only place covered with dirt."

"What about Lord Kant?" Fei Ning asked worriedly after hearing Abel's reasoning.

"Let's go back to the room and take a closer look." Abel frowned and said, "This dragon turtle is not only good at martial arts, but also very cunning. He even used this trick to deceive us."

"We were too careless." Fei Ning exhaled deeply and said with emotion.

A group of people climbed up the window sill and walked into the room they stayed in just now: the furnishings of this room are still the same as when they left, and there is no trace of anyone fighting here.

"It seems that Frank returned to this room after His Majesty Kant left." Abel said with a sigh of relief.

The undead probably didn't know the effect of the poison that Pique had placed, so he was wary of Banda Ke, who had lost his martial arts. This is also a coincidence.

However, as long as the personal safety of Kant and Bundak is not endangered, Abel can rest assured and arrange future actions.

"His Majesty Kant is going to join our soldiers." Fei Ning looked around for a while, and suggested to Abel: "Since the matter has reached this point, let's hurry up and tell His Majesty Kant the news."

"Yeah." Abel nodded. There are big loopholes in this operation, which must be filled in time.

Chapter 885: Thoughtful Lord

"Your Majesty Kant!" After some searching, Abel and Fei Ning finally found Kant and his party in the lobby of the Inspectorate. Hastily stepped forward to say hello.

"Abel, Fei Ning." Kant was not too surprised by the flustered appearance of the two. He nodded lightly and responded: "The soldiers of the dwarf tribe have arrested Frank the dragon turtle and Potts, the undead prosecutor."

"What?" Fei Ning shouted loudly, "How did they meet?"

"A dwarf soldier told me that after they saw the dragon soldiers in the hall outside the inspection office, they also sent a small team to enter the inspection office." Kant explained carefully: "After they saw the dragon soldiers near the exit of the corridor While interrogating officials in a meeting in a room, Frank led Potts in through the window of the room."

"How many people did they bring? They were able to catch Frank on the spot." Abel asked curiously.

"Seven or eight people. The regular number of people in a small team." Kant said with a relaxed smile: "This time I can be regarded as seeing that the weapons carried by the dwarves are very powerful. In short, they did not spend a single soldier to kill The two were captured."

"I see." Abel nodded.

"If they met my subordinates, I think their situation would be even worse." Fei Ning gritted his teeth.

This time, before the dragon tribe arrived at the guild hall, they didn't know that there were people from the dwarf tribe cooperating with them. Come to think of it, the same is true for the dwarves.

Now that the dragon turtle and the undead inspector fell into the hands of the dwarves, Fei Ning couldn't help but started to have a headache.

"Captain Fei Ning, thank you for your hard work. We have handed over this matter to the senior management of the Supervision Office. If you have any doubts about the details, you can check with them." Kant took the initiative to leave and said: "Wait for the shift." The handover between Dak and the dwarves is complete, so we should go back."

"Kang, Lord Kant." Fei Ning hesitantly stopped Kant, who was about to lift his foot to leave, paused, and continued: "I'm really sorry that I didn't help you with this matter today."

"It's nothing, the Dragon Clan can send support, it's naturally for me." Kant smiled and shook his head, and responded: "I can't let you go home empty-handed."

After saying this, Kant took out the note from the waiter's residence under Fei Ning's expectant eyes.

Fei Ning raised his head and met Kant's gaze. Taking a deep breath, he asked, "Your Majesty Kant, this is?"

"The communication records between Potts and other officials in the library." Kant casually flipped through a few pages, stopped his fingertips on the place where the names of the officials were written, and handed the notes to Fei Ning.

"Is this true?" Fei Ning glanced briefly, and after seeing the names of a few of them, he immediately widened his eyes and exclaimed.

"It was the waiter arranged by Potts in the museum, and it was handed over to us after the surrender." Kant replied calmly.

"Your Majesty Kant, this is what you want me to bring back?" Fei Ning asked a little nervously.

