The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 819: Finale (5)


Chapter 897 : On the way to the appointment

"Thank you Lord Kant." Nite bowed in disbelief.

"It's okay." Kant glanced at the other waiters, and the waiters consciously made way for Kant. After nodding to Nitt, Kant raised his leg and left. Abel and Bandak followed closely behind him.

After the three of them walked out of the hotel, they ran into the carriage sent by the supervision station.

The coachman driving the carriage was a waiter wearing the uniform of a police station, and he was lying on the driver's seat bored at this moment. His eyes kept staring at the door of the hotel, and after seeing the three of Kant, he took out the portrait in his arms for comparison. After confirming that he was the person to be greeted this time, the coachman immediately jumped out of the carriage, and respectfully greeted Kant and the others: "Lord Kant, Lord Abel, Lord Bandak. Good evening. I am here to greet the waiters— Brown."

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Kant helped Brown up and smiled apologetically.

"It's nothing. The news of this meeting is quite sudden, and you adults have to prepare carefully." The waiter shook his head and responded: "However, it is indeed late now. We have to hurry over. Please three adults Get in the car first."

"En." Kant nodded slightly, and walked slowly into the carriage after the waiter moved the ladder for boarding the carriage. He lifted the curtain of the carriage and walked in.

Bundak and Abel turned over and jumped into the carriage. After entering the carriage, they sat down beside Kant on the left and the right.

"My lords, sit still!" A waiter's voice came from outside the curtain. After a while, the carriage galloped down the street with the sound of horses.

"Your Majesty," Abel said after being quiet for a while, "you can sleep in the carriage for a while, and we will wake you up when you arrive at the surveillance station."

"Okay." Kant let out a long breath, embraced his chest, and closed his eyes amidst the bumps of the carriage.

After seeing Kant falling asleep, Abel and Bandak exchanged glances: It seems that His Majesty is really tired.

During the fifteen-minute journey, Abel and Bundak kept silent, for fear of waking up Kant who was sleeping at this time.

After the carriage stopped, Abel got up slowly, walked to the window rail of the carriage, and opened the curtains: the building of the inspection office was revealed in his field of vision.

"My lords, the monitoring station has arrived." Brown did not enter the carriage, but jumped onto the ground, standing beside the carriage and shouted in a joyful voice.

"Yeah." Abel nodded to Bundak, signaling him: You can wake up His Highness.

However, before Bundak could speak, Kant had already opened his eyes. In his eyes, he couldn't see any mist when he just woke up.

Banda Ke was stunned, and said to Kant: "Your Highness, we have arrived at the supervision office."

"Yeah." Kant nodded, straightened the folds of his clothes, and said, "Let's go."

"Yes." Abel glanced at Kant, and immediately stepped out of the carriage. After seeing Abel's action, Bandak also stood up.

"When we arrive at the inspection office, the carriage can only be parked here." After seeing Abel, Brown explained: "My lords, after entering the front door, someone else will take over from me to lead the way for you. "

"I see. Thank you for your hard work." Abel told Lao.

"Nothing?" The waiter stretched his neck and looked into the carriage, and asked suspiciously, "Where are Lord Kant and Lord Bundak?"

Abel raised his eyebrows, and just as he was about to respond, Kant led Bundak out of the carriage.

"Lord Kant!" The waiter greeted Kant with a smile on his face.

"Sorry for the delay." Kant said with a smile.

"It's all right." The waiter quickly waved his hand and said, "I'll go get the ladder to get off."

Abel stopped the waiter and said, "Don't bother."

Then he jumped out of the carriage and helped Kant to the ground.

"The waiter named Brown said: There will be someone at the door to show us the way." Abel said to Kant and Bundak.

"Thank you." After Kant bid farewell to Brown, he led Bundak and Abel to the gate of the inspection office.

Brown put the wooden ladder from the back seat back to its original position, watched the three of Kant leave, and led the horses to the stable.

When Kant stepped into the gate, a waiter-like human race immediately greeted him.

Kant looked at him with a hint of surprise: because there are very few human waiters in this prison, and the nameplate on the chest of this waiter shows that he is different from the other waiters at the front desk. .

"It's Mr. Kant, Mr. Abel, and Mr. Bundak. Right?" The waiter greeted with a smile: "I am the waiter sent by the museum to guide everyone. Please follow me."

"Well, good." Kant nodded, and immediately followed the waiter after he turned around.

The waiter led them to the top floor of the surveillance office. The rooms on the top floor are relatively rare and occupy a large area. Even the texture of the material of the carpet is quite different from the previous floors.

The waiter stopped in front of a two-meter-high gate and introduced to Kant: "Everyone, please come in."

"Huh?" Kant looked at the waiter questioningly, but the waiter had already bowed and retreated to a corner, not noticing his movements.

Just when Kant was about to give his hand and unlock the door, Bundak walked up to Kant and held the door handle.

The door handle seemed to be made of white jade, and it was cold to hold. Bandak took a deep breath secretly, made up his mind, and twisted the door lock.

The material of the door is very light, and when Bundak opened the door bit by bit, the people in the meeting gradually turned their eyes to the direction of the door.

Bundak stood in front of the gate, making way for Kant.

Kant strolled into the conference hall, and a powerful aura immediately enveloped the hall. Gilbert and the patriarch of the dwarves stood up and walked to the door to greet Kant.

"Lord Kant, welcome." Gilbert extended his hand and greeted Kant.

"Long time no see, Your Highness Gilbert." Kant bent down to keep his gaze parallel to Gilbert's, and then responded with a smile.

