The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 197: Things to ward off evil spirits (9 more)


In the early morning, the sky just dawned, and the air was very fresh. A few birds flew across the sky, making a few chirping sounds, and it was another day.

In the room, Zhao Fu sat cross-legged on the bed, his face was pale, and he was still sweating coldly. After a while, he fell to the ground as if exhausted.

The mark of the king was finally finished. This was a double consumption of spirit and body, but Zhao Fu was exhausted, but the mark of the king was successfully carved, and it was worth it.

After resting for a while and regaining some strength, Zhao Fu called for Gai Nie, Tuoba Qing, and Xiao Sha.


The three of them came to Zhao Fu's side, but they were a little puzzled, they didn't understand why Zhao Fu called the three of them together.

Zhao Fu briefly told them about Wang Shi's career, and they had different expressions after listening to Zhao Fu's words.

Gai Nie looked very serious and solemn, standing there, as if Zhao Fu said that it was the path he believed in and insisted on.

Xiaosha was only eight years old, and he looked at Zhao Fu in a ignorant state. Although he didn't understand the exact meaning, he still liked being by Zhao Fu's side all the time. Xiaosha was afraid of Zhao Fu from the beginning. , has already become a favorite.

Tuoba Qing's face was a little red and shy. She was only seventeen years old. Becoming Zhao Fu's royal servant meant that she would be by Zhao Fu's side for the rest of her life. She was very willing in her heart because she really wanted to repay Zhao Fu, but in her heart But I didn't understand and felt a little bit shy.

"Do you understand what I mean? If you don't want to, I won't force it," Zhao Fu asked, looking at the three people in front of him.

The three replied earnestly and clearly, "We are willing to serve my king!"

Immediately, the three half knelt on the ground, closed their eyes, raised their heads slightly, and faced Zhao Fu.

Seeing that the three of them agreed, Zhao Fu took out a dagger and cut open his palm. Bright red blood slowly flowed out from the wound.

Zhao Fu raised his palm to point at them, and said softly, "Wang Shi!"

The blood flowing out from Zhao Fu's palm turned into three blood clots the size of fingernails, and shot towards the eyebrows of the three of them. The blood clots melted into them, and in just a split second, a black pattern appeared on their foreheads. This pattern consisted of nine The circle formed by the dragon pattern has a Qin character in the center, revealing a sense of mystery and overbearing, and full of majesty.

After this pattern emerged, it emitted a black light, and the three of them were shocked, and then the power of the king brought by the black light began to penetrate into their bodies.

Unknown changes were taking place in the bodies of the three of them. After a while, the black light gradually faded, and the black pattern on their foreheads also slowly disappeared into their foreheads. The three of them opened their eyes again, and a black light flashed in their eyes Pass.

At this time, they all exuded a noble and powerful aura, which came from Zhao Fu, and the three of them also had an inexplicable connection with Zhao Fu.

Now they are the king's servants, and they can use the power of the king, but this power of the king is weaker than the power of the orthodox king, but it is definitely a very powerful force.

After the three of them were transferred to the Wang Servant profession, Zhao Fu also felt exhausted, and the fatigue of portraying the king's mark last night also surged up. For the time being, they could only go down first, and then fell asleep on the bed.

It was already night when I woke up again, and after a good night's sleep, my whole body became much more relaxed. Now that I have reached the first level of cultivation, I thought that I still have a second-level blood god pill, which can also be used, and then Zhao Fu And swallowed the second-order blood spirit pill.

The next day, Zhao Fu opened his eyes again. At this time, his cultivation base was already at the first stage and fourth stage. The speed was unimaginable. With a happy face, Zhao Fu left the room and planned to go to the City of Holy Light. Ask He Xianru.

One is how to eliminate the blue energy in his body, and the other is to ask her what Wu Qingniang's phoenix-dragon body is. Zhao Fu feels that He Xianru knows more about certain things than himself, so he plans to ask her for advice.

However, just as Zhao Fu entered the City of Holy Light using the teleportation array, he found that it seemed that the festival had begun again. Many people on the street were playing around wearing various ghost masks. At the same time, many people on the street were selling talismans, peach wood swords, Bells, black dog blood and other things to drive away ghosts and evil spirits.

Zhao Fu asked someone for a while before he realized that this time the festival is called Ghost Festival!

The Ghost Festival is also known as the Ghost Festival, also known as the Yulan Basin Festival. In this festival, it is said that the ghost gate will open, and countless ghosts will come out of it. Thousands of ghosts will wreak havoc, and the people will not live in peace. Killing them will drop ghost crystals.

Ghost crystals can be exchanged for ghost crystal values in the main city of the system, just like Wanhua Festival Flower Tears. Of course, ghost crystal values can also be exchanged for countless items.

The Ghost Festival also lasts for seven days, and it officially starts at 12:00 tonight. However, compared with the Wanhua Festival, the Ghost Festival is not an event suitable for everyone. The ghosts that appear on the Ghost Festival will attack people. If you encounter some ghosts, That would be more than auspicious.

The Thousand Flowers Festival is okay, just collecting some flower tears, and there is not much danger, but if you are not careful in the Ghost Festival, your life will be in danger, so this time some people will participate in the festival, and some will not.

Those who don't participate in the Ghost Festival must also be careful, they can only stay in the city buildings, once they go out, they will be targeted by ghosts, so if necessary, they need to buy some evil spirits.

Zhao Fu saw that he had time, so he still planned to ask He Xianru, and then he made preparations. He came to Xiluolou. After so long, she was still so beautiful, classic and mysterious.

He Xianru cooked a table of wine and dishes, and the two sat beside them. At this moment, He Xianru stood up and poured a glass of wine for Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu told her everything.

After He Xianru pondered for a while, he opened his mouth and replied, "That kind of suppressive force is indeed difficult to eliminate, it needs to be slowly resolved, or the source of this force must be destroyed directly."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was a little disappointed, and then asked the next question, "What is the body of a phoenix dragon?"

Upon hearing this word, He Xianru looked at Zhao Fu and suddenly smiled mysteriously, which made Zhao Fu look strange, and then He Xianru explained to Zhao Fu, "Since ancient times, the dragon represents the emperor, and the phoenix represents the concubine. There is a man who is destined to be a king, and of course there is a woman who is destined to be a concubine."

The body of the phoenix and dragon means that she is destined to be a concubine from birth, and it is also an extremely noble physique, but this kind of physique is very special, and there is a trace of dragon energy in the phoenix. If the huge dragon energy can suppress her, then she will definitely Is a very good right-hand man, will be of great help to you.

But if the dragon energy is weak and unable to suppress her, then she may swallow the dragon energy and grow stronger, instead suppressing the real dragon, or even replacing it. However, there is only one family in the world that has the body of a phoenix dragon, and that is the Wu family!

Zhao Fu was inexplicably surprised when he heard He Xianru's last words!

(end of this chapter)