The Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 50: The King of Counter-Strategies (19)


Next, the audience watched Luo Zhifeng's eyes lightly sweep over Qin Xuelan, sitting quietly in his seat as if nothing happened.

"Why don't you continue?" he said.

Luo Zhifeng's words seemed to be magical, lifting the audience out of the tense and almost suffocating atmosphere.

For a moment they felt like they had regained the ability to breathe, and the show continued as if it was just a minor interlude.

The filming of the "Dreams Come True" program seemed not to be affected at all, but without this program, there was already a turmoil outside.

The director flipped over the tablecloth, and everything on the table fell in a mess, with glass shards falling to the floor.

"What did you do? Why did the show go so wrong!" The director scolded the people in front of him. He smashed the paper in his hand, "Look what the industry said about us? They say we are a joke! "

The people who were scolded by the director looked at each other, with a trace of contempt flashing in their eyes, and they all knew that they were offended by the director.

Why do people in the industry say their program is a joke? Who doesn't know that it has nothing to do with Qin Xuelan, a player who was exposed for plagiarism!

It's not all because the "Dreams Come True" program team has been arrogant and domineering in the industry due to its popularity, and has annoyed many people both openly and secretly. It itself is not unclean, and the dirty things it has done are obvious to most people in the entertainment industry, but it is not easy to show off.

But as soon as Qin Xuelan's stain came out, it gave the industry a way to vent -

Okay, if they don't talk about the dirty things, they will catch Qin Xuelan talking about them!

Someone asked: "What is the ranking issue of the behind-the-scenes operation that this player explained?"

The director waved his hand impatiently: "Withdraw it, withdraw it all! Go and tell her, she still wants to use the back door after such a big mistake? Bah, let me dream!!"

He quickly glared fiercely at the others: "Why are you still here?! Apologize for those who need to apologize, and PR for those who need to do public relations - you want to destroy us with a small player, just a dream!"

The audience also maintained a state of enthusiasm and ready to fight at any time.

[My mom, they really acted like nothing happened! They are still filming the show! ]

[It’s not that it doesn’t have an impact—look at the player who just walked up, he has the same hands and feet! ]

[Am I the only one who is so handsome by him? I think, whether he said to get lost in the live broadcast at the beginning, or whether he was so rude to the contestants on the show, it all... pissed me off! ]

[Sisters, +1]


After the first round of initial evaluation, the works are exchanged for another evaluation.

When the guests held Qin Xuelan's works, they could only control their smiles. As for their comments... they were all in just a few words, and they didn't dare to say more.

Xiaohua Wang Lan was also among the stiff-faced guests. She felt extremely unlucky, but unfortunately, she couldn't feel any resentment towards Luo Zhifeng, the "culprit" of all this.

In the end, she had no choice but to go to the show crew with resentment. Okay, why do you want to let in some mixed players? Do you think you can't die quickly enough? Something went wrong during the recording of this show. How should they respond

It’s simply a dilemma!

The guests were all on pins and needles, looking forward to the show ending soon.

Now they just hope that the show crew's stupid tricks will not affect their fans! Some even immediately think about the angle from which the company should use public relations to minimize the negative impact.

At the moment when they were thinking wildly, Luo Zhifeng had already seen Luo Anzhi's works.

Most of the picture is covered with gray colors, and the light looks like a dark night, which makes people feel heavy in their hearts. Luo Zhifeng could see dim alleys, tree branches blown by the strong wind, black crows perched on telephone poles, and wooden sticks that seemed to be magnified in front of people's eyes—

They are all frozen in a pair of black pupils that occupy the entire paper. This is what Luo Anzhi saw with his eyes.

Luo Anzhi actually recorded the day she was attacked!

But the picture is not all gray. Behind the enlarged wooden stick, she outlines a layer of hazy, slightly bright light with her pen.

It seemed to be a human figure. The "light" of this human figure blocked the falling wooden stick in Luo Anzhi's "eyes", making it even appear to be slightly bent.

There is a tear hanging down beside the eyelashes of the black eyes that occupy almost the entire page in the picture.

This tear also had a bright color, telling Luo Anzhi's shock at this moment.

