The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 175: The Power of the Ancients (recommended for collection)


The completely enraged Minotaur rushed over with a terrifying and ferocious aura, knocking down several walls in a row, and the dust immediately flew up. The Minotaur's eyes had turned blood-colored, looking for that hateful figure in the dust.

But turning around and looking around, the nasty figure disappeared. The Minotaur was furious and was about to vent his anger, but the next second, that figure appeared in the distance to provoke it again. The Minotaur roared and vowed to kill it. The goblin was torn into pieces and rushed over again.

But after rushing over, that figure disappeared again, and after a while, it reappeared in the distance. If it was a clear-headed person, he would definitely notice something was wrong.

But the Minotaur has completely lost its mind at this time, and it doesn't think about it at all. Now it just wants to tear the goblin into pieces, and the more it chases, the more angry it gets, and every time the nasty goblin can escape.


The tauren smashed a wall into pieces with one punch, and the bricks were flying in all directions. The momentum was terrible.

The goblin who was pushed by Zhao Fu in the distance turned pale with fright, he would probably be turned into a pile of flesh if he was punched like that, his body trembling a little, he turned his head and said to Zhao Fu who was hiding aside, "My lord! You can keep me! Now my life is in your hands."

"Okay! Don't worry."

Zhao Fu hid aside, looked at the Minotaur who was completely enraged, and said with a smile on his face.

This smile made Goblin extremely unconfident, but with his strength, he couldn't escape the Minotaur's pursuit at all, so he could only rely on Zhao Fu, so he pointed at the Minotaur even more and cursed, "You bastard, Minotaur, disgrace among the tauren..."


The Minotaur rushed towards the goblin in a rage, Zhao Fu immediately mentioned the goblin, and used his agility to quickly shuttle through the building. Like a black shadow, several jumps appeared in the distance again.

Several times in a row!

In the end, the tauren chased him to a street. Seeing that the abominable goblin finally did not escape, the anger in his heart finally found its explosive point. , rushing towards that goblin once, looking at that ferocious appearance, it can trample the goblin into a pulp.

But suddenly, it stepped on an inconspicuous haystack.

at once!

It was startled suddenly, feeling that its legs were caught by something, but in the next second, there was a sound of a boulder falling to the ground, and its whole body was hung upside down.

Zhao Fu's trap is very simple. He uses goblins to lure the Minotaur out, and then makes one end of the iron chain into a noose, and the other end is tied with a boulder, and then hangs on a tree. Push it down from a high place, and hang the Minotaur in the air at once.

Now that the Minotaur is being hung upside down, it has a lot of power and can't use it, because at this time it can only swing around with its fists. If it is calm-headed, it will definitely want to break the iron chain at this time, but at this time the Minotaur Blame only wants to violently destroy.

This iron chain was found by Zhao Fu on purpose, how could it break free.

With a smile on his face, Zhao Fu came out from one side. The Minotaur looked crazy, completely lost his mind, and kept growling, trying to tear everyone in front of him. The strength of this Minotaur is also absolutely powerful. The fist, the punching style, can hurt people.

Zhao Fu walked over, issued a light mask to block the fist wind, and then took out a piece of contract paper to make this trap. Zhao Fu's original intention was not to kill the Minotaur, but to force him to subdue it, because how many Minotaur, it will be much easier to deal with the Minotaur in the castle.

However, after Zhao Fu used the contract, the paper of the contract turned into bits of spiritual light and flew towards the Minotaur hanging in mid-air, but it couldn't enter the body of the Minotaur, instead it was ejected by an invisible force.

The aura formed by the contract paper dissipated, Zhao Fu frowned, and then used another contract paper, but it still failed, which made Zhao Fu sigh, this contract should be invalid for the tauren.

Since you can't subdue it, you can only kill it. Look at the crazy appearance of the Minotaur, but don't let it attract other Minotaurs.

Zhao Fu slowly drew out the Heavenly Demon Sword tied around his waist, and the power of the king was injected into it. The sword body swallowed a black and sharp sword light. Zhao Fu swung forward, and a sword light flashed, hanging upside down in midair. The head fell off, as if opening a blood bottle, and the blood flowed out from the neck.

The demon happily devoured the flesh and blood essence of the Minotaur, making bursts of joyful sounds. Such a powerful flesh and blood essence is an absolute tonic.

Killing this minotaur will drop a cyan light ball, which is the size of a fist, and exudes a long-lasting aura, but you can also feel the sense of power emanating from this light ball.

Zhao Fu picked it up and checked it out!

[Ancient Power]: A pure physical power that can be integrated into one's own body or into equipment.

"Ancient power?"

After reading the introduction, Zhao Fu lowered his head and asked the Heavenly Demon, "Do you need this kind of power?"

Heavenly Demon, who was originally enjoying the pleasure of devouring essence and blood, shook his head quickly when he heard this, and said with a face of rejection, "I don't want that kind of muscle strength!"

Hearing this, Zhao Fu thought for a while, since the Heavenly Demon refused to take it, then Zhao Fu planned to use it himself to see what the effect of this ancient power would be, because it seemed that this power was also very rare!

Immediately, Zhao Fu pressed the cyan light cluster against his chest, and the cyan light cluster merged into his body, turning into a cyan light that spread out.

at once!

Zhao Fu felt some power poured into his body, and his whole body trembled. Afterwards, his heart began to beat vigorously, and his body began to heat up.

However, it only lasted for a short while and then stopped, because the power of the king in Zhao Fu's body directly swallowed part of the ancient power, it seems that the ancient power is definitely not as good as the power of the king, otherwise it would not be so easy of being swallowed.

Even so, the effect of the ancient power is still revealed. Zhao Fu's own physique and strength attributes have increased a lot. The power exuded by the flesh.

Also, one of the changes in obtaining the ancient power was that Zhao Fu's thin body had a muscular outline, which surprised Zhao Fu.

After feeling the power of the ancient power, Zhao Fu raised his head and looked at the body of the minotaur that had turned into a mummified corpse. Now that the minotaur cannot be subdued, it can only be killed. Now this trap is for Zhao Fu to subdue the minotaur. Blame is the target, so it is dead.

Zhao Fu intends to use a more effective and convenient trap, but it will take some time to prepare.

(end of this chapter)