The Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 100: Co-ownership of both realms (twenty-nine)


how so

Even if Luo Zhifeng had broken free, the system never thought about the possibility that he would be caught again. Fortunately, the way of heaven in the demon world has long been in ruins. The system is grateful to its predecessors for being so ruthless, otherwise it would never have been possible to seize this opportunity and contact the main system!

It waits for the main system to pick it back up.

After having a way out, the system looked at Luo Zhifeng less timidly than before. It remained motionless, with a subtle provocation in its eyes.

So what if you break free? There's no chance of you catching me again! You can be arrogant for a while, and when it comes back to meet the main system, it will be your memorial day!

Because of this self-confidence, the system becomes confused and confused when things exceed its expectations again.

How could Luo Zhifeng escape its plot every time

It aroused the evil in a small world. These turbid and complicated emotions merged into Luo Zhifeng's mind without any reservation. It was equivalent to countless personalities symbolizing evil eroding and occupying his body.

Their encounters, the deep malice, were like sharp blades laced with poison, piercing the throat and severing the throat. After the system realized how terrifying Luo Zhifeng was, it had no intention of trying to break his soul in this way.

Its real killing move lies behind, it forcibly extracts a ray of memory that Luo Zhifeng is attached to -

The system amplifies this beauty and places it at the end of the most dangerous and dark "road", making it a beam of light that makes people look forward to it.

As long as Luo Zhifeng wavers in the slightest, as long as he is affected by malice in the blink of an eye, he will be beyond redemption! But why? How did he do it? Why was he not affected at all? How could he not be affected? !

do not care.

The system forgot about the tingling sensation in the scalp for a moment, and out of the corner of its eye caught a glimpse of the trajectory of the main system approaching this small world.

It snorted in success, and Luo Zhifeng couldn't see it, its inorganic eyes flashing with endless malice.

The sound of the system reverberates in the space, sending out countless echoes, like rolling waves, making it impossible for anyone who hears its sound to identify its true location.

[You damn bug, you can't catch me again! ]

[Right away, I will leave this small world, and I will report to the main system and ask Him to destroy the small experimental world on the spot! ! ]

The system caught sight of Luo Zhifeng's momentary hesitation. His pupils tightened as if he had thought of something. The system's data flow became more and more distorted, and every tone was horribly exaggerated, condensed into the most malicious voice, as if a villain had his ambition—

[Hahaha, that’s what you think. I’ve locked onto your little world. You don’t think I really have no backup options, do you? ]

[Look, what did I find? ] The system was full of teasing, [Oh~ I discovered it, Experimental Small World No. Extract x23 of the power of heaven and tear apart the heaven here—]

Its electronic eye retracts like a needle.

[I didn’t expect that an abandoned experimental site could breed a creature like you. Unfortunately... it will be destroyed soon because of you. ]

[Rivers of blood flow, lives are ruined, hee hee hee hee! You will become the sinner of the destruction of the small world, and the garbage dump... should look like a garbage dump, hehehe! ]

The system has revealed too much information in the blink of an eye.

The source world where Luo Zhifeng was located was not born incomplete. It had long been targeted by the existence of the system, enslaved, destroyed, and even on the verge of destruction.

It was used as a testing ground, a garbage dump.

Its power of heaven has been extracted, and it itself has been completely stripped away through experiments again and again, so Luo Zhifeng needs to go to other worlds to find replenishing power!

The law of heaven in Luo Zhifeng's origin world was torn apart once by the system, so it was confused and confused. It really thought that this small world was incomplete. If it weren't for the system's astonishing words, Luo Zhifeng would have been hard-pressed to know the inside story.

But no one thought that the heavenly way that should be destroyed somehow survived, and it used all its strength to give birth to the existence of Luo Zhifeng.

Even the system until now only thinks that Luo Zhifeng is an aborigine who accidentally escaped from the small world.

—He was the only accident out of control.

That is... a miracle.

The system threw down a huge thunder, laughed wildly, and walked leisurely step by step towards the light spot projected by the main system. When it stared at the spot of light, there was still resentment in its eyes that had not dissipated. It was certain that returning to the source world to destroy Luo Zhifeng was a certainty.

It will exaggerate and depict the evil deeds committed by Luo Zhifeng in the prison system, and it will also remove his label of weakness.