"Well." Kant nodded lightly, and said: "I hope that the Dragon Clan can do more useful things to kill the dark side organization after learning the news. I also hope that the two of us can communicate more frequently. .”

"En." Fei Ning nodded firmly, and accepted the note presented by Kant.

Things are not very important, but Kant's words must be brought. Fei Ning thought silently in her heart.

"Okay. Our companions are already waiting for us at the door." Kant cupped his fists and said, "General Fei Ning, we will see you next time."

"See you next time." Abel followed Kant and saluted.

"Be careful on the way, both of you." Fei Ning watched Kant lead the Calradia soldiers and others out of the clubhouse, and sighed in his heart: As the king of a country, he really has an extraordinary bearing.

After meeting with Bundak, Kant immediately asked, "What did the people from the surveillance station ask you?"

"It's nothing, I just asked where I came from and why I got involved with the dark side organization. I just explained the cause and effect." Bundak shook his head and said, "However, save the Pique part."

"What about Trubin?" Kant asked concerned.

"That, I still said it." Bundak scratched his head and responded, "Didn't he already run away? It shouldn't have any effect."

"Then we did a terrible job this time. Abel, has Pick been sent to the hotel where we live?" Kant said helplessly.

"Yeah." Abel nodded. When he returned to the hotel from the guild in the west city to meet the soldiers of the dragon tribe, he had already sent someone to send Pique to the second floor of the hotel, and sent someone to guard him. .

"That's good. The most important thing for us now is to find a way to treat Bundak from Peake." Kant is quite satisfied with the course of action tonight.

Although the cooperation between several parties seems very rusty and out of luck. But the result is always good.

The three walked in the middle part of the army, chatting a few words from time to time. It was already late at night, and apart from the patrolling troops, there were only dozens of them left on the street.

The shops on both sides of the road have also closed early, only the fire stands on the side of the road are burning quietly.

Unknowingly, the discussion among the three became quieter.

"By the way, Your Majesty." Abel recalled the previous conversation in the prison hall, turned to Kant and asked, "You handed the waiter's notes to Fei Ning, is this really good? I mean: the dwarves over there people, will you?"

"For Fei Ning, although it is said to be the waiter's notes. But in fact, I have copied the list in two copies. One of them was given to the dwarves." Kant responded flatly: "I don't think Such a small trick will fool the leaders of the Dragon Clan. I just want to convey the willingness to get closer through that soldier."

"So that's it." Bandak nodded in admiration, "Your Majesty is really thoughtful. So where is the other list?"

"It should be in His Highness's own hands." Abel speculated.

"I don't have that kind of thought. The people on the list are all politicians who are active in the town. If we want to check them, we have to occupy an area on this small island and build a country." Kant curled his lips in disdain, and said: "Another list, I posted it on the report box of the Supervision Office. It should be in the hands of a judge or waiter now."

After hearing Kant's words, Abel and Bandak were both taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but said: "Your Highness, then we."

Chapter 886: The deadlock of the second meeting

"Different things should be handed over to different people, don't worry." Kant glanced at them, waved his hand, and said.

"Okay." Commander Bandak exhaled and compromised.

Abel was lost in thought. The three of them remained silent all the way.

After returning to the hotel, the soldiers walking in the front unexpectedly found that the lighting in the hotel lobby was still on. He happily said to the soldiers behind him: "Everyone, the hotel is not closed yet. Everyone can use hot water!"

"Wow!" The soldiers of Calradia burst into cheers immediately after hearing the news.

What's better than returning to your lodging to soak in a warm bath after a long day on the go

Soldiers excitedly crossed the threshold of the hall.

Sure enough, the kitchen room was also brightly lit.

Abel stopped a waiter who was sweeping the dust, and asked, "Why didn't you rest today?"

"Nit said: Wait until the boss and Mr. Kant return to the hotel before closing." The waiter responded politely.

"Nite?" Abel remembered the waiter who was temporarily appointed as the team leader, and then asked, "Where is he now?"

