The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 230: The Blood of the Beast


This giant wolf, Zhao Fu, has not been domesticated for the time being, so he showed a strong hostility in the wooden cage, grinning and growling, his appearance is very ferocious, making people dare not take a step closer.

[Giant Wolf]: An exclusive mount for orcs, a breed bred by the blood of animalization, an extremely ferocious wolf breed.

"The blood of beasts?"

Looking at these giant wolves, Zhao Fu has not dealt with them yet. He also has orcs under his command, so they should know the giant wolves better.

"Call Thad!"

After giving an order, a tall and strong orc came to Zhao Fu's side, saluted, and said, "Your Highness!"

Zhao Fu nodded, pointed at the giant wolf in the cage and asked, "Do you know this giant wolf?"

Sade turned around and immediately replied, "The subordinates know that this is a kind of wolf that can only be bred by orcs, and will only obey the orders of orcs."

Hearing what Sade said, Zhao Fu's eyes turned cold, "Do you only obey the orders of orcs? If I use the domestication skill, it won't work to domesticate them?"

Sade nodded and said, "Yes, Your Highness, the use of domestication can only make them surrender temporarily, but they will still only obey the orcs, because they contain the blood of beasts in their bodies."

Zhao Fu frowned and asked, "What is the beastly blood?"

"The blood of animalization is to collect the blood of at least 100,000 orcs, and then through the treatment of the shaman, it will become a blood crystal. This blood crystal will be fused with the wolf's lair, and a giant wolf with animalic blood will be born. ".

Sade explained truthfully, which made Zhao Fu snort coldly, "That old guy Gunado really wanted to blackmail himself, if I really don't understand anything, and use this giant wolf, when we want to fight against him in the future, I'm afraid I can't even imagine what will happen."

Zhao Fu turned his head and said coldly, "Thaad, try to see if you can completely subdue these giant wolves. If you can't subdue them, then kill them all."

Although it was a pity, Zhao Fu didn't want to leave any hidden dangers behind.

After dealing with this matter, returning to the hall, Zhao Fu sat on the chair above, let out a sigh of relief, calmed down his previous emotions, and called Wang Ergou over, "Have you fully investigated the information on Lu Xing's side?"

Wang Ergou is in charge of the green apricot side. Now the Yongye created by Zhao Fu has been distributed everywhere, and it is in charge of special people, mainly to obtain the inheritors of the twelve suits.

"Your Highness! It has been thoroughly investigated. In addition to Dashun, there are also six families in Luxing, including Li, Cha, Wu, Xia, Dong, and Yue. They are distributed in the other three main cities of the system, and they are also the largest six families in Luxing. a force".

The relationship between them and Dashun is basically hostile. Dashun has been helped by someone, and it has developed very rapidly. It has a good relationship with the system. It has been upgraded to a small town and has a population of nearly 30,000. About 30,000 players belong to the Dashun faction.

As for the location of Dashun Town, the subordinates spent a lot of money to obtain it. It is located 20,000 miles north of Xingcheng.

Wang Ergou finished the information one by one in detail.

Zhao Fu was also lost in thought. Dashun was hostile to the other six families. Zhao Fu was not surprised, because if a country's inheritance wants to develop, it must eliminate other forces, so it is bound to be hostile.

Also, Dashun's rapid development was probably due to some advice from the Zongheng family. It was because Dashun announced its anti-Qin that it developed rapidly. It can be seen that there is no benefit at all. The anti-Qin alliance will not be established easily.

Finally, the number of players in Dashun is a bit high, 30,000 people is definitely considered a big force, recruiting so many players, of course, has advantages and disadvantages, the advantage can be a large number of manpower, enhance the fighting power of the faction itself, the disadvantage is that the players will not be completely loyal.

If a large number of players are recruited, "I am afraid that players will become players and players will lose."

The position of Dashun was leaked by the players. Zhao Fu didn't care much about the 30,000 players, "because as long as there are enough interests, they can be disintegrated instantly without any effort."

Zhao Fu let the forces officially enter Luxing, and at the same time asked Wang Ergou to get an invitation and send it to the six families of Luxing.

Huge chambers of commerce, restaurants, and population trading offices suddenly appeared in Lvxing, breaking the stalemate between Lvxing, the family and Dashun. This also attracted the attention of countless forces. What kind of power is this.

The six aristocratic families received Zhao Fu's invitation with different attitudes, some were strange, some were puzzled, and some were surprised, "But they still decided to go to the appointment, because such a large mysterious force suddenly appeared in Luxing, which had to make them pay attention." .

Afterwards, four men and two women from the six aristocratic families came to an attic with a few guards. When they met each other, they each showed a little surprise, and then seemed to understand something.

Under the leadership of the servant, the six people came to a luxurious room, where a banquet was already set up, and besides that, there was a person in a black cloak waiting for them.

"Thank you for coming here!" Zhao Fu saw the six people coming in, stretched out his hands and cupped his fists, and said politely to the six people with a hint of a smile.

The other six people had seen this kind of scene a lot, and they didn't feel much touched in their hearts, but they responded politely with a smile on their faces.

The seven of them sat at the banquet, and chatted for a while, but they didn't get straight to the point. Zhao Fu didn't speak, and they didn't ask, because they all had their own thoughts.

Zhao Fu saw that the banquet was already halfway through, and then he said, "I don't know what the six think of Dashun? They are in the same place, because they have been oppressed by Dashun, right?"

The six people were a little embarrassed when they heard the words. Zhao Fu was right. No matter in terms of power or inheritance, they couldn't compete with him. They could only give in and feel aggrieved.

"I am willing to provide some equipment, elixirs, and other materials to help you all fight Dashun together, so that my power can survive."

Zhao Fu also spoke directly, telling the purpose of this trip.

The other six people on the table were also lost in thought, and they were not in a hurry to make a statement, because it was a matter of their power's survival.

A burly man suddenly snorted to Zhao Fu, "Okay! Don't be hypocritical, you help us like this, I'm afraid you have some grudge against Dashun, you want to use our hands to suppress Dashun." .

The six people could see that Zhao Fu would not be so kind, some of them used the six of them as gunmen, and wanted to use them.

Zhao Fu smiled softly without hiding it, and said, "I do have a grudge against Dashun, so I want to bother you all, but it seems that you have only two ways to go now, one is to watch Dashun slowly develop and grow , and then be eliminated by him, and the second is to obtain the power to counteract and even eliminate Dashun with my support."

These words caused the six of them to fall into deep thought again.

(end of this chapter)