The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 29: Skeleton Knight (recommended for collection)


After a while, along the dark passage, everyone quickly encountered a group of skeletons. There were 11 skeletons in this group, including 5 skeleton shield soldiers and 6 skeleton infantry. After recovering, they stretched their legs and rushed towards Zhao Fu's group .

At this time, ten Goblin warriors, wearing iron armor and holding one side, were 2 meters high, 1.2 meters wide, and four inches thick. They were completely a shield of a door panel, forming a shield wall. The 10 shields add up to 12 meters. A goblin warrior can only retreat a little bit, but the shield wall formed can completely block the group of rushing skeletons.

Letting the skeleton shield soldiers charge, the goblin warrior holding the shield remained motionless like a mountain.

Seeing the effect, Zhao Fu was somewhat satisfied, and then ordered to open a hole and let a few skeletons in.

The two goblin warriors obeyed, each tilted their shields, and several skeletons that had rushed in came in at once, and immediately the goblin warriors closed the opening again.

The few skeletons who rushed in faced ten sturdy men in iron armor and holding a big hammer.

When the hammer fell, the skeleton was directly smashed to the ground, and after a few hammers, the skeleton was scattered into a pile of bones. Compared with sharp swords, blunt objects were actually more harmful to skeletons. Zhao Fu soon used this method to put Kill this group of skeletons.

This group of skeletons gave a total of 11 blue weapons, 9 souls of martial arts, and there happened to be 3 shield soldiers. Zhao Fu immediately gave them to the goblin warriors.

This is Zhao Fu's special preparation method. First, the Goblin Warrior's equipment, the large shield and the large armor, took a while, and now the Goblin Warrior has also learned the skill of shielding. With its great strength, it is absolutely Can make a good shield soldier.

Everyone present, whether it was the goblin warriors, the infantry with the sledgehammer, or the archers, had almost used the soul of martial arts.

Zhao Fu didn't want to use the soul of martial arts before, because the soul of martial arts here is not ordinary, and almost all of them can develop skills above C-level. If it is given to a group of people whose aptitude is F-level and E-level, the growth rate is not very high at all. use, which is a bit of a waste.

But thinking about it now, this is just a small price to pay for more martial arts souls.

The goblin warrior launched a C-strengthened shield, ten infantrymen launched a C-level enhanced heavy attack, and the archer acquired the same skill as Zhao Fu's stone crushing arrow.

Li Wen and Liu Mei also used the soul of martial arts, Li Wen used the soul of martial arts for archers, and Liu Mei used the soul of martial arts for infantry, so they each obtained skills, and their skill proficiency reached above proficiency.

Only old Rogge was present because he was too old to engage in melee combat, so he didn't use the soul of martial arts.

Needless to say, the strength of the group now is that it is effortless to kill this group of skeletons. The speed is more than twice as fast as before. The main purpose is to restrain these skeletons. The goblin holding the shield has completely turned into a set of extremely strong iron walls. The sledgehammer carried by ten infantrymen, smashing down with one hammer, is several times more effective than you chopping down with several knives.

keep going!

Blossoming blue soul sparks ignited in the darkness. This time, 17 skeletons were revived, including 5 skeleton archers, 6 skeleton shield soldiers, and 6 skeleton infantry.

Facing so many skeletons, everyone was fearless and attacked in an orderly manner. The first wave of several archers shot through the heads of three skeleton infantrymen. One quick kill of this skeleton.

There is no need to go on to say more about the other things that dropped, just dropped a soldier's soul, which surprised Zhao Fu a little. The drop of soldier's soul is too low, and the captain level skeleton will drop 100%.

As soon as the words were said, a skeleton captain rushed over again with a dozen skeletons. This time, the skeleton captain was a skeleton archer with very sharp bow skills. The people on Zhao Fu's side were almost shot several times.

But in the end, Captain Skeleton was quickly besieged by Bai Qi and a few people, and without any accident, he dropped a soldier's soul, and the bow in his hand was also a silver weapon.

[Flowing Cloud Bow] Grade: Silver, Attributes: Strength +3, Constitution +1, Dexterity +2 Introduction: The Flowing Cloud Bow, which was originally a top-grade gold weapon, could not withstand the erosion of time, and turned into an ordinary silver weapon.

For the time being, Zhao Fu took the Liuyun Bow, because he sometimes used bows and arrows to attack. He continued to move forward, killed several waves, and dropped the souls of three soldiers. There were basically no accidents, and the passage seemed to have no end. , the front was pitch black, and it was so deep that it was impossible to see the bottom.

"Da da da… "

There was a sound like a horse's hoof stamping on the ground in front of him. Zhao Fu thought of something, and Zhao Fu didn't need to say anything. Everyone thought of it.

Sure enough, within a short while, several skeleton cavalry appeared in front of everyone. These skeleton knights rode on skeleton horses. The horses and armor on their bodies were preserved. They looked broken and their quality seemed to be white, but the weapons in their hands were basically blue. .

When five skeleton cavalrymen appeared, they drew out their long swords and slashed at Zhao Fu's group.

Zhao Fu immediately shouted, "Lie Dun!"

The goblin warrior raised his giant shield with both hands to form an iron wall. At the same time, he was also ready to be charged. Zhao Fu also ordered the archers to attack.

Arrows flew out one by one, and most of them were dodged by the skeleton cavalry. A few arrows hit the skeleton cavalry, but did not cause much damage. It just made the skeleton soldier pause, but the speed did not slow down, because They are riding on skeleton horses.

Seeing that the skeleton cavalry rushed in front of them, 4 fireballs and 1 wind blade flew out and landed in front of the skeleton cavalry.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of explosions sounded, so many spells fell in front and exploded together, the explosive force produced was astonishing. It directly blasted the two skeleton cavalry who rushed to the front off their horses, and the three skeleton cavalry behind and beside them were affected. But it wasn't too big, and continued directly, rushing over with a ferocious momentum.

But there is no way for the goblin warriors to form a shield wall, and they can't jump over it. It was originally a giant shield with a height of 2 meters, but after the goblin warriors raised their hands, it was 2.3 meters high. An ordinary horse can't jump so high.

The skeleton knight could only urge the skeleton horse to slam into the shield wall, trying to break the shield wall.

boom! boom! boom!

There were three dull sounds, and the skeleton horse slammed into the huge shield. The goblin warrior gritted his teeth, raised his shield, and forcibly blocked the impact of the skeleton horse.

At this time, Zhao Fu first ordered the archers to shoot the two skeleton cavalrymen who had fallen from the horse, and then asked the goblin warrior to release the two openings and let the two skeleton cavalrymen in.

The 2 skeleton cavalry just rushed in, and the 10 infantrymen divided into 2 groups, raised their hammers, and smashed the legs of the skeleton horse with all their strength, smashing the skeleton horse to the ground.

Afterwards, several people surrounded them, raised the big hammer high, smashed indiscriminately, killed two skeleton cavalrymen, and killed the last skeleton cavalryman.

(end of this chapter)