"Lord Kant, it is a great honor to meet you." The representative of the Dragon Clan also walked up to Kant at this time and greeted Kant.

"Your Excellency?" Kant raised his eyebrows and asked.

"The young master couldn't make it here today, so in order not to miss this meeting, he sent me to attend for him." The Dragon Clan responded: "Under Frey."

Chapter 898: The Situation of the First Meeting

"General Frey is Master Millard's right-hand man." The patriarch of the dwarf clan explained from the side: "General Frey can come here in person, I think our negotiation will be smoother."

"Well, please take care of me." Kant held Frey's outstretched right hand and nodded slightly.

"Cooperate with each other." Frey smiled and said to Kant. After leaving this sentence, he returned to his position.

Kant looked at his back and thought silently in his heart: The aura exuded by the dragon soldiers is really carved out of the same mold.

"Your Highness Kant, let me introduce you. This is the leader of the dwarves: Miss Kailin." Gilbert, as the race leader who manages the town, naturally acted as the host, and introduced Kant one by one. The race leaders who lined up for a face-to-face meeting with Kant.

"Hello, Miss Kailin." Kant always had a smile on his face, even though everyone's eyes were on him alone, he looked calm.

"Hello, Lord Kant. It's the first time we meet, and I hope we can get along happily in the future." The leader of the dwarves was very generous, and after completing all the etiquette, he turned and left.

After greeting all the leaders in the arena, Kant was finally able to sit down in his seat. On either side of his seat were Miss Catherine and General Frey.

"Since everyone is here, let me announce: the meeting has officially begun." Gilbert sat on the seat in the middle, took a deep breath, and said to everyone in the field.

After Gilbert finished speaking, the waiter standing by the door immediately brought out a notice board. The information on the dark side organizations collected by the goblins in recent months is posted on the bulletin board.

Not only text descriptions, but also portraits and so on.

Kant looked at the bulletin board which was only about three meters away from him, and silently sighed in his heart for the meticulous silence of the goblins.

Gilbert gave everyone about ten minutes to read the content on the bulletin board.

There were noisy discussions from behind Kant. Looking back, Miss Kailin of the Dwarves was talking with the lord of the Snake Clan. The two seemed to have known each other a long time ago, and there was a sense of familiarity in their conversation.

After Kant looked away from the two, he looked at the other people in the room. Most of the leaders in the conference hall are elderly and are no strangers to each other. Only Kant sat in his seat, and no one came to talk to him for a long time.

"Lord Kant, I heard that Potts and the others were solved by you." At this moment, Frey, who was sitting on Kant's right, asked him. The direction of the finger points to the corner of the public sign: the materials of Potts and others are pasted there.

"We are just going to save our friends." Kant replied calmly.

"I heard that you bribed the contact person of the dark side organization and asked him to bring your members to Potts and others." Frey did not intend to give up, and still asked Kant.

"Well, my friend was planted with insect poison by members of the dark side organization, and his life was at stake. We can only rely on this plan and give it a try." Kant said.

"Insect Gu? Is it someone who is proficient in witchcraft?" Frey asked curiously.

"No." Kant raised his vigilance immediately after mentioning the topic of Pique, and explained: "We don't know his identity. After he gave us the antidote to the bug, we let him go." left."

"What?" A look of surprise appeared on Frey's face. After looking around, he whispered to Kant: "Your Highness Kant, you can't just say something like letting the members of the dark side organization leave. .”

"What will happen?" There was some ridicule in Kant's eyes: while the Dragon Clan participated in this matter, up to now, they have not clearly stated their position. Obviously want to eat both ways. Things like watching the fire from the other side are already annoying enough, but I didn't expect that Master Millard's confidant actually showed a cautious and hypocritical appearance.

Kant of course ignored his "advice".

"This..." Frey looked at Kant's face and swallowed the words on his lips. He said hesitantly, "It might cause trouble or something."

"What is there to be afraid of?" Kant said calmly, "Could it be that the position of any leader here is to drive out all the members of the dark side organization?"

Frey was so choked by Kant that he couldn't speak, so he breathed a sigh of relief and sat up straight in his seat.

Abel and Bundak looked at each other and smiled softly: the representative of the dragon clan wanted to use this to suppress the momentum of Calradia. But he didn't expect that Kant was the real ruler of a country. On an oasis in the desert, he started from scratch and created an empire that can now accommodate hundreds of thousands of people. Very different from those so-called heirs he had seen before.

As a result, he can only suffer unilaterally.

After the minute hand of the clock on the wall turned two clicks, Gilbert cleared his throat and said loudly to the people present: "Please be quiet!"

The leaders who were still talking about it immediately fell silent. Waiting for Gilbert's next words.

"As you can see, the forces of the dark side organization have invaded the streets and alleys of this small town. Even a few days ago, we discovered that there was also a member of the dark side organization in the surveillance office. Now that member has confessed to us A list of all the members of the dark side organization who have kept in touch with him." After taking a deep breath, Gilbert said calmly: "We will distribute that list to some of you after the meeting is over. Those who are on the side of the inspection office."

"What do you mean?" Someone asked loudly during the meeting.

"Although it seems a bit too hasty to publish it now. However, on behalf of the goblin clan, I officially declare to everyone: the people in our clan will declare war on the dark side organization."

As soon as this remark came out, the complexions of the racial leaders who had just expressed their dissatisfaction immediately turned pale.

"The leader of the goblin clan this year can have such courage. It is really the light of tomorrow for the goblin clan." The patriarch of the dwarf clan didn't seem surprised by the announcement of the goblin leader. Just praised Gilbert in words.

