The Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 109: Two worlds co-lord (38)


Yinglong's arrival was huge. Around him were flames that were raging like demons. Intangible flames clustered in front of him, making his eyes look like lava rolling.

But he turned all his attention to Mo Shang, and the people around him only felt the heat like being burned by fire, but could not feel the terrible pressure hidden in the flames.

But even so, the power in the form of flames accompanying Ying Long is just an appetizer—

Bai Yue saw that the bright sky was shrouded in a strange red light, just like a large fire cloud covering the sky. He looked shocked. He only caught a glimpse of the peripheral light, and then he noticed that his eyes were so hot that he instantly lost the ability to see.

He covered half of his eyes and reluctantly looked at the red dragon-shaped "clouds" on the horizon. His expression suddenly changed.

At this moment, Bai Yue finally remembered who the familiar red dragon shape belonged to, and he exclaimed in shock: "How could he still be alive?!"

The ferocious beasts of the demon world have been entrenched in the depths of the demon world for tens of thousands of years. They can be said to be at their peak... But when the demon world fell, shouldn't they have already fallen with it

Bai Yue pulled out a few relevant descriptions from his mind, and his face became even worse - the ferocious beast Yinglong is the most violent and uncontrollable existence among the ferocious beasts.

He is bloodthirsty and greedy, as if he was born to fight.

Such a master has no chance of even using words to hold him back! Bai Yue looked at Ying Long's fiery vertical pupils and couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. The fact that he was showing such a look now meant that he would not make any retreat. Even if the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm tried to restrict him, he would not pay attention to it. !

This is a declaration of war, a naked declaration of war -

This ferocious beast seems to be determined to fight Mo Shang. Can he defeat this ferocious beast

Bai Yue's heartbeat was pounding, and he calmed himself solemnly. No matter what the outcome was, the entire world of immortal cultivators must be prepared for a fierce battle. They couldn't just place their hopes on Mo Shang alone, because...

Bai Yue could feel what kind of terrifying power was brewing in these "fire clouds". The vicious beast Yinglong is not targeting Mo Shang alone, he is clearly targeting the entire world of immortality.

It can even be said that he has been dormant for so long, and has become a blockbuster without moving, just to challenge the established rules of the world of immortality.

"Those with low cultivation level leave here! Those with high cultivation level cover up those with low cultivation level and leave -" Bai Yue was wearing a very loose and casual robe, but when he ordered like this, he had a bit of the mature demeanor of a sect leader. .

He quickly crushed several transmission notes and conveyed the message. Bai Yue's transmissions resounded throughout most of the world of cultivators, including the transmissions that had been casually thrown aside by the demon cultivators and were ready to be discarded. Note.

Damn it!

The handyman guarding the place where the Demon Sect placed the items was drowsy. When he first heard Bai Yue's voice, he thought that the sect had been breached by the righteous, and they came to attack him. He was so frightened that he smashed his butt on the ground.

When the handyman heard Bai Yue's voice coming from the transmission note in embarrassment, he even hoped that the devil and the righteous would join hands...

He was not calm at all because it was just a false alarm, but he was even more frightened.

Damn it, the leader of the first sect of the righteous way used the transmission talisman to find the devil's request.

aid? ! What terrible news is this? What kind of big event happened that made the righteous master abandon his previous grudges and notify the devil

The handyman was trembling all over and ran out almost crawling on the ground with the transmission talisman.

He didn't think it was a prank or a joke, he just thought something big must have happened... or something not so good!

"Zhengdao asks for help?" Lu Zhiling played with the transmission talisman until it completely burned out and Bai Yue's voice disappeared.

Lu Ya stared at Lu Zhiling's still pale face with a heavy gaze. For the first time, he took an overstepping step and said, "My lord, your injury has not healed yet. My subordinates can take your place..."

Go to support, or go to die...

Before he finished speaking, Lu Zhiling glanced at Lu Ya, and let a little warm ash from the transmission talisman fall on the back of Lu Ya's hand.

"Don't think about it," he said, holding his cheek, "I will go? Why not go? Not only will I go, but I will also bring all the elders of my sect with me."

