The Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 111: Co-ownership of both worlds (forty)


There was a strange wave expanding in the crowd, mixed with a trace of morbid and twisted power. Lu Zhiling turned his head over, his pupils twitched, and said in a calm tone: "Soaring Snake."

"You cooperated with Soaring Snake? Why?" The aura lingering among the people who fainted was cold and gloomy. You could clearly tell the difference between it and Ying Long's violent aura.

The strange green color that caught Lu Zhiling's eyes led him to judge the source of this power as the "dead" Soaring Snake.

Why? Ying Long lazily raised his eyes and looked at the apprentice he had taken care of when he was bored.

-The formation left behind by Soaring Snake "before his death" is a formation that can allow any living person contaminated with the aura of the demon world to transform into a ferocious beast.

It is said that using this as a medium, it can draw out the remaining vicious beasts that have lost their whereabouts.

How could Ying Long not know that this medium could also bring back the "dead" Soaring Snake. The Soaring Snake can return at any time by seizing the person who transforms into a ferocious beast.

In the final analysis, he just wanted to take advantage of Ying Long, which really made Ying Long unhappy—

But why would he still follow Teng She's idea

Ying Long grinned, revealing the fangs that humans cannot grow: "Whether he is calculating or planning, I don't care. I just want to see how many humans can transform into my companions?"

He pointed at a mortal who collapsed on the ground, watching her tense up and trembling, but she still couldn't resist the slow changes of her body step by step. Scales with a metallic luster came out from her neck, densely packed. The ground was covered with clumps and spread, and gurgling blood seeped out from the joints of the scales.

Ying Long's pupils became brighter and brighter: "They were originally so weak that they could be crushed with one finger, but now... I can see some value in them."

However, he thought casually, how many of them would be able to transform into ferocious beasts in the end? It should be less than one percent or one thousandth. Except for this part, the rest will die——

"Not talking about this, do you still have a chance to take care of them now? Can you really save them?"

During their conversation, they did not stop attacking each other. The slow and leisurely pace of their speech never affected the speed and murderous intent during the fight.

Not enough, not enough. Yinglong looked at Lu Zhiling. His apprentice could be regarded as a person with extraordinary talents, but for Yinglong himself, he was too ordinary.

He won't have Mo Shang's rapid progress in battle. His whole body is fixed. Not to mention that everything Lu Zhiling is good at has the shadow of Professor Yinglong, and his flaws and shortcomings have all fallen into Yinglong's eyes through his previous interactions and teachings!

So... Yinglong's sword attack almost cut Lu Zhiling in half. Fortunately, when Lu Zhiling was hanging in the air, he forcibly broke the bones on his body to prevent the giant sword from hitting his vitals. But even so, he flew backwards in an instant, with blood everywhere. splash!

Lu Zhiling stood up unsteadily, but his breath was obviously weakened. Mo Shang also took advantage of Yinglong's sword to slit his right wrist, but compared with the price Lu Zhiling paid, it can be said to be negligible. !

The sound of blood splattering was reflected in the dead space where the fainting people were. At first, I thought I had found a way out of the pain, but the next second I saw people I knew and strangers were half-human.

The person who died suddenly in the form of a half-monster became mute.

Their only hope was extinguished, and no one dared to bet whether they would die in the same way if they chose to become companions!

This is simply cutting off both ends of the road, but constantly inflicting painful torture to force people to make a choice.

How do they choose? They don’t want to choose—

Monks...can those immortals rescue them? ! There are people in the mortal world crying repressedly, begging for mercy from the gods. They obviously have done nothing and just live a normal life day after day. Why do they suffer such a crime!

Some monks heard the cries of people in the mortal world, and while they were heartbroken, their mouths felt sour at the same time - how could they save these people? They are already here, and they cannot protect themselves...

There are monks with higher cultivation who have not come in... Is there any way...? Who can do anything? !

The mortals begged the immortals for help, and the monks hoped that monks with high cultivation levels could break through this space, but after waiting for a long time, they only heard Ying Long's Ruowuowu voice: "Can you really save them? "

Ying Long's teasing voice was tight, like a heavy hammer hitting people's hearts. They have no means of contacting the outside world, and they hope that they can be rescued. Their only hope is in the people and immortals from the outside world.

Ying Long's words were enough to directly disrupt this fragile trust. What's more, the outsiders really didn't find a way to break in -

Following this sound, the people in this space heard the sound of sharp weapons clashing, as well as the sound of water, no, blood flowing. This tortured them and gave them the desire to betray humanity. , and plan to fight to the death to become the same kind as Yinglong!

But for the time being, only a small number of people think so, and the greater majority are anxious and even desperate.

Can they really wait for rescue? Immortal... monk! Who will save them? They don’t want to die in such an unclear way—

Despair tore at their souls, and those who had their eyes open in the outside world had gray haze gradually covering their eyes. They were still alive, but they seemed to be dead.

Are there gods in this world? !

People in the outside world are also in a deadlock. Most of the people in the world of immortality have been dragged in, leaving some lucky ones or monks with high cultivation levels.

However, all parties communicated and only found a brute force method to crack it.

But this cracking method requires people's vitality. God knows how panicked Bai Yue was when he discovered this. The power Ying Long displayed in this space even surpassed his power in fighting Lu Zhiling and Mo Shang—

This shows that there is absolutely no room for maneuver. Even if Yinglong loses, he cannot be coerced into letting go of the people trapped in the space! What he came here to do was to drag everyone to be buried with him if he didn't win... Therefore, his existence made Tiandao even issue a warning.

If the monks don't do anything, the world of immortality may really perish under Yinglong's own power!

Bai Yue hopes that the monks can unite. He has made up his mind and will devote his life to destroy this space. He will never let them choose... to become a vicious beast in the demon world.


