The Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 61: The Hand of the Magic Pen (3)


"Do you think Yu Shi really dares to go to the police station?"

"I think it's probably just to scare us, bah!!"

It can be said that Fei Hongwen is quite popular around the world. Things and revelations related to him can trigger intense discussions as soon as they are released.

Many people scoffed at the harsh words he said during the live broadcast when he met at the police station.

A plagiarism dog really dares to go to the police station? So how big is his face? I’m afraid I’m not trying to scare people with my words—

But it's not like there are no viewers who don't have much ill will towards Luo Zhifeng, or who don't know him well, because of Luo Zhifeng's words, they woke up from their crazy crusade against him.

They went back to see the filthy words...the exposed photos, the school address of human flesh, and even some people cursed Luo Zhifeng to die in the hospital bed after learning that Luo Zhifeng's younger brother had a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital!

These words are too terrifying, like a large black fine net that chokes people. The more sober people also asked the relatives and friends around them who also resisted Luo Zhifeng, and found that some of them didn't even know where Luo Zhifeng had plagiarized, so they yelled and cursed along with others, venting their anger, as if they regarded Luo Zhifeng as someone else. The scapegoat and trash can for all injustices.

They haven't even read Luo Zhifeng's article or Fei Hongwen's article, so they just make a judgment here!

Luo Zhifeng was right, they were just a group of blindly following Internet mobs.

But there are too few people who are awake, and their words are drowned in the endless sea of people who are black for the sake of blackness. But one hot search quietly landed at the bottom of the hot search list without anyone’s marketing.

This represents the voice of some people.

They believe that... blind online violence is not advisable!

Hu Tao, a diehard fan, was sending a message to Fei Hongwen. He typed a long string of words hesitantly and angrily. His face was twisted with anger, showing a furious look.

[terribly sorry! I've caused trouble for you, madam... I didn't expect Yu Shi to be so shameless. ]

Fei Hongwen made a good-tempered voice on the other end. His voice sounded steady and calm: [What he said... will it affect you? ]

Hu Tao was so loved that he cared so much that he immediately beat his chest loudly and said contemptuously: "He will never dare to go!" Plagiarism dogs are like rats in the gutter, unable to get up! You should concentrate on your creation and don't worry about such dirty things. ]

[good. ]

Fei Hongwen said this, but his face turned gloomy on the other end of the phone.

Hu Tao's "plagiarism" sentence also scolded him, which of course made him very unhappy.

But he couldn't scold himself for being such a big fan. The reason why Fei Hongwen contacted Hu Tao was to guide him to let this big fan help him clear the obstacles on his way. Of course he can't offend Hu Tao now!

Fei Hongwen stared at the phone gloomily for a few times, then seemed to think of something, and a slightly nervous smile appeared on his handsome face.

He grinned and stared at the completed work of cultivating immortality on his computer—the work that originally belonged to Yu Shi: My Years in the World of Immortal Cultivation.

"Haha!" Fei Hongwen laughed out loud and said to himself, "What's wrong with plagiarism? Plagiarism can make me gain fame and wealth, gain more wealth than I can spend in my lifetime, and have the possibility of being noticed by the world. . A plagiarism dog can never turn over? No!"

He said with a smile every word: "As long as you publish your work first, it is not plagiarism. Who is the original author? Aren't you going to be stepped on by copycats like me?!"

At this time, a phone rang, and Fei Hongwen answered the call. The smile on his lips became deeper and deeper: "Okay, I understand. Thank you for letting me know."

He confidently spoke to the old man on the other end of the phone: "This spot is already in my pocket!"

The spot that Fei Hongwen wanted to compete for was to be the chief author of the Fantasy City Plan.

The reason why the country values and supports him so much is because it thinks he is the author most likely to be qualified to write the fantasy city—

If he loses this fight, the momentum Fei Hongwen created before will not even exist. Losers are not qualified to be remembered, and Fei Hongwen cannot let himself lose!

He still has so many classic works in his hand. He has been standing on the shoulders of giants all the time. How could he be defeated by a mere original creator

Fei Hongwen couldn't help but laugh triumphantly as he thought about it. He opened his eyes, his dark eyes shining with ambition and desire.

The old man who was talking to Fei Hongwen put down the phone and shook his head: "Young people... it's not good to be too proud."

The old man frowned immediately. Fei Hongwen showed that he was extremely good in every aspect, but the old man always felt a sense of inconsistency. There was an impetuous thought in Fei Hongwen's eyebrows, which always made the old man think carefully about what was wrong.

But maybe it was because Fei Hongwen was the protagonist of the small world. The old man thought about it for a long time, but he didn't give a reason.

He sighed: "He still needs training. How can someone so impetuous accomplish big things?"

