The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 54: Datang


In another room of the Li family, Li Baiqing sat on a chair, looked at the documents in his hand, smiled unexpectedly, and said, "I never thought I have a half-brother!"

As the inheritor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Baiqing received the support of the entire Li family and a lot of resources to support him. At this time, he also established his own intelligence network, so he also got the news that his grandfather sent killers to kill Zhao Fu.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Baiqing said in his heart, "Zhao Fu is a bit sorry for the Li family. If you don't do anything that harms the Li family, I will definitely let you go and compensate you in the future. If you really become a winner Chess pieces, come to harm the Li family, then you can’t blame me for being cruel.”

"Your Highness! What should we do now?"

A mighty young man next to him lowered his head and cupped his fists, and asked Li Baiqing for instructions.

This mighty young man was careless. He was named Li Guangye after Li Jing, a famous general of the Tang Dynasty. Although he also had his own family, after meeting Li Baiqing, he was also impressed by his talent. Continue to serve Datang.

In addition, Datang has also refreshed two historical figures, one of which is Xue Rengui, a famous general who is absolutely legendary. He has fought countless battles in his life and made great contributions to Datang.

There is also Wei Zheng, who dared to speak out and advise, and was called a famous prime minister by later generations.

Hearing Li Guangye's words, Li Baiqing said, "Don't worry about it for now. If the Li family fights with the winner, it will be of no benefit to anyone. It will only benefit others. Now everything should focus on development."

Hearing this, Li Guangye nodded and stepped aside to wait.

On Zhao Fu's side, first of all, the house was moved to a place where only direct disciples could live, and Ying Xi even assigned him a bodyguard to protect his safety.

For the time being, this is the only way to go. With a little guarantee of life, Zhao Fu returned to the room, picked up the Stone of Apocalypse, and chose to enter the world of Apocalypse.

After entering the Apocalypse World, Zhao Fu refrained from thinking about things in the real world, and put his mind on Daqin Village. Now Daqin Village is the only thing Zhao Fu can rely on.

Because the previous orc threat was lifted, Zhao Fu had thought about planning for the gods, but first of all, the heaven and earth refining magic circle is not just for use, he needs crystal stones, and the crystal stones in the jade trough are already Not much more, with that little energy, how could it be possible to refine that god.

Whether it is now or in the future, crystal stones are definitely the most important resource. Without it, the heaven and earth refining circle cannot be used, but crystal stones are too expensive. You can only buy one for 10 gold coins, and 10 gold coins are 100,000 copper coins .

Zhao Fu didn't have that much money to buy it, so he could exchange it with equipment obtained from the Bone Space, but Zhao Fu urgently needed this equipment.

After subduing the elves orcs, Zhao Fu drew 100 from the 300 kobolds, 300 from the 700 goblin villages, 100 from the 400 orcs, and 600 from the 1400 elves.

Now Zhao Fu can go to battle with 2900 soldiers, but the blue equipment is only more than 1000 pieces, and he still lacks how to sell it.

So spar is relatively rare, unless you find a way to make a lot of money, get a lot of financial support, and buy spar, or you will be unlucky, whether you can find spar veins in the horror forest.

So now we can only stop the God-seeking plan for the time being. The next task, of course, is to continue to explore the Horror Forest. Now Zhao Fu only explored the area within 30 miles of Daqin, and now he is exploring the place 30 miles away. See what you can gain.

Now that the number of soldiers has reached 2900, it is a bit too much to bring so many soldiers. Zhao Fu wanted to divide into two teams, one led by Bai Qi, and the other led by himself, to explore from different directions.

A few days later, the two teams explored Daqin Village with a radius of 50 miles, but they did not gain much. Instead, they captured 4 primary villages, including an ordinary village, a bandit village, a goblin village, and a goblin village. .

The capture of these four villages used population as the largest resource, and tactics were used, so a large number of people were retained, and the four villages provided more than 1,300 people. Zhao Fu raised 500 and expanded the force to 3,400. It is said that now Daqin Village is definitely the most powerful village in a hundred miles.

After conquering four primary villages at the same time, Zhao Fu also obtained 200 battle honors, which raised his status to a third-class baron. Although this is only a third-class baron, it is a title after all, and he has the power to upgrade a village into a small town.

In addition to these, the third-class baron also has some privileges, such as soldiers in the main city of the system will respect you, the store will give you a 10% discount, and you can directly buy houses in the main city of the system, or you don’t need meritorious service, Become a resident of the system city directly.

Zhao Fu took a fancy to buying a house. In some game novels, buying a large amount of land as soon as they entered the city, and then selling it to engage in real estate is undoubtedly the most profitable now.

But now the houses in the main city of the system can only be rented out. You must earn city merits and be promoted to a resident of the system city before you can buy land. However, there are restrictions. You can only buy in residential areas, and you cannot buy more. You cannot buy some commercial land and prosperous areas.

Zhao Fu knew that he could buy a house directly after obtaining the status of a third-class baron, but there may be restrictions on this, but Zhao Fu still planned to go to the system city to have a look, because he was short of money now, and the best way to make a lot of money .

Using the teleportation array, I came to the City of Holy Light again. There was still no change here, and there were still so many people. Zhao Fu went directly to the real estate office.

As soon as he came in, there were quite a few people in here. Zhao Fu also saw a few people he knew, one was Jiang Rou and a few Jiang family children, and the other was of course the flamboyant Zhou family with a few gangsters. Jiang Rou is entangled inside.

However, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous, because the real estate belongs to the management office of the City of Holy Light. Maybe the Zhou family can be a dominance among the players, but they are nothing in the eyes of the original residents. If they dare to offend the system main city official After that, absolutely everyone in the Zhou family dared to enter the City of Holy Light, because the power of the main city of the system is not something anyone can compete with.

Zhao Fu looked at the scene in front of him and didn't care about it. First, it had nothing to do with him, and second, the Zhou family's flamboyance dared to pester the Jiang family's children like this, and nothing happened.

There are only two possibilities. One is that the Zhou family is too powerful, and the Jiang family has no choice but to submit. Zhao Fu sees that the Jiang family's power is not weak. That can only be the second, their relationship. This is what happened with the support, or the lack of objection and acquiescence.

(end of this chapter)