He dragged out the tail sound, which attracted Lu Ya's confused eyes. Lu Zhiling smiled slightly: "The ones I encountered on the right path were the ferocious beasts that had survived from the demon world, Yinglong."

Lu Ya showed a look of astonishment for a moment.

The elders in the sect "happened" to come after hearing the news at this time. They didn't even wait for Lu Zhiling to take the initiative and said cheerfully: "I happened to hear the message from the Baiyue Sect Master outside. The remnants of the demon world are still trying to kill him." In the world of cultivating immortals, we should follow up and kill it together.

It’s also a good idea to take care of your body, sect leader. "

When the Lord listens to the message, the surrounding area is sealed. How can these elders hear the content of the message

Lu Ya glanced at Lu Zhiling and understood immediately - the Lord was letting the elders hear what he wanted them to hear.

As for the fact that this "remnant" of the demon world is the ferocious beast Yinglong? How can you trick them if you let them know

Lu Zhiling raised a smile, but his face was still pale: "Okay, then I'll trouble the elders."

There was nothing wrong with the smiles of the elders, and they exchanged glances calmly.

It seems that after sacrificing so many spies, Lu Zhiling finally thinks that the entire sect is a trustworthy confidant!

It wouldn't be in vain for those outstanding demon cultivators to die... Before he could recover from his old injury, he just encountered a difficulty that the good and the evil must work together to solve. Isn't it a good time to kill this kid in a sneak attack

Not to mention, if the Demonic Path changes its dynasty at this time, the Righteous Path will not dare to betray themselves for the sake of the world of immortality. Then they will be able to stabilize the foundation of the Demonic Path after they take over without any effort.

It’s not an exaggeration to call it a God-given opportunity!

Lu Ya looked at the smiles of the elders as if they were carved from the same mold, and what he was thinking was similar to them.

Do they really think that with so many spies dead, they will be safe? Those spies went to die without saying a word, which made... many people questionable.

Lu Ya thought coldly, how could the elders think that they would not be suspected? —When in the presence of the Lord.

Once again, Lu Ya was impressed by the Lord's foresight. All their little moves seemed to be invisible to the Lord.

As a subordinate, he knew for sure that the Lord had not put much energy into it.

For these people, the Lord seems to be able to predict the future.

"You and my apprentice are very similar, quite ruthless." Ying Long said to Mo Shang when Lu Zhiling arrived.

The living dead hiding behind Ying Long seemed to be looking for a life-saving straw and wanted to rush forward and hug Ying Long's thigh. It was just a very mediocre wronged soul. It originally thought that it was dead, but it didn't expect that it was the only one who was saved by this big shot.

It thought that the big man Ying Long was interested in this skin, so naturally it would try its best to please it -

It's best to kill all these hateful monks in front of you and make them its food!

Just as it raised its eyes proudly and glanced at each monk in a playful manner, its limbs were broken by a strong force. Yinglong frowned and tore off the two arms of the living dead with one hand.

Its two thighs were also pulled off with the same ease. The living dead was turned into a human urn in less than a few seconds. The place where the blood spattered was also forcibly sealed. There were several scars on Yuma's bare limbs. Beach of red blood.

"Dirty." Yinglong spat out one word, ignoring the hoarse cry of the living dead.

The expressions of the elders who followed Lu Zhiling were very pretty. They support Lu Zhiling's master to replace Lu Zhiling in charge of the demonic path, just because they want to eradicate him in the name of righteousness! He even wanted to ask his master to take action - after Lu Zhiling dies, they elders can take advantage of the opportunity to divide everything.

Lu Zhiling's master here is just a symbol!

But who could have expected that Ying Long, whom they thought was a demon cultivator... would actually be standing opposite the entire world of immortal cultivators!

He is not even a demon cultivator at all, but a vicious demon beast that has been lurking in this world for a long time!

They even deliberately left clues of cooperation for Ying Long before they knew about it... Once exposed, once exposed...

Lu Zhiling and Mo Shang's expressions did not change, and Bai Yue also instructed the righteous monks to suppress the urge to attack. But it was the elders whose expressions changed drastically who took action first. They wanted to block the mouth of the insider immediately, and they would not let this vicious beast have a chance to reveal anything!