The system is well versed in the rules of their "workplace". As long as they have achieved certain results, they can arbitrarily destroy some small worlds that are not highly valued!

A strong person should have such courage, not to mention the way the natives of the small world fled in embarrassment, struggled feebly and turned into ashes, howling in agony and crying, it really made the system intoxicated.

This has become a pleasure for the system class in their spare time!

Thinking about this, the system became curious about Luo Zhifeng's reaction. What would he do

Are you desperate and fleeing in haste? Or are you unable to beat the void, searching for its figure in vain, unable to rage? No matter what, this is a picture that will make it happy!

With this expectation, the system couldn't help but look back in the direction of Luo Zhifeng at the moment when it was about to disappear into the light spot.

At this glance, it looked like it had been struck by lightning, with only horror in its eyes!

A hand, a slender hand belonging to Luo Zhifeng, fell right in front of the system's very close eyes. If it had just captured the figure of the system, the system would not be so horrified. What makes it horrified is that as the hand gets closer inch by inch, the channels arranged by the main system around it are actually rapidly twisting.

The passage made a crackling sound like an electric spark, and the aperture shrank, emitting scorching light in an attempt to drive away anyone who touched it at will.

The system also saw that the skin on Luo Zhifeng's hands continued to become scorched black and marked with brand marks, but he refused to move a bit. The skin that was rotten by electricity continued to regenerate, was burned again, and then was reborn again...

In just half a minute, Luo Zhifeng's hands maintained this cycle of continuous rebirth and destruction hundreds of times.

The charred skin peels off quickly, and the pain of being scorched hundreds of times by electricity alone is enough to make a person's head hurt. The body hardness and recovery ability of immortal cultivators are much stronger than those of ordinary people, but there is always a limit!

The new skin is just a thin piece of skin, soft and fragile, which makes the pain of the next light attack multiply exponentially... hundreds of times, each time the pain is more severe than the last one, even Mechanical beings like the system can't help but feel terrified.

Crazy? !

The substantial light was trapped in Luo Zhifeng's hands in such a way that it was almost self-mutilation. The system was frightened and just wanted to escape. It sharpened its head and squeezed hard into the passage, trying to escape before the passage was completely destroyed by this madman.

It looked like a prodigal dog in the first half minute, but later on it looked like a prodigal dog with only one option: running away in panic.

The system is scared and wants to escape!

But what happened in the next second made the system regret why it had the time to talk to Luo Zhifeng. If it hadn't said so much nonsense, it would have left!

In front of its electronic eyes, reflecting the scenes taking place at this moment, the system saw that Luo Zhifeng had tampered with the internal information of the aperture in some unknown way. It felt that the main system that had just arrived gradually shifted away from this place without noticing anything strange. Square small world.

And the aperture that reacted violently just now was like an obedient little pet, and even helped the evildoer, clinging to the system body in the void, dividing into countless rays of light, and binding it tightly again!

No! Main system, I'm still here! ! Look at me... don't go, save me!

"Do you still want to run?" As soon as the system raised its head, it met the eyes of Luo Zhifeng who showed a warm smile.

Probably only the slightly red corners of his eyes could prove that he had really suffered repeated trauma just now, and that he was a sentient human being.

The system subconsciously wanted to avoid Luo Zhifeng's gaze, and its arrogant aura was knocked to the bottom. Its electronic eyes widened, feeling like a shouting monster at the moment, and it murmured so subtle that it could almost be ignored: [A person from a mere small world. How could a creature crack the technology of the main system? This can't be... no, how could it be...? ]

Luo Zhifeng smiled and said nothing: "Thank you for your gift—"

Isn’t it just thanks to them

Luo Zhifeng once had doubts about certain messages transmitted from his source world's heaven. Even if he climbed the technology tree, the source world's incomplete state of technological development would not reach such a height.

So where do these messages come from

Today, Luo Zhifeng has an answer. The way of heaven in his origin world was so damaged that he could not remember the incomplete truth of the world or who his enemy was, but there was something that was always engraved on him.

Those technologies that are beyond imagination come from the system - they used these methods to torture and destroy the Heavenly Dao of the source world, and thus gave the Heavenly Dao the opportunity to record those technologies.

Now, Luo Zhifeng is just extracting this information and giving it back to him in his own way.

Thanks to us? How is this possible? There is no system that can leak this secret! The system's database subconsciously wanted to deny and fight back, but these human-like things still didn't say a word, huddled together, looking empty and helpless.

