The Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 8: Lord of Hades (8)


"Shocked! Why did the ghosts in R city riot in the middle of the night? It turned out to be because of - him!"

The news swept the entire Tianshi circle like it had wings.

The Celestial Master Association branch in City R has lost face. They promised to eradicate this disaster perfectly, but what is the result? There were so many ghosts and monsters, not even one of them was left behind, they all ran away!

The person in charge of City R's face turned red and angry: "This is a provocation, this is definitely their provocation! Their intentions are not small, they want to confront our entire Celestial Master Association!"

People from other branches didn’t bat an eyelid: Aren’t you just useless

People who have not experienced it personally cannot understand the sensation caused by so many ghosts. Celestial masters from other branches think that the person in charge of City R is being alarmist.

They didn't pay much attention to this matter, and it just suited Luo Zhifeng's idea - leaving enough time for the ghosts to grow stronger!

What he wants is not just the surrender of a mere ghost from City R.

Luo Zhifeng wants to be not a landowner, but a ghost king who can truly drive all ghosts.

Luo Zhifeng didn't stay in the unfinished building waiting for the ghosts to wake up. He went to class.

Xi Xiaoxiao behaved even more abnormally today. Her steps were sloppy and her eyes closed several times but did not open. It was obvious that she had experienced a lot of stimulation and had not slept well all night.

Luo Zhifeng also noticed Xi Xiaoxiao last night, but he didn't care-

Her live broadcast room can actually spread the news that the ghosts in City R are subdued. After all, the Celestial Master Association branch in City R will definitely try to block the news for the sake of its own face, but Xi Xiaoxiao’s live broadcast room is a Big gap.

Celestial masters from all over the world can watch it!

Likewise, information is interoperable. Never underestimate those who have become ghosts and have not reincarnated.

Soon, I'm afraid all the ghosts across the country will know that there is a ghost team led by a "big ghost" in City R.

The live broadcast room operated by the heroine is destined to be the best way to promote it!

Xi Xiaoxiao didn't know that she was being used. She excitedly and painfully recalled the dream she had after seeing such a grand scene.

She felt that she should be as high as that big ghost in her dream. She looked at all kinds of ghosts and monsters coldly from a bird's eye view, and pronounced judgment on them...


Someone walked up to Xi Xiaoxiao and knocked on her desk: "Wake up."

When Xi Xiaoxiao woke up, she found the hateful Ji Yang standing in front of her. She almost fell asleep because she was so sleepy.

Embarrassed, he laughed and felt angry at the same time - Ji Yang could only be a nerd, how could he understand the demeanor of the big ghost he saw last night? !

He doesn't understand!

On the other side, the unfinished building.

The ghosts finally woke up after several hours, and when they woke up, they no longer clamored to leave.

The ghosts who were the first to attack Luo Zhifeng were in a daze, with their mouths slightly open and their eyes vacant.

The ghosts who were not too involved were huddled in the corner and whispering, while the female ghost was teaching the infant ghost:

"Baby, don't be reckless when you see a ghost with thin arms and legs that looks weak in the future!"

The female ghost lowered her voice and tightened her body to threaten: "Otherwise you won't even know you were eaten!"

Yinggui: "Wow, wow... ugh." His painful cry got stuck in his throat and shrank into a weak sobbing sound like a kitten. Even the baby ghost whose brain has not yet fully developed dares not to speak louder——

Even if Luo Zhifeng is not here at all!

He has left a mark of fear and intimidation in the hearts of the ghosts. I believe it will not be long before Li Luo Zhifeng asks them to obey both physically and mentally.

After a while, Su Xin came with a message from Luo Zhifeng.

"My lord said..." He frowned, "He will not restrict your behavior, but he will not attack other ghosts or people during this period of time."

"We will make rules for facing ghosts in the future," Su Xin paused, but smiled, "Whether it is a vicious ghost who has done many evil things or a human being who is still living in the world and has done evil things, all of them will be punished by these rules." Rules bound.”

"They will be punished immediately after committing evil! No need to wait any longer... to atone for their sins after death!"

The ghosts were shocked for a moment. They only obeyed Luo Zhifeng's orders because of his strength and did not dare to resist... But when Su Xin said these things, they had initially developed a sincere respect for Luo Zhifeng.

Can they take revenge

Can they allow the evildoers who are still in the world to be punished? !

Some older ghosts have seen with their own eyes the method of disposal by the former underworld - waiting for people to become ghosts after their death and then detaining them to deal with the responsibilities one by one.

But this is not convincing!

What the murdered ghost wants to see is for the perpetrator to be punished immediately, instead of atonement after death after a life of leisure!

"--Yes." No matter how many ghosts and monsters felt their hearts palpitating, they all lowered their heads at this moment, expressing their obedience to this order.

Only this time they were not being bullied into accomplishing something, but were really looking forward to what Luo Zhifeng had conveyed and what they could imagine... that beautiful prosperous age.

"And," Su Xin recalled Luo Zhifeng's words and was speechless for a moment, "He asked me to send a message to you, saying... you can bring in familiar friends and relatives at any time, or bring in some evil ghosts that you can't defeat. "

Su Xin's face twitched and he saw many ghosts and monsters raising their heads and eager to try! They rub shoulders with each other and are impatient, fearing that they can't wait to develop a "offline" in the next second!

If you can harm one, you can't just suffer the disaster, right

Friends are just for sale!

Su Xin clearly saw what the ghosts meant.

Su Xin: It’s so fucking scary!

School recess.

"Have you heard that someone went to the school next door to interview the people around the girl who committed suicide by jumping off the building? It is said that they wanted to know what kind of pressure she suffered before committing suicide." A girl chatted and gossiped.