Kant paid attention to the reactions of everyone in the field, and saw that General Frey of the Dragon Clan had left the seat and walked to the guard behind him, and he did not know what he was whispering.

The leaders in the field: some are surprised, some are indifferent, some are passionate, and some are calculating in their hearts.

Chapter 899 : Statement of the Island Group

No matter what they thought, Kant just breathed a sigh of relief inwardly. Gilbert's publication came just in time for him.

The battle on the island has reached an intermediate stage after the Battle of the Supervisory Office.

At this point in time, acting stronger is the best choice for races that want to fight against the dark side organization.

The goblins represented by Gilbert stood in the most favorable position within this group.

"So, I invite everyone here today because I want to stand in a team. After all, what we will discuss next will be related to the lives of the soldiers in our clan." Gilbert clapped his hands on the conference table and stared at The people on the field said.

"I am willing to contribute to the actions of the goblins." Kant raised his right hand and expressed his opinion to Gilbert.

Kant represented forces outside the island, so his statement did not cause much fluctuation. Except for a few words of criticism from the leader of the race who is not very familiar with him behind his back. Only Frey turned around and glanced at him with a complicated look in his eyes.

Gilbert nodded politely to Kant and said, "Is there anyone else?"

"And us." The patriarch of the dwarf tribe sitting on Gilbert's left said gently: "We will also participate."

"Yeah." Gilbert felt a little more confident in his heart after seeing the gnome's statement, and looked up at the other people in the field.

"We." After this, the voices of agreement among the crowd became more and more.

"On behalf of the half-orc clan, I declare: we agree to launch a war against the dark side organization." A half-orc dressed in Chinese clothes said: "The members of the dark side organization should be purged."

After the sound of announcements one after another, only a few race leaders remained in the field and have not yet spoken.

"Lord Fanxi, what is your decision?" Gilbert asked an angel sitting in the corner proactively.

The eyes of Kant and others also moved over: this is the first time Kant has seen the angel family. The angel named Fan Xi: The skin is transparent, with a calm smile on his face, and the whole person seems to be wrapped in a holy light. But when Kant walked into this room, he didn't notice the existence of such a figure. Fan Xi even nodded with a smile after noticing that everyone's attention was concentrated on her body. He stood up and responded to Gilbert: "The room is a bit stuffy. If you don't mind, I will be rude and leave first."

"Okay." Gilbert watched Fan Xi leave with a trace of regret in his eyes.

But Kant didn't see other angels besides him in the small town. How did the angel family survive on this small island

"Fan Xi is still the same." Miss Kailin said with a chuckle.

The remaining lords who did not express their views also left with Fan Xi. The space in the room was immediately vacated by half.

Kant sighed in his heart, the number of people who left was much more than he expected.

Glancing at Gilbert's seat, Gilbert's expression was also not happy at all.

"Miss Kailin, are you friends with that angel?" Kant asked Kailin.

"Friends?" Kailin turned and glanced at Kant, and said with a smile, "I've never heard that angels have friends."

"I just heard from what you just said that the two of you know each other better." Kant continued to ask without changing his face, "Do you know why the angel clan didn't participate in the war with the dark side organization?"

"The reason why Fan Xi stayed on this island was to protect his dozens of horses." Kailin said indifferently: "No matter who owns the sovereignty of the town, his horse business can still be done. To participate or not, it is quite redundant for him.”

"Then, why do you all look so disappointed?" If only horses were used, they would not be of much use to the town's civil war. But after Fan Xi left, the faces of the race leaders who chose to stay were not very good.

"Aren't I very happy?" Kailin pointed to her face lively, and said with high spirits: "They think that Fan Xi is on the side of the supervision station, which means that the supervision station will win the battle. I don't want to Spending time on such established things, Fan Xi had better take the "God's Sign" to the dark side organization, in this way, the war will become more interesting."

"What are you talking about!" The leader of the snake woman clan sitting next to Kailin stopped the young dwarf leader. Although she has always been aware of Kailin's indiscriminate speech. But unexpectedly, in front of outsiders who met for the first time, Kailin was still so unrestrained.

"If the "Sign of the Gods" joins the battle, according to the regulations: the Dragon Clan will not join either of the two camps." Frey's evaluation reached Kant's ears.

After finishing the conversation with Kailin hastily, Kant turned his head to look at Frey, and asked suspiciously: "In my impression, you didn't express your position just now, right?"

"Well." Frey said frankly: "The Dragon Clan has the right not to make a statement."

"What?" Abel and Bundak, who were standing behind Kant, couldn't help shouting after hearing this sentence.

"That is to say, you can sit here with peace of mind and listen to the goblins' painstakingly drafted war plan. Instead of participating in the field?" Kant narrowed his eyes into a line and asked.

"Yes." Frey seemed to have sensed Kant's hostility towards him. After answering briefly, he immediately turned his head to Gilbert's side. And said: "Your Highness Gilbert, please continue to announce your plan."

"Well." Gilbert nodded to Frey and stated: "I am very happy that most of the ethnic groups on the island have expressed support for our plan. In the next war, we goblins will become The main force of the battle. Please rest assured."

"Since the three families of Voldemort are here, I also want to ask a question on behalf of the leaders of other races." The half-orc leader stood up from his position and said to Gilbert: "The power of the three spars will be invested in In this war?"

"The power of the three spars is astonishingly fast, and the warlocks in the clan who are proficient in controlling them are already in their 70s." Gilbert was stunned and explained.

Before he could finish speaking, the leaders who chose to stay raised voices of doubt.