It didn't dare to utter a single word to resist this lunatic, fuck, fuck.

The system was well prepared to be imprisoned forever, and it somehow felt that Luo Zhifeng would resort to such methods.

"Do you think I will just lock you up like before?" Luo Zhifeng hit the nail on the head as if he had seen through the complicated data, "Do you still think I will only use this method?"

"You are wrong." The system finally felt the knife-like killing intent from Luo Zhifeng, who had been smiling slightly. This was the rain of knives, giving it a chilling chill!

It heard Luo Zhifeng say to the sky, to the Tiandao who could only survive: "I will hand over one of the culprits to you. As for the exchange conditions, I want your recognition!"

He just doesn't intend to continue to accept the test of the demon world and the way of heaven, but wants to achieve his goal through transactions.

What the system said when cursing was true. The main system would set its sights on Luo Zhifeng's source world after a period of time, and it would definitely choose to destroy it once and for all.

This kind of existence can't stand people who go against it and go beyond its expectations. If every system is an insidious villain, the main system should be the source of all malice.

What's more, the main system may have started to attack the source world, and Luo Zhifeng no longer wants to delay it any longer!

He let out a trace of murderous intent.

The damaged Heavenly Dao of the Demon Realm heard Luo Zhifeng's unceremonious voice, and angry thunder suddenly descended, making the sky look like daylight, giving it a "bloody" scene.

It was fighting back, asking Luo Zhifeng why he was intimidating it? What qualifications do you have to coerce it? No matter how desolate it is, it is still the way of heaven!

The thunder at the beginning was just a drizzle, and the devil's heaven had already made its stance, condensing several purple-gold thunders, as if it could throw them down at any time -

Luo Zhifeng stood upright, his pupils reflecting the world-destroying scene of purple and gold, without taking a step back.

"Mo Shang" had a cold look on his face, which diluted the slight youthfulness of his appearance. The person standing here is Luo Zhifeng, not Mo Shang, so... he is qualified to negotiate.

"Where's the coercion? This is just a mutually beneficial transaction," Luo Zhifeng said tightly, smiling lightly, as if the murderous intention just now had disappeared. On the side of the demon world and heaven, they still feel the murderous intention that follows them, "Don't you want to imprison the culprit and let him feel the pain you have experienced in his lifetime?"

He tilted his head, his black hair caressing his neck, a bit of murderous intent and a smile perfectly blended together to form an eye-catching force.

"If I don't agree, I have no choice but to find another way." When talking about this, his voice was as low as a snake's hissing.

Soft and tingling for no reason.

It's called a transaction, but it's actually coercion.

The Demon World's Heavenly Dao fell into silence. It didn't think for long, and the purple-gold thunder that was exposed in a corner was retracted, representing its silent compromise and agreement.

[good. ]

The thunder rolled and merged into another sound, the buzzing sound rolled in, and finally formed a vague reply. However, only Luo Zhifeng could hear clearly what it said, while everyone else covered their ears, with strands of blood oozing from their ears.

[However, you need to get the approval of any descendant of the demon world in this area, that is, his blood. ]


Luo Zhifeng simply threw the system into the sky. The moment the cage formed by the aperture broke away from the system body, the system drilled into the ground like crazy.

Even if it is imprisoned by Luo Zhifeng, it is still "alive", but if it falls into the hands of the demon world, it will be worse than death!

However, since the completion of the negotiations, the Devil Realm Tiandao has only focused its attention on the system alone, and the clouds are dense, blocking all possible escape channels of the system.

Its hatred for existences like the system has never been eliminated. If it could, it would rather abandon the justice that should be the way of heaven and tear the system into thousands of pieces, making it incapable of reincarnation.

This is the fundamental reason why the Demon World’s Heavenly Dao finally chose to comply with Luo Zhifeng’s request!

It hates, such hatred is indelible!

Now is the best time for revenge.

The demon world's Tiandao didn't even care about its own damage, and concentrated its strength into a thread, just to capture the fleeing system. Under the dragnet it laid, the system had no way to escape. After struggling for a few seconds, it crashed into the boundless clouds and was swallowed up by them.