An elder with a kind appearance immediately spoke: "Such behavior... Lord, such ferocious beasts are just like those possessed demon cultivators, and they are all deserving of death!"

They guessed that Lu Zhilingding also wanted to seal Ying Long's mouth, and did not want to reveal the identity of their master and disciple—

So, he wanted to do this, kill people with a borrowed knife, and at the same time make his plan successful.

"Oh? Are you elders so impatient to kill demons?" Lu Zhiling seemed a little surprised.

Seeing his performance, the elders felt that they had made the right bet, and the leader hurriedly said: "That's right! There will definitely only be one side between us and him, and we must eradicate the root cause."

"Okay then," Lu Zhiling unsheathed his long sword, "then it will be as you wish -"

Almost at the same time, the elders secretly showed a smile of success.

"Clean up the sect." Lu Zhiling stroked the blade of the sword with his hand and opened his mouth to everyone, "The elders of our sect support my master Yinglong in ascending to the position of sect leader - this undoubtedly represents betrayal. They lured wolves into the house and harbored evil intentions. Today, we should be punished by I clear the door.”

"Are you right, Master?" Lu Zhiling raised a bloodthirsty smile and raised the knife in his hand.

Just after the village chief's blood was spattered on the spot and the living dead's limbs were broken off and turned into human urns, Lu Zhiling just showed up.

The butcher knife was raised towards the elder of the same sect.

The blade of his knife was covered with blood, and he used the demonic energy attached to the knife to pierce the hearts of the elders who had already locked them with precision.

Lu Zhiling flipped his wrist, and the rotten flesh in their chests was pierced and pulled out, hitting the ground with a loud thud, making a muffled sound.

"He deserves to be punished for his crime." Lu Zhiling's voice fell to the ground. The elders only had time to widen their eyes, showing expressions of splitting eyes. Their bodies fell to the ground together, making an empty sound.

They saw Lu Zhiling and Ying Long looking at each other from a distance, so no one doubted the authenticity of their identity as master and disciple.

The monks were immersed in shock for a long time when they heard Yinglong tilt his head slightly and responded to Lu Zhiling's words as if recalling: "It seems that there is such a thing, but I don't remember it. They are just a bunch of annoying bugs."

Their master and disciple's consistent response, coupled with Lu Zhiling's thunderous methods against his own people, made many people feel that Lu Zhiling would switch sides and fight with them at any time.

But unexpectedly, when Lu Zhiling took a step forward, the barrier that Mo Shang set up that they could not break through actually rippled, and Lu Zhiling just let him in.

He actually stood side by side with Mo Shang, looked at Ying Long and said: "It seems that today I am going to try to kill the master."

After that, Lu Zhiling turned his head towards the monks, as if to remind: "You should take care of yourselves, something is going to fall from the sky!"

What is going to fall from the sky

The author has something to say: I am writing about the wy incident and my thoughts on the May 5th Break, so you can skip it by yourself.

Recently, there has been great turmoil in the online literary world. YW senior management has changed, and the overlord contract has further squeezed the rights of authors. They squeeze the authors, hoping that they will become outright wage earners, and even want the things they write to no longer belong to them.

They advocate free of charge, and many readers may think, hey, not bad, pretty good? As everyone knows, free is the most expensive. If these zb (capital. ben) calculations come true, then all readers will see only what zb wants you to see. They will completely lose the right to choose, let alone see it. Niche works like Mystery shine brightly.

Today is the time when the author of qd (starting point) resists the overlord contract and fights against zb’s May 5th update day. The author doesn’t know how many people can really do it, but he never wants zb to manipulate culture and create gods wantonly. occur.

If we are powerless to stop something like this and it finally happens...then probably the author won't be able to write an article. We don’t want to be slaves to the ZB, but we can’t even get five insurances and one housing fund.

I hope that the resistance will be effective and that our works will not be shamefully monopolized by the ZB.

*Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-04-2923:57:05~2020-05-0501:21:21~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Brother Tao 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Xiao Xiaoxue, Sui 20 bottles; Nan Muhe, Iris 10 bottles; Squirrel Fish, Yi Xianyu 2 bottles; Tao Ge, Xinghai 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!