The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 99: Persecution from Kant


In this way, Kant also divided the sentry oasis.

The north side is the agricultural area, the west side is the animal husbandry area, the south side is the residential and handicraft area, and the east side is the military area.

The construction of the stone city wall is carried out according to these four areas.

As for the commercial area that Kant had envisioned, he directly excluded it. After all, future commercial activities with the system can rely entirely on grocery stores to trade with the natives of this world, and there is no need for them to enter the fortress.

Even in order to keep the location of the salt mine secret, Kant planned to set up the commercial area directly at the station.

It is impossible for any caravan to enter the sentry oasis.

If you want to trade salt, you can only do it through the post station. If someone with ulterior motives wants to come over to investigate the truth, and shoot them directly after the warning is invalid, Kant, as the lord, kills some civilians, and the law can't control him.

Everyone is equal before the law


This sentence is tantamount to a joke in front of the nobles.

Similarly, in this world where class concepts and bloodline concepts are extremely important, this concept will not appear at all.

Maybe there is another word.

The law is the friendly assistant of the nobles to maintain their rule.

This is the true interpretation of the law.

In particular, Kant, as a baron, is far away from the Principality of Lions, but within his territory, he is more like a local emperor who is far away from power. It is entirely up to him to issue decrees or set rules.

After dividing the area, Kant had a plan in mind.

Thoughts move slightly.

The data flow that was originally floating in the mind instantly became real, and appeared in the sentry oasis below.

It is a stone cut from a wide stone, which is rapidly forming and extending, isolating the spring water from the agricultural area in the north, and the canals built in the past have also been cut off, even from the east of the lake and the street entrance of the sugar workshop. Spreading along the south side, after entering the desert, there will be an open space for new houses to be built, and then across a straight 90 degrees, from the training ground and mill to the east, and connected to the city wall where the spring is located, it seems to form a standard rectangle .

And this is also a pre-planned rectangular fortress.

The entire "Drehem" is protected by a city wall, which separates the spring water from the lake. Although there is a wall passage connecting the two on the city wall, the narrow holes can at most allow small animals such as ducks and geese to get in. out.

This is to ensure the drinking water needs of the fortress.

Even when surrounded by a large number of enemies, the troops can be resupplied through the springs left inside the walls.

And because the width of the small lake is only about 30 meters, the enemy must always face the threat of crossbowmen on the city wall if they want to replenish the lake. Every time they replenish water for the army, they have to pay a certain price.

Although it can replenish the lake water, it will actually become an ulcer for Kant to bleed the enemy.

[Ding... system prompt]

[This stone city wall can build 2 additional city gates, please choose the location where the city gates will be built.]

Kant's thinking is still in the perspective of God.

The system pops up a dialog box.

But Kant had already prepared for it. Following his thoughts, a 6-meter-high and 4-meter-wide stone city gate appeared in the military area on the east side and the residential and handicraft area on the south side. The gate panels were nailed together. It has a thickness of 20 centimeters, and several iron plates are evenly inlaid on it for reinforcement, and the defense effect is excellent.

So far, all the walls have been built.

"Huh." Kant slowly opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

He recovered from God's perspective.

Still sitting on his own chair, with a long table in front of him, as if his soul was out of his body after ascending to the sky just now.

This is of course the strength of the system.

In the governing hall that has been transformed into a military tower, pine oil torches are inserted on the walls, bringing light to the dim environment, barely allowing people to see clearly in this hall.

The improvement of defense effect also caused a decrease in comfort.

There are gains and losses.

Kant stood up and walked outside. The two Swadian infantrymen standing guard at the door were the same two who had been standing guard at the gate of the governing hall before. Seeing Kant approaching, he immediately straightened his chest, and a powerful breath spread out. out.

"I salute you, my lord."

The two of them saluted and said hello in unison.

"Very good." Kant nodded.

The two reached out their hands respectfully and pushed open the heavy wooden door.

Kant stepped out.

The troops of Fatis and Swadia are still on standby.

Everyone was silent, but they were full of energy, an elite aura condensed, even if Kant had seen the strongest knight army in the Lion Principality, the spirit was no different.

This is his unit.

Kant smiled and said with satisfaction: "Thanks for your hard work."

"All for you, for Swadia."

Fatis in front replied solemnly, which also represented the aspirations of all the soldiers behind him.

Kant nodded with a smile, looked at the stone city wall that had been formed in front of him, and protected the sentry oasis among the thick stones with an absolutely safe posture, as if separating the inside of the city wall and the outside of the city wall into two different worlds.

With this wall, "Drehem" became a real fortress.

He is truly rooted in the sentry oasis.

"Fatis." Kant said.

"Follow your orders, my lord." Fatis replied.