The last voice left by the system was a painful plea: [No! ]

[Don't give it to me! ! ]

[I can give you news from other systems, I can give you ways to contact the main system... Ah! ]

Where it was swallowed up, there was an eye containing mysterious information. This eye of heaven was pointed at Luo Zhifeng without blinking, as if observing whether he might break the agreement.

Luo Zhifeng smiled and nodded: "I will not break the contract, I will leave it to you."

"As for its other kind that are hidden behind the scenes, I will also dig them out one by one."

The Eye of Heaven looked at this outsider and blinked, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

Following Luo Zhifeng's response, it appeared in the original plot that the jade seal that called the protagonist Mo Shang's escape from death was carried by a big blue bird. The big bird's entire body was the color of sapphire, and its pupils were flawless blood jade. Spiritual stone.

It pecked Luo Zhifeng's fingertips with its sharp gimmick, letting his blood soak into the jade medal. In an instant, the jade bird took up its body and turned into the missing corner of the jade medal like a wisp of smoke.

The power of the demon world's heavenly language is truly astonishing, causing the monks in the area to buzz and stagger around. The blood oozing from the ears of most of the monks had been pooling for a day, and they cried out incessantly.

A small number of "lucky ones" were instantly transported to a completely enclosed space under this torturous condition. It's surrounded by tightly sealed stones, so even mosquitoes can't fly in. It's no exaggeration to call it a fairy trick.

"what's the situation?"

"where is this place?"

He stretched out his hand and touched all the solid stone walls. The monks in this sealed space immediately started making noises in a hurry and scanned everywhere with their eyes vigilantly.

At the moment when they were panicking, there came a vaguely neutral voice that did not distinguish between men and women. It was subtly similar to the voice that made their ears bleed.

The voice spoke with neither joy nor anger: "There is a person who has started the inheritance of the demon world. It requires any one of you descendants of the demon world to drip blood from his fingertips before he can activate the jade medal and become the head of all demons and the master of the demon world."

After the voice finished speaking, a groove appeared in front of the monks, as well as a bright silver dagger. The exquisite relief on the dagger seemed to come from ancient times.

The breaths of the monks became hot in the blink of an eye. The inheritance of the demon world, the head of all demons, the master of the demon world... every word that was spoken made people's hearts beat like drums!

When they heard that voice, the spiritual power and demonic energy around them began to circulate rapidly involuntarily, giving their bodies an indescribable sense of mystery and resonance.

This sense of resonance makes them easily believe that this is not someone playing tricks, and that what the owner of the voice says is true! Not a word is false!

But in the blink of an eye, the monks were half-hearted again. What the owner of the voice said was recognized by one person, but it was not them!

This is equivalent to putting a treasure in front of you, but telling you that the treasure already has an owner -

Sadness, dissatisfaction, anger...

"Now, choose to drip your blood in." Demon Realm Tiandao finished speaking.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared in front of all the monks. On it was a young man holding a jade medal in one hand.

Everyone's first glance was directed at the jade medal in his hand. More than half of the jade medal looked like it was stained red by blood, while the remaining half still retained the cyan color of the jade, which was warm and delicate.

Obviously, this young man is the recognized person mentioned by the voice!

He looks very young, with a ponytail, handsome and handsome, like a knight on horseback who often appears in mortal novels. The clothes on his body show that he is either rich or noble.

But one after another, a monk recognized him, his pupils tightened and said: "How could it be him? Isn't this Mo Shang, the new sect leader of the Xuanwu Sect of the Demonic Dao?!"

Each of their monks could see Luo Zhifeng in another place, and Luo Zhifeng could also see everyone. Rows and rows of shadows unfolded in front of him one after another, and he could see everyone's expressions and movements.

"So that's what you were planning." Luo Zhifeng suddenly understood the reason why Demon World Heavenly Dao agreed so easily.

How to say? As expected, the consciousness of heaven that gave birth to such warlike and cruel people from the demon world turned out to be a trap here.

But judging from his appearance, he didn't seem to mind the devil's little thoughts.

Luo Zhifeng quietly held up his chin and looked at the several shadows one by one -

"An evil heretic stepped on all the righteous people?"

"For the sake of the common people, and for the sake of the world not being devastated, it is absolutely impossible to compromise with this devil!!"

"I am a descendant of the demon world, so if this guy fails, am I also qualified to aspire to the highest position?"

