The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 163: Commander of the Tenth Goblin (recommended for collection)


After these three days of recovery, Zhao Fu's external injuries recovered quickly because he had three flower fairies, but the internal injuries took a while to recover.

On this day, Zhao Fu changed the blood-stained clothes before, put on a cloak again, and walked to the nearest Nine Suns City to the north. As for the three flower fairies, they flew around beside Zhao Fu and followed Zhao Fu. Fu, sometimes when they were tired, the three of them would sit on Zhao Fu's shoulders to rest.

Seeing the three of them carefree and full of joy all day long, Zhao Fu really felt a little envious. He had just walked into a dense forest at this time.

"Zhao! Don't go forward, there is danger ahead, go around from the side," Meimei, who was sitting on Zhao Fu's shoulder, suddenly reminded her.

Hearing this, Zhao Fu stopped, wondering in his heart, "What danger is there in front?"

Baibai, who was sitting on the other side of Zhao Fu's shoulder, explained calmly, "There is a ruin ahead, and there are many scary goblins inside. We have been there before!"

"And the Minotaur!"

Taozi, who was sitting next to Baibai, wanted to say it, but she was too nervous and yelled out. After yelling, she realized that her voice was too loud, and she hid beside Baibai with her face flushed.


When Zhao Fu heard what they said, he immediately became interested, because places with relics basically have great benefits. Now that his strength has recovered a little, Zhao Fu wanted to go and have a look, so he said, "The three of you hide behind me first. Put it in the cloak, I want to go and have a look!"

"Zhao! You have to be careful."

The three flower fairies got into Zhao Fu's cloak upon hearing the words, and stuck out three little heads, intending to see what Zhao Fu was doing in the past.

Immediately, Zhao Fu used various skills of an assassin to sneak into the dense forest without making a sound. After a while, he came to an open space.

This open space is only a small part of the building. Most of the buildings have disappeared. The ruins are so large that you can’t see them all at a glance. There are two words on a huge stone in front of the ruins. Of course, these two words Zhao Fu Don't know each other, Baibai told Zhao Fu that the word is "Luo Lan!"

In the Lolan ruins, there are several types of goblins that Zhao Fu has never seen before. The goblins here are all vicious in appearance, and their skins are also somewhat different, some are pale and some are gray-black.

Some of them are holding a wooden stick. The front of this wooden stick is relatively large, which looks like a hammer. The material of this wooden stick seems to be harder than ordinary iron, so it should be able to cause good blunt damage.

There is also a basket on the back, which is filled with stones. These stones can be thrown by this kind of goblin. At the same time, the thrown stones are powerful enough to break the bones of some creatures. It should be considered a long-range arm.

The last type is the goblin with a sharp sword. This kind of goblin is relatively rare, but it exudes a strong aura, and ten ordinary goblins are better than it.

Three kinds of goblins are displayed as, Goblin, Throwing Goblin, and Ten Commander Goblin.

These goblins were not gathered together, but a few scattered around the side, and there were no guards and patrols, and there should be no leader or the like.

There were almost no defensive measures. Zhao Fu was overjoyed when he saw it, and planned to leave after conquering the ruins for the time being.

"I want to clean up the monsters here, why don't you three wait outside now?"

Zhao Fu lowered his head and said in a low voice to the three flower fairies, he was afraid that such a pure and kind creature would feel fearful when he saw his method of killing, so he wanted them to go outside the dense forest and so on.

"Zhao! It's okay, we'll stay here and help you get rid of these horrible creatures together." Meimei looked up at Zhao Fu and said with a smile on her face, and the other two also nodded.

Seeing this, Zhao Fu no longer had any worries, and started to act.

First of all, Zhao Fu came to a corner and planned to use the method of attracting monsters, because with Zhao Fu's current strength, it is impossible to directly kill and kill, even in the heyday, because this is the outermost part of the ruins. Knowing that there will be terrible creatures in the ruins, it is better to keep a low profile.

Hiding behind a big tree, Zhao Fu threw a stone with all his strength. The stone flew out quickly and hit a stone. The sound it made immediately attracted the attention of a group of goblins.

Because Zhao Fu also has goblins under his command, he has learned many languages through the language stone tablet, including goblin language, so he can understand what they say.

"Hey! There seems to be something there, should we go and have a look?" At this moment, an ordinary goblin said.

Hearing this, another goblin was lying on the ground, and said boredly, "If there is anything, there is nothing wrong with us, as long as we don't enter the ruins, what are we going to eat at noon today?"

"Let's grab a few Gulu chickens to eat today, it's been a long time," said a Throwing Goblin happily.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

When the others heard the words of throwing goblins, they immediately nodded in response when they thought of the delicacy of the glutinous rice chicken.

The goblins chatted directly about the food, and completely ignored the strange voice, which made Zhao Fu, who was hiding behind the big tree, a little embarrassed. Why didn't this play out according to the routine.

Immediately, another stone was thrown, and this stone hit a big tree quickly, making a dull sound.

"Hey! There's a strange sound coming out there again, don't we really need to go and have a look?" The original goblin said strangely again.

"Don't go, it's so troublesome, don't worry about it," at this time a goblin frowned slightly and said out of trouble.

The other goblins also nodded, and the goblin who originally spoke up also forgot about it.

This made Zhao Fu, who was hiding behind the big tree, even more embarrassed. The three flower fairies on his chest covered their mouths with their hands, for fear of laughing out loud.

There was no way, Zhao Fu could only pick up a few more stones from the ground, and threw them directly at the goblins.

These few stones flew out quickly and hit the heads of several goblins directly, causing them to jump up immediately, "Damn! That bastard threw it?"

Immediately, a few of them looked in Zhao Fu's direction with angry eyes, and finally raised their weapons, and now they left aggressively, vowing to chop that bastard into pieces,

Seeing that the goblin was finally attracted, Zhao Fu breathed a sigh of relief.

(end of this chapter)