"I don't know." The waiter looked around in confusion, finally shook his head, and responded, "Just now I was sorting out the ledger, but now I don't know."

"Okay then," Abel replied. He also just asked casually, and didn't really try to find out what this person meant.

"Can I trouble you to inform the back kitchen to prepare some hot water and transport it to the soldiers' rooms on the third floor." Bandak ordered at this time.

"Well, yes." The waiter replied respectfully.

Then he put the broom in his hand at the corner and walked towards the back kitchen.

"Abel, go ask if Pique is awake? Let's go and see him." Kant asked Abel.

"Yes." After receiving the order, Abel left the lobby and walked up the stairs next to the guest room.

"Your Highness," Banda Ke sat aside after seeing Kant sitting down in the teahouse, and suggested hesitantly, "Perhaps you can go back to your room to rest first. Just leave it to me to interrogate Pique." And Abel will do."

"No." Kant supported his forehead with his right hand propped on the round table, and replied with his eyes closed: "We have been busy for so long recently, just to catch the animal trainer who put a voodoo on you. I want to keep going from beginning to end. "

".Yes." Bundak's words got stuck in his throat, and finally he could only choke out this one word.

The two sat quietly facing each other, and Abel saw the fatigue shown by Kant, so he kept silent until Abel returned to the two.

"Your Majesty Kant, Commander Bundak." Abel said with joy, "Pike is awake, let's go see him now."

"Okay." Kant stood up first, sorted out his clothes, and then followed Abel to go upstairs, while Bandak walked at the end.

The three of them walked to the door of a room on the second floor. Abel raised his hand and knocked on the door, saying, "Bubbin, open the door."

Just hearing the sound of leather boots rubbing against the wooden floor, the door of the guest room was opened by an elf soldier.

"Captain Abel, Your Highness Kant, Commander Bundak." The soldier called Bubin greeted politely.

Abel glanced into the room, confirmed that Peake was sitting upright on the chair fixed to the edge of the wall, and then consciously retreated behind Kant. He told the soldiers, "Come and lead the way."

"Yes." Bubin nodded and spread his left palm, making way for the three of them. He said to Kant: "Your Majesty Kant, please come in."

"Yeah." Kant nodded lightly, and stepped over the gate. Follow Bubin to where Peake is sitting.

Pique still seemed to be in a drowsy state, but after seeing Kant and the others, his muddy eyes brightened.

"Bundak, Kant." Pique lowered his head, looked at the floor of the room, and whispered.

"Pike." Kant stared at Pique for a while, then said, "I didn't expect to see us again so soon, did I?"

"I didn't expect that." Pique raised his weak left hand, touched the back of his neck that was aching, and said with a smile: "You won't kill me, after all, isn't that guy poisoned by me? ?"

After Abel heard this, he couldn't help clenching his fists. He roared loudly: "You used that kind of low-rate tricks, and you still have the face to be proud here?"

"I only put a Gu on him after I knocked him out." Pique said after a "cut", "If you say that I can't beat him, I won't admit it."

"Then what are you going to do, fight me again?" Bandak held back the anger in his chest, stepped forward, and challenged Pique.

"Let me see," Pique pinched his fingers and weighed it for a while. Finally, he pretended to be embarrassed and said: "Forget it, I never fight with useless people."

"You bastard!" Abel raised his fist high, but was stopped by Kant in the middle of the swing.

"Don't use your aggressive method." Kant said to Pique calmly: "Although I don't know why you want to say these words. Maybe it's some kind of pet you domesticated One of the characteristics."

"Don't think too much, I just like chatting with others." Pique waved his hand with a smile and denied.

Kant glanced at him quietly, and said: "Those acquaintances of yours in the supervision station will be investigated immediately. You have no support in this town. Hand over the antidote for treating the bug, and we will Will let you out of this town."

After hearing Kant's words, Pique couldn't help but sneered, held his stomach and said, "What are you looking for? It's up to you? Then I also advise you, let me go now. Let me explain to Mr. Potts clearly." , let him let you go. Not bad, right?"

