The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 87: The rednecks of Northshire


The dinner ended successfully.

Kant and Baron Dylan talked a few more words, and then they said goodbye to each other as the night deepened.

The maid led the way to the pre-arranged room in the mansion. Manid, the five Salander riders, and the desert robbers who did not participate in the dinner were also next to Kant's room, and the treatment was not bad. .

But the torches in the lord's hall were still burning, making the entire spacious space smell of choking smoke.

Baron Dylan sat quietly in his chair.

There is excitement in the eyes.

At the main entrance of the hall, two burly figures came in. As the light came on, they were two of the previous vassal knights, and they were also the real right-hand men of Baron Dylan.

"Master Dylan." The two of them came back and bowed in a very respectful salute.

"Yes." Baron Dylan nodded.

He pointed to the chair next to him and said casually, "Sit down, you two are next door, you should understand."

"Yes." The two sat down without hesitation, and nodded at the same time.

While Kant was talking with Baron Dylan, the two vassal knights were next door.

After all, Baron Dylan also needed protection. Even though there were guards guarding the door, the five Salander riders in the lord's hall still gave everyone inside a faint palpitation.

This is the pressure of facing elite fighters.

But now Baron Dylan is not thinking about this, but about the jar of white salt on the table in front of him.

"Are there salt mines in the Nalun Desert?"

Baron Dylan asked indifferently: "If I remember correctly, we have been in Stone Pass for nearly 10 years. Why don't we know anything about it?"

The two vassal knights looked at each other, bowed their heads a little ashamedly and said, "Sorry."

"No need to apologize." Baron Dylan shook his head.

Squinting his eyes slightly, his eyes flashed with a dangerous light: "Even if there are salt mines, they will probably go deep into the Nalun Desert. After all, when we went deep into the desert to strangle the wolf man tribe, there were no salt mines around the sentry oasis."

The vassal knight nodded, waiting for Baron Dylan to continue speaking.

And Baron Dylan did say: "But this is an opportunity. I didn't expect Little Kant to really survive in the sentry oasis, and he also discovered the salt mine. It seems that he is alive and well."

Thinking of the Sarande rider in full armor, Baron Dylan narrowed his eyes and said, "Could it be that Princess Sophia's forces are still secretly supporting him?"

"This is impossible."

The two vassal knights narrowed their eyes slightly, with seriousness in their eyes.

They knew Baron Dylan, and they even came from the civilian class at the beginning. They have more than ten years of friendship and trust that they can rely on on the battlefield. Otherwise, they would not be regarded as confidantes by Baron Dylan now.

"It's possible." Baron Dylan snorted coldly.

Thinking about the unequal treatment I have always encountered when I came to Jianshi Pass in Beijun, my anger rose.

Clenching his fists, he slowly said: "Wait quietly, time will tell everything." After a pause, he said in a low voice: "But our destiny is in our own hands. With the money from the salt trade, I can Recruit more knights and arm more soldiers, in this case, even Viscount Wayne, who rules North County, will be afraid of our strength."

"We all listen to you." The two vassal knights nodded with firm faces.

... ... ...

In the room, Kant was resting quietly.

Manid just left.

They chatted for a while, but due to the extremely poor sound insulation, they didn't talk about too many topics.

Just briefly talk about today's trade.

In other people's territory, it is absolutely forbidden to publicize any secret information with great fanfare. Who knows if there are any spies from Baron Dylan right next door to these rooms

Kant had no so-called sincerity towards Uncle Dylan.

There is a saying that is good, only children pay attention to right and wrong, and only interests among nobles are eternal.

Now Kant has shown a profit that Baron Dylan can't refuse, and at the same time has shown a small part of his own strength. The cooperation between the two parties can basically go hand in hand.

As for the duration, Kant is not sure.

But at the very least, within a year, the two sides can be called a friendly and peaceful honeymoon period.

As for one year later, Baron Dylan, who has tasted the sweetness, has undergone a huge change with the help of this transaction. When he wants to continue to divide the cake that has already benefited him with Kant, he will find that it was originally just a small piece of cake. Kant the snake will become a terrible dragon.

One year, with systematic help, how could Kant fail to develop

This is Kant's confidence!

There was a proverb in the Principality of Lions: Lions are strongest only when they are adults.

Young lions, not to mention earth dogs, even desert antelopes dare to kick them with their hooves, because they all know that young lions do not have sharp claws, tusks, or a strong physique.

Only by relying on the protection of other adult lions can they finally survive.

Kant and his "Drehem" are such young lions, hungry for food, absorbing all nutrients, and seeking the protection of all adult lions.

Willing to pay part of the prey for this.

But when the lion grows up, has more sharp claws and a strong body, who will continue to plunder its food

No one dared.

This is the law of the forest, and it is also the law of the jungle.

Drowsy and fell asleep.

But Kant remained vigilant.

All night.

When he woke up in the early morning of the second day, Kant, who was sleeping on the soft bed, couldn't help stretching himself.

I have to say that the rooms in this mansion are well set up, especially the soft beds, which made his waist feel a little sore even after he was used to sleeping on hard beds.

Of course, the quality of sleep is very satisfactory.

Walking out of the room, Manid and the cavalry also came out.

The maid led them to the lord's hall, where breakfast would be held.

The vassal knights of the Stone Pass had arrived at their positions first, laughing and talking about various things with each other, but the topics were nothing more than women and wine, or how brave they were on the battlefield.

After Kant entered, the noise in the hall stopped.

Just by talking about it it just keeps coming.

However, occasionally there were some vassal knights who looked at Kant with unkind expressions, especially at the chain armor under the linen robes of the five Salander riders, with envious eyes and some kind of unkind covetousness in their eyes.

"Hmph." Kant snorted coldly.

Sitting in his own position, Manid and the rider next to him also sat down in the same position as yesterday.

They chatted in low voices among themselves, and they did not interfere with those vassal knights.

The truly capable vassal knights have already been canonized and have their own fief villages around the stone pass. Those who stay here are all those reckless men who don't have much ability and only know how to fight.

And just looking at the rude looks of each of them, there is no comparison with these five Salander riders.

"No wonder he is called a country bumpkin knight."

Kant laughed at the corner of his mouth, and the anecdote he had heard in Lion Castle also came to mind.

North County is a barren place. As a result, the quality of knights' equipment and soldiers is the lowest among the troops recruited by the entire Lion Principality. Every time a war is started with the enemy, the lords and troops of North County are second-rate cannon fodder.

No wonder they were called a bunch of North County country bumpkins, brainless and rude warriors.

Kant can even draw judgments.

Looking at the unfriendly faces of these guys, and the coveted appearance of the five Sarande riders beside him, it is estimated that after leaving the stone pass, he will encounter a little accident.

PS: Thanks to "Heiye Futu" for the 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Gongzi Duan" for the 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Vaguely remember you Wenwen" for the 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Mo LingĀ·Mo "Yu" pro rewarded 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Help" for tipping 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Nothing Confusion" for tipping 100 starting coins~Thanks "Hhyy" for tipping 100 starting coins~Thank you "Drunk Dream of Kitty Shang" personally rewarded 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Li Zongxue" for personally rewarding 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Dong Dongqia" for personally rewarding 100 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)