The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 82: Cold Baron Dylan


Kant's wait was not long.

In about ten minutes, a burly figure in chain mail appeared on the city wall.

Slightly messy hair was casually draped behind his head, and his face with sword marks due to injuries seemed to know that he was a figure who fought on the battlefield, and his eyes were also as sharp as an eagle.

He is the lord of Stone Pass, Dylan, Baron of Northshire.

Below the city wall, Manid looked up at the baron who was also looking at them, his face slightly solemn.

Manid, who was born in a merchant family, naturally knows the ability to perceive words and emotions.

And now he looked at the Baron Dylan on the city wall, with some doubts in his eyes, because judging from his appearance, I am afraid that he is not the kind of dude who is addicted to enjoyment and does not know how to develop his territory.

It is obvious that the grade in the 30s is also the strongest and most energetic time in life.

But exactly so.

Manid frowned, and glanced at the recruiting farmers who still had a bit of panic on their faces.

He could clearly see the city wall, and the level of security at the beginning was undoubtedly extremely poor. Manid was from the continent of Calradia, and he even felt that on that chaotic continent, this seemingly solid pass would not last even a day. If you can't hold it, you will fall.

"Do not think too much."

Kant seemed to have sensed Manid's thoughts.

There was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, of course he understood why Baron Dylan was acting so contradictory.

This also originated ten years ago, earlier than when the Principality of Lions conquered the Nalun Desert and slaughtered the wolf tribe. Even Kant had just turned five or six years old, a battle that still haunts the Principality of Lions to this day .

In fact, the situation where Kant was exiled to the Nalun Desert was also related to the original battle.

"Huh." Kant took a deep breath and didn't continue to think too much.

Kicking the horse's belly, he rode forward and came to a range of more than ten meters below the city wall. He raised his head and said, "Uncle Dylan, it's nice to meet again. How are you doing recently?"

The voice fell, but the scene was silent, and the answer that should have appeared did not appear.

There was a slight commotion behind him.

The 5 Sarande riders and 10 desert robbers were a little outraged.

Because even those who don't know etiquette and only know how to kill, they all understand that Baron Dylan's silence and non-response on the city wall are tantamount to serious faux pas, or look down on Kant's extreme contempt.

This is his lord.

If it wasn't for Manid, it is estimated that the national curse of the Sarande region would have sounded in their mouths.

But Kant didn't care.

There is a smile on the slightly immature face, and the light in the eyes is extremely sincere.

Looking at Baron Dylan on the city wall, he lowered his head slightly and continued to politely say: "Last month, I was awarded the title of Nalun Desert. I regret that I didn't meet you because of the tight schedule. Now my territory is settled, so I hope to come to see you, after all, Uncle Dylan is the best person to me besides my mother in my heart."

It was still silent, no one spoke or answered.

It's just that Baron Dylan's eyes flickered slightly, and he finally said, "Open the city gate."

Hearing his order, the soldiers behind him immediately reacted.

With the noise of the winch wheel, the city gate nailed with thick logs was slowly opened along with the iron chains and ropes, revealing the pass behind the gate, and hundreds of people who had assembled and were holding spears Soldier.

Baron Dylan turned his head and walked down the stairs.

At the same time, without looking back, he ordered with a blank expression: "Whoever calls the wolf man is attacking, find them all and give me 10 lashes. If this kind of thing happens again in the future, I will directly hang him."

"Yes!" Several soldiers in armor responded immediately.

With a bad face, he ordered a few conscripted farmers to come out, took out the whip behind him, and whipped it hard.

The sound of "popping" continued.

Strips of bloodstains swelled out instantly on the skin.

Following the miserable yells, Baron Dylan, who had walked down the city wall, got on his horse and left, his face still showing no mercy.

In Stone Pass, he was already known for his cruelty and brutality.

"Dylan... my lord."

His butler waited tremblingly beside the horse, swallowed, and bravely asked: "The Baron Kant is coming outside, do you need me to prepare the banquet tonight?"

"No need." Baron Dylan, who was about to leave on his horse, said simply, "Just prepare more food."

"Alright, alright Mr. Dylan." The butler nodded as he left.

Baron Dylan waved his whip and rode his horse away from the city gate quickly.

Behind them were the soldiers in iron armor, all riding on horses, rampaging through the narrow and dirty streets, causing the disheveled, poorly dressed farmers and women to run to the sides to avoid, while bending over salute.

But for Baron Dylan, seeing these guys made his face even worse.

With the whip thrown out, the horse ran faster.

Outside the city gate, Kant and his cavalry slowly stepped in.

Not riding on a horse, this is the etiquette of entering the city.

Leading the horse, Kant walked in front. Looking at the middle-aged man who came to greet him, he glanced at the fine linen robes all over his body, and he already understood that this was probably Baron Dylan's butler.

Frowning slightly, Kant didn't show any dissatisfaction on his face, and remained calm.

"Dear Baron Kant, Baron Dylan has entrusted me to offer you my most sincere greetings and welcome."

The chubby butler wiped the cold sweat from his temples, bowed at ninety degrees respectfully to touch his chest, and indeed saluted Kant with his most respectful appearance, and he couldn't even find the slightest flaw in his disrespect.

It is indeed the most sincere regards and welcome.

As for whether it was commissioned by Baron Dylan, Kant knew very well.

My uncle Dylan, when he passed by here last time, replenished supplies, fresh water and rested, but he stayed for a whole day, and did not invite himself to meet him at his official residence.

"Well, I'm glad to see Uncle Dylan, too."

Kant had a bright smile on his face and squinted his eyes, like a big boy with no plans.

This made the butler feel relieved.

Stretching out his hand towards the city gate and making a gesture of invitation, the steward said respectfully: "Please come with me, Baron Kant, Baron Dylan is waiting for your arrival in the mansion. Talk about it."

"Lead the way." Kant nodded.

Seeing that Kant was so eloquent, the housekeeper smiled even more respectfully.

Lead the way and welcome them into the stone pass.

Kant led the horse and walked ahead, Manid and the cavalry followed behind, looking curiously at the pass fortress built in the middle of the canyon and blocking the passage.

However, there are also many curious eyes.

Including those soldiers who held their spears and lined up in disorder on both sides of the road.

There are also ragged peasant women and children outside the narrow huts in the distance.

Especially looking at the young and handsome Kant and Manid walking in the front, as well as the 5 Salander riders and the 10 desert robbers who were clean and tidy, their eyes showed envy.

In their impression, only nobles and knights would dress like this.

Or rich people.

As for myself, I am just a lowly poor person sheltering in the pass.

Kant couldn't help frowning at these gazes.

Although the street under his feet is made of stones, dirty water flows through the gaps, and there is even a faint stench coming from the shantytowns on both sides. Every time he steps on it, the bottom of the cowhide boots emit The sound of "crack".

Obviously, there is still dirty black mud on the stones in the street.

This made his brow wrinkle even tighter.

It was so dirty.

PS: Thanks to "Indulgence de You" for the 2,000 starting point coins~Thanks to "Water Color White Moon" for the 100 starting point coins~Thanks to "Danxiang those years" for the 100 starting point coins~Thanks to "Hehehehe I "Professional reward of 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Wu Hao 1996" for personally rewarding 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Amoyueve" for personally rewarding 500 starting coins~Thanks to "Mo Ling ยท Mo Yu" for personally rewarding 100 starting coins ~Thanks for the 100 starting coins from "Wu De Sha Zi Nickname"~Thanks to "BR Tianming" for the 100 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)