The Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 60: The Hand of the Magic Pen (2)


The live broadcast system continued to say without knowing anything: [...I have realized my mistake...]

The live broadcast room has been opened, and the background introduction of this small world is shown on the screen to the viewers who come in.

—The anchor is in a world of fantasy novels, and the profession of writer is a popular trend. Writers can use their imagination to make written descriptions become reality.

The son of luck in this small world is Fei Hongwen. He is talented and creates classic works. He is the leader of the future fantasy city and has left a mark in history.

Now, let’s see how the host obtains the forgiveness of the son of luck and takes the audience to see the beauty of fantasy up close.

Audiences came in sporadically, and several barrages appeared in the live broadcast room for the first time.

[fraud! What kind of beauty live broadcast room, this is too ruthless to sell dog meat to others, I'm afraid I'm in the wrong area! ]

A viewer looked at Luo Zhifeng in the live broadcast room, and angrily closed the live broadcast room with a flick of his eye.

What's going on with this anchor? A man pretending to be a woman

Audience member Jiang Jingzhao happened to pass by, glanced at it a few times and complained: "This Fei Hongwen is just a copycat!"

The anchor doesn't look like a good person either, so plagiarism will make him a black man for the rest of his life, okay? ]

After posting the barrage, he wanted to click the cross in the upper right corner without saying anything. But when Jiang Jingzhao was about to withdraw, he saw that the third-person anchor he was watching was facing so many insults and spoke unhurriedly.

"I am Yu Shi, and everything I create is my hard work. There is no suspicion of plagiarism."

What! Is there a reversal? Jiang Jingzhao was startled, and his hand that wanted to click on it slowed down unconsciously.

Luo Zhifeng raised his eyes and saw that the live broadcast room in front of him had been occupied by dense barrages. The audience just felt that this plagiarist was really shameless and shameless! Therefore, they spread their malice wantonly and attacked Luo Zhifeng with dirty words.

More than one person directly announced Luo Zhifeng's home address, committing an extremely obvious form of online violence.

The live broadcast system was also confused by Luo Zhifeng's non-conformity: [Host - That's not what you said! ]

Fei Hongwen's biggest fan was also watching Luo Zhifeng's live broadcast. He just asked his boss to take credit and said: "Wait a minute, boss, this plagiarist will be nailed to the pillar of shame soon!"

"Why did he copy something so bad that he dared to copy yours?! I think he didn't know how to die."

As soon as the man finished speaking, he turned to look at the live broadcast room and saw Luo Zhifeng with his dark eyes open, openly saying that he had not plagiarized.

He felt ashamed, dropped the mouse, typed quickly and went over to question Luo Zhifeng.

Luo Zhifeng glanced at these vicious remarks: "I didn't plagiarize, why should I admit it? Don't you think it's ridiculous to conclude that I plagiarized just based on a copy?"

He sneered: "Don't think you don't have to pay for speaking online. Your human flesh behavior has violated my privacy. I will liquidate them one by one at that time."

Luo Zhifeng seemed to have suddenly remembered something again, and his face turned cold: "Why am I so shameless and live broadcast? Because my brother with congenital heart disease was poisoned by you Internet thugs and was sent to the hospital. I can't support it. Can’t afford such high medical expenses.”

The die-hard fan was anxious when he heard this: "He's not going to tell anyone!!" He had bad thoughts in his mind, and he was more confused... Didn't he want his brother's medical expenses

Luo Zhifeng actually said it, and he didn't seem to have any intention of hiding it.

"-At this time, a die-hard fan of Fei Hongwen who claimed to be Fei Hongwen came to the door and bluntly said that as long as I admit plagiarism, he will be fully responsible for the high cost of treatment." He turned a deaf ear to the fierce objections of the live broadcast system and opened his phone to let it go. The above chat records are displayed intact in front of the audience.

[Don’t you want your brother’s life? ! ]

[You bitch! ]

Threats from diehard fan Hu Tao continue to pop up, and they continue to appear in front of the audience in the two live broadcast rooms.

Jiang Jingzhao unknowingly stayed in this novice live broadcast room for a few minutes. He moved closer to distinguish the barrage in another live broadcast room opened by the anchor. The more he looked at it, the more he was stunned and the more he looked at it, the more wrong he was.

They said that this anchor plagiarized the author of Feihong, so where did he plagiarize? !

Jiang Jingzhao has rich experience in this area. Generally speaking, plagiarism is usually accompanied by a real hammer, so that he can hit the plagiarism dog as hard as possible.

But how come this plagiarism assessment is all insulting and doesn’t even have a science popularization party

This way... It's like I can't wait to put a blame on the anchor.

Jiang Jingzhao figured out something was wrong, so he couldn't help but stop in the live broadcast room.

He wants to see what happens!

Luo Zhifeng turned off his cell phone and said calmly and indifferently: "Mr. Hu Tao, your threats have caused great trouble to me. I have every reason to suspect that you were instructed by others, and even those who broke into my The person at home who keeps my brother lying on the hospital bed has nothing to do with you. So... "

His eyes were deep and he was staring at the front of the live broadcast room. His expression made countless keyboard warriors guarding the computers tremble.

"See you at the police station."

After saying that, Luo Zhifeng closed the live broadcast room with a snap, leaving these guys on the Internet who didn't know whether they were people or ghosts to dance wildly behind.