She saw...the light that redeemed herself, and the tears she shed were tears of complete joy.

"Redemption," Luo Anzhi murmured. She seemed to be lowering her head, then carefully raised her eyes from this angle, secretly looking at Luo Zhifeng through her bangs.

Thank you, she mouthed and spoke slowly and hesitantly: "The name of this painting is: Redemption."

Luo Anzhi thought she had concealed herself well, but nothing she did was missed by the audience.

[F*ck—what does this painting mean? Who beat Luo Anzhi with a wooden stick, and who saved her? ! ]

[Um? I noticed that An Zhi seemed to have said something else! She said two words to the guest Bai Jinli on the stage! ]

[Wait, wait... I have an amazing idea. Could it be that someone tried to attack Luo Anzhi with a wooden stick, and then Bai Jinli saved her? Luo Anzhi's whispered words couldn't be thank you! When did this happen? ], Liu Lingling was typing on her mobile phone, [I don’t know why, but I feel that this alley and this background look familiar to me, as if I have seen it somewhere. ]

She studied painting and is usually very sensitive to pictures and scenery. She poked her companion suspiciously and asked, "Do you think we have seen this alley somewhere?"

The companion shook his head: "I don't remember..."

Luo Zhifeng glanced at Luo Anzhi, then bent his fingers and tapped lightly on the table: "Salvation, this is a good name."

He curled his lips: "But it's not enough to always rely on others. You have to be your own salvation. I have an opportunity to study painting abroad. Do you want it? Instead of waiting for others to redeem you, it is better to take the initiative to take control. own life.”

Luo Zhifeng paused and said lazily: "It's just... don't worry. No one who has done violence to you and ignored everything can escape. People have to take responsibility for what they do, you say Yeah?"

Milly's internet celebrity's face froze, and she quickly held her nose to cover her expression at this time.

This time, Luo Zhifeng's performance couldn't be more straightforward. Audiences with eyes and brains can see some clues...

In the silence of the whole place, the final announcement of the dreamer was hasty. Luo Anzhi suddenly became the final winner, but looking at the host, she wanted to hide behind the scenes immediately.

This time, the program "Dreams Come True" ended "peacefully".

After the show ended, Lingling Liu suddenly screamed and grabbed her companion's arm: "I remembered where I had seen this alley! It was in the episode of Dreams Come True!"

Isn’t everything very clear? !

Liu Lingling had mixed emotions. She looked at Qin Xuelan who had lost her soul, and then glanced at the guests and contestants who were still sitting stiffly and not daring to move, with a bitter taste in her mouth.

After her love for Qin Xuelan collapsed, Liu Lingling's trust in the program team also collapsed!

Who committed violence against Luo Anzhi? Who is ignoring everything? ! Liu Lingling stared at the band-aid faintly exposed under Luo Anzhi's sleeves and already had the answer.

The ones who inflicted violence on Luo Anzhi were contestants or guests on the Dream Come True program, while those who treated Luo Anzhi with indifference and cold treatment...

It is undoubtedly the program team!

It's a scandal, no doubt! The most important thing is that this is the news personally revealed by the guests on the show!

If this news was reported by some second-rate media, the Dream Come True program crew would have enough time to clear their names, label everything as rumors, and continue to wait for fame and fortune.

Ke Luo Zhifeng's move directly put the program team on the fire.

He actually didn't care at all what the show crew thought, and he just tore apart some stinky things, exposing the "carrion" hidden by the show crew!

"How dare he do this!!" The director was furious backstage, with a ferocious look on his face, completely unable to see the flattering way he treated Luo Zhifeng before.

He originally thought that this was a God of Wealth who sent money, but he never thought that he was attracting a bad guy to the program team!

"Some people want to eliminate competitors in advance and take cruel measures. This kind of thing is completely common in our circle. Who would mess up the whole circle for this little thing?!" The director was furious, "Does he understand? Do you know what unspoken rules are? Unwritten rules are things that people must abide by, and when he gets here, he should also abide by them!"

"A second-generation ancestor who has nothing to do... actually wants to destroy all my hard work for so long!"

"Don't be angry, don't be angry." Someone rushed to smooth things over, but was slapped in the face by the director whose eyes were red.

