The Lover’s Prattle

Chapter 65: The master of teasing girls VS the master of teasing men (8)


Rong Chi spoke highly of Qing Ruo.

Rong Chi is out with his friends now, but whenever he mentions his girlfriend, he always looks like he just won the lottery and raises his head with bright eyes.

Qing Ruo was at school, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening, and she just sent a message to Rong Chi, telling him to drink less and go home early.

When Rong Chi saw the news, he left the rambunctious person at the table and came out to call her.

It's already December, the night is cold and windy, Qing Ruo always has to wait for him to get home before going to sleep, but she never complains, Rong Chi is not made of stone, bit by bit, although she doesn't say it, but he See it in your eyes and keep it in your heart.

"Baby, you go to bed first, and I will send you a text message to tell you when I get home later."

Qingruo lay on the bed, caring about her roommate, her voice was very soft.

Her voice was soft with her usual smile, passing through her ears as if a layer of warm ripples were rising from her heart, "Are you outside? Is it cold?"

Rong Chi's whole body felt relaxed, "It's not cold. I drank wine." Immediately afterwards, he added cautiously, "Drink less, I didn't drink too much."

"En." Qing Ruo responded, and told him softly, "Go back, go home early."

"Then you sleep first."


As a result, Rong Chi sent her a text message when he got home, and her phone came right away. Rong Chi wanted to say something to her, but after thinking about it, he couldn't open his mouth. She was waiting for herself, what could he say in this cold day.

Duan Lin is someone who probably knows some inside information, Qing Ruo basically doesn't contact boys now, and only plays games when Rong Chi is around. But under such circumstances, she is still not clingy, she should go to school, and Rongchi just told him to be careful when playing outside, worrying about his health, and when Rongchi came home at night, she never complained.

There are also some ugly but true words. When Qing Ruogang was with Rong Chi, he also thought that it was because Rong Chi was rich, and maybe Rong Chi still had such thoughts in his heart. But after these few months, now that he is joking with Rongchi, even if he said something clear in a joke, Rongchi would turn his face against him.

"Rongchi, it's Jingling's birthday tonight, do you want to come over?"

Rong Chi was eating with Qing Ruo next to Qing Ruo's school, Duan Lin's girlfriend called Rong Chi.

Rong Chi sat next to Qing Ruo, even answering the phone did not avoid Qing Ruo.

Jing Ling is also a friend in their circle, and has liked Rong Chi for several years, but Rong Chi doesn't like her.

Rong Chi turned his head to see Ruo clearly, took the phone away from his ear, and repeated in a low voice, "Jing Ling's birthday, Duan Xiaopang's girlfriend asked me if I wanted to come over."

Qing Ruo lowered her head to eat, and responded vaguely.

Rong Chi was a little uncertain what she meant, he didn't hear his answer on the receiver, so he asked again, "Rong Chi, are you coming?"

Rong Chi cleared his throat and asked her, "Where's Duan Lin?"

"It's on the side."

Duan Lin answered the phone, in front of his girlfriend, it was hard to talk, Jing Ling and his girlfriend had a good relationship, Jing Ling must have wanted to let Rong Chi go, but Qing Ruo is his classmate, let alone the relationship is very good now, "cough , Rong Chi, what do you say?"

Rong Chi was much more natural towards Duan Lin. "I'm eating with Qingruo now, what should I say?"

"We will definitely be going in a while, you..." Duan Lin looked at his girlfriend's face, "If you want to go there, call me in a while."

Rong Chi clicked his tongue speechlessly, "Okay, hang up first."

Rong Chi took the call and said to Qing Ruo, "Jingling celebrates her birthday, Duan Lin and his girlfriend are going to go there at night. Ask me if I want to go."

Qing Ruo smiled, "You have been friends for several years, you should go."

Rong Chi twitched the corners of his mouth, and his voice was impatient, "Every year is coming, girls' birthdays are troublesome, and it's not happy to give her money to buy gifts by herself."

Qing Ruo laughed and stopped answering his words.

After dinner, the two went back to school for a walk. There were so many people in the business district that it was difficult to park. Rong Chi would park his car directly at the school when he came over.

The two are male and female, Qing Ruo is holding Rong Chi's arm and smiling sweetly, Rong Chi always turns his head to look at her when he is talking, and reaches out to hug her waist when he encounters the steps of the stairs, earning enough attention along the way .

Rong Chi sent her downstairs to the dormitory, patted her head, "Don't wait for me at night, I'll send you a message when I get home, and have a good class tomorrow morning."

She doesn't seem to be getting enough sleep recently, and she has panda eyes around her eye circles. Although her smile is still sweet, she is still in a bad state of mind.

Qing Ruo nodded obediently, stretched out her little finger, Rong Chi smiled knowingly, and reached out to hook it, "I know, I promise, I will drink less."

Rong Chi called Duan Lin, and Duan Lin was waiting for him at the door of the KTV, seeing that he was the only one getting out of the car, he suddenly looked a little strange.

Rong Chi didn't think much of it, walked to Duan Lin's side and walked inside with him.

In the corridor, Duan Lin couldn't hold back, turned his head and glanced at Rong Chi who had a calm expression, "Where's Qing Ruo?"

"At school." Rong Chi answered as it should, but gave Duan Lin a strange look.

