The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 213: sixth night


Anyone with a good temper can't help but get angry, working hard and extremely nervous, looking at the job that is about to be obtained, it will disappear in the next second, it's like a girl who has been chasing for more than ten years, suddenly Running away with others, how can this be unbearable.

Li Baiqing almost ran away at that moment, he really hated that person who exchanged ghost archers, and only wanted to kill him alive at this time.

Xue Rengui and several generals hurriedly persuaded him, but Li Baiqing could only look at the thirteenth-ranked occupation, because the first twelve occupations were gone.

Zhao Fu didn't know this. After exchanging the ghost archer, Zhao Fu returned to Daqin to check the ghost archer's professional attributes.

Specter Archer is just like the name, this is the archer profession, the profession is outstanding in archery, and at the same time, the skill has also acquired a more agile attribute.

Among them, there are several powerful skills, ghost eyes: can lock the enemy with incomparable precision and lifelessness, ghost arrows: add the power of ghosts, shoot ghost arrows, ghost arrows: group attack method, will transform after shooting Out of five ghosts continue to attack.

Generally speaking, ghost archer, although not as good as the previous three professions, is still a very good profession. Zhao Fu smiled with satisfaction.


There were many things to prepare for killing ghosts on the fifth night, and then soon it was night, and the ghosts became more and more ferocious this night, resulting in some casualties on Zhao Fu's side, but fortunately, there were not many, and it was nothing. event.

Most of the ghosts attacked by the ghosts in the fifth night were also killed by Daqin. This time, they harvested 2.6 million ghost crystals. With these ghost crystals, Zhao Fu came to the exchange stone tablet.

At this time, the Ghost Festival was coming to an end, and all the 40 occupations on the occupation list had been exchanged. Seeing that Zhao Fu was also a little disappointed, he couldn't get any benefits from the occupation list.

However, this time, Zhao Fu is content, because Zhao Fu has obtained three occupations in the top ten of the rankings, "I wonder if anyone can do it?"

Now that the job is gone, Zhao Fu turned his attention to other things. At this time, Zhao Fu had 42 million ghost crystal points from the remaining ghost crystal points from several exchanges of jobs, plus the fifth night. If you have money, you don't have to worry about words.

First of all, Zhao Fu set his sights on the first item, because this time the Ghost Festival is mainly about occupations, so there are many occupation-related things in the exchange items.

The first item Zhao Fu took a fancy to was the career upgrade stone!

[E-level troop upgrade stone]: A magical stone with the power to upgrade the troop profession. It can increase the level of E-class troop by a stage.

This unit upgrade stone can only be used on E-level units. Now Daqin is an E-level unit. Zhao Fu felt that the level of Daqin's units is a bit low. Now he can exchange this upgrade stone to upgrade the Daqin soldiers to E+ level arms.

The price of this unit upgrade stone is 10 million ghost crystals, which seems quite expensive, but Zhao Fu feels it is worth it, because there is nothing to exchange for it now.


Zhao Fu looked at Shishang, another type of unit upgrade.

[D-level troop upgrade stone]: A magical stone with the power to upgrade the troop profession. It can increase the level of D-class troop by a certain level.

D-level upgrade stones can only be applied to D-level occupations. There are many D-level occupations in Daqin, such as generals and special units of various races. These are all D-level units, but they are generally D-level units.

However, Zhao Fu didn't intend to use the upgrade stone for them, but kept it until the Great Qin's troops were upgraded from E+ ranks to D- ranks.

The reason is that the D-level troop upgrade stone is really too expensive. One piece needs 30 million ghost crystals, which is 5 million ghost crystals more expensive than the top ten professions.

It can be seen how difficult it is to upgrade this profession. If there is no ghost festival this time, there is almost no way to improve the level of the unit.

After purchasing the two upgrade stones, Zhao Fu's aura of a big money disappeared in an instant, and he returned to the starting point.

After the exchange, Zhao Fu was about to go back and upgrade his troops when he suddenly saw an acquaintance walking by himself first, a woman with a gentle temperament.

"Xin Zhao! Long time no see, where have you been recently?"

Jiang Rou walked over with a smile on her face. She originally wanted to exchange some items, but she didn't expect to meet Zhao Fu. Even though Zhao Fu was wearing a cloak, Jiang Rou recognized him at first sight.

"Hmm! How are you doing recently?" Zhao Fu looked at Jiang Rou who was walking towards him, and replied with a smile.

Hearing Zhao Fu's concern, Jiang Rou's heart warmed, and the smile on her face became sweeter. After greeting each other with Zhao Fu, Jiang Rou knew that Zhao Fu had a lot to do, and she didn't want to disturb Zhao Fu anymore, so she just chatted. a while.

Zhao Fu got some information from Jiang Rou, so he went back to Xiluolou, called Guo Binglin to the side, and asked about the City of Holy Light.

Recently, the power of the Zhou family has been expanding rapidly. It seems that it has something to do with the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty was once inherited, and it is a giant in front of ordinary families. At the same time, it also made them a little arrogant in their momentum.

This made Zhao Fu frowned a little. He didn't expect Da Ming's hand to reach out to him. He only needed to deal with it a little. As for the Zhou family, Zhao Fu didn't care.

Now, regardless of the position of interest, there is no conflict for the time being, Zhao Fu doesn't want to do anything for the time being, if it comes to the door by itself, Zhao Fu can only be the first to destroy the Zhou family.

After returning to Daqin, Zhao Fu came to the barracks, used the E-level troop career upgrade stone to upgrade the Daqin troop to E+, and then checked the attributes. Both in terms of skills and attributes, he got a part of the improvement, and he felt pretty good.

The rest of the time was spent preparing for various things to kill ghosts on the sixth night!

The ghosts of the sixth night are more ferocious and violent than before, and their power has also increased a lot. In particular, there are many more ghosts in the city, and there are even evil ghosts. All kinds of evil spirit talismans can't work.

If there is no good defense and countermeasures, some innocent people will be killed or injured. At this time, the Town God's Temple is particularly important.

Now, no one dared to come out at night, because it was no different from seeking death, and it became more difficult for the major forces to kill ghosts.

Zhao Fu's side is the same, but it's a little easier than them, because there are various effects of the gold-quality Town God's Temple, Yin General's Ghost Suppressing Formation, and Rizhi Emperor's Immortal Formation. night.

(end of this chapter)