After a slight pause, Kant ordered: "Cancel the assembly of troops and organize the city defense system immediately."

"Understood." Fatis nodded in response.

As a standard military aristocrat, Fatis has his own unique views on the command and arrangement of Swadian troops. experience of.

The troops dispersed quickly, but it was not chaotic.

The Swadian heavy cavalry went first, followed by infantry and light infantry.

The sandy land in the eastern military area has been planned. Although the military buildings such as barracks have not been built yet, it can be used as a temporary camp without any problems. It is usually on standby and can respond in time when it is close to the east gate.

Ravenston rangers were grouped and stationed on the top floor of the governing hall and in the direction of the city wall.

Everything is in order.

"Okay, the current sentry oasis has reached a new chapter."

Kant narrowed his eyes slightly, his pupils were cold.

Turning his head to Fatis and Manid who had returned after arranging the troops, he said, "Follow me, I remember that we once captured a guy who claimed to be a high-level wolf man. Like a high-ranking elite."

Fatis and Manid were not amused by Kant's joke.

Walking ahead, Fatis led the way: "He was imprisoned in the basement of the governing hall before."

"Is it the same now?" Kant smiled.

Returning to the governing hall, the originally relatively narrow hall has become a spacious hall with a height of 4 meters. There are no extra rooms and kitchens on both sides. If the long table is removed, there is no problem in holding a dance in the hall.

Kant understands that this is the transition to the castle hall.

Although many rooms in the governing hall disappeared with the upgrade, the basement still existed and even expanded.

From the Gray Mane Kingdom on the coast of Mannheim, Assage, who calls himself the High Gnoll, was imprisoned in the basement that had been turned into a prison cell, and the wooden door was tied with iron chains. If there was any abnormal noise, the guards in the hall would immediately Will check it out.

Kant once issued an order that if the situation is urgent, no one can be left alive.

Even if the soldiers killed it brazenly, it was absolutely impossible to let this high-level wolf man from an unfamiliar region leave.

"My lord, please wait."

Come to the corner of the hall, there is a cover at the stairs.

After it was opened, it was the basement transformed into a prison cell. A Swadian infantryman walked down first, and as the iron chain was untied, Assage, who was firmly guarded, was tied up with both hands by the iron chain. come up.

Kant squinted slightly, looking at this well-dressed jackal.

He even found that the wolf man's mental state was a bit decadent compared to when he first met.

Just like humans.

I don't know why, even when Kant looked at this beast-like humanoid creature, this idea couldn't help but appear in his mind, squinting his eyes, but there was more gloom in his eyes.


Even with the long fangs protruding from the lips, the gray wolf-like head and body looked like wild beasts no matter what.

But in reality, the Gnoll is exactly what it claims to be.

It is a high-level wolf man, who has emotions no less than humans, or possesses wisdom no less than humans, and this is the gloomy place in Kant's heart, with a trace of fear deep in his eyes.

Wild beasts are not scary, just like the Gnoll tribe in the Nalun Desert.

But when these beasts become civilized and form a civilized country, it starts to be scary.

"Come out and be honest."

But the rough voice of the Swadian infantry came, pulling the iron chain violently, and directly dragged the slumped Assage out of the basement stairs, and even stretched out his feet wearing iron inlaid cowhide boots, He kicked it hard and staggered.

These level 4 soldiers who came out of the battlefield are nothing to be afraid of.

What's more, not only were the hands of this Jackal man chained, but even his feet were in shackles. The guards were very strict.

"Okay, be gentle with our friend."

Kant spoke and motioned for the infantryman to retreat.

And he looked at the high-ranking wolf man Asage, and said, "I know you can understand the human language and how to speak it. Now I think we should have a good talk."

With his hands and feet bound, Asage raised his head.

The wolf-like head looked at Kant, with a humanized fear on his face: "I am waiting for your orders, respected human lord."

"Let's talk about your hometown."

Kant smiled, satisfied with its sense of humor: "For example, the coast of Mannheim and the Kingdom of Graymane."

PS: No. 7.5 reward. Thanks to "Zi Pie Su", "SD Sha" and "Driving in a tank" for the 500 starting coins~Thanks to "Drunken Language and Kuangge", "Wu mulberry", "Tianshui Clan Gu Jiaming" for the 1,000 starting coins~Thank you "Aiel 512", "Scatter the Butcher", "Tell Your Sadness to the Wind", "Hehehehehe Me", "Water Color and White Moon", "Penguin Boyer", "Words of Opposition", "Sky Cold and Ice Rain", "Zhouaijing", "You Are a Beauty The 100 starting point coins personally rewarded by "Meow Star Researcher"~

(end of this chapter)