The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 90: A chance encounter in the desert


The market in Stone Pass is located next to the favelas.

Because North County's commerce is underdeveloped, the market is not big, and there are actually few things sold. The main stalls are only farm tools necessary for farming, or blacksmith shops for soldiers to repair weapons.

Near the Sangwaya Mountains, the attrition of weapons and armor against enchanted creatures or gnolls has always been high.

Because of the system, Kant naturally didn't have much demand for weapons.

But in line with the idea of trying to discover talents, I also want to see the blacksmith craftsmanship of Jianshi Pass.

Kant couldn't help but roll his eyes when Kant looked at those faces with smiles on their faces and their bright eyes, who obviously regarded him as a fat sheep of nobles, and took out the swords and battle axes made of inferior iron as if they were presenting treasures. , and when he saw the bloated and useless thickened iron-inlaid leather armor, he directly sighed.


Kant waved his hand and tapped the stirrup lightly on the horse: "Get ready to go."

"Understood." Manid and the others replied.

For Kant, the weapons and armor made by these blacksmiths can only be regarded as garbage after he is used to the high-quality products produced by the system, and they cannot catch his eyes at all, let alone spend silver coins to purchase them now.

There is probably no such poor place as Jianshi Pass for really good blacksmiths.

Although it is the world of sword and magic.

But excellent handicraftsmen, or blacksmiths and armor craftsmen, are precious strategic resources. As long as the craftsmanship is decent, living in those big noble castles or economically prosperous towns is better than poor places like Stone Pass. Much better.

"Pleasant cooperation."

Manid finished bargaining with the stall owner, took out 3 large silver coins, bound these inferior iron tools and packed them in sacks, and the desert robbers worked together to put everything on the horse.

Although 50 tools are heavy, they are easily distributed among 10 horses.

Of course, there are also necessary drinking water and food for crossing the Nalun Desert, which have been prepared for each person for 5 days.

"Master Kant, everything is ready."

Manid rode his horse and came to Kant's side to report.

"Okay, let's go." Kant nodded, kicked the stirrup lightly, and let the war horse under his crotch move forward.

The whole team headed towards the city gate on the north side.

Since the north is close to the Nalun Desert, there are occasional gnoll tribes attacking the city gates, so the north of Jianshi Pass is basically a slum area, dirty and messy, with sewage flowing, and the temperature is quite unpleasant.

Kant frowned and glanced at the skinny poor who hurriedly avoided, and made a general evaluation of life in the sentry oasis.

The "Drehem" village created by myself in the Sentinel Oasis.

Although the scale is small, it can be called complete with all internal organs. Although everything is in its infancy, it is undoubtedly like a utopian paradise for the common people living in it, enjoying the comfortable life in their imagination.

Although there are wars, at least there is hope.

Compared with living here, the poor who have no hope for life in their eyes are already much stronger.

"The task is difficult."

Riding his horse forward, Kant sighed slightly in his heart.

The sentry oasis is the foundation of oneself. If you don't want to become like this, you can only work hard to forge ahead.

He wants to be successful.

At the city gate on the north side, a thick gate made of a whole log is opened.

Those conscripted peasants with disheveled faces and loose leather armor, under the supervision of several captains wearing iron leather armor, tried their best to pull the winch to open the city gate, and sent Kant and the others off with great respect and grandeur. .

Did they know that this was Baron Dylan's distinguished guest.

And just because of the status of Baron Kant, it is also the reason why these civilian soldiers deserve to kneel and lick.

"let's go."

Kant ignored the compliments.

The war horse under his crotch seemed to have a tacit understanding. After leaving the city gate of Jianshi Pass, the figure of Xiongjun stretched out, and his four hooves stepped on the sandy canyon road, and galloped forward quickly.

Manid and 15 cavalry behind him also followed quickly.

Leave the canyon without incident.

The billowing sand sea of the Nalun Desert then appeared in front of my eyes, coming from the north and immeasurable.

But for Kant and the others, they are like ducks in water.

After all, Jianshi Pass is not their sphere of influence, and it feels uncomfortable to depend on others, especially the interests of the nobles, which made them leave in a hurry after confirming the cooperation.

Although this is still a no-man's land, the Nalun Desert is already equivalent to Kant's territory.

Riders and sand pirates from the Sarande desert are more familiar with this desolate environment.

The only awkward one may be Manid.

He was riding on a war horse, and the skin between his legs was tingling, so he could only sigh and endure it, planning to go back to the sentry oasis and hone his riding skills, and he must not be so embarrassing in the future.

In order to solve his pain, Manid diverted his attention: "Lord Kant."

"What's wrong?" Kant turned around.

"The cooperation between Baron Dylan and us will not be too long-term in my opinion." Manid said.

"That's right." Kant nodded, with no surprise on his expression: "No one is willing to give up the priceless salt mine, even if he has made a huge profit, he still wants to swallow the salt mine completely in his stomach to feel at ease. "

For this Baron Dylan who was unwilling to be in the rocky pass, Kant had already understood his psychology.

Greed is one of the reasons for the success of cooperation.

"But our development has to be accelerated, my lord." Seeing that Kant obviously had a plan, Manid reminded: "In my opinion, this is a dangerous game."

Kant chuckled, with a bit of sarcasm on his immature face: "That's right, it's a dangerous game."

Baron Dylan is gathering strength through cooperation.

As long as the accumulation of power takes shape, this cooperation will be torn up, and the salt trade will also disappear.

At that time, the greedy Baron Dylan will definitely be the one who is in the sentry oasis first. With absolute advantage, he will completely control the salt mine occupied by Kant, and let his caravan completely monopolize the salt trade. .

There was no need even to predict, Kant was sure that such a thing would happen.

Greed knows no bounds.

But when Baron Dylan thought he was developing so fast, he never imagined it.

It was Kant who really developed rapidly!

Kant, who has a golden finger, is standing on the cusp of the wind and can fly to the sky at any time. How can he develop slower than Baron Dylan

Wait for Baron Dylan to resist the pressure of the Lion Principality for Kant.

Looking back suddenly.

In the middle of the Nalun Desert, Kant's sentry oasis has swelled into a force that even he needs to handle carefully. Even when he is faintly at a disadvantage, it will be clear at a glance who will win and who will lose.

Kant led the team towards the depths of the desert.

The traces of their arrival are still faintly visible, and as long as the direction is right, they will first arrive at the post station at night.

That's where you can rest.

It's just that the Sarande rider who was leading the way in front looked slightly tense, tightened the reins, slowed down the speed of Sarande's horse under his crotch, and at the same time said in a deep voice: "Something is wrong, Mr. Kant, there is a situation ahead."

Kant squinted.

He also saw a dozen cavalrymen at the bottom of the sand dunes ahead, moving quickly towards this side.

PS: Thanks to "A Snail in the Book City" for the 100 starting coins ~ Thanks to "Warm Color 19" for the 100 starting coins ~ Thanks to "Amoyueve" for the 500 starting coins ~ Thanks to "Drunken Dreams of Kitty Shang "Professional tipping of 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Flying Over the Sea Horizon" for personally rewarding 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Flying Yumang" for personally rewarding 500 starting coins~Thanks to "Ashton 325" for personally rewarding 100 starting coins coins~

(end of this chapter)