"I heard that Ian, a master-level animal trainer who is traveling outside the island, may also be one of the main members of the dark side organization." A race leader revealed: "He can instantly summon A top mage with tens of thousands of birds of prey."

Chapter 900: The Mystery of the Leaders Meeting

As soon as this remark came out, the discussion in the crowd became even more noisy.

"The Ian he was talking about could not be Pique's father." Abel frowned and guessed.

"Maybe." Kant nodded. In this way, it is also understandable why Pique joined the dark side organization. From Kant's observation: Pique has no sense of belonging to that place. Moreover, it seems that the dark side organization has never assigned him any tasks, and he was able to meet Bundak at first because he was simply stalking him.

If it's a young talent who takes his father as his role model, it's not surprising that he joins his father's organization.

After thinking about Pique's life experience, Kant turned his attention to Kailin beside him: the other party always looked indifferent, and became much quieter after hearing the topic about the three spars.

"If the matter develops to that point, on behalf of the dwarves, I promise everyone: the spar will exert its effectiveness." The patriarch of the dwarfs stood up when the two juniors didn't know how to express their position, and asked everyone in the field. everyone proclaimed.

"Good!" There was a shout of praise from the meeting.

"Hmm." The dwarf nodded to Gilbert who was standing there while walking back to his seat.

Kant also focused his attention on Gilbert: Gilbert didn't look very confident. Kant couldn't help cheering him on: "Gilbert!"

Gilbert looked up and winked at Kant. The speech said: "The attitude of the goblins is the same as that of the dwarves. After all, the power of spar is the strongest when it is gathered together."

"The dwarves are also participating." Kailin closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair. Announced to everyone: "You can rest assured."

When everyone was amazed at the aura displayed by the heir, Kant noticed Kailin's trembling body.

"Are there any questions?" Gilbert asked after the discussion subsided.

The orc leader had already sat back in his seat, shaking his head at Gilbert's question.

"According to our estimates, within the next half a month, the civil war in the town will break out. The dark side organization has been gearing up for this day for a long time, and we have to prepare in advance." Gilbert He explained in an orderly manner: "Because of the current complicated situation. Before making an expedition plan, we have to integrate the resources in the hands of everyone present."

"That's good." Kant nodded.

"I said in the letter before: I asked everyone to bring the information, did everyone bring it?" Gilbert asked.

"Hmm." Before entering the arena, the leaders of these races handed over the information they brought to the soldiers guarding the door. The main purpose of this meeting, in addition to sorting out the ethnic groups participating in the war, another focus is on these materials.

"Just now, our people have sorted out the information brought by you in the next room." Gilbert said: "The results of sorting out will be distributed to everyone after the meeting together with the list we received before. "

Kant was stunned at what Abel said. He hadn't heard that he wanted to bring materials or something.

But this is also good, if those materials and lists can be sent to him, he will have a more detailed understanding of the situation around the volcano.

But why are those race leaders willing to hand over the information they painstakingly collected to the goblins? Kant couldn't help wondering in his heart.

While he was still immersed in this mystery, Gilbert had already begun to describe the methods used by various ethnic groups to eliminate members of the dark side organization.

By the time Kant came back to his senses, the meeting was almost coming to an end.

At the end of the session, Gilbert stood by the door of the conference hall and sent away one race leader after another.

In the end, only Frey from the Dragon Clan, Kant and others were left in the arena.

At this time, a familiar face appeared in front of Kant, it was Master Millard of the Dragon Clan.

"Your Highness Gilbert, hello." Millard greeted Gilbert the moment he entered the conference hall.

"Long time no see, Your Highness Millard." Gilbert was not surprised by Millard's sudden visit, but hugged him with a smile on his face.

"Your Highness Kant, long time no see." Millard said hello to the leaders one by one, walked up to Kant, and said hello.

"Master Millard, why are you here?" Kant held Millard's hand and asked with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness Kant. In fact, this is the real purpose of my invitation." Gilbert stood in a row with Kailin and the others, and introduced to Kant: "Although the conclusion of the previous meeting was better than expected It's been a lot worse, but you can now relax and ask us any questions."

"The meeting just now was fake?" Kant asked hesitantly, looking at everyone standing opposite him.

"What do you mean by 'fake'?" Kailin asked with a smile.

"I mean maybe this kind of statement is not very suitable, but you, Gilbert, and the patriarch of the dwarf clan, you were all acting just now, right?" Kant felt really stupid when he finished this sentence Thoroughly. Even he himself didn't know what he was asking.

"Well, you're right." Gilbert blinked slyly after hesitating for a while, and said, "The meeting just now was just a play to select our companions."

Kant glanced at the chairs lined up beside the conference table, and asked doubtfully, "Who is our companion?"

"We." The angel who left the scene earlier walked in with several leaders who had made the same choice as him at that time. Introduced himself to Kant: "Hello, my name is Fan Xi. I am a businessman who runs an inn outside the city."

"Hello." Kant took a deep breath and nodded in response.

"It seems that there are not many people left this time." Millard smiled helplessly when everyone was in a quiet state.

"I think it's enough to have people like us." Gilbert said confidently. It was completely different from the shrinking state he had shown in front of everyone before.

Kant let out a long sigh, and said to Gilbert: "Next time you set up a game, you have to tell me in advance. I was quite strange when the meeting was in progress. In my impression, Gilbert Not such a cautious lord."

"Hehe." Gilbert said apologetically after a slight smile, "I will remember. However, I am also surprised that you can help Kant without knowing it."

