The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 220: Top ten occupations (seeking subscription recommendation)


After Beiming Danqiu listened to the decree, the imperial decree in Li Si's hand turned into a golden light and shot into Beiming Danqiu's eyebrows. Beiming Danqiu, who was half kneeling on the ground, also had a force floating out of him, causing him to change. .

The golden light leaked from his body, which made Beiming Danqiu's body in the original soul state more solid, revealed a majesty, and his aura became stronger.

The stone statue in the main hall also changed, the original appearance of the general disappeared, and it became the appearance of Beiming Danqiu. The stone statue and Beiming Danqiu have merged into one, and the stone statue has become the body of Beiming Danqiu. That is, the city god itself.

People come to offer incense and gather the power of faith to enhance their strength. Although the City God can also absorb the power of faith and can be said to be a god in reality, this is just a job in the underworld, and it is still different from a real god.

"Reminder! Your City God has been appointed successfully, and you will get 15% extra suppression of evil power, and you can get the authority to recruit 300 Yin soldiers, increasing the power of protection."

Just after the appointment was successful, Zhao Fu received a reminder!

Black and white impermanence standing on one side, envy in their eyes, because the City God is already a big official in their underworld, but they can manage one side. It turns out that the position of City God is so easy to get, no wonder the family tried every means to keep them in the world.

After the appointment of the City God, Zhao Fu spent some Yin coins to summon the three hundred Yin soldiers.


What Zhao Fu did was to count all the harvest of this Ghost Festival. The biggest profiter of this Ghost Festival is undoubtedly Daqin, not one of them.

First of all, in terms of occupations, among the top ten occupations, Daqin won the first Hundred Ghost Illusionist, the third Ghost Caller, and the ninth Ghost Archer. These occupations are also absolutely powerful and will become the main force in the future.

Although the number of job transfers is a bit small now, there should be something in the future that can increase the number of troops to transfer jobs. For example, the Ring of Kings in Zhao Fu's hand has the ability to increase the upper limit of troops, but it is only effective for B-level troops and below. .

Then, let's talk about other harvests. This time, during the Ghost Festival, Zhao Fu almost spent most of his money on buying various items.

At the same time, the effect after spending the money is also amazing. There are more than 90,000 treasure bags for ghosts and 50,000 City God Stones, which can build 5,000 City God Temples, and there are countless upgrade stones.

After opening the treasure bags of more than 90,000 ghosts, in addition to the items and skills, the equipment obtained, plus the materials that were made into equipment, a total of 46,000 pieces of silver equipment can be obtained.

With so much silver equipment, it is estimated that the main city of the general system does not have it, and this time, I also obtained the treasure bag of 73 heavenly ghosts. After opening it, I got a total of 37 pieces of gold equipment. In the end, there was Zhao Fu’s weapon, which has now been upgraded to an epic weapon. Ghost Killing Sword.

Such a huge harvest, who can do it, no one can match it, Daqin's harvest this time is probably only possible after the addition of several major forces.

At the same time, it was also thanks to the dedication of everyone in Daqin. They didn't relax at all during this ghost festival, and they worked hard to get Daqin to harvest this time.

Seeing their exhausted expressions, Zhao Fu ordered the people of Daqin to put down everything, take a day off temporarily, and hold a grand celebration party.

After this order, the whole Daqin cheered, and finally had the excitement and joy of the festival.

The celebration will be held soon, Zhao Fu personally rewarded and praised the generals and soldiers who performed more outstandingly this time, and then the celebration will officially begin.

Zhao Fu was still not used to this kind of excitement, so he didn't participate, but just sat on top, watching with a smile, people who were in a happy mood.

"Your Highness! I still want to visit the main city of the system"

Asani walked to Zhao Fu's side, a little nervous, looking at Zhao Fu with some hope in her clear eyes and said.

Zhao Fu turned his head to look at Asani and smiled. She also put in a lot of effort this time, so she nodded and agreed. However, Zhao Fu was still a little worried about her safety, so he asked Liu Mei to take her with her every time she went. .

With Zhao Fu's consent, Asani danced and left with a smile, looking lively and cute. As for Liu Mei, she was stepping on the table, competing with others to drink.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu saw that the celebration was almost over, so he left first, planning to return to the real world to see what was going on.

Consciousness returned to the real world at once. Zhao Fu opened his eyes, and the familiar feeling of hunger flooded into his brain again. Zhao Fu could only ask the bodyguards to help him order a meal, while he turned on the computer, entered the Tianqi Forum, and checked this What are the harvests of the major forces during the Ghost Festival

The first is the top ten occupations. The first four occupations show unknown forces. That's right, Zhao Fu snickered, because he only got two of these four occupations.

But among the top ten professions, the winner of the wild ghost profession, ranked fifth, is not a system force, but the successor of the Great Xia, that is, Si Jigao.

The sixth-ranked ghost swordsman job was obtained by Da Shang, the seventh ghost knight was obtained by Da Zhou, the eighth largest shield ghost soldier was obtained by the system force Shenguicheng, the ninth ghost archer was obtained by Zhao Fu, and the tenth profession The ten ghost warriors were obtained by the big man.

The occupation ranked eleventh was obtained by the system force Abyss City, the twelve occupations were obtained by the Kingdom of the Pharaohs, the thirteenth occupation was obtained by the Tang Dynasty, and the fourteenth occupation was obtained by an unknown force. The fifteenth was acquired by the Roman Empire.

This is the first fifteen occupations, most of which are obtained by players, and a few are obtained by system forces. This will also form a trend in the future. The future is the world of players, and this cannot be changed.

After reading the information, Zhao Fu was a little surprised. Queen Arthur, who shined in the first Wanhua Festival, did not show that she got any occupation this time.

"Could it be that the job obtained is not made public?"

This is somewhat unlikely, because it was announced when she obtained Shengtian, and Zhao Fu also heard about her on the Internet.

What she believes in is the way of light, and she has some noble and excellent qualities such as justice, faith, bravery, and humility, so many people are willing to follow her. In the West, she is the absolute king, and her prestige is almost twice that of the inheritors of the Roman Empire.

With her character, she won't hide it, so isn't she interested in this ghost festival? Zhao Fu didn't understand what she meant.

After reading this, Zhao Fu looked again. According to other news, he discovered that the three dynasties, Daxia, Dashang, and Dazhou, had actually used state-defending weapons in this ghost festival.

The terrifying power displayed by this national weapon shocked many ordinary players, and now it has become the hottest topic.

(end of this chapter)