Duan Lin held him back and didn't let him go any further. He frowned and asked him, "Is she not happy to quarrel when you come here?" He won't quarrel with Rong Chi, let alone a birthday.

Rong Chi frowned unhappily, and was a little annoyed to hear the word quarrel, so he raised his foot against the wall behind him, "What are you talking about?"

Duan Lin twitched the corners of his mouth, unable to express his feelings for a while, "Then why didn't you bring her along?"

"She has class tomorrow morning..." Rong Chi stopped in the middle of speaking. He just looked at Duan Lin like this.

Duan Lin sighed softly, "She was by your side when I called you. I can't say clearly. You know that Jingling has liked you for so many years. She wants to call you over tonight. Don't you bring As clear as you come..."

Rong Chi turned around and was about to leave, but Duan Lin stretched out his hand to hold him back, "You're all here now, why don't you go?"

"It's so annoying." Rong Chi complained, but didn't continue to walk out.

The atmosphere in the private room was already very lively. On Jingling's birthday, there were not only friends from their circle, but also some of Jingling's female friends. A group of girls were sitting together and chatting hotly. When they saw Duan Lin who opened the door and entered He and Rong Chi immediately clapped their hands and booed, "Tonight, you will be fined for drinking, fined for drinking."

Rong Chi was never afraid of anyone while drinking, so he accepted the punishment by nodding his head.

There are two tables in the big private room, Jing Ling is playing in the middle of the two tables while greeting friends, Rong Chi was fined three drinks, the last one Jing Ling raised a glass and clinked with him, both of them drank it all in one gulp .

"Oh! Oh!" There were booing and screaming.

Rong Chi didn't care, and sat in the familiar circle of friends to play with a group of people.

They didn't make a fuss here, but Jingling's female friend did. Ordered a love song duet between men and women, put one microphone into Jing Ling, and ran over to pass the other microphone to Rong Chi.

The three girls made an appointment to pass the microphone, as if they insisted on him singing, Rong Chi accepted the microphone with a smile, then handed it to the person around him, showing an obvious refusal.

The three girls were determined to help their good friend tonight, they didn't give up at all, they took the microphone back from the hand of the person next to them, and handed it to Rong Chi. "Handsome guy, just come out and have fun."

Rong Chi frowned, his eyes were clear, and his words were still polite. "Sorry, I have a girlfriend."

The three girls looked at each other, and the initial retreat turned into bravery, "Oh, it doesn't matter if you have a girlfriend, it's just a song, you and Jing Ling have been friends for so many years, her birthday is tonight, this You have to give the face."

Rong Chi pursed his lips, nodded slightly, and took the microphone.

Rong Chi was sitting, Jing Ling was standing, and there was a quarrel, the people who were drunk and knew that Jing Ling liked him had all come over, pushed Rong Chi to stand up, and stood next to Jing Ling.

The wechat that Qingruo received happened to be such a picture, the subtitles on the big screen happened to be a lingering love story, and the two singing standing in the middle turned their heads to look at each other, Rong Chi was one head ahead of Jing Ling, Jing Ling today Wearing a small black skirt at night, and Rongchi's black coat.

The picture is extremely pleasing to the eye.

The WeChat account that sent the message was just added, and it looks like Jingling's friend.

Silent, provocative and a declaration of war.

Qingruo smiled and didn't care at all. Young men and women always have unlimited energy to toss others and toss themselves.

After singing a song, Rong Chi put down the microphone and went back to the sofa to sit down.

Jing Ling had a great time, drank a lot of wine, the people over there were encouraging her to confess, the private room was very noisy, their voices were also loud, Rong Chi and the others could faintly hear something strong Words like kiss wall-dong.

The few close friends around him are still making trouble with him, "Rong Chi, you have a lot of good fortune."

Rong Chi rolled his eyes, and when he heard the commotion over there getting more and more energetic, he stood up and pushed away the people next to him and stepped out of the private room with two big strides.

It was hot in the private room, but it was much colder outside. The wind that blows over carries the chilliness of a sober mind.

He wanted to go home, or rather, he wanted Qingruo's voice.

Rong Chi went downstairs, went all the way back to the parking lot, got into the car and wanted to call her.

It was half past twelve at night.

Rong Chi thought about her dark circled eyes, pressed his temples, and still sent her a message, "Baby, are you asleep?"

Qing Ruo didn't reply, nor did she call back.

Rong Chi turned off the screen light, and the quiet carriage suddenly became dark.

Holding the phone, he tilted the steering wheel twice, his mind was in a mess, but he didn't seem to think about anything.

The phone rang, and the screen that suddenly turned on suddenly stabbed his eyes. Rong Chi was quick-witted and answered the phone without any hesitation, "Baby."

It was noisy and noisy over there, it was Duan Lin's voice, "Rongchi, Jingling is crying, where are you, come up."

At this moment, Rong Chi wanted to press the phone and throw it out of the car window, and drive to crush it.

But... yes, he was cowardly. Jing Ling, who has liked him for many years, is a friend in their circle. He is still a man, and he still wants this group of friends, so he can't leave now.

"... I'm coming up."


Yes or no,

Now I don't know what is good or bad, and I am a person who pushes his feet.

it's me.

—[Black box]