"What are you—"

"Pa, pa." Someone clapped perfunctorily, and walked in to meet the angry director, "You are really powerful, but it's a pity that this power will not last long."

The director glared at the prick who was kicked out of the show: "Zhang Liang, what do you mean?"

Zhang Liang coughed and cleared his throat: "I am the one who was asked to find out about the situation. The higher-ups are very concerned about the problems exposed in your program, Director An, and invite you to talk to them."

The director's face instantly turned pale.

Zhang Liang continued: "A second-generation ancestor who is ignorant and incompetent? A second-generation ancestor alone cannot reach this level. Director An, you are offending a very important person."

He looked at Director An with a half-smile, and used words to show off.

Director An's expression became even worse. He saw Zhang Liang's "villain face" in his eyes. He could see Zhang Liang's disguised lack of confidence, and believed that this interview was probably just a warning. Zhang Liang got carried away too early, and when he came back...

But just as Director An was daydreaming, a group of police officers suddenly broke into the backstage and put shackles on Milly!

"What!? What are you arresting me for - it hurts so much, be gentle!" Milly was immediately arrested and was completely stunned. However, she had no time to defend herself as she was already taken away by the police.

A guest asked the police cautiously: "Police, Mr. Police, what happened -?"

The police dropped a sentence: "Milly is suspected of harboring a criminal suspect and is suspected of being an accomplice."

Just this sentence turned the face of the inquiring guest pale. It's over... The program "Dream Come True" is completely over, and the program team behind it is probably also abolished.

First, it was revealed that a player had plagiarized and was sued, and then a suspect's accomplice appeared. The fate of this program group has reached such a point that everyone who joined it wants to cut ties with it immediately.

Go back, go back. The unlucky guest was thinking wildly that he would definitely ask his agent to issue an announcement on his behalf as soon as he returned, explaining their severe reprimand for what the program crew had done—

He can't stay in this place anymore!

The guests tried their best to say goodbye to Director An in a "polite" manner and left quickly, as if they were being chased by some ferocious beast.

Director An could no longer maintain his basic composure. He opened his mouth silently and glanced at Luo Zhifeng, who was standing aside casually from the corner of his eye.

Luo Zhifeng stood tall and tall, with a face that would be praised as a prosperous beauty if he entered the entertainment industry. At this moment, he smiled slightly at Director An.

He looks extremely calm now, but An Dao himself is in such a state of embarrassment that he may not even be able to protect himself.

Director An looked at Luo Zhifeng's smile, and his heart suddenly became angry, but his anger could not suppress the deep fear.

How could he think that the person in front of him was an ignorant second-generation ancestor? The program team of "Dream Come True" has developed to such an unmanageable point, it is obvious that this person is secretly promoting the relationship!

This man didn't look at him with the triumphant look of having succeeded. His expression clearly regarded him as a trifle, and he didn't take him as a clown seriously in the first place. This seems to be just one of his entertainment projects... Director An thought in despair, feeling that the world in front of him was about to collapse.

He shook his body and saw that Luo Zhifeng had lowered his head and was talking to Luo Anzhi.

Milly, who was taken away by the police, also felt dizzy, as if there was fire burning in her throat. She struggled weakly and begged for mercy, her eyes widened: "I don't know what you are talking about... I am not harboring criminal suspects." Man, I don’t—”

Milly's voice stopped suddenly. She saw the imprisoned missing "boyfriend" whom she had brought to take revenge on Luo Anzhi.

The man's eyes were bloodshot, and he said with ferocity: "It's her, she's my partner. We attacked Luo Anzhi to take her away and hide the poison in her body."

He stared at Milly like a cold and poisonous snake, his eyes crazy. It's all this woman, this woman caused his identity to be exposed! Then drag her into the water and let them become a pair of desperate mandarin ducks! !

Milly opened her mouth and tears fell down immediately. What accomplice, she was simply framed! She wanted to take revenge on Luo Anzhi, just to break her hand!

Her heart was full of collapse, she screamed in retort, her face was covered with tears and snot: "He is just my friend, my sponsor! Go and check, you go and check, I have many sponsors and sponsors Friend! I only wanted to retaliate against Luo Anzhi because I was jealous of her popularity. I just wanted to break her hand so that she could never pick up a paintbrush again. I didn’t do anything to sell drugs...!!"

