The Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 3: Lord of Hades (3)


"You-" Ji Baiqing was so angry that she was shaking all over, and was disgusted by Liu Cheng'an's sticky tone.

The aunt on the side was smiling, thinking that she had done a good thing.

"You, get out of here!" Ji Baiqing amplified her voice and pushed Liu Chengan directly with her hands. Liu Chengan just stood and let her push him, lowering his head and staring at her with sticky eyes and smiling.

He looked like he was being pushed around, but in fact Ji Baiqing knew that this was all staged by Liu Cheng!

The aunt couldn't stand it anymore, so she tried to smooth things over: "Speak nicely and don't do anything. Women should be more docile. Cheng'an, this young man, has good conditions and a good personality. In today's society, you can't even find him with a lantern." .”

Ji Baiqing felt powerless and angry. She wanted to punch the person in front of her in the face, but her body was limp and powerless...

What do they know? !

Does she need his pursuit? Is the so-called pursuit just like a rat in the gutter peeping and monitoring her life

But with three people turning into tigers, she was really tired... She couldn't hold on any longer.

A circle of white spots appeared in front of Ji Baiqing's eyes. Her body trembled and she almost fell down.

But a strong force came from behind her, supporting Ji Baiqing's body.

"Sister," Luo Zhifeng supported Ji Baiqing and walked in front of her to help her block Liu Chengan's prying eyes, "go into the house and we will solve it soon."

Ji Baiqing met Luo Zhifeng's dark eyes, and she instantly realized that her brother seemed to have matured too much. The younger brother who she once protected now protected her... Ji Baiqing felt a sense of security for some reason.

It's like he can solve everything.

After Luo Zhifeng comforted Ji Baiqing, he looked at Liu Chengan and lightly opened his lips: "Sister asked you to get out, so - get out of here!"

When Liu Cheng'an looked directly at him, he actually felt that these dark eyes were dark, as if there was a beast hidden in them that only chose people to eat, bringing him endless pressure.

The word rolling was more like a huge mountain suddenly pressing on top of his head, trying to shatter his head!

He couldn't help but take a step back.

In order to dispel this feeling of panic, Liu Chengan put on his usual smile: "I just..."

He knew that the aunt around him would definitely come over to smooth things over. Liu Cheng'an is proficient in this routine. He has created a good image of good temper and good demeanor in the community where Ji Baiqing lives. However, any rejection by Ji Baiqing will be regarded as having a bad temper and being ignorant -

Liu Chengan thought happily... How much he loved Qingqing, how could she not be moved by him

He spent a lot of energy dealing with the people and things around Ji Baiqing!

He has paid so much, so Ji Baiqing should give him some expression - for example, become his girlfriend.

Liu Cheng'an listened to the comments about him from people in Man'er Community, and knew that Ji Baiqing would be willing to become his girlfriend as long as he could add a little more fire.

As he thought about it, he couldn't help complaining: He had paid so much and he hadn't even seen any interest! Ji Baiqing is a woman who is too pretentious and pretentious. She has no money and a low salary, but she also has a troubled younger brother. He likes her because he wants to give her face!

The neighbor's aunt sighed: "Ji Yang, you think this young man Cheng'an has done nothing. Besides, he is gentle and gentle, how can he not be worthy of your sister?"

Luo Zhifeng glanced at her. He was still smiling, but he gave off a cold and dangerous feeling.

Ji Baiqing heard her younger brother say slowly and casually from behind: "Liu Cheng'an's conditions are so good, then why don't you introduce your daughter to him?"

The neighbor's aunt has an old man who is held in the palm of her hand.


Of course, Luo Zhifeng was not just talking casually, nor was he being hostile to others, but he knew that the neighbor's aunt's only daughter was eavesdropping on the corner of the door.

People always like to read other people's gossip, but if this kind of thing involves themselves, they will never be able to calm down!

There was a clang, and the door next door was immediately pushed open by the neighbor's aunt's daughter.

She glared, made a long face, and shouted to her aunt: "Mom, don't really introduce me to such a crooked person!"

She poked Liu Chengan with her finger, causing Liu Chengan's smile to freeze.

Liu Chengan's eyes flashed with resentment, and he felt very unhappy.

In order to completely dispel her mother's thoughts, the daughter angrily said: "This is nothing! Mom, did you listen to what Sister Bai Qing said? This Liu Chengan is not her boyfriend at all. Sister Bai Qing has rejected him long ago, and he still died with shame. He actually chased her to the door of his house, don’t you think Liu Chengan’s behavior is terrible?”

"Hey - aren't Cheng'an and Bai Qing...?" The aunt was confused by her beloved daughter.

"This..." Liu Cheng'an was about to retort, but was drowned out by his daughter's rapid speech.

"What is it!" The daughter said in an indignant and passionate tone as if she was shooting a machine gun, "Liu Chengan's behavior is stalking and perverted. He creates a very dignified appearance in front of us. This is using us as gunmen. We need to use public opinion to lead us to think that Sister Bai Qing is his girlfriend!"

"Bah, I can't imagine a man following me around every day, maybe using a camera to peek into my private life. Maybe one day he gets drunk and rushes to the house with a knife and chops me and mom!"

After saying this, her daughter became more emotional and slapped Liu Chengan fiercely several times.

"If something like this happens to me... I have to slap him a few times and destroy his tools for committing crimes!"

"That's not it..." Auntie still wanted to struggle, but Luo Zhifeng could tell that she had been persuaded.

"How come it's not like that? You know people but don't know their hearts!" After the daughter finished speaking, she took her mother and left, "Now that we're gone, it's better to stay away from this kind of perverted stalking man. He looks wretched."