Some monks have already imagined the consequences of Luo Zhifeng's failure, and are imagining whether they can get a piece of the shit and get a piece of it

Some monks grabbed the dagger and looked left and right. They were so narrow-minded that they could only see the immediate benefits. They racked their brains to take the dagger, which looked like an ancient thing, as their own.

A righteous monk showed an expression of indignation, but he didn't know that the jealousy and indignation in his eyes were clearly displayed in front of the righteous master.

Under the guise of justice, they convinced themselves that their refusal to shed blood was a just act.

But in fact, he was just jealous that "Mo Shang" had such a chance to rise to the top!

Their reactions are even more beautiful than most of the monks of the Demonic Path. Isn't it really funny to have to put on a high-sounding mask for yourself

Luo Zhifeng felt that this was really a good pastime. He narrowed his black eyes slightly, put his hands together, and sometimes slowly separated them, as if he was applauding leisurely. He did not feel at all that his fate was being affected by others. Feeling helpless and angry in control.

The Eye of Heaven slowly poked its head out from behind him, and was a little confused by his leisurely posture.

Was its plan successful? Or failed

Does this outsider not care at all about the monks who decide whether he can control the demon world

Luo Zhifeng knew that they would not choose to shed blood, especially after he showed Mo Shang's appearance and was recognized.

Some of them were even excited and could not hide their excitement. They felt that they had a monk who controlled the devil in disguise in the palm of their hands and toyed with his fate. This was a very pleasant thing!

What they can't get, no one else can get.

This is the human heart, very dissatisfied.

But perhaps, there will be an exception - Luo Zhifeng crossed out all the other shadows, leaving only one shadow among them.

Lu Zhoubai tilted his head and looked hard at the projected image of Luo Zhifeng. After looking at it for a long time, he nodded hard again: "I think he is a good person."

"He's a good person!"

As he spoke, his eyebrows arched, and the next second he grabbed the dagger in front of him without hesitation, carefully scratched it on his finger, and blood flowed down the groove.

Lu Zhoubai: It hurts! qaq!

After he finished all this smoothly, he touched his finger that had stopped bleeding and blew in a breath.

In the original plot, Lu Zhoubai became the key to activating the Jade Chapter at the critical moment of the life and death of the protagonist Mo Shang. Now... everything subtly overlaps with the plot.

You see, it is still Lu Zhoubai who activates the Yuzhang.

The Eye of Heaven did not realize that such a development would happen. It reflexively asked Luo Zhifeng: "Did you know that this would happen all along?"

Doesn't he want to possess the secret treasure of the devil world? The deepest impression it has on the demon world under its jurisdiction is fighting, endless fighting.

There is no such thing as camaraderie, and there is no such thing as a person who is not willing to do anything for his own benefit.

Lu Zhoubai's approach... also confused the Eye of Heaven that was lost in that period.

"Ah..." Eye of Heaven identified, "It turns out he is a disabled person." That means he is a fool.

"No," Luo Zhifeng answered quickly this time, "Even if he is not that stupid, he will still drip blood. He has the intuition of seeking good luck and avoiding harm, just like a small animal, and his heart is as innocent as a child-"

Lu Zhoubai knew subconsciously that Luo Zhifeng or "Mo Shang" would not do anything harmful in the future.

He even subconsciously knew that he should know this "Mo Shang", they had known each other for a long time.

Luo Zhifeng said quietly: "He is a fool now, but he is much smarter than most smart people."

He looked at the jade seal, and the blood of the descendants of the demon world quickly soaked into the remaining shiny cyan. In a moment, it completely changed its appearance, exuding a crazy bloody breath, and wisps of blood mist bees pupated. It poured into Luo Zhifeng's body and formed a large bloody cocoon. You could vaguely sense that something was undergoing transformation inside.

At that moment, everyone who came to the confined space was kicked out, and the last scene they saw from the corner of their eyes was the blood cocoon exuding a terrifying aura.

They witnessed the scene of Yuzhang absorbing blood. It was obvious that some of them chose to send blood into the groove!

"How could there be such a saint!!" A monk was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

"Who, which idiot dripped blood?!" A monk roared with red eyes, regretting endlessly that he had missed the treasure.

They couldn't believe that after learning that the jade seal was related to the inheritance of the demon world, someone would choose to drop blood into it! Even if some of them were subordinates of the demon cultivator Mo Shang, this shouldn't be the case! Who could be so decisive as to give up this treasure that seems to be within reach? !

