The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 174: Four occupations (recommended for collection)


Three days later!

Zhao Fu led his own team and almost wiped out all the goblins. Zhao Fu's team also expanded to 32. These days, the battle was a bit fierce, and Zhao Fu's men also suffered some casualties, so Zhao Fu expanded some more, and now there are 32 brothers. Among the Brin, there are 5 Green Goblins, 7 Red Goblins, and 20 Ten Commanders.

This number is relatively large, and with this team, Zhao Fu started to head towards the real interior of the ruins. Zhao Fu obtained some information from the goblins who subdued them.

It turns out that the previous ruins all belonged to the external area. The inside of the real ruins is occupied by a group of Minotaurs. The Minotaur is a military unit formed by the mutation of the Minotaur. You can only stay outside the ruins and dare not enter the inside of the ruins.

From their mouths, Zhao Fu learned that the interior of the ruins must be more dangerous, and at the same time, he also understood that the strength of the Minotaur is very terrifying, but Zhao Fu still wanted to go and see, because wealth is sought in danger, and wealth can be obtained smoothly, so he took the risk is required.

Goblins who are familiar with the road lead the way in front, and Zhao Fu is behind. He walked all the way, passing through the relatively dense urban buildings outside, and Zhao Fu came to a dilapidated castle.

This castle is quite large and spectacular, a Western Gothic building, but it is already dilapidated, the walls and pillars have collapsed, and it is also covered with weeds, which looks barren.

In addition, Zhao Fu also found four square gray steles more than one meter high on a platform, which seemed to be stone steles of job transfer.

Zhao Fu walked over and took a look, and it really was a job transfer stele. The four steles corresponded to the four types of troops in the ruins.

[Blunt Goblin Hands] Evaluation: E+ grade troop, introduction: Goblin warrior holding a stick, troop effect: Everyone can get the skill [Blunt Weapon Strike] after changing jobs.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised by this first unit, it was actually an E+ unit, which was a bit higher than the Daqin soldiers, because the Daqin soldiers were only E-level units.

However, there is no limit to the number of Zhao Fu's Great Qin arms. You can change as many jobs as you want. This goblin blunt hand can only change jobs by 1,000, because Zhao Fu has the attribute of doubling the arms, it should be more than 2,000 Breen blunt.

At the same time, Zhao Fu also felt that the level of the Great Qin's arms was still too low to cope with the fierce battles in the future, but the key point was that Zhao Fu didn't know how to raise the level of the arms.

Turn your attention to the next goblin unit!

[Throwing·Goblin] Evaluation: E+ grade troop, introduction: Warrior who can throw terrible stone attacks, troop effect: Everyone can get the skill [Stone Throwing] after changing jobs.

[Ten Commander Goblin] Evaluation: D-class unit, introduction: a powerful goblin warrior holding a sharp sword, unit effect: each person can get the skill [Swordsmanship Essentials] after changing jobs.

[Qing Chi·Goblin] Evaluation: D+ grade troop, introduction: Goblin mage who can cast powerful magic, troop effect: Each person can get the skill [Ice Flame] when changing jobs.

The remaining three types of arms are also limited in number. The number of job transfers for Throwing Goblins is 500, the number of job transfers for Ten Captains is 200, and the number of transfers for Green Chi Goblins is 100.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand to try it out, and found that the stele could be moved. He was overjoyed, and immediately collected all four steles into the King's Ring. With these four steles, the Goblin family's profession can be said to be complete.

Then his eyes turned to the castle. Zhao Fu asked the group of goblins to wait outside for a while, and then went in to see the situation. He is not afraid of being an assassin. If he wants to bring so many people in, if the target is too big, he will be killed. found.

A group of goblins also obeyed the orders and waited outside. They were quite afraid of the Minotaur in the castle. Zhao Fu sneaked into the castle through a gap on one side, hiding his aura.

At first, Zhao Fu went into the castle and found that everything was normal, nothing was found, and the surrounding area was very quiet, but as Zhao Fu slowly entered, he found that the voices in front of him suddenly became louder.

There are huge snoring sounds when sleeping, there are also destruction sounds when you are crazy, and there are also roaring sounds. All kinds of sounds have one characteristic, that is, they sound like cows.

Zhao Fu slowly touched a relatively tall building, looked ahead, and found that there were more than fifty Minotaurs in a large area of ruins in front of him.

These minotaurs are almost the same as the tauren on the surface, with a human body, a cow's head, a body of muscles, and a piece of animal skin around the waist.

However, the Minotaur is huge, standing four meters tall, and is irritable. When it goes mad, its eyes turn blood red.

In addition to these ordinary Minotaurs, Zhao Fu also found a Minotaur leader in front of a beautifully carved stone gate.

This leader of the Minotaur has reached a height of six meters, with a pair of shiny black horns, long and sharp, and extremely muscular body, exuding a very strong sense of oppression.

After checking the situation here, Zhao Fu turned back and thought about how to deal with the minotaur. This kind of minotaur belongs to the explosive force type, which has a lot of power. If they are still irritable, then they will be more dangerous, because they In the state of rage, the strength will increase several times.

This kind of unit is terrible, it is best not to head-on, the tricky method can be used, and the effect will be very good.

Zhao Fu thought of a way, found a big tree more than ten meters high, prepared an iron chain two fingers thick, and found a huge rock.

Whether this method can be successful, "mainly depends on cooperation!"

Also, because this minotaur has a leader, ordinary minotaurs will obey it, so you have to be more careful in your actions. Once the minotaur leader notices it, everything will fail, because Zhao Fu's current strength may overwhelm him. But the leader of the Minotaur.

Afterwards, the plan began to be implemented. Zhao Fu came to the inside of the castle again, stared at the outermost minotaur, hid aside, first threw a stone to hit it, and then pushed a goblin out to make it face The head-turning monster was provocative.

The goblin who was pushed out by Zhao Fu looked aggrieved, because he was very afraid of the Minotaur in his heart, but he couldn't resist Zhao Fu's despotic power. It reluctantly did so under the premise that Zhao Fu promised to save its life.

Facing the goblins just outside the ruins, the Minotaur was not so vigilant. If it was Zhao Fu's hatred, it would probably attract a few Minotaurs. And the vigilance is very high.

soon! Under the repeated provocations of the goblins, the Minotaur became angry at once, his eyes were bloodshot, he gasped for breath, and rushed towards this side.

Successfully attracted monsters! Zhao Fu quickly mentioned the goblin, turned around and ran away.

(end of this chapter)