Chapter 901: The Ingenuity of the Goblin Lord

"By helping you, do you mean shaping your character for you?" Kant recalled the scene when he encouraged Gilbert just now, and wished he could find a hole in the ground to burrow into. He waved his hands helplessly, and said to Gilbert, "It probably won't happen in the future."

"Such moves probably won't come in handy in the future." Kailin said with a smile.

"Everyone, please sit down." Gilbert invited the rest of the people to sit at the table, and said to them: "Now is the real scene."

After Kant and the others took their seats at the conference table, Gilbert glanced at Millard who was sitting opposite him. Raising the corner of his mouth, he said, "Before the meeting starts, let's welcome Master Millard of the Dragon Clan together."

After his words fell, the patriarch of the dwarf clan took the lead in applauding.

Millard nodded slightly to the people around him, stood up and said, "Everyone should be meeting me for the second time. Don't worry about the form so much."

"Master Millard, you are really modest in what you said." The patriarch of the dwarf clan said with a smile: "You are the heir of the dragon clan. Now we are the only ones standing on the side of the inspection office. You Couldn't be more humble than that."

"Hehe." After looking at Gilbert, Millard sat back in his seat and said, "His Royal Highness Gilbert asked me to arrive at this time to check and accept the results of this meeting. The current situation , It was indeed unexpected. However, with the power of the "Voldi Tribe", no matter how much trouble this island has turned upside down. Everyone, you still have room for how to deal with those who are secretly disturbing the situation. "

"Hundreds of years ago, Lord Tianshen allowed me and the ancestors of the three tribes to be lucky enough to encounter such a good fortune. I probably don't want this small island to be razed to the ground by the power of spar." Dwarf clan The patriarch responded: "The three crystals are still well preserved and sealed in various places. They are only used as a symbol to protect this small island."

"The power of three crystal stones is enough to resist thousands of troops." Milad chuckled and said, "Who is not greedy for them? The adults regard this desire as a criterion for distinguishing friends from enemies. It can be regarded as It’s a good plan, but it’s bound to lose people’s hearts.”

"As a rebuttal, if people's hearts can be classified in such a simple way, the whole society may not be able to survive." Gilbert responded: "Everyone is in the game, so we have to follow some rules."

Kant sat in the row of the recalled lords. At this time, like the other lords, his head had been dazzled by the conversation between Millard and Gilbert.

"Since we have decided to cooperate with each other, everyone should have a solid foundation in their hearts before coming here." Kailin rubbed her temples, and said to the others at the table: "Let's hurry up and start discussing the next action plan." .It is not something everyone needs to hear about who puts something there as a guarantee.”

Kant raised his head suddenly, and cast an appreciative look at Kailin: finally someone stood up and spoke.

"Hehe, it's been a long time. Let's chat for a few words." Gilbert put on a smile again and said, "I'm sorry for delaying everyone's time."

"It's okay." The lords of various races sitting beside Kant responded one after another.

"Then let's get to the point." Gilbert was still the host of the meeting. After receiving a stack of paper materials from the soldiers, he said: "We have collected information from dozens of races on the island. The incoming materials were sorted into a pile of needed information.”

"Information?" a race lord raised his hand and asked.

"That is the composition of the members of the dark side organization, and how they communicate with each other." Gilbert explained.

All eyes were on him alone, because no one, including the leader of the dwarves, knew what the goblins had achieved in this meeting.

"But aren't those materials used by the lords of various races as a cover for attending the meeting? How did you confirm the authenticity of the information?" Kailin asked suspiciously.

Kant took a deep breath and realized that he was becoming more and more incomprehensible, so he asked in a low voice to the racial leader beside him: "Does everyone have to bring the materials they have with them here?"

"Of course." The haggard old man gave Kant a strange look and said, "His Royal Highness Gilbert wrote in the invitation letter: If you can't bring the materials to the meeting site, you won't be able to enter."

After Kant heard the words, he looked at Gilbert with a look of surprise: This young man's behavior is really decisive. Those race lords who have compromised with the dark side organization are greedy and think that they have picked up cheap. But what I didn't expect was that the neutral position was not easy to wait for, and they would only be greeted with repeated temptations and designs.

"We can't discern how credible the information materials they submitted, but, in view of the fact that we will 'cooperate' with those people in the coming days. I think these names on the paper, or It will be of great use to us." Gilbert put his hand gently on the stack of papers, and Millard, who was sitting by the side, couldn't help squinting his sharp eyes.

"His Royal Highness Gilbert, and a few others. We were recalled by you just now." The old man sitting next to Kant cleared his throat at this moment, and asked, "Where did you go at the meeting just now?" It was said at the meeting that there will be war on the dark side, and that's true, right?"

"Yes." Gilbert nodded and responded: "We have prepared two plans, one for public release, and the other for everyone in the dark organization to stand up and surrender."

"May I ask you so far, have you discovered that the dark side organization has established a military base on the island? If they just casually dispatch some personnel from the organization to sneak into the core of various races and ascend to high positions. Then we have to How about making all the vagrants in his clan the main target?" asked another race leader sitting in a corner.

"We just discovered that within the dark side organization, there is a familiar network of information exchanges between the members. And where is the body of the dark side organization, we are exploring." Gilbert replied.

"But you said in the previous meeting that you will launch an attack on the dark side organization within the next half a month." Kant sat up straight and reminded seriously.

"That's to be able to quickly find the existence of that stronghold," Gilbert raised his head and explained.