A middle-aged elder said haha: "If my life span is any shorter, I won't have it anymore. Sorry, Zong."

host. "

Bai Yue looked at him, but clearly remembered that this monk had just advanced and still had hundreds of years left in his life.

Some people hesitated: "I'll think about it again, I'll think about it again." But his illusory figure appearing in the transmission notes looked left and right, not daring to look into Bai Yue's eyes.

Bai Yue's heart, which had been a little warm, slowly cooled down. Thinking about it again, when did he think of it? Are you satisfied with the thought of all these people being tortured to death? !

After asking everywhere, he often heard rejections and hesitations. What was most ridiculous was that some monks even avoided Bai Yue's questions by pretending that they were among the people who were hit by meteors!

Yes, vitality is directly linked to lifespan... But even so, they can still output a little less vitality, and if they add up, they can break this space -

Bai Yue's cultivation level is not high, and his lifespan is not as long as these immortals, but he dares to give his own life to save people... Why? But there are only people huddled around? !

A monk murmured and raised his head to signal Bai Yue to look at Mo Shang's room: "What, sect leader, well, Lu Zhiling will probably die in the hands of that ferocious beast, but there is still Mo Shang. He won, and the person trapped in that space Isn’t there help?”

Bai Yue wanted to roar, wanted to roar, but when he saw the monk winking, he felt like he had been splashed with so much cold water that he could not get out even if a single word was stuck in his throat.

What could he say? What can he do? Can he kill all these people in front of him?

These monks with the highest level of cultivation and great achievements were actually the first ones to surrender to the vicious beasts of the demon world! They are... borers!

"Look, how ridiculous it is." Ying Long glanced at the monks' infighting with contempt, "You have to protect such idiots? How about..."

Mo Shang responded to Yinglong's blow without hesitation, just to make a deeper mark on Yinglong's old injury.

He was still smiling slightly, even though his body was crisscrossed with old and new wounds, even the ends of his eyes had slender scars, even though a group of elders from the world of immortality were the first to betray the enemy.

Mo Shangqing spoke out his words with contempt in his tone, but he also had a certain emotion that made Yinglong sneer and even feel disgusted: "They are indeed worms in the world of immortality, but the entire world of immortality is not the same. Eaten by moths.”

"Oh? How to prove it?" Ying Long laughed angrily.

But he saw Lu Ya walking up to Bai Yue with a bloody severed hand. He said coldly: "Hey, if you want to break the formation, add me."

He lowered his voice, glanced in the direction of the barrier Lu Zhiling, and whispered in a voice that no one else could hear: "The Lord is fighting alone there, how can I... do nothing?"

Bai Yue laughed in frustration, and moved his lips for a long time before he squeezed out one word: "I didn't expect that the only one who was willing was..."

Demonic people.

There was still some warmth in his heart, and before he finished speaking, Bai Yue heard several overlapping voices.

"Bah, you bitch, it's just a little bit of life, my old man can still afford it!"

"After living so long, it's time to make some contribution."

This sound is like a trumpet blown before a battle, and like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, infinitely amplifying the small sound, allowing people who are not greedy for life and fear of death to step forward and stand up.

"We... although our cultivation level is a little low, can it still be helpful?"

"Add me. It would be great if I could be of any help. I have never done anything for the world of immortality."

"I… "

"I also… "

Their voices merged into a torrent, suppressing the sneers of the moths in the mud, and rekindling Bai Yue's heart that was about to cool down completely.

He looked at these people, his expression swaying, and a crystal light flashed in his eyes. Bai Yue choked and said: "Okay..." and then heard Mo Shang's chuckle across the barrier.

"Look..." Mo Shang turned sideways and said, his cheeks stained with blood, but he still had an elegance that couldn't be concealed, "There is still hope in the world of immortality—"

"With them?" Yinglong sneered.

"No, it's up to me." Mo Shang also smiled back at him. In an instant, the barrier was distorted. In Bai Yue's field of vision, he saw a torrent of terrifying spiritual energy pouring out, covering his whole body. All the people were wrapped up in the cold aura. Visible to the naked eye, those dark auras were reluctantly pulled out.

But they did not die. Instead, they twisted into thousands of ropes, and rushed towards Mo Shang like swallows throwing themselves into the forest, pouring into his body!

People who fainted everywhere felt as if the pain they were experiencing was being withdrawn. Their consciousness gradually returned from their bodies. When they opened their eyes, they all looked in the same direction as if they were being guided.

They "saw" the dark aura disappearing into the distance, and saw the dark aura regrouping in the distance. People should be afraid that they all penetrated into one person's body -

However, the eyes of countless people were still focused on that direction. There was no fear or panic, only the joy of escaping from death and gratitude to Mo Shang standing in that direction.

They knew... the pain they experienced did not disappear, but perhaps was borne by the person in front of them alone!

"Are you crazy?" There was a crack in Ying Long's manic expression for a moment. He looked at Mo Shang in disbelief, completely unable to understand why he would do this. "You want to bear this pain for all of them? You have to bear the pain of thousands of people." Tens of thousands of pains added up?!"

Mo Shang just smiled.

At that moment, Bai Yue slightly raised his head and looked at Mo Shang. There was an invisible vibration in his heart, which finally turned into just a movement and a sound.

He frowned, turned towards Mo Shang with sincerity, nodded softly and said: "Yes, you are well-deserved to be the best in the world -" At this moment, Bai Yue finally fully recognized Mo Shang, the destined son. Finally, I was completely convinced of Mo Shang's existence.

Mo Shang then... received God's promise.

The author has something to say: It’s fast, it’s fast, it’s fast. Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-05-0623:59:20~2020-05-1100:17:38~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 16 bottles of honey extract tea; 1 bottle of Weird (Qi);

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!