The old man stopped the police officer beside him: "That one... what is the name of the person who plagiarized Fei Hongwen?"

The police officer immediately went to check for a while, and when he came back, the expression on his face was a bit hard to describe: "Well, old man, that person's name is Yu Shi."

The old man figured out the strange look on the police officer's face: "Tell me, what expression did you find so strange? Did Yu Shi do something?"

"Cough, cough!"

The police officer coughed twice and said, "He came to the police station after he made a live broadcast to clarify himself. He said he wanted to sue those who maliciously slandered and slandered him!"

The police officer did not forget to add: "He said in the live broadcast room that his younger brother suffered a heart attack after being scolded by Fei Hongwen's fans, and now he is in urgent need of a series of treatments. This is true. This... some fans have gone too far. No harm will come to the family. No matter how bad the elder brother is, the younger brother has done nothing!"

"Brother, you bastard?" the old man pondered for a while, "Look again, look again. Let's see what Yu Shi wants to do."

What did Luo Zhifeng do

He immediately collected evidence of being insulted and went to the police station. Some people in the police station were hesitant about his arrival. The young policeman in charge of registration could not write down a word for a long time. Judging from this person's disgusted look, she is obviously also a fan of Fei Hongwen and one of the people who is extremely disgusted with Luo Zhifeng.

The young policeman was absent-minded in the face of Luo Zhifeng's request, and he would stay up until dusk in the blink of an eye.

She said impatiently: "Trouble the police with such a trivial matter? We are about to get off work, please go-"

Luo Zhifeng glanced at the paper in her hand, but didn't even write a word on it.

She was clearly stalling for time.

Luo Zhifeng said flatly: "If you don't write it, I will." As he said that, he made a gesture to snatch it away.

The young policeman immediately screamed as if he had been stepped on, "Don't even think about attacking the police!!"

Her voice was sharp, and it happened to be just when everyone in the police station was about to close the door and go home. Several policemen immediately heard the news and rushed over. Luo Zhifeng looked at several young police officers followed by an energetic and vigorous old police officer.

The old police officer walked slowly, his hands were covered with wrinkles and age spots, but his eyes were as sharp as an eagle.

Luo Zhifeng saw the old police officer, and the old police officer looked up at him and asked the young policeman: "What happened? Who wants to attack the police?"

Before the policeman could say anything, Luo Zhifeng took the lead and said, "I didn't attack the police. I just wanted to report someone who maliciously slandered me, slandered me, threatened or even possibly harmed me and my family." It’s a safe case. But this police officer... she and I stayed together for more than an hour, and we didn’t even understand the details of the case."

The young policeman came to his senses, lowered his voice and said angrily: "What slander and slander? The plagiarist dog should have gone there... so did the brother who plagiarized the dog... I am not guilty!"

Luo Zhifeng raised his voice: "I heard that the police should enforce the law impartially, but why am I not aware of the sense of responsibility that this police officer in your department should have?"

The old policeman was silent for a while and looked directly at the young policeman with eyes that understood everything: "Why didn't you accept his report?"

"I..." The young policeman's eyes were wandering - of course she felt that the person who scolded Luo Zhifeng was right! They should even scold him more harshly!

"Uncle..." She subconsciously wanted to ask the old policeman for mercy.

She is a relative of the old policeman. No matter what, he will stand by her for the sake of her parents!

The old policeman quickly said in a deep voice, and he called the young policeman by his name: "Zhao Qi, you disappoint me!"

"The obligation of our police is to maintain a fair order in society as much as possible and consider the people. But you have desecrated this profession and made unfair judgments because of your selfishness. I don't care what dissatisfaction you have with this person, this kind of Never bring dissatisfaction to work!"

"Isn't he a citizen of our country? Then why do you refuse his request?!" The old policeman severely scolded Zhao Qi, "The power held by the police is not for you to play house with!"

Zhao Qi was stunned by his direct curse.

"uncle… "

The old policeman glared at her: "I have to consider whether to keep you here now."

"It's his fault..." Zhao Qi was still thinking about struggling.

But the old policeman had already lost his temper: "You still don't understand! Whether he is right or wrong is not your reason for rejecting his report. You are derelict in your duty!"

"You have fallen into the devil's trap. From my point of view, the thing you follow is a bit similar to a cult. It makes you forget your duty so easily!"

Zhao Qi was stunned.

She murmured in a low voice, but couldn't say a word. She seemed to suddenly realize that she was still in the position of a police officer.

The old policeman's words made Zhao Qi want to refute, but he couldn't find anything to refute. She... is possessed by a demon

The author has something to say: Just write blindly, don’t do any research.

Well, some readers said that it was the same as her, don’t panic, the main event will be later.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-12-11 22:19:55~2019-12-11 23:50:41~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Jun Muchen 1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!