Chapter 902: Invitation from Angel

"I know that everyone is uneasy about the next action." The patriarch of the dwarf clan stood up, walked to Gilbert's side, and said calmly: "There is not much time left for us, but at least we are taking the initiative What kind of actions will the lords who have obtained the list take after they return to their own territory, which is a step of our plan. "

"The list you handed to those who left is indeed Potts' confession?" Kant asked.

"Yes." Gilbert nodded and replied: "Potts gave us a detailed list. However, the people on the list are all officials in the supervision station. Except for those who go out to perform tasks, other Everyone is guarded by soldiers."

"Interesting news." Kant murmured.

Gilbert didn't notice what he said, but continued: "I hope everyone can take these materials back and have a look. And find a way to negotiate with those people. Our people have been sent out to track the people who left The whereabouts of those people are gone. If there is any news, the goblins will inform you as soon as possible. The meeting is over."

Kant glanced at the lords around him, and found that everyone's faces were not good-looking.

"I can't help but start to look forward to what our next meeting will be like." Kant stood up first among the crowd, and said to Gilbert with a smile: "His Royal Highness, since the meeting has already When it's over, the three of us will take our leave."

"Okay, Your Highness Kant." Gilbert responded politely. And handed a document in his hand to Kant.

"Thank you." Kant handed over the few pages of manuscript paper to Bundak behind him, and after saluting Gilbert, he left the conference hall. Not long after he left, the angel Fan Xi, who was sitting by the door with a lazy face, also walked out.

"His Royal Highness Kangde." Daisy followed Kant and others out of the gate of the prison, and called out to Kant.

"Huh?" After hearing the shout, Kant turned around in a little surprise and asked, "Master Fan Xi, what do you want?"

Fan Xi was dressed in beige knight attire. Judging from his facial features, he was about thirty years old, but his voice was unexpectedly young. This is also something that surprised Kant.

"I seem to have seen the badge on your ring before." After approaching, Fan Xi pointed to Kant's right hand and asked.

"This is the symbol of the army. I sometimes wear this ring on my body." Kant raised his hand, looked at it, and explained to Fan Xi.

"Then I think I should have seen soldiers from your country." Fan Xi walked side by side with Kant naturally, and suggested: "I brought my own carriage here today, and it's getting late now. How about Let me take everyone back to the hotel by the way, shall we?"

"Well, thank you, Master Fan Xi." Kant responded to Fan Xi after thinking for a while.

"It should be that I have more invitations that Mr. Kant can agree to." Fan Xi said without hesitation: "Please wait for a while, the carriage will arrive in a while."

After his words fell, two white-haired horses appeared in front of everyone leading the carriage.

After Kant noticed that the soles of the horse's feet were not nailed with iron palms, he immediately realized that the horses raised by Fan Xi were actually dozens of divine beasts.

"It's rare to be able to sit in such a carriage." Kant said to Fan Xi with a smile.

"I'm in this business. If His Highness Kant likes it, you can borrow a few horses." Fan Xi jumped into the carriage, turned around and pulled Kant up. He said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I don't have a ladder or anything on this carriage."

Kant stared at the angel in front of him, and found that there was always a friendly smile on his face. It's not as cold and unfeeling as Kailin said before.

After Abel noticed the appearance of this carriage, he was in a daze immediately. After sitting down in the carriage, he looked at the angel in front of him repeatedly, and asked hesitantly, "Master, do you run an inn in the west of the suburb?"

"Yes." Fan Xi looked at him in surprise, and asked, "How did you know?"

"My companions and I went to the inn run by you two months ago. We rented some horses."

"Ah. I remembered." Fan Xi stared at Abel's face for a long while, patted his thigh and said, "I remember you, elf soldiers from outside the island. The one with you is Carrady, under His Royal Highness Kant. sub-soldier, right?"

"Yes." Abel nodded.

Banda Ke and Kant looked at them in surprise, but they didn't expect that Fan Xi had indeed seen the reconnaissance team.

"Lord Fan Xi, is your inn run by you alone?" Kant asked Fan Xi after the carriage set off.

"Yes, after all, there are relatively few people here." Fan Xi looked at the scenery outside the window, and after hearing Kant's question, she immediately turned around and responded with a smile: "Since Master Abel and his party took care of you two months ago. After taking over the business of this store, only half a month ago, a group of dwarves rented their horses from the store."

"Why?" Banda Ke asked in surprise, and after realizing that his words were too aggressive, he explained humbly: "I'm sorry, I just think...Master Fanxi, the horses you raise are really good."

"Hehe." Fan Xi laughed softly, then shrugged, and responded: "I don't know, maybe the place I chose is too remote? Or is the carriage outdated? But it doesn't matter, I'm sure The business in the store is not very concerned. Including the price of renting horses, it is also set according to the mood."

"I see." Kant nodded and said, "Master Fan Xi chose to live on this small island. Is there any special reason?"

"It's just the rules of the angel clan." Fan Xi said, "I don't know if my lords have heard the legend of the gods visiting this small island?"

"I heard it a little bit." Kant responded calmly.

"Master Sun God is my main god. Every place he walked in the world was guarded by angels." Fan Xi replied while lying on the back of the chair, recalling it.

"I have seen the portraits displayed in the exhibition hall before. The scene of the presence of the gods is really shocking." Kant responded.

"That portrait can't restore one ten thousandth of the brilliance of the sun god." Fan Xi's eyes were shining brightly, as if he was full of longing for that era.

As angels, they can hear the will of the gods, but they cannot see the gods with their own eyes.

Chapter 903: No stranger to dialogue

"Master Kant, why did you come to this small island?" Fan Xi asked.