"Potts should be under the care of the dwarves now, do you want to find him?" Abel said contemptuously, "He may not necessarily want to see you."

"Adrien, Miller, Anderson. These people are all people you know, right?" Kant casually mentioned a few names he had seen in his notes before, and asked Peake.

The smile on Pique's face was fading little by little, and finally his face became extremely pale. He exclaimed in surprise, "What did you do?"

"I did something to make you feel at ease." Bandak responded coldly: "How about it, do you still have to think about who will save you now? The people you were expecting are already too busy to take care of themselves."

Chapter 887: Rules of the Animal Taming Industry

"Do you have any antidote on your body?" Kant showed an impatient look on his face.

With his identity and experience, there is no reason to negotiate with a vagrant who hovers on the edge of the dark organization.

"Yes." Pique thought for a long time, gritted his teeth and said.

Kant nodded in response to his answer, and then fell silent.

"Where is it?" Abel asked, frowning. In his mind: Pique is a very slippery kid, you have to keep an eye on him all the time.

"Cut." Pique spat towards the side of the chair, raised his head and said to Abel, "Prepare a teacup."

"Don't play any tricks on me." After warning Pique sternly, Abel walked to the tea table in the guest room and picked up an upside-down porcelain cup.

"You're lucky." Pique turned to Bundak after glancing at Abel's back.

After hearing this sentence, Bandak frowned puzzled.

"Here you are." Abel stuffed the teacup in his hand to Pique.

Pique rubbed his fingers on the teacup lightly. After a while, he took a deep breath and said, "All of you, turn around?"

"No." Kant rebuffed calmly, "We will inevitably not worry about what you do in this cup."

"I beg you, turn around." Pique raised his head and said to the three people who were always looking down at him: "The spiritual power in my body can no longer support me to do any tricks to you."

"Then I'd like to advise you again, the cycle of cause and effect. If we can catch you once, we can catch you a second time." Kant turned around after leaving these words.

Abel's eyes widened at Kant's behavior, but he still turned around with him under the gesture of his eyes.

So is Bundak. While turning around, he glanced at Pique who was always keeping his eyes on the porcelain cup.

The two soldiers guarding Peake also faced out the window.

Pique looked at the backs of the three and raised his right hand tremblingly. After taking a few deep breaths repeatedly, he made up his mind and bit the tip of his middle finger.

The blood in the blood vessel came out along with the wound, and Pique quickly caught his own blood with a cup.

His blood is green. And with an indescribable fragrance.

It's just that when Pique raised his glass to his fingertips, it seemed that a burst of lightning struck his whole body. Under this blow, Pique curled up in pain and fell to the floor.

He held the porcelain cup that kept the drop of blood tightly in his hand.

"Boom!" The moment Pique's body touched the floor, there was a loud crash. It was as if there was a thousand catties on his body.

Bandak turned around very quickly, after seeing Pique curled up and trembling. Immediately walked over to hold Pique on his shoulders, and asked worriedly: "Pike! Pique! Can you hear me?"

"Your... antidote." Pique raised the porcelain cup in his hand and said tremblingly. His lips seemed to be dehydrated, and his face was very pale.

Bandak frowned and looked at the porcelain cup in Pique's hand.

There's a swirl of green blood in there.

"What is this?" Abel walked up to the two of them immediately after hearing the movement. Looking at the drop of liquid swirling in the porcelain cup, he asked in surprise.

Pique was so painful that he almost fainted, and he couldn't hear what Abel said clearly. With Bundak's support, he found a chair and sat down. He tried his best to calm the surging spiritual energy in his chest.

Beast trainers absolutely cannot do things that hurt themselves, otherwise the spirit beasts under them will attack the spirit bodies that feed them as if lost. Although I don't know from which generation this rule was handed down. But all tamers are taught about it when they are successful.