They were mad, they were shocked, but that was all they could do. They have no way of knowing who was the last person to drop blood!

Only Lu Zhoubai was smiling and carefree when he disappeared. When he reappeared, he was still smiling, as if he had witnessed something great.

Xiao Xuan gently pulled him and asked, as if he had become a new nanny: "Where were you just now? Why are you smiling so happily?"

Lu Zhoubai said: "I helped a good person!"

Xiao Xuanqing: "?"

In his direction, for some reason he suddenly caught a glimpse of the big boss Lu Zhiling disguised as a child showing a smile. Like... smiling in vain at Lu Zhou

Did I miss something? Xiao Xuanqing didn't quite understand. The next second he heard the sword Li Luoqiong was carrying make a quick and urgent buzz, as if he wanted to drink blood and fight.

Even when cutting those phantoms, this cold sword was not so excited!

So now it’s…

Xiao Xuanqing looked up into the air, dumbfounded, and his mouth could not be closed.

He saw that the sky turned blood red, and the moon was also blood red, but it was dimmed by the... cocoon that stood in front of it. All the colors in the space seemed to be absorbed by the blood cocoon.

A handful of seedlings suddenly emerged from the barren sand, and some corpses that had long since turned into bones were squeezed out of the ground.

"Hiss..." Xiao Xuan hissed in surprise, noticing a handful of things wrapped around his ankle.

In the blink of an eye, the seedlings quickly grew taller, fluttering in the wind like blood-red silk threads. Without exception, they stretched in the direction of the blood cocoon, as if they were worshiping or believing.

Xiao Xuanqing saw a corpse that had been pushed into the mire. Its empty, white bones had blood-red "threads" wrapped around them. The conflict between red and white had a strange and disorderly beauty, each and every one of them. The corpses just emerged, making people feel as if they had returned to that era.

In that era when the demon world was once glorious, it returned to the human world in such an unexpected way.

Realistic phantoms emerged from the corpses, including the screams of wild horses, the gasps of bare-handed combat, the clang of magic weapons, and even bloodthirsty shouts. , a cry of madness or joy.

It completely displays a demonic world that once grew wildly.

It was an era of blood and fighting, and it was also the most prosperous time in the demon world! It reveals to people the mystery of this spiritual sea secret realm and reveals the past!

"Big deal... Where is this place?" Xiao Xuan murmured softly. He didn't believe that this was just the spiritual sea.

Li Luoqiong answered at this moment with a cold voice: "This is the devil's world, a place buried by history."

Xiao Xuanqing seemed to understand, but soon he was unable to think about these things because the blood cocoon was cracking. It seemed that the things inside had completed their transformation, so they were constantly breaking free from the shackles of the blood cocoon.

He held his breath—

Countless cracks appeared outside the blood cocoon. In a few breaths, the cracks expanded infinitely, and fragments of the cocoon fell down.

Xiao Xuanqing opened his eyes wide and saw a vague figure. He had loose black hair, a slender figure, and skin like jade carvings.

Although he couldn't see his facial features clearly, he could subconsciously identify this... male's handsome posture.

As soon as he appeared, the blood-red thread trembled and bowed down, like a field of wheat that had been cut down. They are expressing surrender. The trembling is not fear or complete awe, but some are also excited and attracted!

It was as if in front of this person, these ferocious guys who were not weak should bow down and submit.

The astonishing intimidation made people breathless, and everyone heard a bell. The invisible power and resonance made it difficult for them to look at the young man's face, and it also gave them a silent understanding!

The young man is integrated with this secret realm. He is already the real controller. What's more, in this secret realm, he has the power to control life and death!

He is the undisputed master here!

"who is he?"

The monks did not dare to utter a single breath. They all lowered their heads and caught a glimpse of the young man's figure falling slowly from the corner of his eye. At the same time, they couldn't help but blurt out such questions.

who is he

This is probably what everyone wants to know at this moment. They have realized that this secret realm of the spiritual sea cannot be a simple secret realm. What shocking secrets are hidden in it!

"That's Mo Shang, damn... the master of the demon world!" Someone finally said with uncontrollable anger!

Yes, this is Mo Shang, and also Luo Zhifeng.

He took the first step to become the Lord of the Demon Realm, and in the next step, he wanted to point his sword at the Immortal Realm!