"The people from the dark side organization killed a whole ship of our soldiers. We have to ask them to give an explanation." Kant replied frankly after taking a deep breath.

He doesn't have the will to lie in front of an angel.

"Is it because of the dwarves?" Fan Xi frowned after hearing Kant's words, and then asked: "I heard a month ago that an outsider from the archipelago rescued the dwarfs who were imprisoned by members of the dark side organization." .”

"A month ago? Master Fan Xi, you really don't care about world affairs." Banda Ke said with emotion. His tone was full of helplessness: To be precise, the rescue of the dwarves happened two and a half months ago.

"I rarely go to the city." Fan Xi explained embarrassedly: "But only when I go to the city can I hear news like this."

"We were attacked by the dark side organization on the way to the post station." Abel stated: "But the group of people didn't get a bargain. They bought the soldiers we arranged by the harbor and let the soldiers return. Gunpowder bombs were installed on board. All Calradian soldiers who boarded were killed or wounded."

"I'm sorry." Fan Xi said apologetically, "I didn't expect you to have such a miserable experience before you came to this small island."

"Nothing." Bandak shook his head and responded.

"Master Fan Xi, what other things have you heard about the dark side organization?" Kant asked.

"Recently, the wind direction on the island has changed too fast. It seems that what I have heard from other people has become unimportant." Fan Xi sighed helplessly.

"Where there are resources, there will inevitably be battles." Kant said: "The island is indeed developing better and better. Master Fan Xi, haven't you already chosen to stand in the camp of the Inspectorate?"

"Gilbert and the others are really smart." Fan Xi nodded lightly, and said, "It's just that the situation is too big, and I'm worried that they won't be able to make up for it. Instead, they implicated the lives of innocent people. Your Highness Kant, you too Noticed it, right?"

"Gilbert is backed by the patriarch of the dwarf clan and others. If there is any mistake in his actions in the end, I think at least there will be a compromise result." Kant glanced at Fan Xi and said, "But if someone wants to learn from it If they interfere, Gilbert and the others will be more dangerous."

"Well, it's just like you said. The territory around the volcano, the rights and power held by the 'Voldi Tribe' have become the fat that the wanderers on the island are fascinated by." Fan Xi sighed and said: "The human heart is complicated. The extent cannot be underestimated.”

"Hehe." Kant laughed softly.

Fan Xi looked at him in surprise, and asked strangely, "What's so funny?"

"I was just thinking that the two of us said something behind our backs. And Gilbert, who is the planning center, couldn't hear it." Kant said with a smile: "In the final analysis, we just casually said some gossip about the leader. That's all."

"Lord Kant, Gilbert is indeed the leader of this operation. However, in my eyes: he can't stop any of us from going or staying." Fan Xi sat up straight and said to Kant: " I think you should seriously consider whether to confirm that you want to join this war."

"Don't think about it," Kant waved his hand and said, "As long as I am a person who promises to do something, I will definitely do it."

Fan Xi's eyes became extremely complicated after hearing Kant's answer. He didn't say anything more.

"Master Fan Xi hasn't made up his mind yet?" Kant asked tentatively, "That's right, with Master Fan Xi's indifferent personality, the battle on this island is really too cumbersome."

"Although my strength is insignificant, I will give my own strength." Fan Xi replied firmly.

"Then, from now on, we will have a happy cooperation." Kant and Fan Xi looked at each other and laughed "haha".

There was a horse's cry from outside the carriage. Bundak lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked out the window. He turned to Kant and said, "Your Majesty, we are here."

"Master Fan Xi, thank you for your special trip to see me off." Kant said politely: "The three of us will take our leave first."

"En. Everyone, see you next time." Fan Xi stood up and said goodbye.

The space in the carriage is quite spacious, and it seems to be tailor-made according to Fan Xi's body proportions. Fan Xi walked to the door and raised the curtain for Kant and the others.

"Goodbye." With the support of Abel and Bandak, Kant got out of the carriage, turned around and said goodbye to Fan Xi.

Fan Xi nodded with a smile, and said, "His Royal Highness, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Before Fan Xi's words fell to the ground, the two steeds neighed and rushed out, disappearing at the end of the long street.

Kant looked at the leaving carriage and said, "This angel is not easy. It's better to avoid him in the future."

After saying this, Kant walked into the store with the two people behind him.

"I always feel that this person is a bit weird." Bandak said with a frown.

"He was sent by Gilbert to test us. I guess it's rare to do such a thing, it seems a bit strange." Kant said indifferently.

"I agree with His Majesty Kant's thoughts." Abel nodded and said, "The angel's remarks in the carriage just now are far from the first impression left on me."

"Look, haven't you two already seen through him?" Kant said.

"Your Majesty, who do you think among the group of people in the guild hall just now were regarded as the objects of investigation just like us?" Bundak couldn't help asking, his head hurting from thinking about it.

"I don't know much about the others. But the Dragon Clan should be on Gilbert's side." Kant analyzed: "Gilbert has arranged their own roles for those who support him in this meeting. Such a method is not a novelty."

"It's just that I didn't expect that we would also be counted in the queue to be investigated." Abel shook his head and sighed.

"That's pretty good." Kant responded, "As long as we find the murderer who framed Clement and others, we can also withdraw immediately. The premise is that Gilbert's plan goes smoothly."

"Hmm." Bundak and Abel looked at each other and nodded in response.

When the three of them stepped into the threshold of the hotel, they immediately noticed the unusual atmosphere in the store. Not only were there few diners in the lobby, but the expressions of the waiters all seemed listless.