"Hey... what's the point of interviewing?" Another girl's voice was shrill and sharp, "We all know that woman died dirty, who knows if some py deal was not negotiated!"

The girl pushed the phone to her companion again: "Look, the school forum next door is blowing up. They are all discussing this girl named Jiang xx. There are many real revelations, saying that Jiang xx has unclean hands and feet and stays out at night. I don’t know what I do all day long.”

"According to relevant sources, it is said that you can often smell the smell of perfume and cigarettes on her body - this Jiang XX does not smoke! What is the purpose of wearing so much perfume if not to seduce men?"

"What kind of post?" Luo Zhifeng asked calmly, his deep eyes startled the gossiping girl.

"Here, here you go..." She didn't know why she couldn't resist Luo Zhifeng's request, so she obediently sent him a copy of the website address.

Luo Zhifeng looked at the post titled "Revealing what Jiang XX had done" attentively, with a storm gathering in his eyes.

―How smart.

Students often cannot tell whether gossip is true or false. The poster posted these guiding words in the post just to guide students' public opinion!

There will be a lot of people in Jiang Mingyue's school who believe what is said in the post, so they will find fault with Jiang Mingyue's past behavior - no matter what Jiang Mingyue has done, they can forcefully accuse the sponsor, seducer, unclean, etc. The words hung on the head of the dead Jiang Mingyue.

If anyone really wants to explore the cause of Jiang Mingyue's death, what they hear will be gossip that has been processed several times and believed to be true!

The poster wants to destroy Jiang Mingyue!

Luo Zhifeng smiled coldly - in the same way, it was probably a trap for someone to interview Jiang Mingyue. By then, everyone who watched the video would have heard his classmates' comments about Jiang Mingyue...

No matter how much I clarified after that, it was of no use!

Public opinion is such a good thing, it makes people live and die.

Another post on the forum mentioned that they noticed someone with a high-definition mobile phone hanging around the school gate. Based on the content of the previous post, it can be basically judged that this is the so-called person who came to interview.

This man was obviously not a professional reporter. He was wearing a hat and sunglasses, and his face couldn't be seen clearly.

"Hey, hey...what are you going to do?"

During the lunch break, several classmates watched Luo Zhifeng stand up and walk out slowly.

"Please write down your name for me and say I'm asking for leave." The classmate looked at the study committee member who had always been gloomy and unremarkable and slowly smiled...

This smile seems to have the power to captivate people, making people not afraid of falling into hell.

It seems, as if, there is something different about Ji Yang

"Hello, classmate." Luo Zhian opened the live broadcast room and prepared to broadcast live, with a hint of secret excitement on his face. Although he was deliberately arranged to come here by someone who was either rich or noble, Luo Zhian knew a little bit about the inside story of Jiang Mingyue's death -

This kind of topic of death and eroticism has always been a hot topic!

He also knows that this kind of behavior is inhumane... but it can make him money. What kind of abuse and ridicule others encounter has anything to do with him, Luo Zhian

He was just doing a live broadcast... The law didn't say it was illegal.

He even wanted the deceased Jiang Mingyue to be a stepping stone for his rise! Anyway, the dead are here to let the living squeeze out the remaining value. They are all dead, and there is no way they can come to take revenge.

"I want to ask you about Jiang Mingyue, a girl who committed suicide. What kind of person do you think she is... Don't worry, bring your own code and your identity will not be leaked."

[Fuck, I just like watching exciting things like this! ]

[Does someone upstairs know something? My friend said that this girl didn’t seem to die cleanly! Hey hey hey, I’ve seen a good show and I want to see the host reveal the secret! ]

[This... is not good, right? The dead are the greatest. ] Some viewers in the live broadcast room also said this, but they were quickly submerged in Luo Zhian’s known commentator ID.

With a slip of his hand, he saw that the house manager had temporarily blocked the account with discordant sounds.

Stable. Luo Zhian looked at the girl who already showed a relaxed expression, waiting for her to tell the revelation.

Immediately...he will be a big hit!

But just when Luo Zhian's face was red, and he was excited beyond words, imagining that he would immediately become a popular anchor, a black figure suddenly covered the lens of Luo Zhian's phone with his hand.

"What are you here for? Are you causing trouble!" Luo Zhian was furious.

A clear and clear voice reached the ears of the audience who scolded the black screen: "No - you want to ask Jiang Mingyue why she didn't ask me? I am the person who knows her best."

Luo Zhi put down his hand covering the camera only after the girl left uneasily.

When Luo Zhian saw the girl leaving, he reluctantly replaced Luo Zhifeng as the interviewer.

People in the live broadcast room saw the face of the person who suddenly came into the mirror - this was not Ji Yang's face. This man has a figure between a young man and a teenager, as straight as a thin bamboo, with a kind of handsomeness that seems to have jumped out of an ink painting.

The young man's pupils were dark, his complexion was like porcelain, and there was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. What is even more attractive is a mask hair accessory hanging from the boy's hair.

It was a pure black small mask decorated with a set of black tassels, with a smile on it that almost coincided with the arc of the boy's mouth.

Deep, cold... Such thoughts echoed in the hearts of people in the live broadcast room.

They couldn't help but sit up straight and listen attentively to what the young man had to say about Jiang Mingyue.

"Do you mind?" Luo Zhifeng asked the floating red-clothed ghost with his eyes, and received Jiang Mingyue's acquiescence.

So he used his face to break into Luo Zhian's interview.

Luo Zhifeng smiled at the person on the other side of the camera -

This smile seems to be warm, and the arc is beautiful, but for some reason... it makes people's hearts sink.