The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 142: Blood refining elixir (recommended for collection)


After a detailed diagnosis of Tuoba Qing, Zhang Baishu cupped his hands and said respectfully, "Your Highness! This is not a disease, but caused by this girl's special constitution."


Zhao Fu responded unexpectedly, and continued to ask, "Then, have you seen what kind of physique she is?"

Hearing this, Zhang Baishu shook his head and said, "Your Highness! This girl's physique is really special, and I can't judge it accurately, but I understand some reasons and how to deal with it."

Hearing Zhang Baishu's words, Zhao Fu was a little disappointed. He thought Zhang Baishu knew about this strange physique, but it would be good if Zhang Baishu had a way to deal with it. Then Zhao Fu asked what to do.

Zhang Baishu also opened his mouth to explain, "The reason why this girl is like this is because this girl undergoes a transformation every year. This process requires a large amount of blood-refining elixir, and the lack of this kind of refining medicine will make this girl Falling into pain and weakness, as long as you find the blood-refining elixir to help complete the transformation, there will be no problem."

After hearing Zhang Baishu's explanation, Zhao Fu also understood, and then asked what the blood training elixir was, and got Zhang Baishu's answer that the blood refining elixir refers to some elixir related to the blood attribute, such as blood ginseng , Blood Ganoderma lucidum, Blood Polygonum multiflorum, etc., can greatly transform and refine one's own blood.

After realizing it, Zhao Fu didn't have this blood-refining elixir for the time being, so he could only order someone to go to the system city to buy it.

Tuoba Qing on the hospital bed felt apologetic in his heart, looking at Zhao Fu, he hadn't been able to help him much, but he was causing a lot of trouble. She heard Zhang Baishu's explanation of the blood-refining elixir beside her, and she felt that it must be better than ordinary elixir. Medicines are much more expensive, and the price of general elixir is very high, not to mention the relatively special blood-refining elixir, and the quantity needed in the future will be relatively large, which already constitutes an astronomical figure.

Tuoba Qing didn't want to cause any trouble to Zhao Fu, and she didn't want Zhao Fu to pay so much for nothing, because she had nothing to repay, so she said weakly, "Your Highness! I think it's better to forget it, I'll survive for a while It will be fine, don't need to spend so much elixir for me!".

Zhao Fu smiled lightly and cast a comforting look.

At this time, Zhao Fu did not wear a black cloak when he returned to Daqin Town, which reduced the mysterious and cold feeling before, and gave him a little more warmth and less distance.

Zhao Fu said, "Don't worry! You don't need to worry about anything. These blood-refining elixirs are nothing to me. Besides, since you submit to me, I will also be responsible for you!"

When Tuoba Qing heard Zhao Fu's words, she was inexplicably moved. Although Tuoba Qing appeared very mature, she was still only a girl around seventeen, with a fragile heart and not that strong. Enduring those cold and cruel things is not something she should bear at this age.

At this time, hearing Zhao Fu's promise to her, her heart was really touched, and she sincerely recognized Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at her moist eyes, and couldn't help rubbing her head. He could see a little shadow of himself on her body. After his mother died, he was also struggling to survive in this world alone.

Facing the intimate action, a blush appeared on Tuoba Qing's face, and there was a trace of shyness. Zhao Fu also suddenly realized that his behavior was abrupt, and his face was a little embarrassed. As said, make a bowl of thick blood soup and feed it to Tuoba Qing.

After Tuoba Qing took this bowl of blood soup, his complexion quickly turned rosy, and he didn't feel as painful as before. It can be seen that Zhang Baishu's method is very effective. Seeing this, Zhao Fu asked Tuoba Qing to lie here and rest for a while.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu left the clinic and came to the black forest horse's lair. At this time, Xiao Hei was fighting with Xiao Hui, and Xiao Bai was lazily lying on the side, watching the two beasts fighting. At this time, the three beasts saw Zhao Fu. When Fu arrived, he was also very happy. Recently, Zhao Fu didn't accompany them any more.

Zhao Fu ran over to appease him, rubbed his head against his three beasts intimately, then took out the Jade Soul of Horse and chose to use it, only to see that the Jade Soul of Horse in his hand emitted a jade-like ray of light. He flew up in his hand, turned into a mighty horse, neighed, and jumped towards the horse-shaped statue floating in mid-air, and then blended into it.

At this time, the Hessian horse's lair also changed a bit. Whether it was the horse-shaped statue floating in mid-air or the stone platform made of stone bricks on the ground, there was a trace of jade, and I wanted to have the feeling of being mixed with beautiful jade.

At the same time, Zhao Fu discovered that the Heisen horse whose basic strength was originally at tier 3~5 had increased a lot, and now the basic strength has reached 5~7, which is a bit of a change. The strength of the black horse has been raised to the first level.

Think about a Tier 1 horse paired with a Tier 1 soldier. That is not as simple as one plus one, it is enough to single out an ordinary Tier 2 soldier, and it can also cause a crushing effect on ordinary cavalry.

Zhao Fu is also quite satisfied with the effect of the Jade Soul of the Horse, and he doesn't know how Leng Wu got it. Next, Zhao Fu plans to continue to Hongmeiyuan, because Zhao Fu was interrupted by the encounter with Tuoba Qing. Originally planned, the real estate in the other two main cities of the system has not yet been settled.

Zhao Fu's side was busy with these tedious things, and his eyes turned to Bai Qi's side who was exploring outside.

At this time, Bai Qi took five thousand soldiers and three thousand skeletons and marched towards a certain place together, because the soldiers in charge of the investigation found that Qian You had a high-level village.

Now Zhao Fu completely entrusted the military to Bai Qi, and Bai Qi also has the ability to attack high-level villages, so it seems that Zhao Fu does not need to attack high-level villages in general, because some tactical knowledge was taught to Zhao Fu by Bai Qi.

Walking quietly along the way, after a while, Bai Qi arrived at the destination. This high-end village is a little different from all the villages I met before. This village is not a village of original residents, nor a village of foreign races, but a village of foreign races.

The appearance and dress of this foreign village is a bit like that of some ethnic minorities. They generally have a rough appearance, and the clothes they wear are also full of exotic colors, which are very different from the ancient clothes that ordinary people wear today.

This is a high-end village of the Xianbei people!

Xianbei is a nation that appeared very early. It appeared in the Western Zhou Dynasty when it was recorded. At first, it was under the Huns and was enslaved by the Huns. However, following the decline of the Huns, the Xianbei began to show their prominence. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, many countries were established, but the prosperity reversed. With the collapse of the established countries, the Xianbei clan also disappeared into history.

(end of this chapter)