As soon as he closed the live broadcast room, the system sounded a young boy's voice with a different tone: [Host, why don't you follow my lead? Fei Hongwen is the son of luck and is loved by the small world. The only thing you have to do is to go to him and become his assistant! How could you do it to him? ! ]

The tone of the live broadcast system was fast and urgent, as if it was really worried about Luo Zhifeng.

"Really? You really have a system that has me in mind."

The system nodded repeatedly, not reading the implication of Luo Zhifeng's words at all: "Since the host already knows that I am doing it for your own good, then quickly go to Fei Hongwen to convince him. The host is so beautiful, Fei Hongwen will at least take a look at it. It’s your face.”

"I know." Luo Zhifeng glanced sideways at the system. The system also noticed something was wrong at this time, wait a minute! Why does it feel like the host can see it!

Then, it saw the corners of Luo Zhifeng's mouth suddenly raised in an arc, and the arc was still expanding, making it subconsciously feel some kind of uneasiness.

The next second, the system found itself being held by a slender hand! Is it held in the host's hand

"I understand, so... shut up." Luo Zhifeng stared directly at the system, feeling invisible pressure pressing on the live broadcast system.

The live broadcast system suddenly realized that the moment Luo Zhifeng said these words, its own speech system had a huge failure. Just like the host said, it could only shut up—

how so

The live broadcast system's brain immediately crashed, the body became hot, and it didn't know how to deal with this abnormal situation.

It wanted to shrink its body immediately and squeeze into a very narrow space... The system could only tremble in response to everything in front of it.

This host is wrong! Why can she touch herself? The live broadcast system thought about thousands of possibilities. The more it thought about it, the more it felt that it would die this time, and it even vaguely guessed Luo Zhifeng's identity...

It trembled under this terrifying aura, but just when the live broadcast system felt that it would die in Luo Zhifeng's hands, Luo Zhifeng suddenly stopped his hand and threw the live broadcast system aside.

It was this action that allowed the live broadcast system to dispel the previous speculation that it was already very close to the end.

It associates it with "Qin Xuelan", who is arrogant and vengeful. Since the host only scares it without actually taking action, it means that she is just too annoyed by her own finger-pointing!

So there is no problem with the host, but its stored power is too little, so it will be restricted by the host.

In the blink of an eye, the live broadcast system reorganized the "correct" thinking through Luo Zhifeng's series of actions, and seemed to have convinced himself.

After consciously figuring out this joint, the anger and annoyance carried by the live broadcast system popped up again.

—A host, a tool-man host destined to be devoured by them, actually sat on the head of the system!

Wait for it, wait for it to replenish all its energy, and then see if this host dares to be so rampant.

The live broadcast system came up with this idea, and it huddled in a small corner in frustration, forced to mute and watch the host act arbitrarily according to its own ideas. As it looked at it, its mechanized eyes couldn't help but reveal a look of greed and desire.

Luo Zhifeng looked at the greedy and cautious look of the live broadcast system.


It even thinks that he is the host Qin Xuelan that it is supposed to be bound to!

What a ridiculous and pitiful thing.

The reason why Luo Zhifeng keeps such a clown is not only to see how it can commit suicide next, but also because he also hopes to collect more effective information from the live broadcast system.

He sent a message to Yin Qi - to invade the live broadcast system.

In the previous world, the information displayed by the self-destructed system and system space was just the tip of the iceberg. Luo Zhifeng never found more core information about the main system, system space, and attackers.

If the guess is correct, the whereabouts of these messages lies in the live broadcast system that was brought back by Yin Qi.

That's why... Luo Zhifeng will keep it for now.

It's just that this live broadcast system is greedy and stupid. Luo Zhifeng doesn't want to hear it tell him what to do, so he simply silences it.

It's not the turn of such a thing to question what he's going to do!

"Now, let's go to the police station."

Luo Zhifeng said something to the live broadcast room opened by the live broadcast system, and then immediately turned it off neatly.

Jiang Jingzhao couldn't wait to hear the word police station. He remembered what Luo Zhifeng said just now.

So are you going to deal with these sweet-mouthed keyboard warriors

Jiang Jingzhao didn't know why he was so excited. Even though the anchor didn't say anything, his mouth was so dry that he could drink a large bottle of water.

Jiang Jingzhao was eager to see the next follow-up, but at this moment, the screen suddenly went black!

He panicked and subconsciously touched his computer. Could it be that the computer was malfunctioning? Forget it... This is a critical moment!

Jiang Jingzhao gritted his teeth and touched it for a long time. After a little fumbling with the mouse, he discovered the clue - it wasn't that his computer was broken, but that the anchor had quit the live broadcast without saying a word!

Jiang Jingzhao:? ?

People doing things? ! Whose anchor's live broadcast stops abruptly when it reaches its climax

He bared his teeth and backed out. After thinking for a long time, he forwarded the replay recording that came with the live broadcast room to his relatives and friends. The title: If you don't watch it, you will regret it. If you watch it, you will shed tears.

Damn it, he can't be the only one to be deceived! He wants people to live broadcast with him!

The author has something to say: One more thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-12-11 11:55:14~2019-12-11 22:19:55~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines: 2 Ling Mo; 1 Lang Ran and Jun Muchen;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Huiyu.Xinghe 5 bottles; Lingmo 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!