The man already showed a crazy look, and he looked like he wanted to tear Milly apart. This exposed look made Milly's heart tremble and she was extremely frightened.

"You bitch!! You actually hooked up with someone besides me!" The man looked like he wanted to smash her neck and strangle Millie. He said harsh words, "Someone, someone will chop you into pieces. Throw you to the dogs.”

Milly's body trembled and she sat down straight.

Her pupils shrank, her whole body was trembling, and her light-colored pants actually got a little wet—

It is conceivable that Millie will live in the shadow of being intimidated by men for the rest of her life. She will always worry about someone coming to her door for revenge, and beware of someone coming to her door at night with a kitchen knife...

She will also swallow all the evil consequences she has caused and face the punishment she deserves.

"Well," the police paused the recorder at this time, "we will verify it truthfully."

Milly, Milly's pupils were dilated, her messy hair was hanging down, her mouth was open but she couldn't say anything.

Verify...? How to verify? Of course, it must be verified in front of the person concerned!

If her financial backers and buddies knew of the existence of other people, she would die, really die.

Milly's last hope was abruptly extinguished.

As the saying goes, evil people will be rewarded with evil, I'm afraid that's the case.

In the entertainment section of a melon-eating area, a hot post suddenly appeared.

[Bai Jinli is a ruthless character! Did you hear what he said? This matter is not over yet, the Dream Come True program team will definitely be in bad luck! ]

After a string of [+1] approvals, someone released such material.

[This time, even gods can’t save the show crew. Um? Do you think it was done by white forces? No, of course it's not the pressure you think.

This program group itself is full of evil. They have done too many evil things and stretched their hands too far. They are notorious in the entertainment industry. Bai just acted as a pusher this time. What really pushed the program team into hell was their own actions. ]

Someone posted an expression of disbelief after this post.

[impossible! ]

The layer owner who left the comment left such a powerful sentence. He listed the power possessed by the program team below and concluded that Bai Jinli alone could not destroy the program team. He did not have this ability.

And after many levels of discussion, the person who leaked the information finally made only one sentence.

[We'll see. ]

A few days later, people in the entertainment sector were shocked to realize that the whistleblower had made a prediction.

#drug dealer caught, turned out to be internet celebrity’s underground boyfriend#

#Rocklin Silver Medal Winner Sues Rocklin Gold Medal Winner#

#"梦成cometrue" program group is banned# - the official announcement was made, exposing the unknown evil deeds one by one.

Killing competitors, bullying contestants who have no backing, the program team is all over the world...everything is laid out in a bloody way, leaving the people who eat melons surprised, irritated, and secretly terrified.

Each of the victims finally spoke out, and among them, there were dozens of people who suffered irreparable harm. Their futures were completely ruined by the show crew!

They said all this with blood and tears, triggering a series of discussions about cleaning up the dirt in the entertainment industry, and also attracted more attention from relevant departments.

Maybe after this, the environment in the entertainment industry will become better.

But before that, everyone knew that the Dream Come True program team was completely finished, and there was no way they could rise from the ashes like a phoenix!

And a person's name is like a nightmare that is branded into the hearts of countless people.

I'm afraid they will never forget what Luo Zhifeng did for the rest of their lives!

Luo Zhifeng smiled slightly: "Look, I helped you solve this program group."

On the Wucang side, there seems to be new progress.

Just when they once again took the opportunity of a physical examination to get closer to Qin Xuelan, the instrument actually detected different fluctuations around Qin Xuelan's body!

In the system space, a group of prepared attackers were placed in small worlds that had "completed" the plot of entering the entertainment industry.

[Host is logging in—]

The author has something to say: The liver is over, happy qwq

*Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-11-26 00:54:40~2019-11-27 23:54:47~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: somnus° 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Zhuxi; my friend’s wife is welcome -mo, I didn’t eat any crayfish, passerby, and grass today; 5 bottles of Xu Zeqing; 2 bottles of Umbrella Mu Xiuye; Junzi Bamboo , Yuezhaoquan, Langran 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!