In Pique's view, such rules are taken for granted. Beast trainers cultivate many spirit beasts, the most important thing is to let those spirit beasts have a habitat. The act of hurting oneself is a violation of spiritual practice.

And he has real feelings for the spirit beasts under him, so he asked Kant and others to turn their backs, which is also a way to ask forgiveness from the spirit beasts.

Judging from the impact on his body, the spirit beasts seemed to have sensed his thoughts, and did not cause much impact on his spirit body. Still, it hurts enough.

"Speak!" Abel yelled anxiously.

"Abel, don't force him." Bandak took the porcelain cup in Pick's hand and drank it down.

It was obviously just a liquid the size of a water droplet, but at the moment it was poured into the throat by Bandak. Bandak felt a gust of wind pouring into his body, and his eardrums were almost torn apart by the roars of various animals.

Bandak accidentally dropped the porcelain cup on the ground, holding his head tightly with both hands.

Seeing this, Abel hurried forward to support him. Nervously asked: "Banda Ke! Banda Ke! How are you!"

But Bandak didn't hear what he said, at this moment, he even lost his vision.

In a dark field of vision, a blue insect flew in front of him from far and near.

After careful observation, Banda Ke discovered that it was 'Yin Chi' who had planted insect Gu on his body.

He wanted to raise his hand to grab it, but felt that his hands were extremely heavy. Can't move at all.

'Yinchi' coiled around him several times, Bundak felt his body warm up, when 'Yinchi' flew away, a group of green larvae appeared in Bundak's peripheral vision, They also flew away with 'Yin Chi'.

Bandak stood where he was, watching them leave.

After the last green larva disappeared from sight, Bundak slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. One second before he fell asleep, Bandak smelled the fragrance of flowers blooming at the tip of his nose.

When Bandak woke up again, he had already been changed into silk pajamas and was lying under the quilt in the guest room.

Bundak yawned, propped himself up on his work side, and looked out the window: it was already daylight.

After a while, Abel appeared in front of him and shouted excitedly: "Bundak, you are awake! Wait, I will report to His Majesty Kant."

"Okay." Bundak felt his body light and light, and the thoughts in his head were very clear. It was completely different from the gloomy state of the previous few days.

After Abel left the room, Bundak sat up from the bed and put on a thin cotton coat for himself. Quietly waiting for the arrival of Abel and Kant.

"Abel." Kant said immediately after stepping into the room.

Chapter 888: The process of returning to health

"Your Majesty." Bandak stood up and saluted.

"Sit down first," Kant greeted, "How is your body?"

"It's really different." Bandak looked at his arm, raised a smile, and replied, "What Pique gave me is indeed the antidote to the bug."

"His Royal Highness specially asked the doctor from the pharmacy to come to see you. The doctor said: Your worm has been cleaned up." Abel's face was also full of joy. After going through so much life and death, his most important wish now is: hope that everyone around him can be healthy.

"Has a doctor been here? Why don't I know." Bundak poured a cup of tea for Kant and Abel each, and started a chat.

"It seemed like yesterday afternoon. You had been in a coma for two days at that time. We were really worried, so we went to invite the doctor from the pharmacy we met before." Abel recalled as he took the tea.

"Perhaps in Bandak's heart, the fainting happened yesterday." Kant said softly, taking a sip of his tea with a smile.

"Did I faint for three days?" Bandak's right hand holding the teapot visibly shook, and then asked in surprise.

"That's right." Abel nodded and said, "Also, don't mention how difficult it was to take care of you the night you fainted. In order to prevent you from damaging your image in front of your subordinates, I took care of you alone. One night."

"What's wrong with me?" Bundak had an ominous premonition in his heart, staring at Abel and asked.

"To be precise, the insect poison in your body is excreted through your pores." Abel first sneered, and then responded solemnly: "It's just that the antidote given by Peek seems to put the poison in your body The other dirt in the body is also excreted from the body.”

"Okay, okay, please, don't talk." Bundak quickly stopped Abel's words, imagining himself being submerged in filth, and his whole body shuddered.

