The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 151: Massacre (recommended for collection)


The sudden closure of the city gate also made many people dissatisfied, because they originally wanted to go out to hunt creatures to earn coins, or come in to sell various items obtained outside.

Although there are not many players in Tianshi City, there are still many casual players. Besides the players, there are also aborigines who go in and out to do business. Now that the city gate is closed, all things must be interrupted.

The closing of the city gate was too sudden, without any hint, so many people who were blocked at the gate were very unhappy, shouting protests or discussing, "Can you let the last group of them go out or come in?" !"

The guard snorted coldly. He had received a death order, so of course it was impossible to let people go any further. He shouted, "Close the city gate! Trespassers die!"

This order with a strong murderous intent caused countless people to retreat. Although they were dissatisfied, there was nothing they could do. Compared with fate, fate must be more important.

At the same time, they also wondered what happened to Tianshi City today, and the city gate was suddenly closed. This was the first time, and they had never seen it before.

The large crowd surrounding the gate of the city receded, and the soldiers also pushed the gate, which was more than ten meters high, completely made of silver quality materials, and the gate was about to close slowly.

Zhao Fu, who was hiding in the crowd, knew that if he didn't make a move at this time, he would have no chance, so he fully activated the king's power, and a large amount of black king's power emerged from Zhao Fu's body, and spread to the surroundings like mist.


With a crisp sound of the sword, Zhao Fu pulled out the Heavenly Demon Sword, held it up high, and poured all the power of the king into it.

Feeling Zhao Fu's power, the sword belonged to the sleeping Heavenly Demon, who suddenly opened those blood-colored cold eyes, a large amount of Heavenly Demon Qi gushed out from the sword, and the Heavenly Demon Sword also emitted a soul-eating demonic light. He shouted softly, "The Heavenly Demon cut!"


A roar sounded, and Zhao Fu's high-raised sword slashed straight forward, as if a demon roared, the air seemed to be split in two, and a huge black sword glow shot out.

The dozen or so soldiers who were closing the door, as well as the twenty-odd soldiers standing nearby were hit by a sword unsuspectingly. The huge and terrifying sword light swallowed their figures like a wave. After the sword light passed, the ground was completely covered. The blood was stained red, countless broken corpses fell on it, and a pungent bloody smell radiated.

at the same time! A sword mark of more than 20 meters appeared directly on the ground, and wisps of devilish energy emerged from it.

The sudden change surprised countless people, and they all turned their heads to look at the person beside them wearing a black cloak who looked like a demon god.

In everyone's astonishment, Zhao Fu turned into a black light and rushed towards the city gate, seeing that Zhao Fu was about to rush out of the city gate.


A powerful figure jumped down from the tens of meters high city wall and blocked Zhao Fu's path. It was the city gate guard whose cultivation level had reached the second level or above.


Zhao Fu shouted coldly, and slashed with his sword, the Heavenly Demon Sword slashed at the guard with the power of killing and domineering.

This sword was extremely fierce, and the guard immediately blocked Zhao Fu's sword with a big saber, but he still underestimated Zhao Fu too much.


The guard only felt a giant beast bump into him, and he slid backwards for more than ten meters under the force of his body before stopping. He looked at Zhao Fu with some astonishment on his face, and Zhao Fu rushed out of the city gate without entanglement with him.


As soon as Zhao Fu stepped out of the city gate, the archers in charge of guarding on the city wall shot arrows one after another, bringing out the sound of piercing the air, and the rain of arrows formed was extremely fierce.

Fortunately, usually, there are at most 4,000 guards on one wall of the main city of the system, and most of the soldiers are still in the city. At this time, there are more than 4,000 guards, and there are only more than 1,000 archers. He raised his protective cover and dodged quickly.


Zhao Fu escaped from this wave of arrows, and the other melee soldiers could only quickly plan to come down from the city wall. They were not as strong as the guards, and they could jump directly from the city wall tens of meters high.

At this time, the guard raised his sword and came up again. Zhao Fu's eyes flashed coldly, he raised the Heavenly Demon Sword to point it at a point, and used the Heavenly Demon Soul Devourer, a huge demon phantom emerged from the sword, spreading his flesh Wing, flew over to the guard!

Seeing this, the guard was startled, and quickly used some kind of defensive skill to block the big knife in his hand, and a blue half moon appeared in front of him, emitting a faint blue light to protect his body.

The phantom of the sky demon swept past him, and the blue half moon emitted blue light to protect the guard's body, but the phantom of the sky demon finally dissipated without absorbing any essence, and the blue half moon also slowly disappeared.


The guard spurted a mouthful of blood, and half-kneeled on the ground, seeing that he was seriously injured. It seems that although the demon Soul Eater did not absorb his flesh and blood essence, it had a serious injury effect on him.

Zhao Fu didn't continue to shoot, he turned around and rushed to the other side. He had only one goal at the moment, to save his life.

The guard looked unwillingly at Zhao Fu who had already fled away. Time seemed to be slow just now, but in fact it only happened in an instant. Before his soldiers came down from the city wall, the guard suddenly had a flash of inspiration and shouted, "He is Li Wu, an S-class fugitive. Whoever kills him will get 100,000 gold coins no matter whether he is dead or alive!"

"What? 100,000 gold coins!"

Countless people inside and outside the city were startled by this number. They haven't gone to the mission stele yet, and they don't know about the arrest of Zhao Fu in Tianshi City for the time being. Ten thousand gold coins are attracted.

"100,000 gold coins, that's equal to 1 billion copper coins, which is equal to 10 billion real currency. This shocking number made countless people's eyes glow green, and their expressions became grim and terrifying, because as long as Zhao Fu is killed, everything will be there. ".

They also knew how powerful Zhao Fu was, but when they looked around, the crowd was so spectacular that they could definitely use the crowd tactics to kill him. If anyone was lucky enough to kill him, they would have all the money in the next life .

Countless people didn't hesitate, and rushed towards Zhao Fu like crazy. Zhao Fu's eyes were cold and murderous, looking at the people who rushed towards him, "You want to die, I will help you!"

Zhao Fu's first-rank soldiers were fearless, so why should they be afraid of this group of miscellaneous fish whose cultivation base was no more than the fifth stage, holding the Heavenly Demon Sword, rushing directly into the crowd like a ray of black light.

The massacre... officially begins!

Terrible black sword glows shot out one after another, and the painful screams continued one after another. Zhao Fu rushed into this group of people, just like rushing into a group of people with no strength to restrain chickens. Because of the crowd, And their own weakness, no one can attack him.

Zhao Fu also started to kill. Every time he used his sword so fiercely, it would cut the corpses of more than a dozen people. The ground was completely stained red with blood, and the corpses were all over the ground. The bloody smell became so strong that it was pungent. Just a black cloak was also stained red with blood.

"Hahaha… "

Seeing the crowd rushing towards him unscrupulously, Zhao Fu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. The laughter was cold, gloomy, piercing and frightening.

(end of this chapter)