The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 50: Bai Lao


Seeing that all the people had surrendered, Zhao Fu handed over the management rights to Bai Qi, and then he stepped over the corpses on the ground and came to the village chief's hall of the goblin village. Not surprisingly, this goblin is a high-level village , and the quality is blue.

Select Occupy, and then select Migration, prompting you to get 200 battle honors and 4340 experience.

Obtaining so many battle honors and experience at once is also the benefit of conquering high-level villages. Now Daqin Village is only an intermediate-level village, and it takes 30,000 experience to upgrade to a high-level village. Now that you have gained so much experience, Daqin Village will soon be upgraded.

Because the elf village is relatively close to here, Zhao Fu brought people to the elf village first, and the elves in the village were also reminded by the leader to surrender, but seeing so many foreigners walking in, what kind of kobolds, goblins, and goblins were there? Yes, especially the most feared orcs in the place.

Therefore, most of the elves did not dare to approach, but just stood and watched from a distance, with a little fear on their faces.

Daisy led Zhao Fu into the elf village and walked towards the village hall. At this time, an elf girl who was only about fifteen or sixteen years old ran out from one side, put her arms around Daisy's arm, and stuffed her head into Daisy. In his arms, he asked with some fear, "What's going on, Mother?"

Daisy looked at her daughter lovingly, rubbed her head, and said softly, "I'll talk about it later!"

After finishing speaking, Daisy then turned her head and introduced to Zhao Fu next to her, "Your Highness! This is my daughter Asani."

Zhao Fu also took a look. In Daisy's arms, Asani also looked beautiful, with exquisite facial features. She looked a bit like her mother, but not as mature as her mother, but with a little childishness.

He nodded, indicating that he already knew.

Seeing this, Daisy didn't dare to say anything, and led Zhao Fu to the village chief's hall. Zhao Fu checked the attributes of the elf village. It was also a high-level village, and the quality was also blue. He was about to occupy it and then move, but suddenly thought of something, Come to the elf barracks to check it out.

[Elf Archer]: Evaluation of E-level arms, introduction: Every elf is proficient in bow and sword skills, arm effect: transfer to get [Bow and Sword Mastery].

[Elf Sacrifice]: Evaluation of D-level arms, brief introduction: Priest among elves, effect of arms: You can get [Power of Life] by changing jobs.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. He saw that the profession of sacrifice could be transferred through a job-changing stele. You must know that sacrifice is a very special profession that can only be obtained through belief in gods, so now Zhao Fu is a little strange.

Then, Zhao Fu asked Daisy before he understood. According to what Daisy said, every elf is the son of the great Goddess of Life, so they can become priests by changing jobs in this way.

Zhao Fu also remembered that during the three-party melee, the three professions were the most conspicuous. One was the orcs fighting, their eyes were bloodshot, their muscles were solid, they were brave and fearless, and they would be afraid to kill anyone. The second is of course the goblin warrior wielding a short knife to kill and kill.

The third is the elf holding a wooden staff. When he raises his hand, he can emit a green light to heal the wounded. At the same time, he can also use attack spells to summon several one-meter-long wooden thorns to attack the enemy.

This should be the Elf Priest, who is a D-level job like Zhao Fu’s Demon Priest, but it’s obviously better to be an Elf Priest. First of all, the total number of Zhao Fu’s Demon Priest is only 100, and everyone else can change jobs through the stone tablet. Know how many there are.

This is not because the number is small, but the difference between a weak god and a great god.

After reading the troop information, Zhao Fu returned to the hall, chose to move, and obtained 200 battle honors and 3650 experience.

Finally, a group of people came to the orc tribe. Now there are less than fifty orc warriors left in the orc tribe, and there are more than two hundred who are old and young.

Zhao Fu came to the Beastman Tribe with a group of people. These Beastmen also chose to surrender rationally. Zhao Fu went directly to the tribe hall and looked at the attributes of the village. There was a little surprise. The quality of the Beastman Village was Silver.

Choose to occupy and relocate again, get 200 battle honors, more than 7,000 experience, occupy and relocate these three high-level villages, Zhao Fu already has 800 battle honors plus the previous one, and Daqin village experience plus 26,000 before Many, it can be said that Zhao Fu's identity and Daqin Village are about to be upgraded.

The biggest gain this time is of course the population. There are more than 300 kobolds, a little more than 700 goblin villages, and a little more than 400 orcs. Reserved, the number reached a little over 1,400.

After dealing with everything now, this Hundred Mile Expedition ended perfectly, not only getting rid of the threat of the orcs, but also gaining a total population of more than 2,800, and at the same time getting 1 silver city heart and 3 blue city hearts.

After a few more days, Zhao Fu returned to Daqin Village, settled all the people brought back, and then brought three stinking corpses to the altar in the Bone Space. One of the three corpses was a dog's head The other two are the bodies of two orc brothers.

Choose all refining, get three qualification balls, one SS-level should belong to Otis, and the other two are S-level.

Seeing that he got the SS qualification after refining Otis, Zhao Fu was also a little lucky. In fact, Zhao Fu saw a mission to kill Otis in the Field of Holy Light before. There were many meritorious rewards, and there was also a silver quality Equipment, but the mission completion requirement is to hand over Otis' body or Otis's head.

An SS qualification ball is completely incomparable to those merits and equipment. Zhao Fu was not greedy. He chopped off Otis's head and handed over the task, because he was afraid that the corpse would not be complete, and the qualification ball would not be refined, or it would be incomplete. Zhao Fu will be at a loss.

As for the three aptitude balls, Zhao Fu also thought about belonging. When he returned to the ground, Zhao Fu called Bai Shan into the living room. And Baishan is the first old man with B qualification refreshed in Daqin Village, and also the first person to change to a bachelor. He should be in his sixties now.

He is also the captain of the research team. Daqin Village is now upgraded to an intermediate village, and the maximum number of bachelors is 20.

When Bai Shan was called by Zhao Fu just now, he thought that he had studied for so long and hadn't developed the ability to detect the aptitude of corpses. He felt that he must be blamed, so his face was a little pale, and he knelt on the ground to plead guilty as soon as he came, "Your Highness! I haven’t been able to study successfully for so long, please punish me!”

Zhao Fu sat on a chair and was about to pick up a teacup. When he heard Bai Shan's words, he was stunned for a moment. He thought that it had been a long time since he first obtained the Heaven and Earth Refining Formation, but there was no need to rush this matter. Zhao Fu didn't blame him.

"Get up! Bai Lao".

After Zhao Fu took a sip of tea, he said to Bai Shan.

Hearing this, Bai Shan felt that Zhao Fu was not angry, so he quickly stood up, and then Zhao Fu handed him a bloody light ball.

(end of this chapter)