"You don't believe it? Just ask His Majesty, he saw it too." Abel caught a glimpse of Bundak's bewildered expression, and his amusing thoughts were ignited. He asked loudly, "Your Majesty, what I said is the truth, right?"

Kant heard the topic shifted to him, put down his teacup, and coughed a few times. Turning his head back with a smile, he replied, "It seems that you are indeed taking care of Bundak for the whole night."

After noticing the same smiles in the eyes of the two, Bandak immediately said, "Anyway, I don't remember, so you can't keep making fun of me with this."

"No, we will only remember the scene of that night in our hearts." Abel snickered again after saying this.

The two chattered back and forth for a while, while Kant sat aside and slowly sipped tea. After the teacup bottomed out, Kant heard Bundak mentioning other topics.

"By the way, where did Peake go? Is he still staying at the hotel?" Bundak asked. His eyes looked back and forth between Abel and Kant.

"Peak has already left." Kant cleared his throat and replied, "Our soldiers sent him outside the city. It is estimated that he will not return to this town in the future."

"That kid is still trustworthy. He didn't make a move to harm you." Abel snorted softly, "Otherwise, he won't be able to leave the city."

"When did he leave?" Bandak continued to ask.

"Last night, after the doctor's diagnosis. He asked us to send him out of the city immediately." Kant thought for a while, looked at Bandak and said, "Before that, he was just like you, recuperating in bed for nearly two days. sky."

"Do you know why? Ever since he handed me the antidote, I felt that his condition was not right." Bandak pursed his lips and asked.

"I asked, but Pique told me not to meddle in my own business." After noticing Bundak's gaze, Abel shrugged and replied.

"Perhaps the antidote can only be bought at the price of the body." Kant deduced.

After listening to Kant's words, Bandak fell silent.

The atmosphere in the room also became quieter.

"Don't think about it." Abel put his hand on Bundak's shoulder and comforted him: "We have more important things to do after this. Before Pique left, he told us to let you After resting for a few days, it is said that the antidote has an extraordinary effect. It may affect some tendons in your body."

"Yeah." Bundak nodded and said.

"Are you hungry?" Kant asked at this moment.

"No," Bandak touched his stomach strangely after being reminded by Bandak, and said, "It's so strange, even though I've been lying in bed for so many days, I still don't feel hungry. time, help me eat?"

"No," Abel shook his head, and said, "Your body has been leaking things for the past two days, and I didn't even have time to clean up those inexplicable things. I don't mean to feed you."

"Don't, don't say it." Bundak covered Abel's mouth half-amusingly and half-angrily: It seems that this stalk will not pass.

"Pay attention to your own physical condition at all times." Kant had already got up and walked to the door, and turned to Bundak and said, "If you are hungry, tell the waiter immediately. They will prepare the meal we planned for you."

"Yes." Bandak nodded gratefully.

"Okay, then I'll leave first." Kant nodded with a smile and turned around.

"Your Highness, wait for me!" Abel, who was entangled with Bandak, immediately called out to Kant's back: "Bundak, pay attention to your body."

Then he chased out the door.

"Boom!" With a sound, Bandak's door was completely closed. The space that was still noisy just now immediately became quiet.

Bandak sat on the bed and could vaguely hear the voices of Kant and Abel sitting in the main hall talking.

However, their voices seemed to come from far away.

Bundak sat there for a while, then got up and walked to the bathroom. Get ready to wash your body well.

The moment he took off his pajamas, Bundak almost passed out: his body was covered with green dirt, as if he had just swirled in the mud.

Bundak plunged into the wooden barrel full of hot water, and opened the hot water pipe, so that the hot water was continuously poured into the wooden barrel.

And he wiped his body vigorously with his hands, trying to get rid of all the green dirt.

After a while, the wooden barrel was filled with hot water. The dirt from the pores of Bandak's body sank to the bottom of the barrel.

(end of this chapter)