The aunt listened to her daughter and nodded hurriedly.

Liu Chengan's face was swollen as if he had been slapped several times. His face turned the color of pig liver, and he looked at the people passing by who agreed with his daughter's words, and in the blink of an eye they looked at him with contempt.

He looked at his daughter in front of him with hatred and wished he could slap the woman twice. She has completely ruined the reputation she has built for so long!

But he didn't dare! The daughter has the support of her mother, so Liu Chengan dares to be so presumptuous because he sees Ji Baiqing as beautiful and has a younger brother who is easy to bully.

A typical bully and a coward.

Ji Baiqing sighed, feeling secretly happy. She didn't understand why the aunt's daughter suddenly stood on the same side as her, scolding Liu Chengan so much that he didn't even dare to fart.

After thinking about it, she set her sights on Luo Zhifeng.

Her brother…

Luo Zhifeng nodded towards her: "Liu Cheng'an can't make a difference."

His voice was very soft, smiling, but also full of nonchalance.

"You--" Liu Cheng'an saw Luo Zhifeng, and his elegant appearance seemed a little unbearable. He screamed angrily, but like a chicken with its neck cut off, the cry suddenly stopped!

Luo Zhifeng glanced at him with a smile. There seemed to be nothing in his dark eyes, but it was like the sickle of death on Liu Chengan's neck.

He felt a chill on his neck, as if there was a sharp knife with cold light on the side of his neck.

If he picks up the knife and drops it, he will die with a click!

It's too cold... Luo Zhifeng's eyes were pure and cold, but the corners of his mouth were raised, and the color of his lips looked as if they were stained with blood because of the too porcelain-white skin color, just like a devil's smile.

Liu Chengan was so frightened that he lost his mind!

What Luo Zhifeng said next made Liu Chengan tremble even more. The young man raised his head and walked to Liu Chengan's ear, his tone was laughing and relaxed:

"This is not the first time you have forced women. On October 1 last year, you used the name of being a tutor to seduce a young girl. Her family still doesn't understand why the little girl is depressed.

In December last year, you attacked a woman suffering from depression. She couldn't think of anything and jumped from the roof of the building. Her eyes were wide open before she died... She wanted to keep looking at you... "

As they reached the back, the young man Qingyue's voice changed its tone, becoming eerie and strange, like a ghost howling in agony.

Liu Cheng'an took a step back in fear and saw Luo Zhifeng's current appearance clearly - his pupils were covered with a layer of blood, and he looked like a ghost!


Liu Chengan howled miserably, and was brought directly to the past by Luo Zhifeng's voice, to the girls he had harmed.

The woman who committed suicide by jumping off the building seemed to be lying next to him, staring straight at him with a pair of dead eyes. At the same time, a strong sense of voyeurism was haunting him like a maggot attached to his bones...

Like, right next to him!

"Go away." Luo Zhifeng waved his hand, "You didn't directly kill anyone, but their experiences are inseparable from you."

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. In Liu Chengan's eyes, it looked like a plain white ghost mask, with a smiling face painted with the corners of his mouth stretched to the point of splitting!

Luo Zhifeng's fingertips touched Liu Chengan's body, and the Yin Qi wrapped around Liu Chengan's body suddenly came to life, pulling his limbs apart.

Now - these ghosts were awakened by him.

Liu Chengan was horrified to find that his limbs were suddenly out of control. He raised his hands and feet stiffly, and was pulled away by an invisible force.

He also felt the coldness that soaked into his bones, making him tremble with the cold, as if someone was blowing the cold air next to him!


Liu Chengan tried to ask for help from the people passing by, but as soon as he uttered a syllable, a cold breath pressed hard on his mouth and nose——

He couldn't speak, and he was even forced to experience the state of being on the verge of suffocation!

Liu Cheng'an was dragged away. The way he "escaped" backwards was so embarrassing and funny that some people thought he was rehearsing some comedy.

Luo Zhifeng's figure was reflected in Liu Chengan's pupils. Luo Zhifeng's smiling face filled Liu Chengan's vision and became a nightmare that he couldn't get rid of... He suffocated as he watched himself step by step - towards the abyss!

No… !

Luo Zhifeng gently closed the door, and said lightly to the stunned Ji Baiqing, "He probably won't come."

"What's up with him?"

"Probably..." Luo Zhifeng lowered his eyes, his eyelashes casting a shadow in his dark eyes, "He did something wrong and someone came to visit him."

Ji Baiqing finally breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't care about the logical problem in her words. She hurriedly said: "Just leave... Yangyang, you'd better take some medicine."

Luo Zhifeng looked at Ji Baiqing's still trembling arms and his heavily heaving chest, and he knew that Ji Baiqing was not as indifferent as his tone indicated.

However, Ji Baiqing will no longer collapse because of Liu Chengan's harassment. Liu Chengan has to deal with his sleepless masters.

A girl he thinks is easy to bully can torture him to death after turning into a ghost!

This is the reincarnation of heaven, and retribution is unpleasant——

Luo Zhifeng only exerted a little force.

As soon as Liu Chengan was dealt with, Li Ming rushed over covered in blood. She took a breath and said: "I encountered a tough problem, I can't beat her..."

"She...if I'm not mistaken, she is a new mourning ghost who has never killed anyone."

Li Ming then murmured in confusion: "Why is there such heavy resentment in the newly deceased ghost? Shouldn't this be a peaceful era... What happened to her?"

She couldn't imagine what happened to her during her lifetime to turn into such a resentful and evil spirit.