The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 116: Teleporter (recommended for collection)


Suddenly, at this moment, a monkey sneezed. Zhao Fu was frightened no matter how good his heart was, and his hairs stood on end. Fortunately, the sneeze did not wake up the other white-haired monkeys. The monkey continued to be sound asleep.

Zhao Fu relaxed his mind a little, and finally came to the side of the sleeping white-haired monkey king. The white-haired monkey king fell asleep soundly. It can be said that in terms of monkeys, this guy has reached the pinnacle of his life.

Slowly, Zhao Fu took out the Heavenly Demon Sword, mobilized all the strength in his body, and using the assassination technique, a sword stabbed out without sound. The Heavenly Demon Sword plunged into the heart of the White Haired Monkey King like a smear of black light, instantly smashing the heart to pieces. , The white-haired monkey king who was still in a dream died like this.

Immediately, Zhao Fu turned his sword and killed the two monkeys next to him, so that the white-haired monkey king would not be alone on the road to Huangquan.

Once the white-haired monkey king died, he dropped three items and a lot of gold coins, but Zhao Fu couldn't afford to hesitate for half a second at this time, so Zhao Fu immediately took the white-haired monkey king, two monkey corpses, and the Put the three items into the storage ring, and cover up the bloody smell. As for the pile of gold coins, Zhao Fu didn't even look at it.

Next second!

Zhao Fu rushed to the lair quickly, because the lord was dead at this moment, and the lair belonged to no one, so Zhao Fu could directly occupy it, so Zhao Fu didn't hesitate or read any information about the lair, and stretched out his hand directly on the silver lair. On the mud ball, choose to occupy, and then choose to migrate.

At this time, although Zhao Fu handled the bloody aura of killing the white-haired monkey king very well, at this moment countless white-haired monkeys received a reminder that the nest was occupied, and at this moment all the white-haired monkeys woke up.

Zhao Fu was putting the silver mud ball into the king's ring, and just about to pick off all the white spirit fruits, when countless furious eyes fell on Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu's back also felt cold, being stared at by so many white-haired monkeys with.

Without thinking or hesitating, Zhao Fu immediately threw a white bead, and this white bead emitted a lot of white light in mid-air, which was a bit conspicuous in the darkness.


A huge black bear with a height of seven meters fell from the sky, and its huge body fell to the ground. The ground trembled, and Zhao Fu immediately used the soul crystal that he had just obtained.

A huge iron-backed demon bear appeared in the middle of the group of monkeys, a huge aura crushing everything, then the iron-backed demon bear opened its mouth, and more than thirty air bombs condensed and flew towards the group of white-haired monkeys.

boom! boom! boom! …

There was a sound of explosions, and the air bombs blasted countless white-haired monkeys. If the number of white-haired monkeys was small, they would have been frightened and chose to run for their lives, but they now have nearly 10,000 white-haired monkeys. Monkey, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Roar! Roar! Roar! …

Countless white-haired monkeys roared loudly, and the group of monkeys yelled in unison, resounding through the forest, as if it could be heard for a radius of ten miles, and then the group of white-haired monkeys rushed up to the iron-backed demon bear.

The two collided fiercely in an instant, and Zhao Fu also took advantage of the confusion and used his silent movement to escape from it in a very thrilling manner. Then he came to the place where several soldiers were resting, and told them to run quickly , because the group of white-haired monkeys is about to go crazy.

These soldiers also heard the cries of the group of white-haired monkeys, and they were also a little frightened, because they knew what their Highness was doing, and they were relieved to see Zhao Fu come back safely.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu took these ordinary soldiers and fled for dozens of miles overnight, before finally stopping to rest for a while.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the night passed like this. A few ordinary soldiers caught a few hares and roasted them on the fire. Zhao Fu also came down to check the harvest this time.

First of all, the three items dropped by the white-haired monkey king. This drop is a bit low, but the iron-backed demon bear dropped four items.

The first dropped item, somewhat familiar, is a round bead. This bead is said to be white in color and the size of a pebble. Zhao Fu saw that it was indeed a soul crystallization.

[Soul Crystal White Haired Monkey King]: The soul crystal of a powerful creature, which can be used to summon this creature. Its strength is 80% of the previous one, but it can only be used once.

Zhao Fu also didn't expect that it was a bit of a coincidence to get another one after using one just now.

Then, Zhao Fu turned his attention to the second item, a talent ball!

[Cracking Roar] Rating: Grade B, Introduction: Use this skill to unleash a powerful sonic attack.

This skill is a special skill, right? The sound system skill is different from other conventional skills, and it is not easy to defend, nor can it be immune. This skill is not bad.

The third piece is another piece of talisman paper. This piece of talisman paper is different from the previous one. The paper of this piece of talisman paper is gold, and the pen and ink are also white. It is also full of mysterious characters. spell.

[Wanli·Teleportation Talisman]: A very magical high-level spell, which can be used to teleport at will within a radius of ten thousand miles, and is immune to some space blockades.

After reading the spell information, Zhao Fu was a little surprised. This talisman feels pretty good. It can be teleported freely within a thousand miles, and there is no need to borrow a teleportation array. Paper is even more precious.

Zhao Fu tried it and found that the talisman paper absolute space belt can also be used now. This thing is also a one-time consumable item, and it will be gone after it is used.

Compared to the items dropped by the iron back demon bear, these three items are a bit inferior, and they did not drop the building stone. Maybe it is the reason why they ran out of luck when killing the iron back demon bear.

Finally, Zhao Fu took out the lump of silver-colored soil. It looked soft, but it was actually very hard, because Zhao Fu found that he couldn't hold it, but it should also belong to the nest, because Zhao Fu At that time, I stretched out my hand to it, and jumped out of the interface exactly like the lair.

Now Zhao Fu chooses to view it!

[All Beings Lair] Quality: Silver, Introduction: One of the special lairs, any creature that occupies the lair, the lair will refresh that creature.

After reading this, Zhao Fu was a little surprised. There is no racial restriction on this thing, that is to say, there is no such thing as a human village that can only be used by humans, otherwise the population limit cannot be refreshed.

This thing is definitely cherished, I don’t know if it is true, any race can be refreshed, for example, Zhao Fu got a giant dragon, and then let it occupy the lair, I don’t know if this lair will spawn a giant dragon, if Zhao Fu can Fu probably died laughing!

Now it seems that it is worth taking the risk this time. Although the things dropped by the white-haired monkey king are not good, but with this special nest, Zhao Fu is already satisfied, but there is also a little regret, that is, the kind of tree that grows on the tree. The white spirit fruit didn't get any.

(end of this chapter)