"Lord Kant!" Nit, who was sitting quietly at the counter, rushed over immediately after seeing Kant and the others.

Chapter 904: Homeless people hired by the guild

"Oops!" Kant heard Abel shout behind him in a low voice.

When Niter's anxious face appeared in front of him, Kant couldn't help but frowned: Niter and the other waiters asked them to ask them, but they forgot.

"Nite, what's the matter?" Kant asked.

"Master Kant, just now a group of soldiers were sent from the surveillance office, and they took away everything on the fourth floor." Nite wanted to cry without tears: "Those soldiers said: This store has been sold by the boss. Lighten the prison bond."

"Where are those soldiers?" Kant asked after a moment of silence.

"It's in the restaurant on the second floor. I haven't left yet." Niter's gloomy eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope, and he raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the second floor.

"I searched for things, but I'm still cheating here. It doesn't look like a good thing. Don't worry, we'll get you justice." Bandak glanced at the second floor and said angrily to Nit .

"Bundak, go and call the soldiers. Abel, go and have a look with me." Kant frowned and ordered.

"Thank you, my lords, and my lords, be careful." Nit bowed his body cautiously, watched Kant and others leave, twitched for a while, and called to the soldiers in the lobby: "Everyone in the store, follow me upstairs help."

"Okay!" The waiters responded in unison, and the half-orc cooks who had been staying in the back kitchen also came out. He asked the hurried waiter, "What's the matter? Aren't the officers and soldiers from the inspection station upstairs?"

"Master, even if he wants to demolish our store, we have to kick him out." The waiter said dissatisfied.

"Oh, the bones are quite hard." The chef in charge laughed and said, "When I entered the store just now, why didn't I see you so noisy?"

"Stop talking nonsense. Are you going?" the waiter asked impatiently, interrupting the other party's teasing.

"Go!" The cooks raised their spoons and shovels and echoed enthusiastically.

"Then follow me!"

When Kant and others climbed up to the second floor, the soldiers in the prison were still drinking and chatting without knowing it.

"Let me tell you, everyone. Was the meal very lively?" Abel leaned against the door and asked the soldiers at the table, "Do you have any money to pay the bill?"

Kant took a rough look: the uniforms of this group of soldiers were uneven, and the team was pieced together by homeless people of many races. It doesn't look like a special task force deployed in the town of the monitoring station.

"Who are you?" A dwarf stood on his chair and yelled at Abel: "We are here to investigate people today. This hotel treats us for free. If you say no, you can't do it?"

"Free hospitality? I haven't heard the waiter in this store say that word!" Abel kicked on the dining car by the door, and reprimanded the people in the hall: "If you don't speak clearly today, Just don't try to take anything from this store, and I have to spit out the food I eat."

"Ah, I recognize you. You are a soldier from the group of people from outside the island." Another soldier stood up and pointed out at this moment: "Before, your group rescued the dwarfs on the volcano."

After the vagrant's voice fell, everyone in the banquet became arguing. The domineering dwarf before also froze.

"Trubin was escorted back to the city yesterday, who ordered you to seal up this store?" Kant asked.

Right now, the authority of the inspection office is under the control of the goblins. If Gilbert issued the order, then he wouldn't have said nothing about it when they met.

"We." The dwarf standing on the chair found that everyone's eyes were on him, and responded helplessly: "It was sent by Master Vigo."

"Who is Wei Ge?" Kant didn't know much about the composition of the Supervisory Office, let alone the officials who served in it.

"The judge of the inspection station." The dwarf replied hesitantly: "He told me to bring him the information on the fourth floor. And let the people in the store evacuate immediately."

"And then you made this out? Who are you?" Abel asked, frowning.

"I'm a dwarf. A peddler." The dwarf responded with his head down.

Abel glanced at Kant beside him, and said nothing more.

"What about them?" Kant pointed to the other people who were dining.

"They are just ordinary vagrants in this small town." The dwarf explained, "We got these military uniforms from Lord Vigo. My lords, please let us go."

"It's ridiculous!" Kant said with emotion in his heart: There are really everyone in this dark organization.

"Gilbert has already started to clean up the prison." Abel approached Kant's ear and whispered, "I'm afraid that judge named Wei Ge is one of the members of the dark organization who was lucky enough to be dispatched."

"Hmm." Kant nodded, turned around and confessed to the dwarf: "It's okay to let you off, but you have to promise me two things: first, you will not come to this hotel to cause trouble again. Judge Go revealed to us."

"We can do the first thing. But the second thing may be a bit embarrassing for the adult's request." The dwarf replied hesitantly.

"Why?" Kant asked.

"When we received this mission, we didn't see Lord Vigo either. So we don't know where he is now." The dwarf glanced at the helper in the soldier's uniform and replied.

"Who is the person in charge of connecting with you?" Abel asked puzzled.

"We received this mission from the guild in the west city." The dwarf jumped onto the ground and responded as he walked towards Kant's direction.

"You're talking about the West City Guild?" Abel and Kant looked at each other when they heard the words, both of them were startled.

"It's the one with a special name." The dwarf continued: "We also met there. Because the medicines provided there are cheaper. It's just that recently, I don't know why the price of medicines has risen too high. We will discuss it. Then I asked for a task from the boss."

"I see." Kant nodded and said, "It seems that the boss still doesn't understand you very well."

The expression on the dwarf's face showed a bit of embarrassment.

Just when everyone fell silent, Bandak led his soldiers to the scene. At the entrance, I met Nite and others holding various weapons.

"Master Bandak!" Nit waved to Bandak.

(end of this chapter)